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于1989至1992年对水库网箱养殖罗非鱼综合症各发病期、各症状型的病鱼进行了病理组织学研究。研究结果表明:网箱养殖罗非鱼综合症的病理基础是肝肾功能障碍,病鱼的肝、肾、脾、肠、鳃、性腺、脑均有不同程度的坏死或变性。本文还对细菌继发性感染,各症状型的病理学变化及防治对策作了讨论。  相似文献   
对虾养殖水质与饵料的关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道投喂不同厂家生产的对虾配合饵料致使水质因子变化的比较试验。结果表明:对虾养殖水体的pH、溶解氧及氨氮含量的变化和饵料的质量有直接关系,且影响到对虾的生存。而养殖水体的盐度、温度的变化和饵料的相关性不甚明显。文中还对配合饵料影响养殖水质因子变化的机理作了初步探讨。  相似文献   
阐述把维生素B12生产菌添加到培养水中培养褶皱臂尾轮虫BrachionusPlicatilis的买验。共18株细菌分离于轮虫培养池,其中,有一株产维生素B12的假单胞杆菌TP4对轮虫的生长繁殖有明显的促进作用。把TP4菌株培养后,加入到2L的烧杯和500L的水槽中培养泰国S型轮虫时.在9d(天)和6d(天)中,轮虫密度从124~139和242~288个体/ml增殖到4,417~5,540和1,017~1,254个体/ml,分别比对照组增加了4~6及2~3倍。  相似文献   
笔者自行培育的美国红鱼苗体长25~30mm.1996年6月上、中旬到当年12月中旬.其个体的平均重量分别达到了750g和800g,生长速度优于我国其他养殖鱼种。  相似文献   
本文针对目前刺参养殖中存在的问题,简单明了叙述刺参无公害健康养殖一系列新技术和新方法,对推动海参养殖业持续、稳定、健康发展,起到积极作用和效果。  相似文献   
三疣梭子蟹雌雄隔离养殖技术研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在193亩池塘中开展三疣梭子蟹雌雄分养和雌雄混养对比试验。其中雌雄分养面积93亩,亩产商品蟹182公斤,平均壳宽12.6厘米,平均个体重230.1克,成活率40.2%。与雌雄混养相比,亩产量提高了53.6%,成活率提高了1.51倍。专家鉴定认为,梭子蟹雌雄分养,方式新颖,效果明显,技术水平属国内先进。  相似文献   
用不同含量的93-B型海洋植物营养素对几种常用的金藻类饵料种进行培养对比试验。结果表明,海洋植物营养素用于培养金藻类效果良好,最适使用含量为30mp·L~-1域40mg·L~-1。此时效果与通常被推荐的培养液所培养的对照组相当或更好.含量过高,则造成某些营养盐过量而产生一定的毒害作用。此营养素使用简便。  相似文献   
利用C4.5决策树分类算法和GIS组件Super Map Objects,开发实现了基于连续文化序列的空间数据挖掘系统,运用此系统对郑州-洛阳地区史前四个连续文化时期的聚落进行了数据挖掘,提取了聚落遗址面积的分类规则,并根据这些分类规则和聚落的空间分布情况对四个文化时期的I级聚落进行对比分析,得出了I级聚落的空间分布特点,即I级聚落中的一些特大面积的聚落朝着中心聚落的方向发展。  相似文献   
Ophiomorpha irregulaire is a large and extremely rare trace fossil. The type section is in the Book Cliffs, Utah, USA. A second on-shore locality is reported here, in the Nuussuaq Basin of West Greenland. Both occurrences date from the Late Cretaceous. Other reports of O. irregulaire are restricted to two-dimensional sections in well cores and are mostly Jurassic in age. The West Greenland occurrence is in the Atane Formation in shallow marine clean sandstone. The two on-shore localities lie in the same biogeographical region, in connection with the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway of North America. O. irregulaire is characterized by a sinuous, branched meander maze lying mostly within a single horizontal plane, probably not far beneath the seafloor. The burrow lining has remarkably elongate pellets that probably were emplaced by the burrower. In some cases, diagenetic compression may have deformed the lining pellets to produce their elongated shape. The muddy sediment comprising the lining is almost unrepresented in the clean sands of the substrate, and it was probably trapped from suspension during suspension-feeding activity.  相似文献   
Representing environments in flux: case studies from East Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dominant view in the ecology and anthropology of the 1950s saw populations harmoniously interacting in self-regulating systems; climax forests and stable societies were the ruling hypotheses. Now, however, ecology and social sciences are investigating nature and culture in flux. The flux paradigms of nature and culture describe a human–ecological relationship that is non-equilibrial, historically contingent and constantly negotiated at both material and ideological levels by unequal actors. In this paper, we examine the effect of changing ecological and cultural paradigms on interpretations of environmental change in three areas of East Africa: the North Pare Mountains, Tanzania, the Mkomazi Game Reserve, Tanzania and the Tsavo National Park, Kenya. We explore how discursive and materialist approaches can complement one another, by expanding the domains of ecological inquiry and demanding that analysts cross-check their data for unquestioned assumptions regarding stability, variability and spatial and temporal scales. Rather than testing a ruling hypothesis, we suggest that ecologists and social scientists work with multiple hypotheses, with the aim of understanding the interplay between ecological, environmental and social influences.  相似文献   
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