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Nondimensionalization of variables enables us to treat experiment data much more simply and efficiently by decreasing the number of variables. In some cases, trivial conclusions (which Kenney, 1982, called spurious self-correlation) result from a formal application of dimensional analyses. In contrast, in some cases fully significant conclusions can be derived. We first discuss how to construct nondimensional variables retaining the physical meanings of variables. We then propose simple and efficient methods, especially the use of “spurious triangle (SpT)”, to discriminate between significant conclusions and spurious self-correlations in the analysis of nondimensionalized variables.  相似文献   
Fe对眼点拟微球藻的生长和脂肪酸组成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴瑞珊  魏东 《海洋科学》2008,32(7):93-96
研究了铁对眼点拟微球藻(Nannochloropsis oculata)的生长和脂肪酸组成的影响.结果表明: Fe2 浓度在0~0.5 mmol/L的范围内,细胞比增长速率随Fe2 浓度的升高而降低.与对照组相比,随着Fe2 浓度的升高,细胞中主要的饱和脂肪酸和单不饱和脂肪酸占总脂肪酸的比例有所降低,而多不饱和脂肪酸占总脂肪酸的比例则有较大的提高.另外,在一定范围内(0~0.3 mmol/L),Fe2 浓度的升高则会促使细胞内积累二十碳五烯酸(EPA).细胞生长和EPA积累的最适Fe2 浓度是0.05 mmol/L,在这一浓度下细胞比增长速率为0.236±0.020 d-1,细胞中EPA质量分数比对照组提高约24%.  相似文献   
应用MODIS影像监测海州湾无机氮浓度的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许勇  张鹰  刘吉堂  张东 《海洋科学》2008,32(9):76-81
利用连云港海州湾2004年至2006年的水质监测资料,选取时间上完全同步的空间分辨率为500m的MODIS Terra 1B数据,对反射率的单波段因子和波段组合因子与可溶无机氮(DIN)质量浓度之间进行相关分析。从总体上看,单波段因子与DIN质量浓度的相关性较低,但在含氮基团倍频和合频吸收带附近的波段(波段2、7)反射率与DIN质量浓度呈负相关,显示了含氮基团对水体光谱特征的影响;在波段组合因子中,因子F11(3.4)和F13(3.4)与DIN质量浓度呈显著正相关,用这两个因子建立DIN质量浓度的回归模型,R^2都达到0.7以上,相对精度达70%左右,最终选择因子F11(3.4)的线性模型反演该海域的DIN质量浓度,其结果与实际情况非常吻合。  相似文献   
为实现矿产资源储量管理网络实时查询功能,在目前国土资源部金土工程的储量管理软件的基础上,开发出了"基于C/S的矿产资源开发储量管理信息系统".该系统采用了结构化的程序设计方法,操作系统平台采用了MS Windows系统,程序开发平台采用了Borland公司Delphi,数据库的查询语言采用标准SQL查询语言,主要实现了矿产资源开发和储量数据的综合查询和汇总功能.  相似文献   
分别用25、50、100、200和400μg/L的3-甲基胆蒽(3-MC)对斑马鱼进行水浴染毒,于第7天和第14天采集各染毒组和对照组活鱼的肝、鳃、心、肠和肾,进行病理组织学检查。结果发现,一定剂量的3-MC能导致肝细胞变性,胞浆内出现脂肪滴,严重时肝细胞坏死解体,界限模糊;心肌细胞萎缩坏死;肠粘膜上皮细胞纹状缘不整齐,有的脱落;鳃丝结构异常,鳃小片表面粗糙,上皮细胞不完整;肾小管上皮细胞肿胀,细胞界限不清,管腔内均质红染。供试斑马鱼的病理组织变化与3-MC的作用剂量和作用时间存在一定的关系。  相似文献   
采用高效液相色谱技术,在国内首次测定了条纹斑竹鲨(Chilocsyllium plagiosum)、大黄鱼(Pseudosci-aena crocea)、鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)、青石斑鱼(Epinephelus awoara)、牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)和乌塘鳢(Bostrichthys sinensis)等6种鱼类新鲜和冻存肌肉组织中肌苷酸含量。结果表明:(1)不同鱼类肌肉组织中肌苷酸质量比不同,牙鲆新鲜肌肉组织中肌苷酸质量比最高,为4.214 mg/g,其余5种鱼类为2.365~3.634 mg/g。(2)10 d冻存试验中,经-70℃超低温冻存,6种鱼类冻存肌肉组织中肌苷酸质量比均高于新鲜肌肉组织,大黄鱼肌肉组织冻存1 d肌苷酸质量比达最大值,鳜肌肉组织冻存10 d肌苷酸质量比呈上升态势未出现最大值,其余5种鱼类肌肉组织肌苷酸质量比均在冻存第5天达到最大值。长时间的冻存将会降低食用鱼肉中肌苷酸质量比,导致鲜味下降,但经1周左右短时间的冻存后可明显提高鱼肉中肌苷酸质量比,增加鲜味,提高食用价值。  相似文献   
晚更新世以来古气候与海平面变化在东海地区的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第四纪特别是晚更新世以来气温的大幅度冷暖变化,导致全球海平面的变化,引起陆架海侵和海退。东海陆架的气候和海平面变化与全球变化基本同步。晚更新世以来,东海陆架随全球气候变化发育多次海进海退旋回。东海陆架上的古河道、古三角洲和潮流沙脊等沉积体系的形成和演化与海平面升降变化存在耦合关系。  相似文献   
栉孔扇贝不同组织SOD、CAT和MPO活力的比较分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对2龄和3龄栉孔扇贝外套膜、鳃、消化盲囊、肾、闭壳肌、性腺组织超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和髓过氧化物酶(MPO)活力分析表明,检测组织均存在这三种酶,且在不同组织中活力表现存在明显差别,其中肾组织SOD、CAT活力最高,而MPO在消化盲囊中表现最高活力,与其它组织相比均呈显著性差异(P<0.05).不同贝龄的栉孔扇贝酶活力比较表明,三龄贝各组织SOD、CAT和MPO活力均高于二龄贝.  相似文献   
A box model of the interhemispheric thermohaline circulation (THC) in atmosphere-ocean for global climate is considered. By using the multi-scales method, the asymptotic solution of a simplified weakly nonlinear model is discussed. Firstly, by introducing first scale, the zeroth order approximate solution of the model is obtained. Secondly, by using the multi-scales, the first order approximate equation of the model is found. Finally, second order approximate equation is formed to eliminate the secular terms, and a uniformly valid asymptotic expansion of solution is decided. The multi-scales solving method is an analytic method which can be used to analyze operation sequentially. And then we can also study the diversified qualitative and quantitative behaviors for corresponding physical quantities. This paper aims at providing a valid method for solving a box model of the nonlinear equation.  相似文献   
Over the past 20 years, significant progress has been made in virtual plant modeling corresponding to the rapid advances in information technology. Virtual plant research has broad applications in agronomy, forestry, ecology and remote sensing. As many biological processes are driven by light, it is the key for virtual plant to estimate the light absorbed by each organ. This paper presents the radiance equation suitable for calculating sun and sky light intercepted by plant organs based on the principles of the interaction between light and plant canopy firstly; analyzes the process principles of plant canopy primary lighting based on ray casting and projection secondly; describes the multiple scattering of plant lighting based on Monte Carlo ray tracing method and on the radiosity method thirdly; and confirms the research with 3D visualization based on Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) finally. The research is the primary work of digital agriculture, and important for monitoring and estimating corn growth in Northeast China.  相似文献   
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