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丹霞山世界地质公园蜂窝状洞穴特征及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜂窝状洞穴以其精致的形貌和众说纷纭的成因吸引着科研人员和普通大众的兴趣。丹霞山世界地质公园蜂窝状洞穴主要产于晚白垩世丹霞组二段(锦石岩段)风成砂岩的崖壁上。本文以园区长老峰锦石岩寺和睡美人禄意堂两处蜂窝状洞穴为研究对象,通过野外实地调查,了解洞穴生长环境,定量统计分析其形态特征,并采集砂岩样品进行显微镜下观察,探讨洞穴形成与盐风化作用的关系。研究表明:蜂窝状洞穴所在的岩性主要为中—细粒长石岩屑砂岩,发育大型高角度交错层理,渗透性较好;洞穴开口均向下朝向锦江,有利于来自锦江河流的湿润水汽较长时间地保持在小洞内部;洞穴开口基本服从泰森多边形分布。因此,碎屑颗粒相对比较均匀的风成砂岩为丹霞山蜂窝状洞穴的发育提供了重要的岩石基础,锦江河流为盐风化提供了必要的湿润水汽和盐分。在初始发育阶段,从岩壁上最适合盐风化作用的若干个点开始形成细小的坑洼,逐步向同层位扩张。单个小洞穴由于盐风化作用,洞穴内部风化速率大于洞穴开口边缘,导致蜂窝状洞穴内部空间扩大较快。然后,蜂窝状洞穴的发育突破纹层的限制,逐步加大、变深而呈泰森多边形规则分布。最终,随着洞穴加深,在重力、风力的影响下,蜂窝状洞穴隔壁减薄失稳,洞穴消亡。  相似文献   
中国不同气候带盐风化作用的地貌特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盐风化作用是地球表面普遍存在的一种物理风化作用,由于盐类的周期性结晶作用而造成地表岩石和建筑材料的破坏,形成诸如风化穴或蜂窝石构造等地貌景观。盐风化作用也是差异风化的主要表现形式之一。然而,到目前为止盐风化作用在中国地学界仍然被严重忽视,以至于盐风化作用造成的地貌景观常常被地学研究者和科普人士误读为海浪冲蚀、流水侵蚀、风蚀作用等。经过近十年的野外观察与探讨,笔者等对盐风化的形成机理和表现形式有了深入的理解。本文以中国境内东部海岸带、华北半干旱区、西北干旱区和东南湿热气候带基岩露头为例,系统地分析了盐风化作用的机理及其在不同气候带的表现形式。盐风化的必要条件是:适当的可溶性盐类(如Na_2SO_4、NaCl等)供应、周期性的干湿交替和温度变化。盐风化作用主要在发育可渗性孔隙的砂砾岩类和富含微裂隙的花岗岩类之露头表面表现明显,可以形成特征显著的盐风化穴。盐风化作用形成的地貌景观在东部海岸带和西北干旱区表现尤为明显,常常形成蜂窝石构造和大型风化穴,与风蚀作用的痕迹明显有别;而在华北半干旱区和南方湿热气候带虽然受到降雨等其他因素的影响而常常遭受改造、叠加甚或清除,但在某些露头区仍然保留有重要的识别标志,形成大型风化穴以及小型蜂窝石构造。笔者等强调:地表各种地貌景观形成过程中都有盐风化作用的贡献,而建筑物和景观保护也必须考虑到盐风化作用的影响。建议地学同仁重视盐风化作用的普遍性和重要性,在相关教材中补充更新盐风化的概念,并以科普的方式通过多种媒体纠正过去的错误认识。  相似文献   
Honeycomb weathering occurs in two environments in Late Cretaceous and Eocene sandstone outcrops along the coastlines of south‐west Oregon and north‐west Washington, USA, and south‐west British Columbia, Canada. At these sites honeycomb weathering is found on subhorizontal rock surfaces in the intertidal zone, and on steep faces in the salt spray zone above the mean high tide level. In both environments, cavity development is initiated by salt weathering. In the intertidal zone, cavity shapes and sizes are primarily controlled by wetting/drying cycles, and the rate of development greatly diminishes when cavities reach a critical size where the amount of seawater left by receding tides is so great that evaporation no longer produces saturated solutions. Encrustations of algae or barnacles may also inhibit cavity enlargement. In the supratidal spray zone, honeycomb weathering results from a dynamic balance between the corrosive action of salt and the protective effects of endolithic microbes. Subtle environmental shifts may cause honeycomb cavity patterns to continue to develop, to become stable, or to coalesce to produce a barren surface. Cavity patterns produced by complex interactions between inorganic processes and biologic activity provide a geological model of ‘self‐organization’. Surface hardening is not a factor in honeycomb formation at these study sites. Salt weathering in coastal environments is an intermittently active process that requires particular wind and tidal conditions to provide a supply of salt water, and temperature and humidity conditions that cause evaporation. Under these conditions, salt residues may be detectable in honeycomb‐weathered rock, but absent at other times. Honeycomb weathering can form in only a few decades, but erosion rates are retarded in areas of the rock that contain cavity patterns relative to adjacent non‐honeycombed surfaces. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Cavernous weathering is commonly found on sandstone slopes in different environments. Either a single dominant process or polygenetic agents require to be invoked in order to interpret the development. The Yongningshan hill of the central Loess Plateau is representative of cliff dwellings in Northwest China, which is characterized by well-developed cavernous weathering features and provides a good opportunity for the better understanding of sandstone weathering in the Loess Plateau. Multiple methods, including field survey, in-situ rock strength measurement, along with experiments on samples for microscopic observation, element composition and salt chemistry, were employed to investigate the controlling factors of cavernous weathering. The results show that cavern development is different on the four slopes with the western slope hosting