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In order to study the variation characteristics of concentration of the atmospheric non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) in background area of China, the atmospheric concentrations of NMHCs were measured at Lin'an (LA) regional GAW (Global Atmosphere Watch) Station (30°25'N, 119°44'E; 132.0 m ASL) and Shangdianzi (SDZ) regional GAW Station (40°19'N, 117°07'E; 286.5 m ASL) with the sorbent sorp-tion/thermal desorption/gas chromatographic method. Totally 145 samples were collected during the period of October 2003 and July 2004. Among the 52 NMHC species of C2-C10 detected there were 26 alkanes, 17 alkenes, and 9 aromatics. The average concentrations of total NMHCs (TNMHCs) at LA and SDZ were (238.5±126.0)×KT9C and (278.7±185.5)x10-9C, respectively. The results showed the ambient concentrations of TNMHCs at LA regional GAW Station increased notably over the last decade. The compositions of NMHCs at SDZ and LA were relatively similar. The proportions of alkanes, alkenes, and aromatics for SDZ and LA were hi ranges of (27.3±4.0)%, (10.3±3.5)%, and (62.5±4.8)%, respectively, with features of vehicle exhaust emissions. The concentrations of NMHCs at the two sites showed obvious diurnal and seasonal variations. The TNMHC concentrations in October-November were high at the two sites, and relatively low in April and July. The diurnal variation patterns at the sites were different. The high TNMHC concentrations at SDZ normally appeared in evening and night, but appeared in morning at LA. The TNMHCs concentrations at the two sites were significantly influenced by the meteorological condition. The high TNMHC concentration associated with the local wind from the urban areas or traffic in upper reaches.  相似文献   
苏打盐碱土对氮转化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以苏打盐碱土中的主要成分NaHCO3作为主要影响因素,通过室内培养方法,研究不同苏打盐碱化条件对氮的吸附、矿化、硝化及反硝化作用的影响。结果表明,在不同NaHCO3质量浓度影响下:NH+4-N吸附符合Langmuir吸附等温式;矿化模型符合一阶动力学方程,随着NaHCO3质量浓度的增大,潜在矿化势(M0)和矿化速率常数(km)分别由358.48 mg/kg和0.088 d-1降低到337.08 mg/kg和0.059 d-1;硝化作用符合“S”形曲线模型,随着NaHCO3质量浓度的增大,最大速率(kmax)由22.56 mg/(kg·d)降低到16.68 mg/(kg·d);反硝化作用符合零阶动力学方程,但NaHCO3与Na2CO3混合质量浓度变化对反硝化速率常数(kd)影响不显著。随着NaHCO3质量浓度的增大,苏打盐碱土中NH+4-N吸附、有机氮矿化和硝化作用均受到抑制。  相似文献   
1 Introduction Because clay minerals have the characteristics ofadsorption, ion exchange capability and expandingcapacity, they are highly capable of adsorbing allkinds of pollutants in waters, thus making soilspossess self-purification functions. Clay m…  相似文献   
浅海原油净化过程的模拟实验──悬浮物对油的吸附作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1989年3-7月在实验室内采用模拟实验的方法进行黄河口悬浮泥沙对胜利油田的河口油和东营油吸附作用的研究。结果表明,在一定温度下悬浮物对油的吸附符合Freundich关系式:Qp=Kd.C^l/nw。  相似文献   
我国西北地区层间氧化带砂岩型铀矿床中铀的赋存形式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国西北地区主要层间氧化带砂岩型铀矿床的贫矿石(U≤0.01%)中铀主要以分散形式,被砂岩填隙物中的粘土、褐铁矿等矿物,以及碎屑物和矿物的裂隙面等吸附,偶呈显微(μm级)、超显微状(<1μm)沥青铀矿(其次为铀石)。随着矿石铀品位的增高,其中呈铀矿物形式的铀的比例逐渐增大,在特高品位(U>1%)的矿石中,铀基本呈铀矿物(沥青铀矿,偶有铀石)形式产出。类质同象铀的份额极微,其可利用性缺乏实际意义。矿石中铀矿物主要赋存于矿化砂岩的填隙部位及碎屑物、矿物的孔隙或解理中,有时可交代碳屑、黄铁矿、绿泥石、黑云母等。由矿石中U4 /U6 含量比例推算原生铀矿物(沥青铀矿)的近似含氧系数变化范围为2.35~2.74,均值为2.49,与沉积、淋积铀矿床中的铀氧化物含氧系数相当,表明该类铀矿床生于常温条件下。极少数样品落入低温热水成因沥青铀矿的含氧系数范围(含氧系数低至2.35),表明个别地段可能出现低温热水铀成矿作用,推测可能受断裂构造热的影响。进而推测,特富矿石(U>1%)可能是源自深部、沿断裂上升的含铀低温热水叠造作用的产物,板状矿体便是深、浅部流体混合的证据之一。  相似文献   
几种氢氧化铁对亚砷酸根的吸附及预处理方法的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者研究了3种铁氧化物(氢氧化物)对亚砷酸根阴离子的吸附作用。三种吸附剂分别是Fe(OH)3凝胶,其真空微波干燥和80℃常规干燥产物。实验结果表明,将氢氧化铁凝胶与亚砷酸钠溶液混合后,六分钟内溶液的pH值从9.71升高至10.36,说明亚砷酸根取代了氢氧化铁中的氢氧根。反应40分钟后,pH值下降,原因很可能是被吸附的亚砷酸根表面络合体从单齿络合转变成为单核—双齿络合体并释放质子。pH值降低并不意味着吸附作用的结束,而是表明了反应类型的转变。温度和溶解空气对这两种反应的影响很小。将吸附剂超声波处理后,亚砷酸根的吸附总量增加了,不过…  相似文献   
