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本文对镍基合金中Si在弱氧化环境下表面氧化成膜特性进行了研究。利用XRD、SEM、EDS等检测手段对试样进行了检测分析,结果发现:合金表面氧化膜的形成动力学对镍基合金的Si含量非常敏感。当合金元素Si的含量较高时,由于连续的非晶SiO2膜在表层氧化铬与奥氏体基体之间的富集阻碍了Cr离子的向外扩散,导致在奥氏体区之上形成了较薄的氧化铬膜;共晶组织区域由于不会形成连续的SiO2非晶膜,仍然可以作为Cr离子的快速扩散通道,使得在该组织区域形成大量的脊状氧化物。奥氏体组织之上的氧化膜厚度与基体的Si含量成反比。  相似文献   
通过对地球深部富氢流体、若干金属氢化物及合金氢化物的形成条件与性质、铬矿物的化学成分及其共生伴生矿物的研讨,结合铬铁矿成矿的地质背景,认为铬氢化物、铬合金氢化物是铬成矿的主要迁移形式。它们从地球深部富氢强还原环境随岩浆迁移至地壳浅部,由于H2,CO,CH4等逃逸、氧化,氧逸度大增,温度、压力下降,铬氢化物和铬合金氢化物分解、氧化、固化富集成铬矿床。  相似文献   
与传统的钢制钻杆相比,铝合金钻杆具有密度小、比强度高、无磁等优点,因此在深井与超深井钻井作业中具有较大优势。在实际使用中,铝合金钻杆两端需要通过钢接头之间的螺纹来实现拧卸钻杆,而铝合金杆体与钢接头还需要过盈装配以实现紧固连接 。以液氮为冷源,对50 mm的7075铝合金钻杆管体与钢接头进行了“冷组装”过盈装配,铝合金管体与钢接头之间的过盈量分别为0.10、0.15、0.20 mm。对组装后两端带钢接头的铝合金钻杆分别进行了拉伸和扭转试验,评价了铝合金管体与钢接头连接的可靠性,对断裂试样的断口进行了宏观与微观分析,阐述了其断裂机理。结果表明,采用“冷组装”方式可以实现铝合金管体与钢接头的过盈装配,其中过盈量为0.15 mm时,带钢接头的铝合金钻杆综合性能较优,可以承受较大的抗拉强度极限和抗扭极限,其断裂方式为脆性断裂。  相似文献   
LF4铝合金在海水中的腐蚀性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张波  韩冰 《海洋科学》2005,29(7):4-7
对艇用铝材LF4及其它多种管系金属材料进行静态和动态条件下的自然电位、自然腐蚀率、电化学性能、电偶腐蚀行为等进行多方面的腐蚀试验,得出这些材料在静态和动态海水中的腐蚀性能指标以及变化规律。随着海水流速的增加,LF4铝合金耐蚀性迅速降低。LF4在天然海水中有钝化的趋势,但是钝化膜不完整易破坏。在与其它常用管系金属材料组成的电偶对中,LF4均作为阳极受到加速腐蚀。  相似文献   
王军学 《岩矿测试》2008,27(1):77-78
采用岛津MXF-2400型多道X荧光光谱仪测定锌铝硅合金中硅及铁的含量,对样品分析面进行了选择,考察了分析面光洁度、样品放置时间对测定的影响条件.方法样品前期处理简便,分析速度快,灵敏度高,硅和铁的相对标准偏差(RSD,n=11)分别为1.15%和0.44%.与其他方法对照,结果相符.  相似文献   
提出了一种能很好适应电镀金刚石钻头要求的新型胎体材料即镍钴锰三元合金镀层,给出了新镀层的电镀液配方,对比测量了镍钴锰镀层与目前广为采用的镍钴和镍锰镀层的硬度与韧性,结果指出,镍钴锰三元合金镀层具有比镍钴或镍锰镀层更高的综合机械性能和低得多的钴含量,更适合于制造电镀金刚石钻头,在适当条件下,镍钴锰胎体钻头可以分别更好地适应于镍钴和镍锰胎体钻头的应用领域。  相似文献   
The core–mantle boundary is the only interface where the metallic core and the silicate mantle interact physically and chemically. Many geophysical anomalies such as low shear velocity and high electrical conductivity have been observed at the bottom of the mantle. Perturbations in the Earth's rotation rate at decadal time periods require the existence of a thin conductive layer with a conductance of 108 S. Substantial additions of molten iron from the outer core into the mantle may produce these geophysical anomalies. Although iron enrichment by penetration has only been observed in (Mg,Fe)O, the second dominant mineral in the lower mantle, the penetration process leading to iron enrichment in the silicate mantle has not been experimentally confirmed. In this study, high-pressure and high-temperature experiments were conducted to investigate the penetration of molten iron alloy into lower mantle phases; postspinel, polycrystalline bridgmanite and polycrystalline (Mg,Fe)O. At the interface between (Mg,Fe)O aggregate and molten iron alloy, liquid metal penetrated the (Mg,Fe)O aggregate along grain boundaries and formed a thin layer containing metal-rich blobs. In contrast, no penetration of molten iron alloy was observed at the interface between molten iron alloy and silicate phases. Penetration of liquid iron alloy into the (Mg,Fe)O aggregate is caused by the capillarity phenomenon or Mullins–Sekerka instability. Neither mechanism occurs at the boundary of pure polycrystalline MgO, indicating that the FeO in (Mg,Fe)O plays an essential role in this phenomenon. Infiltration of molten iron alloy along grain boundaries (capillarity phenomenon) is the dominant process and precedes penetration due to the Mullins–Sekerka instability. The capillarity phenomenon is governed by the balance of forces between surface tension and gravity. In the case where the ultralow velocity zone (ULVZ) with a low shear velocity is composed of Fe-rich (Mg,Fe)O, the maximum penetration distance of molten iron alloy by capillary rise is limited to 20 m. The addition of iron-rich melt to the base of the mantle is therefore unlikely to be the main cause of the high conductance of the CMB region predicted from decadal variation of the length of day. Furthermore, the absence of molten iron alloy penetration into silicate phases does not allow an extensive modification of the chemical composition of the mantle by core–mantle interaction.  相似文献   
通过对津巴布韦舒鲁圭透镜状铬铁矿地质背景、构造控矿特征、矿体赋存空间特征、蚀变岩组合、矿石结构构造特征的总结分析,提出舒鲁圭铬铁矿流体成矿假说,认为太古宙超基性杂岩侵入的同时,富含铬合金氢化物的H2-CH4超临界流体沿构造带侵入到地壳浅部,并与构造带内水混合,水与铬合金氢化物发生化学反应,产生的铬尖晶石沉淀在构造带内,形成透镜状铬铁矿体。  相似文献   
