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1INTRODUCTION Studiesonheavymetalcontaminationinsedi mentshavealwaysbeenfocusedonthecoastalandin tertidalareas(Sivalingam,etal.,1980;Ismail,1993;Ismail,etal.,1993;IsmailandRosniza,1997;Yap,etal.,2002a,2002b).Theheavymet alconcentrationsfoundinthesediments…  相似文献   
The Lanping Basin in the Nujiang‐Lancangjiang‐Jinshajiang (the Sanjiang) area of northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau is an important part of eastern Tethyan metallogenic domain. This basin hosts a number of large unique sediment‐hosted Pb‐Zn polymetallic deposits or ore districts, such as the Baiyangping ore concentration area which is one of the representative ore district. The Baiyangping ore concentration area can be divided into the east and west ore belts, which were formed in a folded tectogene of the India‐Asia continental collisional setting and was controlled by a large reverse fault. Field observations reveal that the Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary strata were outcropped in the mining area, and that the orebodies are obviously controlled by faults and hosted in sandstone and carbonate rocks. However, the ore‐forming elements in the east ore belt are mainly Pb‐Zn‐Sr‐Ag, while Pb‐Zn‐Ag‐Cu‐Co elements are dominant in the west ore belt. Comparative analysis of the C‐O‐Sr‐S‐Pb isotopic compositions suggest that both ore belts had a homogeneous carbon source, and the carbon in hydrothermal calcite is derived from the dissolution of carbonate rock strata; the ore‐forming fluids were originated from formation water and precipitate water, which belonged to basin brine fluid system; sulfur was from organic thermal chemical sulfate reduction and biological sulfate reduction; the metal mineralization material was from sedimentary strata and basement, but the difference of the material source of the basement and the strata and the superimposed mineralization of the west ore belt resulted in the difference of metallogenic elements between the eastern and western metallogenic belts. The Pb‐Zn mineralization age of both ore belts was contemporary and formed in the same metallogenetic event. Both thrust formed at the same time and occurred at the Early Oligocene, which is consistent with the age constrained by field geological relationship.  相似文献   
测量不确定度作为当今矿石主要的评定方式,其评定是表征并赋予测量结果的分散性,为最终的测量结果附带参数,以此来客观衡量测量量的分散性。根据数值的特点分为两个度量,符合统计规律的数值,称为A类不确定度;不符合统计规律的数值称为B类不确定度。将不确定度的评定方法运用到铜精粉中铜含量的测定中,最终得出样品铜精粉中19.94%~20.34%的铜含量,同时对铜精粉中铜的测量实验及实验结果不确定度的评定进行了系统的研究,并将整个实验及结果不确定度的计算过程简述,这样不仅达到了测量的目的,还能对不确定度进一步认识,也给冶炼工业的发展提供了可参考的研究方法。  相似文献   
《International Geology Review》2012,54(14):1635-1648
The Koushk zinc–lead deposit in the central part of the Zarigan–Chahmir basin, central Iran, is the largest of several sedimentary–exhalative (SEDEX) deposits in this basin, including the Chahmir, Zarigan, and Darreh-Dehu deposits. The host-rock sequence consists of carbonaceous, fine-grained black siltstone with interlayered rhyolitic tuffs. It corresponds to the upper part of the Lower Cambrian volcano-sedimentary sequence that was deposited on the Posht-e-Badam Block due to back-arc rifting of the continental margin of the Central Iranian Microcontinent. This block includes the late Neoproterozoic metamorphic basement of the Iran plate, overlain by rocks dating from the Early Cambrian to the Mesozoic. Based on ore body structure, mineralogy, and ore fabric, we recognize four different ore facies in the Koushk deposit: (1) a stockwork/feeder zone, consisting of a discordant mineralization of sulphides forming a stockwork of sulphide-bearing dolomite (quartz) veins cutting the footwall sedimentary rocks; (2) a massive ore/vent complex, consisting of massive replacement pyrite, galena, and sphalerite with minor arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite; (3) bedded ore, with laminated to disseminated pyrite, sphalerite, and galena; and (4) a distal facies, with minor disseminated and laminated pyrite, banded cherts, and disseminated barite. Carbonatization and sericitization are the main wall-rock alterations; alteration intensity increases towards the feeder zone. The δ34S composition of pyrite, sphalerite, and galena ranges from?+6.5 to?+36.7‰. The highest δ34S values correspond to bedded ore (+23.8 to?+36.7‰) and the lowest to massive ore (+6.5 to?+?17.8‰). The overall range of δ34S is remarkably higher than typical magmatic values, suggesting that sulphides formed from the reduction of seawater sulphate by bacteriogenic sulphate reduction in a closed or semi-closed system in the bedded ore, whereas thermochemical sulphate reduction likely played an important role in the feeder zone. Sulphur isotopes, along with sedimentological, textural, mineralogical, and geochemical evidences, suggest that this deposit should be classified as a vent-proximal SEDEX ore deposit.  相似文献   
