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Distribution and characteristics of volcanic reservoirs in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
About forty productive oil/gas fields hosted in volcanic reservoirs have been found since 1957 in fourteen basins of China. They can be simply subdivided into two groups, the east and the west. Reservoir volcanic rocks of the east group are predominantly composed of Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous rhyolite and Tertiary basalt, preferred being considered as rift type volcanics developed in the circum-Pacific tectonic regime. Those of the west are Permo-Carboniferous intermediate/basic volcanic rocks, being island-arc type ones developed in paleo-Asian Ocean tectonic regime.  相似文献   
广西大厂拉么锌铜多金属矿床成岩成矿作用年代学研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
李华芹  王登红  梅玉萍  梁婷  陈振宇  郭春丽  应立娟 《地质学报》2008,82(7):912-2008-01-30
本文对广西大厂矿田拉么矿区内出露的酸性侵入岩和矿石进行了精细的年代学研究,分别获得龙箱盖含斑黑云母花岗岩锆石原位SHRIMP UPb和全岩RbSr等时线年龄为94±4Ma(95%可信度)和98.6±1.9Ma(95%可信度),矽卡岩成矿期锌铜矿石中石英矿物RbSr等时线年龄为98.6±6Ma(95%可信度)。上述测定结果表明,拉么锌铜多金属矿床的成矿年龄与相关岩体的成岩年龄接近,均形成于早白垩世晚期。  相似文献   
A study of faults and their control of deep gas accumulations has been made on the basis of dividing fault systems in the Xujiaweizi area. The study indicates two sets of fault systems are developed vertically in the Xujiaweizi area, including a lower fault system and an upper fault system. Formed in the period of the Huoshiling Formation to Yingcheng Formation, the lower fault system consists of five fault systems including Xuxi strike-slip extensional fault system, NE-trending extensional fault system, near-EW-trending regulating fault system, Xuzhong strike-slip fault system and Xudong strike-slip fault system. Formed in the period of Qingshankou Formation to Yaojia Formation, the upper fault system was affected mainly by the boundary conditions of the lower fault system, and thus plenty of multi-directionally distributed dense fault zones were formed in the T2 reflection horizon. The Xuxi fault controlled the formation and distribution of Shahezi coal-measure source rocks, and Xuzhong and Xudong faults controlled the formation and distribution of volcanic reservoirs of Y1 Member and Y3 Member, respectively. In the forming period of the upper fault system, the Xuzhong fault was of successive strong activities and directly connected gas source rock reservoirs and volcanic reservoirs, so it is a strongly-charged direct gas source fault. The volcanic reservoir development zones of good physical properties that may be found near the Xuzhong fault are the favorable target zones for the next exploration of deep gas accumulations in Xujiaweizi area.  相似文献   
煤岩显微组分热解气相色谱特征与化学结构剖析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
煤结构是目前地球化学研究领域中的一个难点,但却具有极其重要的理论及实际意义,本文采用分步热解气相色谱技术将树皮体,镜质体和丝质体分解为分子量较小的可测定的有机化合物,在此基础上,据不同温度下热解产物的组成特征来还原显微组分的化学结构,实验结果表明,煤显微组分主要由四大类官能团组成,一是热稳定性较低的NOS杂原子官能团;二是脂族(脂链、脂环)结构;三是苯、烷基苯(甲苯、二甲苯)、萘等芳香族化合物,四是热稳定性很高的难以分解的稠环芳烃。上述四类化合物集中于显微组分的不同结构简单中,树皮体和镜质体结构单元外侧主要由热稳定性较低的杂原子化合物以及分子量较小的苯和烷基苯组成,而丝质体结构单元外侧则主要以短链脂族结构为主,三组分结构核部由热稳定性很高的难以分解的稠环芳烃组成。连结核部稠环芳烃与结构单元外侧杂原子等官能团的主要是热稳定性较高的脂链结构,煤显微组分热成烃主要按结构中各官能团键的强弱随热演化程度的加深依次脱除,生成油气,基本上属平行独立依次反应机制,亦“官能团脱除型”,此外,还包括少量的长链脂族结构裂解为短链脂肪烃的“解聚”过程。  相似文献   
