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麻痹性贝毒(Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning,PSP)毒素由石房蛤毒素(saxitoxin,STX)及其衍生物组成,目前己发现20余种,在赤潮研究、分子生物学和神经生物学基础研究、医药、军事防化等方面都有应用潜力[其结构、类型和应用见本集刊王云峰等(2003)“麻痹性贝毒毒素的应用研究进展”一文]。由于PSP毒素的稀有来源和国际社会对STX交易的禁止,限制了国内PSP毒素应用及研究的全面深入展开,因此本文作者对PSP毒素进行了制备,并采用不同方法对制备的PSP毒素进行了研究。 PSP毒素能够选择性地可逆抑制可兴奋膜的电压依赖钠离子通道的开放,从而阻止神经冲动的发生和传导,使神经、肌肉丧失兴奋性(Frace et al.,1986;Penzotti et al.,1998)。本文利用神经束膜下记录和全细胞膜片钳技术,报道了从塔玛亚历山大藻(Alexandrium tamarense)中提取的PSP粗毒素对小鼠运动神经末梢膜电流和NG108-15细胞钠离子通道的作用研究结果,并与STX标准毒素的作用结果进行了比较。 NG108-15细胞是由小鼠神经母细胞瘤和大鼠胶质细胞瘤融合的杂交细胞,经分化剂分化后,显示诸+L1196如兴奋性、合成和释放乙酰胆碱、与培养肌细胞形成突触联系等多种神经细胞的基本特性(Hamprcht,1977)和Na+、K+、Ca2+等多种离子通道,已作为神经细胞模型被广泛应用于分析药物对离子通道作用的研究(Enomoto et al.,1992; Docherty et al.,1992;Shi et al.,1993;Hu et al.,1997a;Hu et al.,1997b);发育出具有Na+内流支持的锋电位(Hamprecht,1977),该电位是分析作用于膜钠离子通道药物的好材料。  相似文献   
We have examined wind-induced circulation in the Sea of Okhotsk using a barotropic model that contains realistic topography with a resolution of 9.25 km. The monthly wind stress field calculated from daily European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) Re-Analysis data is used as the forcing, and the integration is carried out for 20 days until the circulation attains an almost steady state. In the case of November (a representative for the winter season from October to March), southward currents of velocity 0.1–0.3 m s−1 occur along the bottom contours off the east of Sakhalin Island. The currents are mostly confined to the shelf (shallower than 200 m) and extend as far south as the Hokkaido coast. In the July case (a representative for the summer season from April to September), significant currents do not occur, even in the shallow shelves. The simulated southward current over the east Sakhalin shelf appears to correspond to the near-shore branch of the East Sakhalin Current (ESC), which was observed with the surface drifters. These seasonal variations simulated in our experiments are consistent with the observations of the ESC. Dynamically, the simulated ESC is interpreted as the arrested topographic wave (ATW), which is the coastally trapped flow driven by steady alongshore wind stress. The volume transport of the simulated ESC over the shelf reaches about 1.0 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3s−1) in the winter season, which is determined by the integrated onshore Ekman transport in the direction from which shelf waves propagate. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
An instrument which measures the velocity and direction of benthic water currents at depths of up to 80 m is described. Characteristics of this meter include: (i) readings are not affected by water flow during sinking or retrieval; (ii) it is portable; (iii) it operates unattended; (iv) it is inexpensive; and (v) it requires only simple maintenance. A timing circuit which operates two time periods in succession is used to activate and de-activate a revolution counter and a fluidfilled compass which are mounted on a special frame and vane system. In the field, the instrument accurately measured average current velocities of up to 6 m s−1. Data are presented which illustrate the usefulness of this instrument in describing the velocity and direction of benthic currents along the east coast of Australia and demonstrate a positive correlation between benthic current velocity and catch rates of the commercially-exploited spanner crab Ranina ranina.  相似文献   
水槽造流系统水力计算与泵机选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提供一种完整的用于试验水槽造流系统的水力计算和泵机选择方法 ,可用于其他类似工程设计。  相似文献   
本方案采用850、700、500hPa三个层次的环境平均流场作控制点法。综合考虑这些层次上的引导气流在不同时、空域中的相对重要性。试验结果表明,其效果比单一取某层作引导为佳。且对用来预测台风的未来24小时路径是否异常具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
This paper reports a study of the field measurements and monitoring of wastewater discharge in sea water at Bari East (Italy). A wastewater sea outfall system is an integral and fundamental part of each wastewater treatment with ultimate sink in the sea water. The design of a water treatment plant and wastewater outfall must take into account the use of the environmental water, the values of physicochemical parameters to be respected in order to safeguard the use itself and the quality of the environmental water where wastewater is issued. In the present study measurements of sea current velocity components were carried out with a VM-ADP (Vessel-Mounted Acoustic Doppler Profiler). Salinity, wind directions and velocities were assessed with, for one survey, the total faecal coliforms and other biochemical parameters. It was emphasized that the measurements necessary for monitoring cannot be concentrated in the wastewater outfall pipe zone only, but should be extended to a neighbouring area of the outfall pipe, with an extension depending on the wastewater discharge, the polluting charge and the magnitude of the sea currents and the winds typical of the zone of interest. The analyses presented in this paper confirm that the sea zones close to the wastewater outfall pipe are particularly sensitive and vulnerable. Such results must be considered in the planning of a wastewater outfall pipe.  相似文献   