massive honeycombs, tafoni and hardened surfaces. The porous and permeable aeolian sandstones are fundamental, because they provide space and pathways for the transportation of water and salt, honeycombs dominantly aligning within the lamination of cross-beds. The environmental factors such as the seasonal wetting and drying cycle, aeolian salt, moisture and water vapor are key factors for the development of cavernous weathering forms. The northern and northwestern wind-blown dust storms have brought abundant salts, the lengthier dry periods of the wetting and drying cycle being beneficial for salt accumulation within caverns, favoring salt weathering.  相似文献   
为了研究酸性条件下碳酸盐岩的溶蚀表面特征及机理,以南堡凹陷及周边凸起区10个典型碳酸盐岩样品为研究对象,进行乙酸和盐酸溶液的溶解实验,并通过扫描电镜观察样品的溶蚀特征。结果显示,岩石结构和矿物成分的选择性溶蚀,是碳酸盐岩溶蚀过程中的主要作用形式;方解石和白云石均存在特有的溶蚀现象,即"溶蚀晶锥"方解石和"蜂窝状"白云石,为晶体选择性溶蚀的产物;表生条件下,灰岩中少量白云石的加入能够增加方解石的溶解度,白云石的含量上限为13%,超过该界限,随白云石含量的增加,溶蚀作用减弱。  相似文献   
采样分析了古尔班通古特沙漠蜂窝状沙丘表层沉积物的粒度、元素和微形态特征,讨论了其沉积环境.结果表明:(1)古尔班通古特沙漠蜂窝状沙丘表层沉积物以细沙为主;与上部陆壳平均化学组成(UCC)比,常量元素产生亏损,微量元素Co富集明显;化学蚀变指数(CIA)与上部陆壳平均值接近;石英沙颗粒磨圆度适中,微形态特征以碟形坑与不规...  相似文献   
SMW挡土结构以其构造简单、刚度大、型钢可以回收等特点被部分基坑围护工程所采用.本文结合上海市某排水口基坑工程实例,探讨SMW工法施工中的有关问题.  相似文献   
Two types of cavernous‐weathering features are exposed in the Oligocene Macigno Sandstone along 5 km of the Tuscan coast south of Livorno, Italy. Honeycomb cells (type 1 features) are typical closely spaced, more or less circular pits of centimetre scale that have been eroded 2 to 6 cm below the general surface of bedding planes or joints. ‘Aberrant honeycomb’ cells (type 2 features) are highly elongate, polygonal, or irregular ?at depressions of decimetre scale surrounded by walls rarely higher than 2 cm, some of which pass into long, free‐standing walls or tendrils. Thus, not all type 2 ‘honeycomb’ cells are fully enclosed. We measured the geometry of 551 honeycomb cells and examined various rock properties (microscopic texture and fabric, mineralogy, porosity, permeability, and chemical composition) to isolate factors that control the size, shape, distribution, and pattern of the honeycombs. Our goal was to narrow potential origins of the features and to understand their formation. The ubiquitous occurrence of sea salt in the honeycombs and scanning electron microscope evidence of physical weathering of silicates, especially micas, favours an origin for the honeycombs chie?y by salt weathering. Honeycombs do not form in siltstone, iron‐oxide‐impregnated sandstone, calcite‐cemented concretions, or in case‐hardened joints. Thus, salt weathering of type 1 and 2 honeycombs is not effective in very low permeability rocks. We propose for type 1 honeycombs that seawater is drawn into micropores of the sandstone and evolves into self‐organized diffusion cells (Turing patterns). Selective evaporation at the stationary nodes of diffusion cells, which form at the same site over time, leads to the precipitation of salt, then grains spall off, and pits are formed. The deepest pits (>40 mm) formed where Turing patterns consistently formed at the same sites. Although the walls are more porous and weathered than the host sandstone, they become selectively case hardened by an unidenti?ed component of low abundance. Initial honeycomb cell shape and gravity locally in?uenced type 1 honeycomb shapes. We suggest that type 2 honeycombs develop where diffusion‐controlled Turing patterns lead to case‐hardening along linear trends; gravity and rock fabric are important locally in in?uencing the orientation of the walls. Only type 2 cells are forming today, suggesting recent environmental changes. Gravity is not a fundamental control on honeycomb shape; in places it is a contributing factor. Pre‐existing depressions (quarry tool marks) have strongly in?uenced honeycomb shape locally. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
海上风电基础局部冲刷会影响风电结构的稳定,对海上风电的安全运行至关重要。以四腿群桩导管架基础为研究对象,对潮流条件下基础局部冲刷开展试验研究。试验结果表明:0°水流条件下,最大冲刷深度为1.05倍桩径;45°水流条件下,最大冲刷深度为0.97倍桩径。并探索了新型蜂巢结构在群桩基础防冲刷中的应用,设计了蜂巢格室防护方案,发现在蜂巢防护情况下,两个流向作用于四腿群桩基础时最大冲刷深度仅为无防护情况下的27.3%和25.9%,表明蜂巢格室在海上风电基础的冲刷防护方面具有良好效果,在实际工程中具有较大的应用潜力。  相似文献   
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