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塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地沙尘暴发生条件分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用塔中气象站1997—2002年的气象资料, 从沙尘源丰富程度、风动力条件和空气稳定度等方面分析了塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地沙尘暴的成因。结果表明:在塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地, 沙尘源极为丰富, 为沙尘暴发生提供了必要条件, 降水基本不能改变沙面的湿润状况, 沙尘源丰富度不是沙尘暴发生的限制因子; 风动力是沙尘暴发生的重要条件, 而月平均风速和大风日数是风动力的重要定量表征指标; 空气稳定性也是沙尘暴发生的重要条件, 温度和天气过程是其重要标志, 沙尘暴发生与温度呈正相关, 沙尘暴多发生在夏季和午后; 降水是沙漠腹地天气过程的重要指标, 月降水日数和降水总量与沙尘暴日数呈正相关; 20世纪90年代以来沙尘暴逐年减少, 这种变化趋势可能与全球气候变化有关。  相似文献   
高边坡稳定性研究现状及发展展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在分析研究国内外有关斜坡(尤其是高边坡)稳定性研究文献的基础上,对当前这一领域的研究现状作了简要评述,提出了今后的研究方向和复杂岩体高边坡稳定性研究的基本思路与方法。  相似文献   

浅海和俯冲海沟等海域,不仅是矿产和油气资源主潜力区,也是构造地震频发区,其浅表热流和深部温度信息对于了解板块俯冲和岩浆活动等过程至关重要.这些区域浅层地温场和热流场受到底水温度波动(BTV)强烈扰动,其背景热流需由长期观测来获取.在全面分析了国内外海底热流长期观测技术特点后,我们提出了系缆式海底热流长期观测方案,2013年起陆续开展了部分核心技术的预研究及一系列海底、湖底及浅孔试验.结果表明:(1)自主研制的长周期低功耗微型测温单元,在2~36℃的环境下可连续观测1年;系缆式投放与回收方案即使在地形陡峭、1.5 kn流速及无动力定位等条件下仍然可行.(2)南海北部BTV总体随水深变浅而增强,在浅水区对浅层地温场扰动不可忽略.例如,在水深2600~3200 m和850~1200 m海域分别为0.025~0.053℃(17天内)、0.182~0.417℃(2天内),而台西南盆地北坡(水深763 m)夏季的海底热流由浅表的0.69 W·m-2转变为0.83 m以深的-0.25~-0.05 W·m-2.(3)兴伊措和湖光岩玛珥湖BTV向深部传导过程中其幅度逐渐减弱、相位滞后,进而导致热流方向与强度随季节发生变化.而康定中谷浅层(7 m内)地温在不同深度处同步波动,且冬高(35~36℃)夏低(28~32℃).推测为夏季大量降雨所致;其热流浅部低(0.504 W·m-2)深部高(0.901 W·m-2),指示着鲜水河断裂带深部热流体上涌.这些预研究工作为后续系缆式海底热流长期观测系统的正式研制与应用奠定了扎实基础.

三峡引水工程秦巴段隧洞总长占线路总长的80%。为了分析隧洞施工及运营中可能发生的工程地质问题,在地质调查、地应力测量和岩石力学参数测试的基础上,利用Ansys有限元软件对引水工程北部不同深度、不同截面形态的隧洞围岩的应力重分布情况进行了模拟计算,得到了圆形隧洞、城门形隧洞和马蹄形隧洞围岩的应力分布结果。利用Hoek-Brown强度准则,得到了隧洞围岩的强度/应力比值,进而对不同深度、不同截面形态的隧洞围岩的稳定性进行了分析。初步认为:隧洞埋深小于1000m时,应优先考虑圆形隧洞和马蹄形隧洞;埋深大于1000m时,应优先考虑城门形隧洞。这项研究成果为引水工程深埋隧洞的设计提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
Hydrodynamical Modeling Of Oceanic Vortices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mesoscale coherent vortices are numerous in the ocean.Though they possess various structures in temperature and salinity,they are all long-lived, fairly intense and mostly circular. Thephysical variable which best describes the rotation and the density anomaly associated with coherent vortices is potential vorticity. It is diagnostically related to velocity and pressure, when the vortex is stationary. Stationary vortices can be monopolar (circular or elliptical) or multipolar; their stability analysis shows thattransitions between the various stationary shapes are possible when they become unstable. But stable vortices can also undergo unsteady evolutions when perturbed by environmental effects, likelarge-scale shear or strain fields, -effect or topography. Changes in vortex shapes can also result from vortex interactions. such as the pairing, merger or vertical alignment of two vortices, which depend on their relative polarities and depths. Such interactions transfer energy and enstrophy between scales, and are essential in two-dimensional and in geostrophic turbulence. Finally, in relation with the observations, we describe a few mechanisms of vortex generation.  相似文献   
针对山西省境内长期承受非对称交通荷载的公路拓宽路堤,采用FLAC~(3D)建立数值模型,土工格栅采用FLAC~(3D)内置土工格栅单元(geogrid)模拟,其余部分均采用实体单元,屈服准则采用Mohr-Coulomb准则。将交通荷载简化为半正弦波荷载,分析非对称交通荷载作用下不加筋和加筋两种工况下拓宽路堤的变形特性及稳定性,进而改变拓宽路堤部分填土参数、交通荷载幅值、频率和行车间隔等参数,分析其对加筋工况下拓宽路堤变形的影响。结果表明:非对称交通荷载作用下,设置土工格栅加筋对新、旧路堤变形的约束作用有限,但能提高路堤的整体稳定性;增大拓宽路堤填土的压缩模量和黏聚力,可减小新、旧路堤沉降差;增大交通荷载一侧幅值会引起新、旧路堤过大差异沉降;增大交通荷载频率和时间间隔,路堤沉降均逐渐减小,但沉降差保持不变。上述结论对受非对称交通荷载拓宽路堤的施工提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   
A numerical method has been developed for the dynamic analysis of a tall building structure with viscous dampers. Viscous dampers are installed between the top of an inverted V‐shaped brace and the upper beam on each storey to reduce vibrations during strong disturbances like earthquakes. Analytically, it is modelled as a multi‐degree‐of freedom (MDOF) system with the Maxwell models. First, the computational method is formulated in the time domain by introducing a finite element of the Maxwell model into the equation of motion in the discrete‐time system, which is based on the direct numerical integration. Next, analyses for numerical stability and accuracy of the proposed method are discussed. The results show its numerical stability. Finally, the proposed method is applied to the numerical analysis of a realistic building structure to demonstrate its practical validity.  相似文献   
