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金州地区广泛发育震旦纪地层,具分布连续、出露完整、沉积相标志明显的特点。本文运用现代沉积学和地层学理论,对区内震旦系岩石地层进行了基本层序研究与沉积环境分析。  相似文献   
辽东半岛南部地区滨海黄土的沉积特征   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
李雪铭 《海洋科学》2001,25(1):32-35
分布在孙东半岛南端滨海地区的黄民庙岛群岛、胶辽半岛黄土一起构成了我国大陆黄土分布的最东界。通过对滨海马兰黄土粒度分布的因子对应分析、拟合度计算,结合滨海黄土的孢粉分析资料,初步认为:滨海黄土是风成的,是来自西北内陆的粉砂与冰期低海面海底砂混合堆积的产物,对应的样品因子载荷值及拟合度值计算表明,粒度分布中>4φ粒级的细粒部分主要来自西北内陆,<4φ粒级源于渤海湾西部。  相似文献   
黄河三角洲地区浅层沉积序列及构造沉降特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在整个黄河三角洲地区和莱洲湾南岸晚更新世以来经历了海陆相沉积的频繁交替,本文通过古地磁和14C测年资料对不同钻孔的晚更新世地层进行了精确的年代对比,揭示了不同时期的沉积序列。并通过27口钻井的联合对比剖面,揭示出本区晚更新世以来的新构造运动表现为二凹夹一隆的构造特征,对黄河三角洲发育位置和沉降特征有强烈的控制作用。  相似文献   
Multichannel seismic reflection data acquired by Marine Arctic Geological Expedition (MAGE) of Murmansk, Russia in 1990 provide the first view of the geological structure of the Arctic region between 77–80°N and 115–133°E, where the Eurasia Basin of the Arctic Ocean adjoins the passive-transform continental margin of the Laptev Sea. South of 80°N, the oceanic basement of the Eurasia Basin and continental basement of the Laptev Sea outer margin are covered by 1.5 to 8 km of sediments. Two structural sequences are distinguished in the sedimentary cover within the Laptev Sea outer margin and at the continent/ocean crust transition: the lower rift sequence, including mostly Upper Cretaceous to Lower Paleocene deposits, and the upper post-rift sequence, consisting of Cenozoic sediments. In the adjoining Eurasia Basin of the Arctic Ocean, the Cenozoic post-rift sequence consists of a few sedimentary successions deposited by several submarine fans. Based on the multichannel seismic reflection data, the structural pattern was determined and an isopach map of the sedimentary cover and tectonic zoning map were constructed. A location of the continent/ocean crust transition is tentatively defined. A buried continuation of the mid-ocean Gakkel Ridge is also detected. This study suggests that south of 78.5°N there was the cessation in the tectonic activity of the Gakkel Ridge Rift from 33–30 until 3–1 Ma and there was no sea-floor spreading in the southernmost part of the Eurasia Basin during the last 30–33 m.y. South of 78.5°N all oceanic crust of the Eurasia Basin near the continental margin of the Laptev Sea was formed from 56 to 33–30 Ma.  相似文献   
A three-dimensional (3D) density model, approximated by two regional layers—the sedimentary cover and the crystalline crust (offshore, a sea-water layer was added), has been constructed in 1° averaging for the whole European continent. The crustal model is based on simplified velocity model represented by structure maps for main seismic horizons—the “seismic” basement and the Moho boundary. Laterally varying average density is assumed inside the model layers. Residual gravity anomalies, obtained by subtraction of the crustal gravity effect from the observed field, characterize the density heterogeneities in the upper mantle. Mantle anomalies are shown to correlate with the upper mantle velocity inhomogeneities revealed from seismic tomography data and geothermal data. Considering the type of mantle anomaly, specific features of the evolution and type of isostatic compensation, the sedimentary basins in Europe may be related into some groups: deep sedimentary basins located in the East European Platform and its northern and eastern margins (Peri-Caspian, Dnieper–Donets, Barents Sea Basins, Fore–Ural Trough) with no significant mantle anomalies; basins located on the activated thin crust of Variscan Western Europe and Mediterranean area with negative mantle anomalies of −150 to −200×10−5 ms−2 amplitude and the basins associated with suture zones at the western and southern margins of the East European Platform (Polish Trough, South Caspian Basin) characterized by positive mantle anomalies of 50–150×10−5 ms−2 magnitude. An analysis of the main features of the lithosphere structure of the basins in Europe and type of the compensation has been carried out.  相似文献   
议京西大台地区的燕山运动   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
邵济安  张履桥 《岩石学报》2004,20(3):647-654
作者研究了京西大台地区的燕山运动,初步研究表明:这里不存在强烈的挤压变形迹象和显著的角度不整合.缺乏磨拉石建造。龙门组是厚度有限的河流相沉积,九龙山组是具有弱火山活动的湖相一滨湖相沉积。在隆起带和沉降带之间侏罗系地层显著的厚度变化率、大安山一斋堂滑覆构造及其派生的髫髻山断陷盆和大量高角度滑动面理,都显示了伸展构造背景下基底断块的差异升降。髫髻山组与壳幔相互作用有关的一套火山岩显示了上述运动的深部背景。  相似文献   
