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A coupling procedure between a climate model of intermediate complexity (CLIMBER-2.3) and a 3-dimensional thermo-mechanical ice-sheet model (GREMLINS) has been elaborated. The resulting coupled model describes the evolution of atmosphere, ocean, biosphere, cryosphere and their mutual interactions. It is used to perform several simulations of the Last Deglaciation period to identify the physical mechanisms at the origin of the deglaciation process. Our baseline experiment, forced by insolation and atmospheric CO2, produces almost complete deglaciation of past northern hemisphere continental ice sheets, although ice remains over the Cordilleran region at the end of the simulation and also in Alaska and Eastern Siberia. Results clearly demonstrate that, in this study, the melting of the North American ice sheet is critically dependent on the deglaciation of Fennoscandia through processes involving switches of the thermohaline circulation from a glacial mode to a modern one and associated warming of the northern hemisphere. A set of sensitivity experiments has been carried out to test the relative importance of both forcing factors and internal processes in the deglaciation mechanism. It appears that the deglaciation is primarily driven by insolation. However, the atmospheric CO2 modulates the timing of the melting of the Fennoscandian ice sheet, and results relative to Laurentide illustrate the existence of threshold CO2 values, that can be translated in terms of critical temperature, below which the deglaciation is impeded. Finally, we show that the beginning of the deglaciation process of the Laurentide ice sheet may be influenced by the time at which the shift of the thermohaline circulation from one mode to the other occurs.  相似文献   
隧道围岩强度不均地段塌方成因及其处理方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于地质构造作用以及风化作用,工程场地岩体中多存在围岩强度不均地段.在隧道施工过程中就经常遇到软硬岩石交汇而形成的地质条件复杂地段;给隧道的施工带来了很多不利情况,并且也是导致隧道塌方的原因之一.2006年1月,承德韩郭线二级公路工程,喇嘛梁隧道软硬岩石交汇地段由于地下水作用导致围岩风化程度不均,产生软弱结构面并造成了大面积塌方.基于现场的追踪调查与考察,本文详细描述了利用拱顶架设工字钢梁并配合超前注浆小导管的支护方法来处理这类围岩.  相似文献   
参量阵浅地层剖面测量技术 在近岸海洋工程的应用效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了海底浅地层声学探测技术的发展情况, 简述了新型参量阵声纳探测的原理和特点, 通过SES-96参量阵测深或浅地层剖面系统在山东半岛海区的应用实例, 对此新型参量阵声纳技术的应用效果进行了分析评价。  相似文献   
Loess and loess-like deposits were much studied in the Soviet Union, and are currently under investigation in Russia and surrounding countries. There is a vast literature in Russian, which touches on all aspects of loess science and technology. In particular, the studies of the origin of collapsibility are almost totally in Russian, and of course studies on the various regions of Russia and the countries of the Former Soviet Union FSU appear in Russian. This review looks at the literature in Russian and attempts to pick out key contributors, major topics and works and to identify the critical regions and zones of investigation. Because so many regions of the FSU had people living on loess ground, there is a vast literature on engineering geology and ground engineering topics, and this tends to dominate all the literature on loess in Russian. Following Russian practice, the fine-grained deposits under consideration are divided into loess and loess-like deposits. Three main topics are recognised across the whole spectrum of loess research: formation and distribution of loess deposits; stratigraphy, cyclicity and palaeoclimatology; and engineering topics, in particular hydrocollapse and subsidence, and we concentrate on the engineering geology topics. An attempt is made, based on the map of Abelev and Abelev [Abelev, Yu.M., Abelev, M.Yu., 1968. Fundamentals of design and construction on collapsible macroporous soils, 2nd ed. Stroiizdat, Moscow, 431 pp. (in Russian)] of collapsing loess deposits, to define seven loess regions within the geographical limits of the old USSR. The seven regions are those where geotechnical problems might be expected.  相似文献   
