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汶川8.0级地震发震断层的累积地震位错研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年5月12日,四川省汶川县内发生MS8.0地震。此次地震沿龙门山中央断裂产生1条长达200km的同震地表破裂带。文中选择位于地震地表破裂带北段的南坝镇、凤凰村以及南段的映秀镇这3个地点,以被断层错断的河流阶地为研究对象,对多级阶地面上的地震地表破裂及断层陡坎地貌进行了野外实测工作。经过测量数据的计算和分析,得到了各级阶地上断层陡坎的高度,该值即为该阶地记录的地震断层的累积垂直位错量。若以本次地震的垂直位错量作为古地震位错量的均值,则可计算得到每级阶地累积的地震次数。研究结果表明,各点T1阶地形成以来仅经历过1次事件,即本次地震事件;T2阶地形成以来约经历了5次事件;T3阶地形成以来约经历了9~11次事件;T4阶地形成以来约经历了20次事件。在本文研究的基础上,结合前人的阶地测年数据,则可获得古地震复发间隔的可靠数据  相似文献   
目的:观察简便氧气疗法联合紫草纱条在直肠癌术后患者因造瘘袋所致压力性溃疡的护理效果。方法:将58 例因直肠癌术后造瘘袋致局部压力性溃疡患者随机分为观察组和对照组。观察组30例局部采用一次性氧气管接通氧气后输送至局部创面,外敷紫草纱条换药;对照组28例采用水胶体敷贴换药治疗,比较2组创面愈合时间、更换造瘘袋次数以及创面治疗平均费用。结果:观察组创面愈合时间、更换造瘘袋次数以及创面治疗平均费用均低于对照组,组间比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05,P<0.01)。结论:采用简便氧气疗法联合紫草纱条能够有效促进造瘘袋所致压力性溃疡创面的愈合,对于减轻患者经济负担、减少护理工作量具有积极意义,值得临床推广。  相似文献   
由视谱直接反演真谱参数的实用方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张桂青  罗延钟 《地球科学》1991,16(2):229-239
Background: Radiographic signs of Pneumoconiosis found in farming Ladakhi despite absences of mines and industries were believed to be due to exposure to frequent dust storms and domestic fire pollutions. Seasonal Koilonychia (spoon nail) occurring predominantly in farming women in absences of iron deficiency anaemia was thought to arise from exposure to water made alkaline by weathering of hornblende minerals. The relation of these health conditions to environmental geohydrochemistry is postulated as the source of irrigation water in the affected population originates from glaciers in trans-Himalaya range of sedimentary geology and steep landscape favouring flushing of silica/silicate containing silts. Methods and results: Survey in two central Ladakh villages revealed radiographic evidence of silicosis in all middle aged women and half in middle aged men. In a large-scale study of 3105 subjects aged over 30 years from three villages; 101 (22.5%) of the 449 radiographed showed signs of pneumoconiosis (ILO 1980 criteria) including eggshell calcification of hilar gland and progressive massive fibrosis. Indoor dust analyzed using Philips 400T electron microscope with energy dispersive analysis system attached showed SiO2 levels upto 53.27% with particle size of 0.5 to 5.0 microns and the concentration during cooking period in the worst affected area was 7.495 mg/m^3. Microscopy and histopathology from the subject was characteristic of pneumoconiosis. Analysis of the inorganic dust in the lung showed 40.2% muscovite, 37.3% quartz with the extracted dust wt 147.9 mg/gm of dry tissue. Prevalence of chronic cough with chronic phlegm and percentage of villagers with FEV1/FVC ratio of less than 65% rose with age. Of 70 subjects studied 19 women and 2 men had Koilonychia with incidence being highest in summer. Absence of seasonal Koilonychia in villages fed by water derived from northern mountain range glaciers with mainly igneous geology supports our hypothesis.  相似文献   
梅江河流域年均降雨量空间插值方法研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
分析了降雨空间分布的影响要素及降雨空间插值的主要方法,并在此基础上,利用地理信息系统(GIS)的空间分析功能,综合考虑高程、坡度、坡向等影响降雨空间分布的多种要素,应用协克里金方法,探讨流域降雨量的空间插值问题及其应用,并与反距离权重法、克里金方法等单要素方法进行了降雨空间插值的效果比较.结果表明:应用协克里金方法,在综合考虑高程、坡度、坡向等影响要素的条件下,对降雨进行空间插值,其结果具有比较好的精度.  相似文献   
正学名:Diceros gansuensis邓涛,邱占祥2007词源:以化石产地甘肃为种名。产地与层位:和政地区晚中新世柳树组分类位置:晡乳纲奇蹄目犀科真犀亚科特征:一种中等个体的黑犀,体型与现生的非洲黑犀接近。短头  相似文献   
方向数据是矢量数据的标量表示,通常标量数据的插值方法不适用于方向数据。本文根据方向数据的特征,把其分解成沿坐标轴的分量,通过对分量数据的插值形成表面,最后合成反算出方向数据,给出了一种对于方向数据的行之有效的插值方法;并用实验进行了验证,对其插值结果和精度进行了统计和分析,取得了较为理想的内插结果。  相似文献   
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