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We observed the onshore migration (3.5 m/day) of a nearshore sandbar at Tairua Beach, New Zealand during 4 days of low-energy wave conditions. The morphological observations, together with concurrent measurements of waves and suspended sediment concentrations, were used to test a coupled, wave-averaged, cross-shore model. Because of the coarse bed material and the relatively low-energy conditions, the contribution of the suspended transport to the total transport was predicted and observed to be negligible. The model predicted the bar to move onshore because of the feedback between near-bed wave skewness, bedload, and the sandbar under weakly to non-breaking conditions at high tide. The predicted bathymetric evolution contrasts, however, with the observations that the bar migrated onshore predominantly at low tide. Also, the model flattened the bar, while in the observations the sandbar retained its steep landward-facing flank. A comparison between available observations and numerical simulations suggests that onshore propagating surf zone bores in very shallow water (< 0.25 m) may have been responsible for most of the observed bar behaviour. These processes are missing from the applied model and, given that the observed conditions can be considered typical of very shallow sandbars, highlight a priority for further field study and model development. The possibility that the excess water transported by the bores across the bar was channelled alongshore to near-by rip-channels further implies that traditional cross-shore measures to judge the applicability of a cross-shore morphodynamic model may be misleading.  相似文献   
Requirements for monitoring the coastal zone environment are first summarized. Then the application of hyperspectral remote sensing to coast environment investigation is introduced, such as the classification of coast beaches and bottom matter, target recognition, mine detection, oil spill identification and ocean color remote sensing. Finally, what is needed to follow on in application of hyperspectral remote sensing to coast environment is recommended.  相似文献   
海底土的物理、力学特性是海洋地质学、海洋土工学、海洋地质灾害等调查研究及海洋资源开发环境条件调查和评价等方面非常重要的资料,海底静力触探试验(CPT)是获取这方面资料的一种快速高效、成本低、测试精度高的原位测试方法。它可同时获取海底土锥尖阻力、侧摩阻力等方面的连续原位测试数据,这些数据与海底土取样样品测试分析资料及物探资料结合,可对海底土的工程特性等作比较全面的分析和评价。本文对采集的海底土样的静力触探参数与海底土样的物理力学指标进行相关分析,分粘性土和砂类土二类,建立了海底浅表层土的静力触探参数与物理力学指标之间的相关方程。利用相关方程可以通过静力触探的数据来推算土的物理力学指标,进而对海底土的工程情况作较全面的评价。  相似文献   
通过深入分析"九七三"项目所获取的高分辨率多道地震剖面,结合区域钻井资料,探讨了新生代以来南海东北部陆缘所历经的新生代早期张裂、中新世晚期阶段性挤压及上新世以来的稳定热沉降等复杂构造运动;张裂背景下的南海东北部陆缘在中新统中部、下部出现的背斜、逆断层等典型压性反转构造,凸现了南海东北部陆缘在晚中新世发生的阶段性挤压构造运动;分析表明,此构造活动是东沙运动在台西南海域的表现,其动力来源同菲律宾海板块的北西向运动有关。  相似文献   
与直井相比,水平井开发具有缩短油井井距,扩大泄油面积,提高临界锥流量,更好地控制注入流体、改善波及效率等优势。在相同采液量的情况下,水平井可以降低采液强度,减缓含水上升速度。特高含水期河流相储集层的顶部是剩余油富集区,利用水平井技术挖掘正韵律厚油层顶部剩余油,取得了很好的开发效果,最终采收率较直井开发提高了14个百分点。  相似文献   
