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通过对湖南郴县枞树板脉状铅锌(银)矿床控矿(含矿)断裂构造的详细研究,认为控矿断裂构造内部具有弧形断层面及其所夹持的构造透镜体组成结构形式;控矿断裂的形态、产状、规模和分布控制矿化带及矿体的形态、产状、规模和分布;控矿断裂的结构形式和力学性质影响并控制矿化形式和矿化富集程度;富矿体产在控矿断裂内部弧形断面较为发育且又较破碎的部位;富矿体单体产出特征是呈不等轴透镜体状,长轴向南西侧状,侧伏角55°~60°,长(斜高)与宽之比近于2∶1,富矿体组合规律是斜列状,自北东向南西逐个降低出露标高,轴线向南西侧伏,侧伏角15°~20°  相似文献   
金同铅锌矿化的分离及共生   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
金矿化同铅锌矿化存在独特的关系。在块状硫化物矿床和现代洋底硫化物堆积物中金和贱金属的富集程度基本上是相同的,而脉状金矿床中,在富集了大约10^3-10^4的金的同时仅轻度富集或实际上贫化贱金属铅锌;  相似文献   
本文以四川龙塘铅锌矿为例 ,对X射线荧光分析的技术条件、资料处理、方法应用等方面进行较系统地研究 ,并把现场测量成果与地质研究密切结合 ,总结成矿规律 ,指导找矿预测和资源评价 ,取得良好效果  相似文献   
新疆阿尔泰山南缘克兰盆地红墩SEDEX型铅锌矿   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
红墩铅锌矿床位于克兰裂谷盆地,形成于被动陆缘裂谷构造环境,具有SEDEx型铅锌矿床的地质特征,容矿岩性为一套巨厚的粉砂质、泥质碎屑岩建造,成矿作用与海相基性火山岩有关,矿体产状与地层走向一致,矿石具有明显的纹层状构造,在矿物共生组合上,表现为锌多铅少,不含铜,且闪锌矿为含铁较少的低温闪锌矿。  相似文献   
居维伟 《江苏地质》2016,40(2):253-258
通过光学显微镜、X射线衍射及微区能谱分析等多种手段对研究区铁矿石中锌的赋存状态进行研究,查明铁矿石中的锌主要以独立矿物(闪锌矿和菱锌矿)及类质同象的形式存在。其中,锌在原生铁矿石中以闪锌矿为主要载体矿物。综合研究发现,原生含硫铁矿石,因锌的主体化学相态为硫化物相,岩矿鉴定表明其矿物相为闪锌矿,故如果锌含量达到综合利用水平,则具有工业利用价值。建议按照铁矿石伴生硫的有关评价指标单独划分块段,选矿时应充分考虑进一步浮选获得闪锌矿精矿产品,注重闪锌矿的回收利用。  相似文献   
喀斯特高原湖泊生物地球化学过程中的锌同位素特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(MC-ICP-MS)对喀斯特高原湖泊红枫湖、阿哈湖水体及其主要支流水体悬浮物和一些生物样品中的锌同位素进行了测定,测试精度小于0.11‰(2SD).结果显示,红枫湖水体与其主要支流水体悬浮物中的δ66Zn变化范围分别为-0.29‰~0.26‰和-0.04‰~0.48‰,阿哈湖水体与其主要支流水体悬浮物中的δ66Zn变化范围分别为-0.18‰~0.27‰和-0.179‰~0.46‰,均表现出支流中的锌同位素组成较重的特点.两湖生物样品中的δ66Zn变化范围较大,为-0.35‰~0.57‰,说明湖泊生态系统中各端员的锌同位素组成存在一定差异.根据同位素组成分析,湖泊主要入湖河流及所携带的陆源物质是阿哈湖泊水体中锌的主要来源,锌同位素是一种较好的物源示踪工具.红枫湖夏季δ66zn与Chla(叶绿素)呈显著的正相关(R=0.97),主要是藻类对锌的有机吸附和吸收过程导致锌同位素组成发生变化.此外,湖泊水体悬浮物中的锌同位素组成均在夏季较轻,表明大气的干湿沉降可能是一个较负的锌同位素源.水体悬浮物中的δ66Zn变化范围小于生物样品中的δ66Zn变化范围,说明由于生物作用过程导致的锌同位素分馏大于非生物过程.  相似文献   
Organic matter and iron and maganese oxides have been considered as the major affecting factors for metals in anoxic or oxidized sediment. In recent research, clay and sulfide are found as major factors in oxic or oxidized sediments that might affect bioavailability of metals. To test this hypothesis, the influence of sulfide, measured as acid-volatile sulfide (AVS), and clay content on the bioavailability of zinc and cadmium in sediments was examined. Laboratory simulative experiment and field verification experiment were conducted, showing that the bioavailability of zinc and cadmium is strongly correlated to AVS and clay content in sediments. Taking into account both AVS and clay parameters in sediments together can better indicate the bioavailability of zinc and cadmium rather than considering one of them alone.  相似文献   