Deep CTD Casts in the Challenger Deep,Mariana Trench   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On 1 December 1992, CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth profiler) casts were made at three stations in a north-south section of the Challenger Deep to examine temperature and salinity profiles. The station in the Challenger Deep was located at 11°22.78′ N and 142°34.95′ E, and the CTD cast was made down to 11197 db or 10877 m, 7 m above the bottom by reeling out titanium cable of 10980 m length. The southern station was located at 11° 14.19′ N and 142°34.79′ E, 16.1 km from the central station, where water depth is 9012 m. CTD was lowered to 7014 db or 6872 m. The northern station was located at 11°31.47′ N and 142° 35.30′ E, 15.9 km from the central station, and CTD was lowered to 8536 db or 8336 m, 10 m above the bottom. Below the thermocline, potential temperature decreased monotonously down to 7300–7500 db beyond a sill depth between 5500 m and 6000 m, or between 5597 db and 6112 db, of the trench. Potential temperature increased from 7500 db to the bottom at a constant rate of 0.9 m°C/1000 db. Salinity increased down to 6020–6320 db, and then stayed almost constant down to around 9000 db. From 9500 db to the bottom, salinity increased up to 34.703 psu at 11197 db. Potential density referred to 8000 db increased monotonously down to about 6200 db, and it was almost constant from 6500 db to 9500 db. Potential density increased from 9500 db in accordance with the salinity increase. Geostrophic flows were calculated from the CTD data at three stations. Below an adopted reference level of 3000 db, the flow was westward in the north of Challenger Deep and eastward in the south, which suggests a cyclonic circulation over the Challenger Deep. Sound speed in Challenger Deep was estimated from the CTD data, and a relation among readout depth of the sonic depth recorder, true depth, and pressure was examined.  相似文献   
The distribution of gold in high-temperature fumarole gases of the Kudryavy volcano (Kurile Islands) was measured for gas, gas condensate, natural fumarolic sublimates, and precipitates in silica tubes from vents with outlet temperatures ranging from 380 to 870°C. Gold abundance in condensates ranges from 0.3 to 2.4 ppb, which is significantly lower than the abundances of transition metals. Gold contents in zoned precipitates from silica tubes increase gradually with a decrease in temperature to a maximum of 8 ppm in the oxychloride zone at a temperature of approximately 300°C. Total Au content in moderate-temperature sulfide and oxychloride zones is mainly a result of Au inclusions in the abundant Fe–Cu and Zn sulfide minerals as determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Most Au occurs as a Cu–Au–Ag triple alloy. Single grains of native gold and binary Au–Ag alloys were also identified among sublimates, but aggregates and crystals of Cu–Au–Ag alloy were found in all fumarolic fields, both in silica tube precipitates and in natural fumarolic crusts. Although the Au triple alloy is homogeneous on the scale of microns and has a composition close to (Cu,Ni,Zn)3(Au,Ag)2, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) shows that these alloy solid solutions consist of monocrystal domains of Au–Ag, Au–Cu, and possibly Cu2O. Gold occurs in oxide assemblages due to the decomposition of its halogenide complexes under high-temperature conditions (650–870°C). In lower temperature zones (<650°C), Au behavior is related to sulfur compounds whose evolution is strongly controlled by redox state. Other minerals that formed from gas transport and precipitation at Kudryavy volcano include garnet, aegirine, diopside, magnetite, anhydrite, molybdenite, multivalent molybdenum oxides (molybdite, tugarinovite, and ilsemannite), powellite, scheelite, wolframite, Na–K chlorides, pyrrhotite, wurtzite, greenockite, pyrite, galena, cubanite, rare native metals (including Fe, Cr, Mo, Sn, Ag, and Al), Cu–Zn–Fe–In sulfides, In-bearing Pb–Bi sulfosalts, cannizzarite, rheniite, cadmoindite, and kudriavite. Although most of these minerals are fine-grained, they are strongly idiomorphic with textures such as gas channels and lamellar, banded, skeletal, and dendrite-like crystals, characteristic of precipitation from a gas phase. The identified textures and mineral assemblages at Kudryavy volcano can be used to interpret geochemical origins of both ancient and modern ore deposits, particularly gold-rich porphyry and related epithermal systems.  相似文献   
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