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依托中分辨率成像光谱仪完整的数据序列和丰富的光谱信息,遥感特征指数在湿地生态系统发展变化的状态、趋向和规律研究方面发挥着不可替代的优势.传统类间距离判别的遥感特征指数选取中常存在过分依赖数据统计特征、入选指数与目标地类间生态学意义不明确、分类模型普适性差等局限性.基于此,本研究以河北省白洋淀湿地自然保护区为例,提出类可...  相似文献   
Wetlands in China: Feature, value and protection   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The estimated total area of wetland in China is more than 25.9 million hectares including about 11.9 million hectares of marshes and bogs, 9.1 million hectares of lake and about 2.2 million hectares of coastal salt marshes and mudflats. The area of wetland is equivalent to 2.7% of the land surface. China also has 2.7 million hectares of shallow sea water (less 5m in depth at low tide). Marshes and bogs are equivalent 1.3% of the land surface. Only three provinces (regions)—Qinghai, Xizang (Tibet) and Heilongjiang — have a larger total area of marsh and bog. According to the structure, type and development of wetland in different river basins, wetland can be classified nine main regions. The experiments indicate that the coefficient of the marsh to regulate flood is similar to that of lakes. Wetlands occupy 17.8% of the Sanjiang Plain area, the annual carbon contribution is 0.78 × 104t. Carbon released from marsh soil return into atmosphere is 3.95 × 106t/a. At present there is a sharp contradiction between population growth and natural resources shortage, causing wetland to be exerted with huge pressures and serious threats. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the Key B Item of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZ951-B1-201-02). Biography: LU Xian-guo (1957 —), male, a native of Changchun City, Jilin Provice, professor. His research interests include wetland process and environmental effect.  相似文献   
1 THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS The Sanjiang Plain is located in the northeast of Heilongjiang Province, China. Russia borders this region in the north and east. Its total area is 1.088×107ha. The area of plain occupies 61.21%of the total land area and that of hill and mountain amounts to 38.79%of the total land area. It is not only one of the most important regions with large area of fresh water wetlands and with varieties of rare migratory waterfowls, but a…  相似文献   
Wetlands in the Jianghan Plain are important components of wetland types in lake area in the middle and lower reaches the Changjiang (Yangtze) River and they fulfill many uses and functions related to hydrology,waste assimilation, ecosystem productivity and biodiversity. Owing to natural factors and human activities, especially excessive reclamation from lakes, the shrinking process of the lakes has been accelerated. Wetland ecosystem has shown the characteristics of vulnerability. According to the analysis of wetland ecological function in the Jianghan Plain, this paper presented an index system related to productivity, stability and environmental capacity. By using the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process, we computed the values of the relative weights of the indexes, and evaluated the vulnerability level of the wetland ecosystem by the method of multi-indexes. The case study showed that the fragile extent of wetland ecosystem in the Jianghan Plain is 5.6. This means that the wetland ecosystem in the Jiang-han Plain is laid to the state of middle vulnerability. Therefore, the wetland conservation and eco-rehabilitation in the JiangJaan Plain should be paid attention to.  相似文献   
1SPLENDOROFHISTORICALCULTURE InChina,theChangjiang(Yangtze)RiverDelta①gen-erallymeansanadvancedproductivityandculture,whichaffectsdeeplynotonlythewholeChinabutal-sotheAsian-Pacificregion,evenEuropeandAfrica. 1.1CradlefortheCommunicationandPropagationofCivilization ThedevelopmentcourseoftheChangjiangRiverDelta'scultureisdevious,buttheNeolithicHemuduCultureexcavatedinYuyaoCityofZhejiangProvinceindicatestheadvancedpaddyriceculture;MajiabangCulture5000aB.P.andEastBridgeRuin…  相似文献   
滨海湿地不同密度柽柳林土壤调蓄水功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为探求黄河三角洲湿地土壤调蓄水功能的合理柽柳林密度,采用测量土壤入渗过程和水分物理参数相结合的方法,对不同密度柽柳林的土壤蓄水功能和水分调节能力进行研究。结果表明:①柽柳林随密度的增大具有显著提高细砂粒和降低粉黏粒含量的作用;中密度林分降盐抑碱效应明显,各密度林分表层盐碱含量低于20~40 cm土层;②土壤容重随林分密度增大表现为先减小后增大,孔隙度状况则与之相反,中密度、高密度、草地总孔隙度均值分别比低密度林分高12.9%、6.2%、4.4%;对表层的改良效果好于20~40 cm土层;③Horton模型可较好地模拟柽柳林的土壤入渗过程,中密度林分渗透性能最好,高密度次之,低密度最差;④饱和蓄水量、吸持蓄水量、滞留蓄水量及涵蓄降水量均表现为中密度>高密度>草地>低密度,表土层的水分调蓄功能好于下层;中密度、高密度、草地涵蓄降水量分别比低密度林分高28.4%、23.8%、14.1%。中密度柽柳林具有巨大的水分调蓄空间,其次为高密度,而低密度林分较差。  相似文献   
