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Predictions of post-wildfire flooding and debris flows are needed, typically with short lead times. Measurements of soil-hydraulic properties necessary for model parameterization are, however, seldom available. This study quantified soil-hydraulic properties, soil-water retention, and selected soil physical properties within the perimeter of the 2017 Thomas Fire in California. The Thomas Fire burn scar produced catastrophic debris flows in January 2018, highlighting the need for improved prediction capability. Soil-hydraulic properties were also indirectly estimated using relations tied to soil-water retention. These measurements and estimates are examined in the context of parameterizing post-wildfire hydrologic models. Tension infiltrometer measurements showed significant decreases (p < .05) in field-saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kfs) and sorptivity (S) in burned areas relative to unburned areas. Wildfire effects on soil water-retention were dominated by significant decreases in saturated soil-water content (θS). The van Genuchten parameters α, N, and residual water content did not show significant wildfire effects. The impacts of the wildfire on hydraulic and physical soil properties were greatest in the top 1 cm, emphasizing that measurements of post-fire soil properties should focus on the near-surface. Reductions in Kfs, θs, and soil-water retention in burned soils were attributed to fire-induced decreases in soil structure evidenced by increases in dry bulk density. Sorptivity reductions in burned soils were attributed to increases in soil-water repellency. Rapid post-fire assessments of flash flood and debris flow hazards using physically-based hydrologic models are facilitated by similarities between Kfs, S, and the Green–Ampt wetting front potential (ψf) with measurements at other southern CA burned sites. We suggest that ratios of burned to unburned Kfs (0.37), S (0.36), and ψf (0.66) could be used to scale unburned values for model parameterization. Alternatively, typical burned values (Kfs = 20 mm hr−1; S = 6 mm hr−0.5; ψf = 1.6 mm) could be used for model parameterization.  相似文献   
Runoff and erosion processes can increase after wildfire and post-fire salvage logging, but little is known about the specific effects of soil compaction and surface cover after post-fire salvage logging activities on these processes. We carried out rainfall simulations after a high-severity wildfire and post-fire salvage logging to assess the effect of compaction (uncompacted or compacted by skid traffic during post-fire salvage logging) and surface cover (bare or covered with logging slash). Runoff after 71 mm of rainfall across two 30-min simulations was similar for the bare plots regardless of the compaction status (mean 33 mm). In comparison, runoff in the slash-covered plots averaged only 22 mm. Rainsplash in the downslope direction averaged 30 g for the bare plots across compaction levels and decreased significantly by 70% on the slash-covered plots. Sediment yield totalled 460 and 818 g m−2 for the uncompacted and compacted bare plots, respectively, and slash significantly reduced these amounts by an average rate of 71%. Our results showed that soil erosion was still high two years after the high severity burning and the effect of soil compaction nearly doubled soil erosion via nonsignificant increases in runoff and sediment concentration. Antecedent soil moisture (dry or wet) was the dominant factor controlling runoff, while surface cover was the dominant factor for rainsplash and sediment yield. Saturated hydraulic conductivity and interrill erodibility calculated from these rainfall simulations confirmed previous laboratory research and will support hydrologic and erosion modelling efforts related to wildfire and post-fire salvage logging. Covering the soil with slash mitigated runoff and significantly reduced soil erosion, demonstrating the potential of this practise to reduce sediment yield and soil degradation from burned and logged areas.  相似文献   
Post‐wildfire runoff was investigated by combining field measurements and modelling of infiltration into fire‐affected soils to predict time‐to‐start of runoff and peak runoff rate at the plot scale (1 m2). Time series of soil‐water content, rainfall and runoff were measured on a hillslope burned by the 2010 Fourmile Canyon Fire west of Boulder, Colorado during cyclonic and convective rainstorms in the spring and summer of 2011. Some of the field measurements and measured soil physical properties were used to calibrate a one‐dimensional post‐wildfire numerical model, which was then used as a ‘virtual instrument’ to provide estimates of the saturated hydraulic conductivity and high‐resolution (1 mm) estimates of the soil‐water profile and water fluxes within the unsaturated zone. Field and model estimates of the wetting‐front depth indicated that post‐wildfire infiltration was on average confined to shallow depths less than 30 mm. Model estimates of the effective