Over the past decades, many attempts have been made to generate useful bottom erosion models for the study of cohesive sediment movement. This study addresses some of the key questions involved in determining the functional relationship between erosion rate and bottom shear stress. Current, wave, and turbidity data were collected from a bottom mounted instrument array in a moderately energetic estuarine environment. The bottom shear stress was calculated from a wave–current interaction model. The erosion rate was derived from the observed sediment concentration using a vertical mixing model. Examination of the relationship between erosion rate and bottom stress showed that the erosion rate varied at intertidal frequency. When averaged over the tidal fluctuation, the erosion rate remained approximately constant at low stress, but increased sharply when the shear stress rose above a critical value. This suggests two-stage erosion. The bed has a layered structure, in which a thin layer of loose, high water content material overlies a more consolidated bed. The top layer of high water content material (fluff) was easily disturbed and re-suspended by tidal currents, but the consolidated bottom layer was eroded only under conditions of high shear stress.  相似文献   
LU  Yongjun 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(1):107-122
A 2-D mathematical model of tidal current and sediment has been developed for the Oujiang Estuary and the WenzhouBay. This model accomodates complicated features including multiple islands, existence of turbidity, and significant differ-ence in size distribution of bed material. The governing equations for non-uniform suspended load and bed load transport arepresented in a boundary-fitted orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system. The numerical solution procedures along with theirinitial conditions, boundary conditions, and movable boundary technique are presented. Strategies for computation of thecritical condition of deposition or erosion, sediment transport capacity, non-uniform bed load discharge, etc. are suggested.The model verification computation shows that, the tidal levels computed from the model are in good agreement with the fielddata at the 18 tidal gauge stations. The computed velocities and flow directions also agree well with the values measuredalong the totally 52 synchronously observed verticals distributed over 8 cross sections. The computed tidal water throughputsthrough the Huangda‘ao cross section are close to the measured data. And the computed values of bed deformation fromYangfushan to the estuary outfall and in the outer-sea area are in good agreement with the data observed from 1986 to 1992.The changes of tidal volumes through the estuary, velocities in different channels and the bed form due to the influence of thereclamation project on the Wenzhou shoal are predicted by means of this model.  相似文献   
- Based on field investigations, this paper analyzes three types of harbour basinns and navigation channel excavated on seabed in Jiaozhou Bay, get a general rule of deposition for excavated trough, it found that pollution is one of crucial factors resulting in the deposition of the excavated trough in the east shore of Jiaozhou Bay. With these results, it predicted the annual deposition thickness for the excavated trough and disclosed the fact that it can't be deposited deadly during one storm. At the same time, with two-dimensional numerical model, it studied the effects of the excavated trough and the reclamation near shore on tidal cureent and said that the excavated trough can decrease the current velocity passing through the trough about 10- 15%, but only limited inside and near the trough and there are no effect on other regions; reclamation can cut off the pollution sources and no obvious effect on the currents of the Jiaozhou Bay. Connecting the deep trough and Cangkou tidal channel with a new  相似文献   
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