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Surface water oxygen and hydrogen isotopic values are commonly used as proxies of precipitation isotopic values to track modern hydrologic processes while proxies of water isotopic values preserved in lake and river sediments are used for paleoclimate and paleoaltimetry studies. Previous work has been able to explain variability in USA river‐water and meteoric‐precipitation oxygen isotope variability with geographic variables. These studies show that in the western United States, river‐water isotopic values are depleted relative to precipitation values. In comparison, the controls on lake‐water isotopic values are not well constrained. It has been documented that western United States lake‐water input values, unlike river water, reflect the monthly weighted mean isotopic value of precipitation. To understand the differing controls on lake‐ and river‐water isotopic values in the western United States, we examine the seasonal distribution of precipitation, evaporation and snowmelt across a range of seasonality regimes. We generate new predictive equations based on easily measured factors for western United States lake‐water, which are able to explain 69–63% of the variability in lake‐water hydrogen and oxygen isotopic values. In addition to the geographic factors that can explain river and precipitation values, lake‐water isotopic values need factors related to local hydrologic and climatic characteristics to explain variability. Study results suggest that the spring snowmelt runs off the landscape via rivers and streams, depleting river and stream‐water isotopic values. By contrast, lakes receive seasonal contributions of precipitation in proportion to the seasonal fraction of total annual precipitation within their watershed. Climate change may alter the ratio of snow to rain fall, affecting water resource partitioning between rivers and lakes and by implication of groundwater. Paleolimnological studies must account for the multiple drivers of water isotopic values; likewise, studies based on the isotopic composition of fossil material need to distinguish between species that are associated with rivers versus lakes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Bora Uzel 《Geodinamica Acta》2016,28(4):311-327
Linking of normal faults forms at all scales as a relay ramp during growth stages and represents the most efficient way for faults to lengthen during their progressive formation. Here, I study the linking of normal faulting along the active K?rka?aç Fault Zone within the west Anatolian extensional system to reconstruct fault interaction in time and space using both field- and computer-based data. I find that (i) connecting of the relay zone/ramp occurred with two breaching faults of different generations and that (ii) the propagation was facilitated by the presence of pre-existing structures, inherited from the ?zmir-Bal?kesir transfer zone. Hence, the linkage cannot be compared directly to a simple fault growth model. Therefore, I propose a combined scenario of both hangingwall and footwall fault propagation mechanisms that explain the present-day geometry of the composite fault line. The computer-based analyses show that the approximate slip rate is 0.38 mm/year during the Quaternary, and a NE–SW-directed extension is mainly responsible for the recent faulting along the K?rka?aç Fault Zone. The proposed structural scenario also highlights the active fault termination and should be considered in future seismic hazard assessments for the region that includes densely populated settlements.  相似文献   