近44 a中国冬夏气温变率及其对区域变暖性的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
利用近44a中国85个测站冬夏季逐日平均、最高和最低气温序列,研究冬夏季温度季节变率及其时空演变特征,探讨其对区域变暖稳定性的影响。结果表明:冬季,除高原、西南、东北以外的中国大部分地区,温度的季节变率存在显著下降趋势,是近期变暖的稳定区,其中变暖最为稳定、显著的区域是西北、华北地区,东北北部虽变暖幅度很大,但稳定性最差;夏季,长江中下游及其江南地区温度变率存在显著上升趋势,20世纪70年代后年际变幅明显增大,表明该地区80年代降温的稳定性差。  相似文献   
The growing availability of digital topographic data and the increased reliability of precipitation forecasts invite modelling efforts to predict the timing and location of shallow landslides in hilly and mountainous areas in order to reduce risk to an ever‐expanding human population. Here, we exploit a rare data set to develop and test such a model. In a 1·7 km2 catchment a near‐annual aerial photographic coverage records just three single storm events over a 45 year period that produced multiple landslides. Such data enable us to test model performance by running the entire rainfall time series and determine whether just those three storms are correctly detected. To do this, we link a dynamic and spatially distributed shallow subsurface runoff model (similar to TOPMODEL) to an in?nite slope model to predict the spatial distribution of shallow landsliding. The spatial distribution of soil depth, a strong control on local landsliding, is predicted from a process‐based model. Because of its common availability, daily rainfall data were used to drive the model. Topographic data were derived from digitized 1 : 24 000 US Geological Survey contour maps. Analysis of the landslides shows that 97 occurred in 1955, 37 in 1982 and ?ve in 1998, although the heaviest rainfall was in 1982. Furthermore, intensity–duration analysis of available daily and hourly rainfall from the closest raingauges does not discriminate those three storms from others that did not generate failures. We explore the question of whether a mechanistic modelling approach is better able to identify landslide‐producing storms. Landslide and soil production parameters were ?xed from studies elsewhere. Four hydrologic parameters characterizing the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil and underlying bedrock and its decline with depth were ?rst calibrated on the 1955 landslide record. Success was characterized as the most number of actual landslides predicted with the least amount of total area predicted to be unstable. Because landslide area was consistently overpredicted, a threshold catchment area of predicted slope instability was used to de?ne whether a rainstorm was a signi?cant landslide producer. Many combinations of the four hydrological parameters performed equally well for the 1955 event, but only one combination successfully identi?ed the 1982 storm as the only landslide‐producing storm during the period 1980–86. Application of this parameter combination to the entire 45 year record successfully identi?ed the three events, but also predicted that two other landslide‐producing events should have occurred. This performance is signi?cantly better than the empirical intensity–duration threshold approach, but requires considerable calibration effort. Overprediction of instability, both for storms that produced landslides and for non‐producing storms, appears to arise from at least four causes: (1) coarse rainfall data time scale and inability to document short rainfall bursts and predict pressure wave response; (2) absence of local rainfall data; (3) legacy effect of previous landslides; and (4) inaccurate topographic and soil property data. Greater resolution of spatial and rainfall data, as well as topographic data, coupled with systematic documentation of landslides to create time series to test models, should lead to signi?cant improvements in shallow landslides forecasting. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文以某电厂铁路沿线边坡为研究对象,采用有限元法结合极限平衡法分析了边坡稳定性。通过有限元分析,给出了边坡岩体应力及应变分布,分析表明,边坡岩体加荷后未发现大剪应变的贯通区。刚体极限平衡法评价了沿节理滑动的边坡稳定性,三个剖面边坡稳定性系数均大于1.4。安全系数均符合相关规范要求,计算结果为边坡加固设计提供了重要依据。  相似文献   
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