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This overview discusses old and new results as to the controversy on the past glacier extension in High Asia, which has been debated for 35 years now. This paper makes an attempt to come closer to a solution. H.v. Wissmann's interpretation (1959) of a small-scale glaciation contrasts with M. Kuhle's reconstruction (1974) of a large-scale glaciation with a 2.4 million km2 extended Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) inland glaciation and a Himalaya-Karakorum icestream network. Both opinions find support but also contradiction in the International and Chinese literature (Academia Sinica). The solution of this question is of supraregional importance because of the subtropical position of the concerned areas. In case of large albedo-intensive ice surfaces, a global cooling would be the energetical consequence and, furthermore, a breakdown of the summer monsoon. The current and interglacial heat-low above the very effective heating panel of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau exceeding 4000 m, which gives rise to this monsoon circulation, would be replaced by the cold-high of an inland ice. In addition, the plate-tectonically created Pleistocene history of the uplift of High Asia — should the occasion arise up to beyond the snowline (ELA) —would attain a paleoclimatically great, perhaps global importance. In case of a heavy superimposed ice load, the question would come up as to the glacio-isostatic interruption of this primary uplift. The production of the loesses sedimentated in NE-China and their very probable glacial genesis as well as an eustatic lowering of the sea-level by 5 to 7 m in the maximum case of glaciation are immediately tied up with the question of glaciation we want to discuss. Not the least, the problems of biotopes of the sanctuary-centres of flora and fauna, i.e., interglacial re-settlement, are also dependent on it. On the basis of this Quaternary- geomorphological-glaciological connection, future contributions are requested on the past glaciation, the current and glacial permafrost table and periglacial development, the history of uplift, and the development of Ice Age lakes and loess, but also on the development of vegetation and fauna in High Asia.  相似文献   
矿产资源实行有偿开采,是矿产资源国家所有的财产权的重要体现。向采矿企业征收矿产资源补偿费,是国家对矿产资源实行有偿开采的主要途径之,它是由采矿权人按照矿产品销售收入的一定比例缴纳。而代扣代缴是防止矿产资源补偿费在征收过程中跑、冒、滴、漏的一项补救措施。  相似文献   
在调查分析江苏省地勘市场中地质勘查报告质量下降原因的基础上,就如何规范地勘市场,规范地质勘查工作程序,规范矿山企业和地勘单位的工作行为以及提高勘查报告质量提出了具体的对策。  相似文献   
张继县 《地质实验室》1992,8(5):281-282
R.J.Watling^[1]首先提出石英缝管技术火焰原子吸收方法,该技术简便易行,灵敏度高,深受分析工作者的喜爱,作者^[2]曾用自制的设备成功地进行了化探样品中金的测定。本文对石英缝管技术火焰原子吸收测定铅的条件进行了试验,结果表明,缝长6cm.、管长12cm、内径0.8cm的石英缝管可使常规火焰原予吸收测铅的灵敏度提高3.3倍。  相似文献   
本介绍了上海天台第三代人造卫星激光测距的PC计算机控制系统的功能及实际使用效果。  相似文献   
, 《国土资源通讯》2012,(19):28-38
(一)《金属和非金属矿山企业“三率”调查表》适用于在中华人民共和国领域及管辖海域内从事金属矿和非金属矿生产活动的采矿权人(以下均对应“矿山企业”,指具有法人地位或具独立经济核算的单位),按《矿产资源登记统计管理办法》及本填报说明的规定填报。  相似文献   
在中国北方发现的石器时代文化遗址,多位于河谷两侧的阶地上。这种地方取水近而又不卑湿,较适于人类居住,因此这些遗址的分布,明显地受到地质条件的控制。当文明社会兴起后,中国人就开始把这些经验整理起来,记入典籍。成书于两千多年前的《管子》一书中,就有了这样的概括:"凡立国都,非于大山之下,必于广川之上。高勿近旱,而水用足;下勿近水,而沟防省"。  相似文献   
在分析传统三冲量汽包水位调节系统性能不足的基础上,提出了基于仿人智能PID三冲量控制系统的改造方案,对蒸汽锅炉汽包水位采用智能控制思想实现闭环恒值控制。本文介绍了控制系统的主要控制思想以及控制系统的实现。  相似文献   
本世纪以来,我国一些重要的锡矿区都做过一些程度不等的地质调查。比较重要的有:1898—1910年M.Lecrele及J.Deprat、1914年丁文江对个旧的调查;1934—1940年孟宪民等对个旧进行了1∶5万—1∶1万地形地质和坑、硐地质调查;早在公元前3700年埃及人就已用锡。公元前1800年,中国就有了青铜制品。我国商代后期是青铜器极盛的时代,是青铜工艺发展的第一个高峰。1939年出土于河南安阳武官村的我国著名的司母戊大鼎,就是这个时期的产物,重达875kg的司母戊大鼎是我国目前出土青铜器中最大的,也是世界青铜器中所罕见的。  相似文献   
日前,一列45辆满载2590吨煤炭专列缓缓驶出将军庙火车站,让亘古千年,寂静无垠的戈壁荒漠一下子热闹起来,这意味着中国乃至世界最大的整装煤田———准东煤田的原煤开始外运。将军庙位于新疆准格尔盆地的东缘奇台县城以北70余公里,是我国煤、气、油的"富聚区",将军庙的由来据说是后人为纪念被回鹘人劫杀的唐朝将军杨袭古所建,昔日将军们率兵驰骋杀敌的万里疆场,现已成遍地黑  相似文献   
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