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青藏高原现代气候与环境存在着明显的区域差异。高原西北部的西昆仑山甜水 海地区是高原上气候最干旱的区域。作者于1995年6月在该区海拔4840m的湖盆首次打钻取芯(TS95孔),获得57m湖泊岩芯,经对样品的实验室测年和多项环境指标分析,表明,TS95孔岩芯覆盖了距今240-17ka间的时间尺度。期间,经历了倒数第二次冰期,末次间冰期,末次冰期早期,末次冰期间冰阶和末次冰盛期几个气候变化阶段。岩芯中  相似文献   
理塘第四纪盆地以河湖相沉积为主,其形成于747ka,消亡于179~180ka。盆地内不同地点的沉积物的时空分布,揭示出古湖泊演化属于一种不连续的扩展型,在其演化过程中存在着多次的消失或萎缩时期;盆地内孢粉组合表明,其形成于一种温热湿润的气候环境,当时的海拔高度在2000m左右,以后高原气候由热变温;冰川发育加剧了古无量河的溯源侵蚀作用,最终切穿盆地,致使湖水外泄,湖泊消亡。理塘盆地的演化历程为研究青藏高原的古气候变化提供了重要证据。  相似文献   
西藏纳木错末次盛冰期以来的古植被、古气候和湖面变化   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
西藏纳木错湖相沉积的U系、14C年龄和孢粉分析结果表明,纳木错沿岸的拔湖约1.5~8.3m和8.3~15.6m的T1和T2分别形成于末次盛冰期以来约(11.81±0.10)~(4.22±0.09)kaB.P.期间和(28.2±2.8)kaB.P.左右.该套湖相层的孢粉组合、地层和湖岸堤的分布表明,在末次盛冰期期间,纳木错湖面主要波动于拔湖12~20 m之间,但湖面最低可达拔湖约8m.区域植被主要为以蒿和莎草科为主、含松和桦的草原.在约11.8~4.2ka B.P.期间,湖面波动于拔湖2~9m之间,区域气候整体较为暖湿.其中全新世大暖期出现在约8.4~4.2 ka B.P.期间,气候温暖湿润,区域出现针叶林或针阔叶混交林,气温可能比现今高约5℃,降水量可能比现今多100~200mm,湖面扩张并升高,最高可达拔湖约10m.  相似文献   
Documenting morphological features of modem pollen is fundamental for the identification of fossil pollen, which will assist researchers to reconstruct the vegetation and climate of a particular geologic period. This paper presents the pollen morphol- ogy of 20 species of tundra plants from the high Arctic of Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, using light and scanning electron microscopy. The plants used in this study belong to 12 families: Brassicaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Cyperaceae, Ericaceae, Juncaceae, Papav- eraceae, Poaceae, Polygonaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae, Salicaceae, and Scrophulariaceae. Pollen grain shapes included: spher- oidal, subprolate, and prolate. Variable apertural patterns ranged from 2-syncolpate, 3-colpate, 3-(-4)-colpate, 3-(-5)-colpate, 3-colporate, 5-poroid, ulcerate, ulcus to pantoporate. Exine ornamentations comprised psilate, striate-perforate, reticulate, mi- croechinate, microechinate-perforate, scabrate, granulate, and granulate-perforate. This study provided a useful reference for com- parative studies of fossil pollen and for the reconstruction of paleovegetation and paleoclimate in Svalbard region of Arctic.  相似文献   
本文讨论了中国境内先后出现的恐龙动物在古地理位置、分布范围上的变化特点,提出引起中国恐龙空间分异的主要原因是占地理环境的巨大变迁,同时也与占气候、占植物的变化有密切关系。并进一步指出,中国恐龙绝灭的原因应该是突发的灾变。  相似文献   
Collection and arrangement of the historical records of climatic changes and environment evolution,espectial-lyin the aspect of calamities,are made on the history documents of past 1500 years about Haiˊan region,Jiangsu Province.There existed two obvious flooding-drought frequently-occurring periods:one was from 1550 AD to 1850 AD and another was 100 AD to 1200AD.The period of 1550 AD to1850 AD is interrupted by two relatively arid and cold climatic periods:one was from 1630 AD to 1700 AD and another was 1750 AD to 1820 AD.The main characteristic of the calamity periods is that they occurred by turns,and sometimes,both drought and flooding occurred in the same year.The instability of the climatic changes in the Little Ice Age may be the main reason of the frequently-occurring flooding and drought in Haiˊan region.Research results also show that the frequently-occurring periods of flooding and drought is in close relationship with the solar activity,and therefore,occurrence of the flooding and drought may be in relation with the intensity of the solar activity.This hypothesis may need further study in the future.  相似文献   
利用地球化学元素分析方法,对淮河源区中更新世黄土、古土壤剖面含有的化学元素及多种化学元素指标进行了分析。研究表明:区内中更新世以来的气候变化,主要以湿热气候为主,淋溶及氧化作用较强;表现在气温上HT-1~HT-3的气温较低,HT-4~HT-7的气温高,HT-8的气温又相对较低,其变化趋势表现为中更新世经历了从早期寒冷转湿热转温干,中期凉干转暖湿到晚期温湿转暖湿。  相似文献   
沉积岩中的微量元素对沉积环境水介质的变化较为敏感,是研究沉积物沉积时古气候、古环境的有效手段。选取了对沉积环境介质较为敏感的锶(Sr)、钡(Ba)、铜(Cu)、铀(U)、钒(V)、镍(Ni)、钍(Th)等元素作为判别指标,对柴达木盆地西部上新统油砂山组、狮子沟组和更新统七个泉组三套富锶岩层的古气候和古沉积环境特征进行了研究。结果表明,柴达木盆地西部从油砂山组到七个泉组沉积时总体上为干旱的气候环境;湖盆水体的盐度较高,表现为咸水环境,且从油砂山组到七个泉组随着地层变新,盐度有逐渐增大的趋势;油砂山组、狮子沟组和七个泉组沉积时湖盆水体均表现为中等分层、湖水循环较为顺畅的氧化环境。  相似文献   
内蒙古伊盟地区哈马尔太碱湖沉积特征和孢粉组合特征反映了该区近5ka以来的古植被古气候变迁。研究表明,此期间该区植被由阔叶、灌木草原变为疏树灌木草原,最后变为荒漠草原。在这5ka中存在两次暖期两次冷期,近1.6ka以来以冷干为主。湿润气候只存在于4.5~5.5kaB.P.,气候总的趋势是由较湿润变干旱直至干燥。  相似文献   
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