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数字地质填图研究现状与发展趋势   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:31  
数字地质填图是指区域地质调查数据的野外获取及其成果的数字化统一性再现.当前数字地质填图现状和发展趋势已基本上实现了数字填图系统的采集、存储、管理、描述、分析和再现地质实体在地球表面空间分布有关的数据信息.在计算机辅助下, 通过野外观测路线的调查, 对地质、地理、地球物理、地球化学和遥感等多源地学数据进行综合分析和地质制图.在掌上机WindowsCE平台上, 实现了数字填图所需的基本GIS基本功能(GPS定位路线采集、素描), 实现了遥感系统与数字填图系统的一体化整合.   相似文献   
The abilities of typhoon (TC) track prediction by a medium-range forecast model T213L31 at National Meteorological Center are analyzed and its ability to improve its TC forecasts is discussed. The results show that about 57% of the TCs could be predicted by T213L31 but the initial position errors are large.The 43% area without the prediction of TC tracks is concentrated between 13°N and 20°N and east of 120°E and lack of conventional observation data is the main reason for the absence of TC prediction in this area.The adding of bogus TC could improve the ability of TC track prediction when there is no TC vortex in the analysis field, but could only have positive effects on the short-range TC track prediction when there is TC vortex in the T213L31 analysis field.  相似文献   
Self-organization of typhoon vortex in a baroclinic environment is studied based on eight numerical experiments with the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU/NCAR) Mesoscale Model (MM5). The results show that, when there are only two 400-km-away mesoscale axisymmetric vortices with a radius of 500 km in the initial field, the two vortices move away from each other during co-rotating till the distance between them greater than a critical distance named co-rotating critical distance. Then, they stop co-rotating. The situation is changed when a small vortex with a radius of 80 kin is introduced in between the two vortices in the initial field, with the two initially separated vortices approaching each other during their co-rotation, and finally self-organizing into a typhoon-like vortex consisting of an inner core and spiral bands. This result supports both Zhou Xiuji's view in 1994 and the studies in the barotropic framework concerning the interactions between the same and different scales of vortices. Six other experiments are carried out to study the effects of the initial vortex parameters, including the initial position of the small-scale vortex, the distance and intensity of the initially axisymmetric binary mesoscale vortices. It is found that the distance between the initial axisymmetrie mesoscale vortices is the most important parameter that influences the self-organizing process of the final typhoon-like vortex. This conclusion is similar to that obtained from barotropical model experiments.  相似文献   
我国台风灾害的初步分析   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13  
徐良炎 《气象》1994,20(10):50-55
根据近40年资料,对我国台风灾害进行了初步分析。分析表明,我国台风灾害发频次高,范围广,程度重,且具有显著的地域性,季节性特点。  相似文献   