龙门山前陆盆地位于青藏高原东缘,夹于龙门山推覆造山带与龙泉山褶断带之间。自4.6 Ma以来,逆冲推覆构造运动使龙门山造山带强烈隆升,古河流的侵蚀、搬运和堆积作用使盆地沉积了1套巨厚的半固结—松散堆积物。通过对沉积特征和沉积结构的综合研究,认为龙门山前陆盆地是由自东向西的深部多级俯冲潜滑而引起的浅部由西向东的多层次推覆作用形成的,其晚新生代逆冲推覆构造所产生的构造负载是龙门山前陆盆地的成盆动力。岩浆物质的循环过程表明成都盆地在形成过程中遵循物质循环与能量守恒定律。龙门山前陆盆地地质构造的沉积响应表现为:沉积基底整体上向西倾斜,盆地剖面明显不对称;沉积地层与下伏地层均为不整合接触;盆内发育了一系列相间排列的次级凹陷和凸起,并呈雁斜式展布;砾质粗碎屑楔状体的周期性发育。从盆地动力学的角度初步分析了龙门山前陆盆地盆-山耦合关系,龙门山冲断带及其前陆盆地的研究对于大地构造位置、成矿作用以及油气聚集地的勘探等具有重要意义。  相似文献   
The Esino Limestone of the western Southern Alps represents a differentiated Ladinian-Lower Carnian (?) carbonate platform comprised of margin, slope and peritidal inner platform facies up to 1000 m thick. A major regional subaerial exposure event lead to coverage by another peritidal Lower Carnian carbonate platform (Breno Formation). Multiphase dolomitization affected the carbonate sediments. Petrographic examinations identified at least three main generations of dolomites (D1, D2, and D3) that occur as both replacement and fracture-filling cements. These phases have crystal-size ranges of 3–35 μm (dolomicrite D1), 40–600 μm (eu-to subhedral crystals D2), and 200 μm to 5 mm (cavity- and fracture-filling anhedral to subhedral saddle dolomite D3), respectively.The fabric retentive near-micritic grain size coupled with low mean Sr concentration (76 ± 37 ppm) and estimated δ18O of the parent dolomitizing fluids of D1 suggest formation in shallow burial setting at temperature ∼ 45–50 °C with possible contributions from volcanic-related fluids (basinal fluids circulated in volcaniclastics or related to volcanic activity), which is consistent with its abnormally high Fe (4438 ± 4393 ppm) and Mn (1219 ± 1418 ppm) contents. The larger crystal sizes, homogenization temperatures (D2, 108 ± 9 °C; D3, 111 ± 14 °C) of primary two-phase fluid inclusions, and calculated salinity estimates (D2, 23 ± 2 eq wt% NaCl; D3, 20 ± 4 eq wt% NaCl) of D2 and D3 suggest that they formed at later stages under mid-to deeper burial settings at higher temperatures from dolomitizing fluids of higher salinity, which is supported by higher estimated δ18O values of their parent dolomitizing fluids. This is also consistent with their high Fe (4462 ± 4888 ppm; and 1091 ± 1183 ppm, respectively) and Mn (556 ± 289 ppm and 1091 ± 1183 ppm) contents, and low Sr concentrations (53 ± 31 ppm and 57 ± 24 ppm, respectively).The similarity in shale-normalized (SN) REE patterns and Ce (Ce/Ce*)SN and La (Pr/Pr*)SN anomalies of the investigated carbonates support the genetic relationship between the dolomite generations and their calcite precursor. Positive Eu anomalies, coupled with fluid-inclusion gas ratios (N2/Ar, CO2/CH4, Ar/He), high F concentration, high F/Cl and high Cl/Br molar ratios suggest an origin from diagenetic fluids circulated through volcanic rocks, which is consistent with the co-occurrence of volcaniclastic lenses in the investigated sequence.  相似文献   