模式识别技术在油气化探中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文将模式识别技术应用于油气化探,给出了方法的逻辑框图,剖析了一个典型实例,其结果说明运用模式识别方法获得地球化学场的基本结构及其变异特征,反映了地球化学场的变化规律。结合地质条件提炼出的成藏模式能为预测油气藏指明方向。  相似文献   
海底天然气渗漏系统演化特征及对形成水合物的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过天然气沉淀水合物的动力学模拟计算,研究了墨西哥湾GC185区BushHill海底天然气渗漏系统的演化特征及对水合物沉淀的影响。渗漏早期,天然气渗漏速度大(q>18.4kg/m2-a),海底沉积以泥火山为主,渗漏天然气具有与气源天然气几乎一致的组成,形成的水合物具有最重的天然气成分。渗漏晚期,天然气渗漏速度很慢(q<0.55kg/m2-a),在海底附近没有水合物沉淀,主要以冷泉碳酸盐岩发育为主,水合物产于海底之下一定深度的沉积层中。介于二者间的渗漏中期(q:0.55~18.4kg/m2-a),海底发育水合物、自养生物群为特征,渗漏速度控制了水合物和渗漏天然气的组成及沉淀水合物的天然气比例。BushHill渗漏系统近10年的深潜重复采样显示,渗漏天然气和水合物天然气的化学组成在时空上是多变的,相对应的渗漏速度在时间上的变化约为3倍,在空间上的变化近2个数量级。  相似文献   
曾志方 《黄金地质》2001,7(4):56-59
湖南青京寨和三德堂分别为破碎带蚀变岩型,残积红土型金矿床。地表存在较厚的残(坡)积覆盖层,应用壤中气汞量测量法寻找隐伏含Au构造蚀变带及金矿体。区内气汞异常带及其峰值与隐伏含Au构造蚀变带及金矿体具有较好的对应性,利用这种对应性并结合区内地质,地球化学特征,施工适当的工程进行验证。在青京寨对6条气汞异常带进行工程揭露验证,各带均发现含Au蚀变带。三德常矿区圈定的金异异常与气汞异常基本一致。壤中气汞量测量法不仅适有于寻找中代温热液型金矿床,而且也适于寻找刚化残积型金矿床。  相似文献   
较为详细地介绍了大洋钻探计划(ODP)的科学目标,研究主题及其重要的科学意义,大洋钻探计划是当今举世瞩目的国际性海洋科学研究计划,其前身深海钻探计划(DSDP)孕育了20世纪70年代的地学革命,为“新全球构造理论”--板块构造学说的发展提供了关键性的证据。自1985年开始的ODP成功地探查了地质历史演化中塑造我们这颗星球并决定了其现今环境状态的各种地质过程,揭示了控制地壳形成,海洋化学,海洋的深部和表面循环的各种地质以及生物圈和环境物理化学间相互作用的复杂性,DSDP和ODP的成功为实施新世纪海洋钻探-综合海洋钻探项目(IODP)的目标铺平了道路,IODP是在21世纪初即将实施的新的大洋钻探计划。  相似文献   
Data from two free soil gas sampling programs are evaluated for the effects of barometric pumping over time on measured soil gas volumes. One program collected data from the trapped atmosphere immediately above two hazardous waste landfill areas. Of these areas, one had extremely high soil gas emanations, whereas the other had a more modest soil gas release. The second experimental program involved the collection of free soil gas samples on a rough grid with an approximate spacing of 1.6 km over a 720-sq-km area. This reconnaissance effort was designed to establish regional soil gas background values and to establish the utility of this method as a geological mapping tool in the Atlantic Coastal Plain. Methane, ethane, propane, and hydrogen data are used for this study. The data suggest that there is a predictable change in soil gas volume with a given change in barometric pressure. The rate of change is greater with large soil gas volumes in permeable soils versus lower soil gas volumes in impermeable soils; however, a simple linear relationship seems to generate a predictable curve with a margin of error of approximately 50%. Furthermore, the results of this study indicate that barometric pumping effects should be strongly considered during soil gas screening efforts at hazardous waste sites as well as in regional studies for hydrocarbon source potential mapping.  相似文献   
中国南方含油气区构造-沉积类型及其勘探潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南方含油气的复杂构造区根据构造—沉积类型的不同,可将其分为四种类型。通过对不同类型典型含油气区的生烃量及非构造运动天然气散失量的化学动力学计算,认为这四种类型含油气区的油气聚集潜力从好到坏依次为:喜马拉雅运动抬升暴露型、燕山运动抬升暴露型、反复抬升—沉降型和海西—印支运动抬升暴露—后期浅埋型。主要构造运动发生越晚,对油气保存越有利。  相似文献   
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