椒江口潮间带大型底栖动物群落beta多样性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于2007年10月在椒江口共布设6条潮间带采样断面,每条断面在中潮带上区、中区、下区和低潮区各设1站位进行大型底栖动物采样。分析了不同采样站位数与大型底栖动物种数的关系,选用Wilson-Shmidabeta多样性测度方法,对以下3种空间环境梯度下大型底栖动物群落beta多样性进行了研究:(1)断面内垂直环境梯度;(2)河流到海洋的环境梯度;(3)河口两岸间的距离梯度。分析了不同采样站位数对群落beta多样性指数的影响,结果显示:(1)随着采样站位数的增加,物种数呈增加趋势但增速渐慢,同时beta多样性指数呈下降趋势;(2)不同的潮区间隔下的be-ta多样性指数均有显著差异;(3)在北岸和南岸,随着断面间距的增加beta多样性指数均呈升高趋势,而且与各断面的沉积物粒度、油类含量呈显著相关;(4)椒江口为喇叭形河口,随着河口两岸断面距离的增加beta多样性指数呈升高趋势。  相似文献   
针对点容量计算中混合区限制的要求,采用了动量积分法、经验公式法和有限差分法,分别对污水排放后可能引起的近区、过渡区和远区的污水浓度变化进行了模拟预测,并就一定的限制性条件对容量点近区、高浓度混合区及容量点远区影响范围进行了分析。在大亚湾水容量计算及污水排海规划中的应用表明,该法具有计算机时较省、精度相对较高等优点。  相似文献   
利用SEM照片获取土的孔隙结构参数   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
以土工实验和计算机图像处理技术为基础, 探讨利用SEM照片获取土的孔隙结构参数的方法, 并以重塑粘性土为例进行实证分析.为获取孔隙结构参数, 首先分3个步骤对土样的SEM照片进行图像处理: 即照片格式转换、颗粒边际线探测和颜色充填; 然后针对黑白二元图像测算孔隙结构参数.从设计制备的重塑粘性土的三轴试验样品中, 选择了12个不同水分状态和密度状态的样品, 经风干和烘干后, 进行SEM测试, 每个样品拍摄了3个尺度的SEM照片, 放大倍数依次为500倍、1000倍、2000倍.之后, 对所获得的SEM照片进行了图像处理分析, 计算了相应的平面孔隙比和平面孔隙率.数据分析表明: SEM照片测算的孔隙参数与通常三相图计算的孔隙参数有关联, 测算数据可以反映土的孔隙结构特征; 样品的不同脱水方式对SEM照片测算的孔隙参数有影响, 与三相图法计算数据相比, 风干土样测算的数据略有偏大, 烘干土样测算的数据偏小; 同一土样不同比例尺的SEM照片测算出的孔隙参数有所不同, 邻近三相图法计算结果上下波动; 利用SEM照片提取土的结构信息是可行的, 对SEM照片进行图像处理分析是获取土的孔隙结构参数的有效办法.   相似文献   
六盘山植物区系基本特征的初步分析   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
六盘山位于陕甘宁交接地区,属于半湿润气候向半干旱气候的过渡带,是黄土高原生物多样性最丰富的地区之一,有维管植物836种,隶属于93科,359属。本区属于泛北极植物区、中国-日本森林植物亚区、华北植物地区的黄土高原亚地区。全部种子植物可分为13个分布区类型和12个变型,以北温带分布类型为主,与其他植物区系联系广泛,但特有属较贫乏。六盘山与小陇山、太白山和中条山的属相似性系数较高,均达60%以上,表明几座山体处于相似的生物气候背景之下,地理隔离性不明显。与贺兰山的属相似性系数低于60%,因为贺兰山位于干旱的荒漠与半荒漠区,可能有地理隔离作用。  相似文献   
Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) assessments were conducted both in the laboratory and at a field site in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico, using a continuous heat-type automated seepage meter (seepmeter). The functioning of the seepmeter is based on measurements of a temperature gradient in the water between downstream and upstream positions in its flow pipe. The device has the potential of providing long-term, high-resolution measurements of SGD. Using a simple inexpensive laboratory set-up, we have shown that connecting an extension cable to the seepmeter has a negligible effect on its measuring capability. Similarly, the observed influence of very low temperature (≤3 °C) on seepmeter measurements can be accounted for by conducting calibrations at such temperatures prior to field deployments. Compared to manual volumetric measurements, calibration experiments showed that at higher water flow rates (>28 cm day−1 or cm3 cm−2 day−1) an analog flowmeter overestimated flow rates by ≥7%. This was apparently due to flow resistance, turbulence and formation of air bubbles in the seepmeter water flow tubes. Salinity had no significant effect on the performance of the seepmeter. Calibration results from fresh water and sea water showed close agreement at a 95% confidence level significance between the data sets from the two media (R2 = 0.98). Comparatively, the seepmeter SGD measurements provided data that are comparable to manually-operated seepage meters, the radon geochemical tracer approach, and an electromagnetic (EM) seepage meter.  相似文献   
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