测量平差函数模型的若干讨论   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
讨论了测量平差函数模型的几种形式———参数模型、非参数模型及半参数模型 ,分别论述了各种模型的优缺点及其适用范围。半参数模型对于客观实际具有极强的解释能力 ,应给予充分的重视和深入的研究。  相似文献   
面向未来的海面变化研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
长期以来以地质时期海面变化过程等理论性研究为主要方向的海面变化研究经过70年代在观念、方法和资料积累方面的突破,自80年代初期以来进入了以“面向未来”为基调的成熟发展的新阶段,出现了一大批关于未来海面变化幅度及其影响和对策的研究成果,形成了较为完整的研究体系。90年代初以来的几年间,世界海面研究的活跃领域是地质历史时期(例如LGM,5e等阶段)的海面实况、极地冰原对气候变化的反应、海面控制原理、海面模型以及绝对海面的航天测量技术与应用等方面。这一情况在一定程度上体现了“预测热”之后的“冷思考”。中国海面变化研究近年来取得了令世人瞩目的迅速发展,今后应注意引进先进技术方法,加强学科间的交叉合作,发掘自身的优势,向纵深发展  相似文献   
山西宁武煤田大同组植物群特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山西宁武煤田大同组植物化石笔者鉴定计21属41种,以真蕨类,银杏类为主,有节类,柏柏类次之,苏铁类稀少。该植物群可归于北方普遍发育的Coniopteris-Phoenicopsis植物群,并可与大同煤田的大同组、北京西山门头沟群、鄂尔多斯盆地延安组及表海大煤沟组所含植物各对比,时代属中侏罗世。  相似文献   
Garnet–melt trace element partitioning experiments were performed in the system FeO–CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 (FCMAS) at 3 GPa and 1540°C, aimed specifically at studying the effect of garnet Fe2+ content on partition coefficients (DGrt/Melt). DGrt/Melt, measured by SIMS, for trivalent elements entering the garnet X-site show a small but significant dependence on garnet almandine content. This dependence is rationalised using the lattice strain model of Blundy and Wood [Blundy, J.D., Wood, B.J., 1994. Prediction of crystal–melt partition coefficients from elastic moduli. Nature 372, 452–454], which describes partitioning of an element i with radius ri and valency Z in terms of three parameters: the effective radius of the site r0(Z), the strain-free partition coefficient D0(Z) for a cation with radius r0(Z), and the apparent compressibility of the garnet X-site given by its Young's modulus EX(Z). Combination of these results with data in Fe-free systems [Van Westrenen, W., Blundy, J.D., Wood, B.J., 1999. Crystal-chemical controls on trace element partitioning between garnet and anhydrous silicate melt. Am. Mineral. 84, 838–847] and crystal structure data for spessartine, andradite, and uvarovite, leads to the following equations for r0(3+) and EX(3+) as a function of garnet composition (X) and pressure (P):
r0(3+) [Å]=0.930XPy+0.993XGr+0.916XAlm+0.946XSpes+1.05(XAnd+XUv)−0.005(P [GPa]−3.0)(±0.005 Å)
EX(3+) [GPa]=3.5×1012(1.38+r0(3+) [Å])−26.7(±30 GPa)
Accuracy of these equations is shown by application to the existing garnet–melt partitioning database, covering a wide range of P and T conditions (1.8 GPa<P<5.0 GPa; 975°C<T<1640°C). DGrt/Melt for all 3+ elements entering the X-site (REE, Sc and Y) are predicted to within 10–40% at given P, T, and X, when DGrt/Melt for just one of these elements is known. In the absence of such knowledge, relative element fractionation (e.g. DSmGrt/Melt/DNdGrt/Melt) can be predicted. As an example, we predict that during partial melting of garnet peridotite, group A eclogite, and garnet pyroxenite, r0(3+) for garnets ranges from 0.939±0.005 to 0.953±0.009 Å. These values are consistently smaller than the ionic radius of the heaviest REE, Lu. The above equations quantify the crystal-chemical controls on garnet–melt partitioning for the REE, Y and Sc. As such, they represent a major advance en route to predicting DGrt/Melt for these elements as a function of P, T and X.  相似文献   
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