陈曹军 《地质与勘探》2021,57(4):751-761
滇西盈江地区是近年来离子吸附型稀土矿床找矿突破较大的地区,典型代表为腾冲岩浆弧内新发现的新泡山稀土矿床,为一中型离子吸附型稀土矿床,是滇西高海拔地区新发现的典型矿床。新泡山稀土矿床的发现对今后高海拔地区的找矿工作具有重要的示范意义。通过对新泡山稀土矿床的地质特征、风化壳结构特征、矿体垂向变化特征进行研究,认为新泡山稀土矿床类型为富钕轻稀土离子吸附型稀土矿床,并伴生有重稀土钇。滇西盈江地区与花岗岩有关的离子吸附型稀土矿主要受控于母岩稀土元素丰度、气候以及地形地貌。"沟-谷-盆"地貌两侧及周缘低缓山丘和平缓山坡、山脊是有利的成矿部位。结合区域找矿成果,认为研究区稀土矿找矿潜力较大,可达超大型远景规模,在后续的找矿工作中应加强对重稀土元素钇的评价。  相似文献   
This study evaluates the performance of the regional climate model RegCM4 in simulating tropical cyclone (TC) activities over the Western North Pacific (WNP) and their landfalling in China. The model is driven by ERA-Interim boundary conditions at a grid spacing of 25 km, with the simulation period as 1991–2010. Results show that RegCM4 performs well in capturing the main structural features of observed TCs, and in simulating the genesis number and annual cycle of the genesis. The model reproduces the general pattern of the observed TC tracks and occurrence frequency. However, significant underestimation of the occurrence frequency as well as the TC intensity is found. Number of the landfalling TCs over China is also much less than the observed. Bias of the model in reproducing the large-scale circulation pattern and steering flow may contribute to the underestimated landfalling TC numbers.  相似文献   
南海西部断裂系研究及其物理模拟实验证据   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
南海西部断裂系是由四条典型的走滑断裂所组成的断裂系统,是南海扩张的西部边界.此断裂系主要是在白垩纪以来的印-藏碰撞、新生代印支挤出和南海扩张的共同作用下形成的.通过模拟实验,探讨此断裂系的成因、演化过程,认识到此断裂系经历了五期构造运动.  相似文献   
使用1.5层准地转约化重力模式研究了周期性的或伴有贯穿流的西边界流跨隙流动的迟滞变异过程。当西边界流变化的周期比罗斯贝波在缺口处调整的时间尺度大得多时,在雷诺数增加和减少过程的霍夫分叉点都发生延迟,从而产生新的雷诺数迟滞区间;并且西边界流流态转变的临界值变化显著;且周期强迫越短,雷诺数迟滞区间越大。当西边界流变化的周期与罗斯贝波在缺口处调整的时间尺度相当时,西边界流在缺口的流态呈无迟滞的周期性变化,且西边界流入侵西海盆的程度随周期减少而变小。此外,当贯穿流的流量大于西边界流的一半时,会显著影响西边界流在缺口处的迟滞变异过程;西边界流向西入侵程度和流态转变发生的临界雷诺值均发生变化,且贯穿流流量越大变化越大。  相似文献   
张英利  贾晓彤 《地质学报》2024,98(2):363-380
扬子陆块西缘寒武系主要为一套碎屑岩- 碳酸盐岩的岩石组合,前人研究多认为形成于相对稳定的克拉通盆地。但同时期出现的大陆岩浆作用显然与前期认定的克拉通盆地性质不符,需要借助扬子西缘的物质来源探讨构造背景。基于野外露头等资料,本文通过对扬子陆块西缘会泽和会东附近寒武系3件砂岩样品进行重矿物分析、电气石电子探针和碎屑锆石U- Pb测年分析,确定扬子西缘寒武纪沉积物的源区;并结合沉积序列等综合探讨扬子陆块西缘寒武纪的构造背景。沉积序列表明,扬子西缘寒武系沧浪铺组、西王庙组和二道水组主要由砂岩和白云岩等组成,沉积环境为滨岸—潮坪。细—粗砂岩碎屑颗粒为次棱角状—次圆状,分选较差;碎屑组分主要为石英,岩屑几乎全部为燧石,长石含量较少。测试分析结果表明:重矿物分析指示扬子西缘寒武系砂岩重矿物主要由锆石、赤—褐铁矿、电气石、钛铁矿、金红石、磷灰石等组成,重矿物组合指示岩浆岩为其主要母岩;电气石电子探针分析结果表明,物源主要来自于贫锂花岗岩和变砂岩、变泥岩;碎屑锆石测年分析表明物源区母岩主要为983~540 Ma岩浆岩。碎屑锆石年龄对比等综合分析表明,寒武系沉积物部分源自康滇古陆983~708 Ma的岩浆岩和变沉积岩,部分源自冈瓦纳大陆东非造山带663~540 Ma的岩石,物源区岩石经历再旋回产物作用。扬子西缘寒武系的沉积序列、碎屑锆石年龄谱图和碎屑组成等特征综合分析表明,扬子陆块西缘寒武系形成于前陆盆地。  相似文献   
The Jianchang Basin is one of the main localities of the precious fossils of Jehol Biota in western Liaoning. The fossil-bearing horizons are mainly in the Yixian- and J iufotang formations. In the Weijialing-Yaolugou of southwest Jianchang Basin, many precious fossils have been found at Luojiagou Bed of the 2nd Member of the Yixian Formation and at Xidian Bed of the 1st member of the Jiufotang Formation. The geologic setting, sedimentary environment and paleogeography of the precious fossil-bearing beds were also studied.  相似文献   
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