saturated hydraulic conductivity, Ks, near the soil surface ranged from 0.1 to 5.2 mm h?1. Because of the relatively small values of Ks, the time‐to‐start of runoff (measured from the start of rainfall), tp, was found to depend only on the initial soil‐water saturation deficit (predicted by the model) and a measured characteristic of the rainfall profile (referred to as the average rainfall acceleration, equal to the initial rate of change in rainfall intensity). An analytical model was developed from the combined results and explained 92–97% of the variance of tp, and the numerical infiltration model explained 74–91% of the variance of the peak runoff rates. These results are from one burned site, but they strongly suggest that tp in fire‐affected soils (which often have low values of Ks) is probably controlled more by the storm profile and the initial soil‐water saturation deficit than by soil hydraulic properties. Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   
Creating opportunities for students to actively apply hazards theory to real-life situations is often a challenge in hazards geography courses. This article presents a project, the Jocko Lakes Fire Project, that implemented learning strategies to encourage students to be active in wildfire hazards research. Wildfire hazards stand out as an increasing threat to communities in forested areas given current and projected rates of urbanization, the growing concentration of wealth in hazard-prone areas, the increasing costs of forest wildfire reduction, and climate change. Components of the project involved students in problem definition and the articulation of a research plan; identifying and collecting relevant data; and analyzing and documenting the wildfire hazard event. The student-based evaluation of the project and its outcomes highlights the ways in which this approach can increase understanding of local hazard scenarios, familiarity with relevant theory, geographical knowledge, and skills in research.  相似文献   

The AHI-FSA (Advanced Himawari Imager - Fire Surveillance Algorithm) is a recently developed algorithm designed to support wildfire surveillance and mapping using the geostationary Himawari-8 satellite. At present, the AHI-FSA algorithm has only been tested on a number of case study fires in Western Australia. Initial results demonstrate potential as a wildfire surveillance algorithm providing high frequency (every 10 minutes), multi-resolution fire-line detections. This paper intercompares AHI-FSA across the Northern Territory of Australia (1.4 million km2) over a ten-day period with the well-established fire products from LEO (Low Earth Orbiting) satellites: MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) and VIIRS (Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite). This paper also discusses the difficulties and solutions when comparing high temporal frequency fire products with existing low temporal resolution LEO satellite products. The results indicate that the multi-resolution approach developed for AHI-FSA is successful in mapping fire activity at 500?m. When compared to the MODIS, daily AHI-FSA omission error was only 7%. High temporal frequency data also results in AHI-FSA observing fires, at times, three hours before the MODIS overpass with much-enhanced detail on fire movement.  相似文献   
植被冠层可燃物含水率FMC(Fuel Moisture Content)是评估野火风险及估算火灾蔓延速率的重要指标。以中国西部6个典型研究区为例,基于辐射传输模型,利用Landsat 5 TM及Landsat 8 OLI遥感数据,开展草原、森林冠层FMC定量反演研究。为克服基于物理模型的病态反演问题、FMC自身的弱敏感性问题及西南森林多具复杂的双层冠层结构问题,研究中考虑了模型参数之间的相关特征,使用多波段遥感数据及耦合辐射传输模型等方法。反演结果显示,总体植被冠层FMC反演精度R~2为0.64,RMSE为44.86%,其中草地冠层FMC的反演精度(R~2=0.64,RMSE=47.57%)略低于森林冠层FMC的反演精度(R~2=0.71,RMSE=30.82%)。为进一步论证该反演结果对野火风险评估的有效性,研究中选取并分析了2011年3月2日于云南大理白族自治州剑川县金华镇金和村森林火灾爆发前、爆发时及灾后该区域植被冠层FMC的变化特征。结果显示,火灾爆发时该地区植被冠层FMC明显低于火灾发生前后(约一月时间)植被冠层FMC,证明了本文FMC反演结果对野火风险评估的有效性。  相似文献   
Soils in post‐wildfire environments are often characterized by a low infiltration capacity with a high degree of spatial heterogeneity relative to unburned areas. Debris flows are frequently initiated by run‐off in recently burned steeplands, making it critical to develop and test methods for incorporating spatial variability in infiltration capacity into hydrologic models. We use Monte Carlo simulations of run‐off generation over a soil with a spatially heterogenous saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) to derive an expression for an aerially averaged saturated hydraulic conductivity ( ) that depends on the rainfall rate, the statistical properties of Ks, and the spatial correlation length scale associated with Ks. The proposed method for determining is tested by simulating run‐off on synthetic topography over a wide range of spatial scales. Results provide a simplified expression for an effective saturated hydraulic conductivity that can be used to relate a distribution of small‐scale Ks measurements to infiltration and run‐off generation over larger spatial scales. Finally, we use a hydrologic model based on to simulate run‐off and debris flow initiation at a recently burned catchment in the Santa Ana Mountains, CA, USA, and compare results to those obtained using an infiltration model based on the Soil Conservation Service Curve Number.  相似文献   