The present work discusses the mineralogy, saturated adsorption of ammonium and adsorption of heavy metal ions (Cu^2+, Pb^2+ and Zn^2+) on industrial vermiculite samples from the Yuli Mine in Xinjiang Autonomous Region. The saturated adsorption capacity of ammonium and the affection factors of adsorption of Cu^2+, Pb^2+ and Zn^2+ are discussed on the basis of the mineralogical characteristics of the industrial vermiculite samples. The saturated adsorption capacities of ammonium are between 56.02 and 98.42 mmol/100g. The time of adsorption equilibrium is about 30-60 min, and the pH values and concentration of the ion solution significantly affect the adsorption capacities of the heavy metal ions. The adsorption capabilities of the heavy metal ions on industrial vermiculite are almost the same in the low ion concentration solutions, characterized by a sequence of Zn^2+〉Pb^2+〉Cu^2+ for adsorption capacity in solutions with relatively high ion concentration. The results have practical significance for the application of the industrial vermiculite to treating wastewater containing ammonium or heavy metal ions.  相似文献   
Removal of fluoride from aqueous solution by modified fly ash   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Removal of fluoride from aqueous solution by modified fly ash was studied in batch model. The influences of the contact time, the initial F^- concentration, the dosage of fly ash, and the temperature on removal of F have been studied, respectively. It was found that fly ash modified with dilute HCl has the maximum adsorption of fluoride from aqueous solutions, and that the retention of fluoride ions by material was 85% or higher with initial 10 mg F^-/L. First-order kinetics was observed for the adsorption process, which follows the Langrnuir and Freundlich isotherms. The thermodynamic parameters such as ΔG0, ΔH0, ΔS0 were calculated from Langmuir constants. The positive value of ΔH0 (1.273 J/mol) confirms the endothermic nature of adsorption.  相似文献   
Sorption of hydrophobic organic chemicals by various components influences their behavior and fate in environment. In the natural environment, mineral components, organic matter and microorganism didn't exist alone. They combined or reacted one another and formed the mineral-humic, mineral-microorganic and mineral- humic- microorganic complexes. A clear understanding of the sorption of organic chemicals by the complexes of mineral and humic acid and/or microorganism will help to determine their sorptive mechanisms in environment. In this paper, the sorption patterns of phenanthrene on the complexes of kaolinite and different organic component (humic acid and microorganism) have been carried on. The results show that the combination of HA and kaolinite not only changed the structure of HA, but also modified the surface chemistry of clay mineral. Interaction between HA and kaolinite is presumably ascribable to coulombic interactions and ligand exchange between the -COOH groups of HA and OH groups at the kaolinite surface. During the sorption on mineral surface, aliphatic fractions of HA were preferentially sored by kaolinite while aromatic fractions were left in the solution. More linear isotherms and higher Koc values were observed for kaolinite-HA complex in comparison of the pure HA. The sorption capacity of kaolinite-HA complex increased with increasing ionic strength and pH, and showed more nonlinear character. Kaolinite, microorganism and kaolinite-microorganism complex can all sorb phenanthrene, but the sorption capacity significantly differed. Bacterial cell sorbed more phenanthrene than kaolinite. The biofllm coating of kaolinite affected its sorption to phenanthrene. Kaolinite with biolfilm coating sorbed more phenanthrene than that without biofilm coating. The sorption capacity of kaolinite-microorganism complex decreased with increasing ionic strength and decreasing pH, but showed more nonlinear character. Both HA and microorganism can alter the nature of kaolinite sorbing phenanthrene respectively.  相似文献   
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