登陆北上台风暴雨突发性增强的一种机制研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用一个三维混合模式对1992年8月30日至9月2日一次登陆北上台风暴雨过程进行了模拟。模式可以较准确地预报出与地面倒槽相一致的地面降水位置及降水量值。模拟的台风云系结构与卫星云图比较表明,外围云场与实例云况吻合很好,验证了本模式模拟卫星云图的能力,对卫星云图预报有实际意义;暴雨突然增幅的直接原因是高层冰云与低层供水云的突然北移重叠造成的。受地面倒槽附近强烈辐合抬升的动力作用,各相态云系的分布与垂直运动紧密相关;辐合线右侧的东南低空急流为降水的增幅及维持提供水汽来源;云的相变潜热非绝热加热作用对暴雨的增幅及维持具有正反馈作用,它对暴雨维持具有积极贡献。  相似文献   
超强台风“威马逊”登陆期间近地层风速变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
利用1409号超强台风“威马逊”登陆广东徐闻期间勇士风电场观测数据,计算分析了“威马逊”风切变、湍流强度、阵风系数和风向等的时程变化特征,拟为沿海台风影响严重区域输电线路设计和风电机组选型提供参考依据。分析发现“威马逊”风切变指数相比年平均风速(即常态风)切变指数减小,随台风中心逼近和经过呈现先减小再增大的规律;台风中心过后风向回南之后,幂指数函数拟合较差。阵风系数呈现随高度增加而减小的趋势,该趋势在台风中心经过前较好地吻合幂函数,而在台风中心经过后吻合较差;各高度阵风系数以及不同高度之间的差值随台风中心逼近、风速增加而趋于减小,随台风中心远离、风速下降而缓慢增大。湍流强度随高度增加而减小,强风时段湍流强度较小且相对平稳,轮毂高度处湍流强度基本不超IEC-B类。测站位于台风中心路径右侧眼壁区时,所测风向随时间呈顺时针旋转。   相似文献   
The mesoscale orographic effects on typhoon Aere's precipitation are simulated using an Advanced Regional Eta-coordinate Model (AREM) version 3.0. In particular, the effects of the latent heat release are studied by two comparable experiments: with and without condensational heating. The results show that the typhoon rainfall is tripled by the southeastern China mesoscale terrain, and the condensational heating is responsible for at least half of the increase. One role of the latent heat release is to warm the atmosphere, leading to a depression of the surface pressure, which then causes a larger pressure difference in the zonal direction. This pressure gradient guides the water vapour to flow into the foothills, which in turn amplifies the water vapour flux divergence amplified, causing the typhoon rainfall to increase eventually. The other role of the latent heat release is to make the convection more organized, resulting in a relatively smaller rain area and stronger precipitation.  相似文献   
杨春  闵锦忠  刘志权 《大气科学》2017,41(2):372-384
在WRFDA-3DVar(Weather Research and Forecasting model's 3-dimensional variational data assimilation)的框架下,添加了新的探测器AMSR2(Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2)微波辐射率资料的同化模块,实现了AMSR2辐射率资料在中小尺度同化系统中的有效使用。台风"山神"(Son-Tinh)直接同化AMSR2资料的个例试验结果表明,AMSR2资料可以很好的探测出台风的形态,并且与没有同化该资料的控制试验相比,同化AMSR2辐射率资料可以有效提高模式分析场的质量,进一步提高了台风中心气压,最大风速和台风路径的预报。  相似文献   
登陆台风降水的大尺度环流诊断分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
程正泉  陈联寿  李英 《气象学报》2009,67(5):840-850
强度相似的登陆台风造成的强降水可能差异很大.为研究大尺度环流对登陆台风降水的影响,利用热带气旋年鉴和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,运用动态合成分析方法,对比分析了登陆后48小时内降水特征迥异而强度、路径相似的两组登陆台风的大尺度环流特征.合成分析结果表明,西南气流的水汽输送对台风降水至关重要,造成大范围强降水的台风往往在登陆后仍与深厚西南急流相连并持续很长时间.高空强辐散场是登陆台风造成大范围强降水的一个基本动力特征.造成强降水的登陆台风其环境场的上升气流不仅强,其气旋性环流的伸展高度高且能长时间维持.登陆台风造成降水的范围和强度与登陆前台风下游大陆环境大气的稳定度有关.下游高温高湿的大气有利于能量尤其是潜热能的大量补充,对强降水增强和维持都十分有利.因此,大尺度环流对登陆台风降水有明显影响.其中,与台风相连的西南急流强度和深厚程度是最重要的因子,高低空辐散辐合强度、台风及环境风场结构以及台风下游大陆上空大气湿热状态等都是需要加以考虑的.  相似文献   
登陆台风卡努(0515)内核区环流结构特征分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
魏超时  赵坤  余晖 《大气科学》2011,35(1):68-80
本文采用地基雷达轨迹显示技术(Ground Based Velocity Track Display,简称GBVTD)反演的雷达风场资料,分析台风卡努(0515)在登陆期间近中心环流结构特征.轴对称环流结构分析表明,登陆前卡努轴对称切向风速最大值出现在眼墙区域2 km高度附近,最大风速半径随高度向外倾斜.轴对称径向入流...  相似文献   
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