The South Kerala Sedimentary Basin (SKSB) constitutes one of the most significant landward extensions of the southwest offshore sedimentary basins of India, and is situated between 8o45' and 10o15' N latitudes. With a maximum width of about 20 km and incorporating a 700 m thick sedimentary succession ranging in age from Early Miocene to Holocene, this belt lies almost entirely under water or alluvium-covered coastal plains. In this study, we use two continuously cored bore holes at Eruva (7.25m deep) and Muthukulam (3m deep) separated by a distance of about 7km to investigate the depositional environment as well as paleo ecology of the depocentre and climatic aspects during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Results from C14 dating of shell fragments from Eruva (depth zone: 2.10–6.64m) yielded ages in the range of 36.2 to 42.5 kyBP corresponding to the late Pleistocene. Wood fragments in the Muthukulam core sample (depth zone: 1.27–3.00m) gave C14 ages in the range of 3.7 to 7.2 kyBP indicating a Holocene history. The lower half of the Eruva bore hole indicates a marginal marine environment with an abundant supply of terrestrial carbonaceous debris probably corresponding to a period of abnormally high rainfall recorded in many parts of the globe covered by the Asian summer monsoon. The sediments in the upper part of this bore hole indicate a continuation of this environment but with much less input of terrestrial organic carbon. The lower part of the bore hole from this locality, corresponding to the Holocene transgression, is similar to the lower part of Eruva bore hole in the case of TOC. Deposition took place in water bodies with considerable marine influence but receiving high amounts of terrestrial plant debris-mostly in the form of finely divided particles mixed with mud. This transgressive sequence was also deposited during a time when the Asian summer monsoon was abnormally high in intensity as indicated by many examples in India, Africa, Madagascar and elsewhere. It is significant that during the deposition of this part, the sea level was probably the same as present or higher suggesting possible lowering of the stream velocities and resultant deposition of only muddy sediments laden with terrestrial organic material along the coast. The upper part of the section shows a progressively reduced rainfall pattern culminating in a period of very low precipitation with the development of a paleosol, which is traceable all over the SKSB where Late Holocene sediments are available. This period also witnessed aeolian activity modifying the sand ridges in the ridge-runnel systems formed by the Holocene regression.  相似文献   
顺义地裂缝成因与顺义-良乡断裂北段第四纪活动性讨论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过钻孔地层对比方法研究了顺义一良乡断裂北段的第四纪活动性,资料显示该断裂在第四纪期间呈现强弱交替的分期活动特征,距今315万年以来有3个较强活动期和3个较弱活动期,前三者分别距今266~315、171~228、73~147万年,后三者距今分别为228.266、147~171、0~73万年。中更新世晚期以来断裂活动不明显。超量开采地下水导致地面不均匀沉降是造成顺义地裂缝现今活动的主要原因。  相似文献   
Basin formation dynamics of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (TPB) are here investigated by means of cross-section numerical modelling. Previous works hypothesised that basin subsidence occurred due first to extension (Oligocene) and then to subsequent loading due to back-thrusting (Miocene). However, structural evidence shows that the TPB was mainly under contraction from Oligocene until post Pliocene time while extension played a minor role. Furthermore, thermal indicators strongly call for a cold (flexure-induced) mechanism but are strictly inconsistent with a hot (thermally induced) mechanism. Our new modelling shows that the TPB stratigraphic features can be reproduced by flexure of a visco-elastic plate loaded by back-thrusts active in the Western Alps in Oligo-Miocene times. Far-field compression contributed to the TPB subsidence and controlled the basin infill geometry by enhancing basin tilting, forebulge uplift and erosion of the southern margin of the basin. These results suggest that the TPB subsidence is the result of a combination of mechanisms including thrust loading and far-field compressional stresses.  相似文献   
The rift history of the Salta basin is related to the evolution of the Central Andes and to the activity of the Pacific margin, owing to its geographic location. Sedimentation occurred from the Neocomian to the Paleogene, with deposits reaching up to 5,000 m in thickness. Paleoenvironmental analysis reveals an evolutionary history controlled by tectonic and climatic changes. Isolated grabens characterized the early synrift stage; differential subsidence provoked distinct environments in the southern and northern subbasins. In the southern subbasins, alluvial-fan, fluvial-fan and lacustrine deposits prevail, whilst in the northern subbasins eolian and fluvial environments dominate. During the Maastrichtian, two major factors controlled the basin fill: the decrease in tectonic subsidence and a relative sea-level rise as recorded in South America. An extensive and shallow Atlantic marine ingression installed a carbonate system coincident with mainly humid conditions until the Danian. Until the Middle Eocene, the fluvial and lacustrine environmental evolution of the sag basin was controlled especially by the alternation of temperate with dry and humid periods. Paleontological records reflect these climatic changes and show their relationship to the sedimentation regime.  相似文献   
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