We use updated rotations within the Pacific-Antarctica-Africa-North America plate circuit to calculate Pacific-North America plate reconstructions for times since chron 13 (33 Ma). The direction of motion of the Pacific plate relative to stable North America was fairly steady between chrons 13 and 4, and then changed and moved in a more northerly direction from chron 4 to the present (8 Ma to the present). No Pliocene changes in Pacific-North America plate motion are resolvable in these data, suggesting that Pliocene changes in deformation style along the boundary were not driven by changes in plate motion. However, the chron 4 change in Pacific-North America plate motion appears to correlate very closely to a change in direction of extension documented between the Sierra Nevada and the Colorado Plateau. Our best solution for the displacement with respect to stable North America of a point on the Pacific plate that is now near the Mendocino triple junction is that from 30 to 12 Ma the point was displaced along an azimuth of ~N60°W at rate of ~33 mm/yr; from 12 Ma to about 8 Ma the azimuth of displacement was about the same as previously, but the rate was faster (~52 mm/yr); and since 8 Ma the point was displaced along an azimuth of N37°W at a rate of ~52 mm/yr.

We compare plate-circuit reconstructions of the edge of the Pacific plate to continental deformation reconstructions of North American tectonic elements across the Basin and Range province and elsewhere in order to evaluate the relationship of this deformation to the plate motions. The oceanic displacements correspond remarkably well to the continental reconstructions where deformations of the latter have been quantified along a path across the Colorado Plateau and central California. They also supply strong constraints for the deformation budgets of regions to the north and south, in Cascadia and northern Mexico, respectively.

We examine slab-window formation and evolution in a detailed re-analysis of the spreading geometry of the post-Farallon microplates, from 28 to 19 Ma. Development of the slab window seems linked to early Miocene volcanism and deformation in the Mojave Desert, although detailed correlations await clarification of early Miocene reconstructions of the Tehachapi Mountains. We then trace the post-20 Ma motion of the Mendocino slab window edge beneath the Sierran-Great Valley block and find that it drifted steadily north, then stalled just north of Sutter Buttes at ~4 Ma.  相似文献   
电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法直接测定铜矿石中银铜铅锌   总被引:14,自引:8,他引:6  
徐进力  邢夏  张勤  白金峰 《岩矿测试》2010,29(4):377-382
采用硝酸-氢氟酸-高氯酸混合酸消化处理样品,电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法同时测定了铜矿石中的银、铜、铅和锌。较系统地研究了仪器的最佳化工作参数,采用基体匹配和校正因子相结合的办法校正样品的基体干扰和光谱干扰。方法检出限为:银3.15μg/g,铜4.00μg/g,铅12.0μg/g,锌6.00μg/g(稀释因子500),精密度(RSD,n=12)在0.38%~4.55%。方法经国家一级多金属矿石标准物质验证,测定值与标准值吻合,结果准确可靠。  相似文献   
张华 《地质与勘探》2010,46(Z1):1282-1287
[摘要]分别以铜327郾4 nm 和249郾2nm、铅283郾3 nm 和261郾4nm、锌307郾6nm 次灵敏线为分析线, 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定了高品位矿石中铜、铅、锌的含量。考察了高品位矿石基体及主要杂质的干扰 情况,结果表明,铜、锌质量浓度小于2 mg/ ml 时,对铅的测定无干扰;铅质量浓度小于2 mg/ ml 时,对铜 测定无干扰,其质量浓度小于0郾5mg/ ml 时,对锌测定无干扰;测定溶液中主要杂质铁、钴、镍、钙、镁质量 浓度在1mg/ ml,铝、硅质量浓度在0郾2mg/ ml 对测定无干扰。铜铅锌的质量浓度分别在0 ~ 1000滋g/ ml 范围内呈良好的线性关系。方法的精密度(RSD,n=5) 小于5%,加标回收率在98郾91% ~ 101郾08%,测 定铜铅锌矿石国家标准物质,结果与标准值相符。  相似文献   
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