本文运用面向对象分类与DEM数据相结合的方法,对资源卫星一号02C卫星遥感影像进行湿地提取。探索了基于对象与DEM信息的提取技术,在02C影像湿地的提取应用,对研究我国国产卫星在湿地监测和保护方面有重要的意义。研究结果表明:(1)面向对象的遥感影像信息提取方法,可同时兼顾影像光谱信息及空间信息,适用于02C影像的湿地提取,精度得到明显提高;(2)基于对象与DEM信息的提取方法,使沼泽地与草地相混淆的现象明显减轻,湿地分类精度进一步提高,该方法适用于高分辨率遥感影像的湿地提取研究;(3)基于对象与DEM信息提取的水田、水体、沼泽地及河滩的精度,分别为88.46%、97.44%、86.96%和83.33%,满足资源卫星一号02C遥感影像对湿地进行监测和保护的需要。  相似文献   
敦煌西湖自然保护区湿地演化及驱动力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西湖国家级自然保护区位于河西走廊西端,是敦煌盆地人工绿洲的天然屏障。近几十年来,由于气候变化和人类水土资源过度开发,保护区生态环境持续恶化,湿地退化和沙漠化趋势日趋严重。本文运用多时相资源卫星遥感影像,解译分析了保护区湿地演化规律。结果表明:1980-2013年间有23个年份湿地处于快速退化状态,保护区湿地面积由1.72×104 hm2减少到0.99×104 hm2,减少了42.4%;保护区湿地的斑块数从32个增加到51个,平均斑块面积由537 hm2减少为213 hm2,湿地演化呈破碎化趋势。湿地分布质心向西南方向移动了11.59 km,湿地呈整体向西南缓慢移动的趋势。运用因子分析法对湿地演化的驱动因子进行了分类,并利用投影寻踪模型分析各驱动因子对湿地演化的贡献率,结果表明:下游湿地退化的根本原因是大规模引地表水和开采地下水灌溉,其次是气候变化引起的冰川退缩、径流量衰减。20世纪90年代,西湖保护区湿地处于相对稳定状态,建议敦煌地区耕地维持在20世纪90年代初的2.7×104 hm2水平,或通过节水、调整作物结构和跨流域调水等措施,压缩引地表水和开采地下水水量,灌溉用水需控制在20世纪90年代初的用水水平。该研究成果可为自然保护区湿地保护和流域综合开发提供依据。  相似文献   
Litter decomposition is the key process in nutrient recycling and energy flow. The present study examined the impacts of soil fauna on decomposition rates and nutrient fluxes at three succession stages of wetland in the Sanjiang Plain, China using different mesh litterbags. The results show that in each succession stage of wetland, soil fauna can obviously increase litter decomposition rates. The average contribution of whole soil fauna to litter mass loss was 35.35%. The more complex the soil fauna group, the more significant the role of soil fauna. The average loss of three types of litter in the 4mm mesh litterbags was 0.3–4.1 times that in 0.058mm ones. The decomposition function of soil fauna to litter mass changed with the wetland succession. The average contribution of soil fauna to litter loss firstly decreased from 34.96% (Carex lasiocapa) to 32.94% (Carex meyeriana), then increased to 38.16% (Calamagrostics angustifolia). The contributions of soil fauna to litter decomposition rates vary according to the litter substrata, soil fauna communities and seasons. Significant effects were respectively found in August and July on C. angustifolia and C. lasiocapa, while in June and August on C. meyeriana. Total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) contents and the C/N and C/P ratios of decaying litter can be influenced by soil fauna. At different wetland succession stages, the effects of soil fauna on nutrient elements also differ greatly, which shows the significant difference of influencing element types and degrees. Soil fauna communities strongly influenced the TC and TP concentrations of C. meyeriana litter, and TP content of C. lasiocapa. Our results indicate that soil fauna have important effects on litter decomposition and this influence will vary with the wetland succession and seasonal variation. Foundation item: Under the auspices of State Key Development Program for Basic Research of China (No. 2009CB421103), Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40830535/D0101), Knowledge Innovation Programs of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX2-YW-BR-16, KSCX2-YW-N-46-06)  相似文献   
Runoff change and trend of the Naoli River Basin were studied through the time series analysis using the data from the hydrological and meteorological stations. Time series of hydrological data were from 1957 to 2009 for Bao′an station, from 1955 to 2009 for Baoqing station, from 1956 to 2009 for Caizuizi station and from 1978 to 2009 for Hongqiling station. The influences of climate change and human activities on runoff change were investigated, and the causes of hydrological regime change were revealed. The seasonal runoff distribution of the Naoli River was extremely uneven, and the annual change was great. Overall, the annual runoff showed a significant decreasing trend. The annual runoff of Bao′an, Baoqing, and Caizuizi stations in 2009 decreased by 64.1%, 76.3%, and 84.3%, respectively, compared with their beginning data recorded. The wet and dry years of the Naoli River have changed in the study period. The frequency of wet year occurrence decreased and lasted longer, whereas that of dry year occurrence increased. The frequency of dry year occurrence increased from 25.0%-27.8% to 83.9%-87.5%. The years before the 1970s were mostly wet, whereas those after the 1970s were mostly dry. Precipitation reduction and land use changes contributed to the decrease in annual runoff. Rising temperature and water project construction have also contributed important effects on the runoff change of the Naoli River.  相似文献   
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