内蒙古自治区翁牛特旗姚家店铅锌矿矿床为一受NW向断裂带构造控制的中低温岩浆热液充填交代型铅锌矿床,形成于燕山晚期,矿体呈脉状产于二叠世额里图组安山质凝灰岩之构造破碎带内,形态产状严格受断裂构造控制。矿石为硅化、黄铁矿化碎裂岩型铅锌矿石。  相似文献   
The mobility, bioaccessibility and transfer pathways of metals and metalloids in estuarine sediments have been the focus of much detailed research. However, to date, few studies have examined the mineralogical siting of metals and metalloids in such sediments. This is despite the fact the mineralogy of sediments is an important factor that controls which and how much of a particular metal is released to pore waters and overlying water columns. This study reports on the mineralogical siting of metals in contaminated estuarine sediments, Hobart, Australia, and aims to evaluate the mobility of metals in the contaminated substrates. Mineralogical, mineral chemical and bulk chemical analyses demonstrate that the sediments contain very high levels of several metals and metalloids. The contaminated sediments have concentrations of zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), copper (Cu) and cadmium (Cd) ranging from 0.55 to 4.23 wt%, 0.16 to 0.70 wt%, 415 to 951 mg/kg and 23 to 300 mg/kg, respectively. Franklinite and lesser sphalerite are the main repositories of Zn, whereas much of the Pb and Cu is hosted by sulfides, organic matter and undetermined iron (Fe) oxides. While the release of contaminant loads from franklinite through dissolution is likely to be insignificant, even small releases of metals from the highly contaminated sediments can still cause the deterioration of local water quality. The contaminated sediments represent long-term sources of metal pollutants, particularly Zn, to local waters. This study demonstrates that mineralogical analyses are a vital tool to recognise the potential mobility of trace metals in estuarine environments.  相似文献   
Changes in water quality during a storm event were continuously monitored over a 24 h period at a single location along an urban stormwater drain in Butte, Montana. The Butte Metro Storm Drain (MSD) collects groundwater baseflow and stormwater draining Butte Hill, a densely populated site that has been severely impacted by 130 years of mining, milling, and smelting of copper‐rich, polymetallic mineral deposits. On the afternoon of 26 June 2002, a heavy thunderstorm caused streamflow in the MSD to increase 100‐fold, from 0·2 ft3 s−1 to more than 20 ft3 s−1. Hourly discharge and water quality data were collected before, during, and following the storm. The most significant finding was that the calculated loads (grams per hour) of both dissolved and particulate copper passing down the MSD increased more than 100‐fold in the first hour following the storm, and remained elevated over baseline conditions for the remainder of the study period. Other metals, such as zinc, cadmium, and manganese, showed a decrease in load from pre‐storm to post‐storm conditions. In addition to the large flush of copper, loads of soluble phosphorus increased during the storm, whereas dissolved oxygen dropped to low levels (<2 mg l−1). These results show that infrequent storm events in Butte have the potential to generate large volumes of runoff that exceed Montana water quality standards for acute exposure of aquatic life to copper, as well as depressed levels of dissolved oxygen. This study has important implications to ongoing reclamation activities in the upper Clark Fork Superfund site, particularly with respect to management of storm flow, and may be applicable to other watersheds impacted by mining activities. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
研究了大豆浓缩蛋白作为饵料蛋白源对中华绒螯蟹幼蟹消化酶活力的影响,初步探讨了中华绒螯蟹对饵料蛋白源的内在适应机理。根据中华绒螯蟹的营养需求,用大豆浓缩蛋白替代鱼粉作为蛋白源配制成6种近似等蛋白等能的饵料,其中大豆浓缩蛋白在饵料中的含量分别为0、11%、22%、33%、44%和56%(分别替代鱼蛋白质量的0、18.64%、37.93%、56.90%、77.19%和100%),对照饵料全部以鱼粉作为蛋白源。用上述6种饵料喂养中华绒螯蟹50 d后,测定蟹肝胰腺各种消化酶活力。结果表明:随着饵料中大豆浓缩蛋白含量的升高,胃蛋白酶和胰蛋白酶活力均呈降低之势。当大豆浓缩蛋白含量达到44%时,与全鱼粉对照组相比,胃蛋白酶和胰蛋白酶活力显著性降低(P<0.05);同时,淀粉酶稍呈升高之势,而纤维素酶则稍呈降低的趋势;A/T比例呈显著上升的趋势,当大豆浓缩蛋白含量达44%时,与对照组有显著性差异,说明河蟹对植物蛋白有很强的适应性。  相似文献   
甘肃省肃南县雪泉铜(锌)矿床找矿勘查思路探讨   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
雪泉塞浦路斯型富铜(锌)块状硫化物矿床地处北祁连山西段奥陶纪弧后盆地火山岩带内,矿床的形成受火山热液喷流中心控制,每个喷流中心的成矿遵循"蘑菇"状的成矿模式,目前已发现矿区存在多个热液喷流中心,与此相对应的矿体表现出呈群出现,分段集中的特点。结合矿区地形特点,笔者提出矿床下一步的找矿勘查应按照"面上展开——利用地质测量、物探扫面进行探寻热液喷流中心;分段深入——在每个热液喷流中心主要利用硐探工程进行探矿验证"的思路开展工作。  相似文献   
新疆小热泉子铜(锌)矿床同位素研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
陈文明 《地球学报》1999,20(4):349-356
小热泉子矿床是我国最近发现的一个中型富铜(锌)矿床,其矿床成因为众多的矿床学家所关注.本文对该矿床中不同类型矿石、矿物的S、O、H、Si及稀有(惰性)气体He、Ar同位素特征作了较祥细的论述,同时用K-Ar法对硫化物的年龄测定进行了初步尝试.该矿床硫化物的δ34S值为+1.5‰~+11.1‰,平均为6.15‰(46);3He/4He(初始)值为5×10-8~2.17×10-6,平均为0.64×10-6(6),40Ar/36Ar值为305.27~439.81,平均为353.57(6);容矿岩中石英的δ18O值为+7.5‰~+11.7‰,平均为9.23‰(8),δ30Si值为0~-0.8‰,平均为-0.3‰(8);δD值为-66‰~-121‰,平均为-97‰(3).硫化物的K-Ar法年龄主要为339.1Ma、230.2Ma及98.4Ma,这些数据均显示出该矿床的成矿物质具壳幔混合的特征,矿床的形成具同生及多次成矿作用的特点.上述资料为该矿床的成因研究提供了重要的同位素信息.  相似文献   
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