Wildfire has been shown to increase erosion by several orders of magnitude, but knowledge regarding short‐term variations in post‐fire sediment transport processes has been lacking. We present a detailed analysis of the immediate post‐fire sediment dynamics in a semi‐arid basin in the southwestern USA based on suspended sediment rating curves. During June and July 2003, the Aspen Fire in the Coronado National Forest of southern Arizona burned an area of 343 km2. Surface water samples were collected in an affected watershed using an event‐based sampling strategy. Sediment rating parameters were determined for individual storm events during the first 18 months after the fire. The highest sediment concentrations were observed immediately after the fire. Through the two subsequent monsoon seasons there was a progressive change in rating parameters related to the preferential removal of fine to coarse sediment. During the corresponding winter seasons, there was a lower supply of sediment from the hillslopes, resulting in a time‐invariant set of sediment rating parameters. A sediment mass‐balance model corroborated the physical interpretations. The temporal variability in the sediment rating parameters demonstrates the importance of storm‐based sampling in areas with intense monsoon activity to characterize post‐fire sediment transport accurately. In particular, recovery of rating parameters depends on the number of high‐intensity rainstorms. These findings can be used to constrain rapid assessment fire‐response models for planning mitigation activities. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Forested boreal peatlands represent a precipitation‐dependent ecosystem that is prone to wildfire disturbance. Solar radiation exchange in forested peatlands is modified by the growth of a heterogeneous, open‐crown tree canopy, as well as by likely disturbance from wildfire. Radiation exchange at the peat surface is important in peatlands, as evaporation from the peat surface is the dominant pathway of water loss in peatlands of continental western North America. We examined shortwave and longwave radiation exchange in two forested ombrotrophic peatlands of central Alberta, Canada: one with (>75 years since wildfire; unburned) and another without a living spruce canopy (1–4 years since wildfire; burned) between the autumn of 2007 and 2010. Above‐canopy winter albedo was nearly two times greater in the recently burned peatland than the unburned peatland. Incoming shortwave radiation at the peat surface was much higher at the burned peatland, which increases the amount of energy available for evaporation. This is especially true for hollow microforms that are generally shaded by the tree canopy in unburned peatlands. Snow‐free albedo was similar between peatlands, although an increase in longwave losses at the burned site resulted in slightly greater net radiation at the unburned site. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The effect of wildfire on peak streamflow and annual water yield has been investigated empirically in numerous studies. The effect of wildfire on baseflow recession rates, in contrast, is not well documented. The objective of this paper was to quantify the effect of wildfire on baseflow recession rates in California for both individual watersheds and for all the study watersheds collectively. Two additional variables, antecedent groundwater storage and potential evapotranspiration, were also investigated for their effect on baseflow recession rates and postfire baseflow recession rate response. Differences between prefire and postfire baseflow recession rates were modeled statistically in 8 watersheds using a mixed statistical model that accounted for fixed and random effects. For the all‐watershed model, antecedent groundwater storage, potential evapotranspiration, and wildfire were each found to be significant controls on baseflow recession rates. Wildfire decreased baseflow recession rates 52.5% (37.6% to 66.0%), implying that postfire reductions in above‐ground vegetation (e.g., decreased interception, decreased evapotranspiration) were a stronger control on baseflow recession rate change than hydrophobicity. At an individual watershed scale, baseflow recession rate response to wildfire was found to be sensitive to intraannual differences in antecedent groundwater storage in 2 watersheds, with the effect of wildfire on baseflow recession rates being greater with lower levels of antecedent groundwater storage. Examination of burn severity for a subset of the study watersheds pointed to riparian zone burn severity as a potential primary control on postfire recession rate change. This study demonstrates that wildfire may have a substantial impact on fluxes to and from groundwater storages, altering the rate at which baseflow recedes.  相似文献   
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