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Water levels in cryoconite holes were monitored at high resolution over a 3‐week period on Austre Brøggerbreen (Svalbard). These data were combined with melt and energy balance modelling, providing insights into the evolution of the glacier's near‐surface hydrology and confirming that the hydrology of the near‐surface, porous ice known as the ‘weathering crust’ is dynamic and analogous to a shallow‐perched aquifer. A positive correlation between radiative forcing of melt and drainage efficiency was found within the weathering crust. This likely resulted from diurnal contraction and dilation of interstitial pore spaces driven by variations in radiative and turbulent fluxes in the surface energy balance, occasionally causing ‘sudden drainage events’. A linear decrease in water levels in cryoconite holes was also observed and attributed to cumulative increases in near‐surface ice porosity over the measurement period. The transport of particulate matter and microbes between cryoconite holes through the porous weathering crust is shown to be dependent upon weathering crust hydraulics and particle size. Cryoconite holes therefore yield an indication of the hydrological dynamics of the weathering crust and provide long‐term storage loci for cryoconite at the glacier surface. This study highlights the importance of the weathering crust as a crucial component of the hydrology, ecology and biogeochemistry of the glacier ecosystem and glacierized regions and demonstrates the utility of cryoconite holes as natural piezometers on glacier surfaces. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
条斑紫菜(Pyropia yezoensis)贝壳丝状体黄斑病给育苗产业造成危害,但目前对健康状态下的菌群结构及其发病后变化仍缺乏认识。本研究基于第二代测序技术和16S r RNA序列分析,对健康和患病丝状体的细菌组成与变化进行比较。测序共产生1.6Gb配对末端序列,获得了第一个高通量的条斑紫菜贝壳丝状体细菌群落数据集。通过数据分析共识别出7,833种可操作分类单元(operational taxonomic units,OTUs),比对确定为18个细菌门。相对于健康样本,黄斑病丝状体样本的微生物多样性显著增加。主坐标分析和非加权组平均法(unweighted pair group method using arithmetic average,UPGMA)聚类均将健康和黄斑病丝状体分成不同的组,且健康组样本间的距离明显小于黄斑病组。上述结果说明,健康贝壳丝状体保持着相似的微生物群落结构,而患病后的丝状体则发生了不同的变化;健康样本和黄斑病样本组间差异显著的细菌属有39个,其中29个在健康样本中的相对丰度明显高于病患组样本。本研究从菌群生态角度分析了健康贝壳丝状体微生物菌群结构、发病后菌群的变化及其对丝状体生长的潜在作用,为丝状体病害的检测和预防提供有价值的信息。  相似文献   
本文利用采集于我国三大油田的五种原油样品开展了长达210天的溢油风化模拟实验,并依据相对偏差和重复性限数学分析法,进行溢油风化过程分析和诊断比值应用效果评估。研究结果表明:经过210天的风化,溢油鉴定诊断比值发生明显改变;其中来源于萜烷、甾烷和多环芳烃的诊断比值变化率要远低于正构烷烃,可用于中长期风化溢油鉴定。此外,研究发现,在这些有效诊断比值中有4个变化率较小,相对偏差低于5%,保持了较好的稳定性,更适合于重度风化溢油鉴定。  相似文献   
丹霞山世界地质公园蜂窝状洞穴特征及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜂窝状洞穴以其精致的形貌和众说纷纭的成因吸引着科研人员和普通大众的兴趣。丹霞山世界地质公园蜂窝状洞穴主要产于晚白垩世丹霞组二段(锦石岩段)风成砂岩的崖壁上。本文以园区长老峰锦石岩寺和睡美人禄意堂两处蜂窝状洞穴为研究对象,通过野外实地调查,了解洞穴生长环境,定量统计分析其形态特征,并采集砂岩样品进行显微镜下观察,探讨洞穴形成与盐风化作用的关系。研究表明:蜂窝状洞穴所在的岩性主要为中—细粒长石岩屑砂岩,发育大型高角度交错层理,渗透性较好;洞穴开口均向下朝向锦江,有利于来自锦江河流的湿润水汽较长时间地保持在小洞内部;洞穴开口基本服从泰森多边形分布。因此,碎屑颗粒相对比较均匀的风成砂岩为丹霞山蜂窝状洞穴的发育提供了重要的岩石基础,锦江河流为盐风化提供了必要的湿润水汽和盐分。在初始发育阶段,从岩壁上最适合盐风化作用的若干个点开始形成细小的坑洼,逐步向同层位扩张。单个小洞穴由于盐风化作用,洞穴内部风化速率大于洞穴开口边缘,导致蜂窝状洞穴内部空间扩大较快。然后,蜂窝状洞穴的发育突破纹层的限制,逐步加大、变深而呈泰森多边形规则分布。最终,随着洞穴加深,在重力、风力的影响下,蜂窝状洞穴隔壁减薄失稳,洞穴消亡。  相似文献   
The Early Cretaceous deposits are composed of important source rocks in Boli Basin. The types of the source rocks include black mudstones and coal (with carbonaceous mudstone). By the organic geochemical analysis methods, the authors discussed the organic petrological characters, abundance of organic matter, degree of maturity and the type of source rocks. The main micro-component of black mudstone is exinite or vitrinite, and the content of vitrinite is high in coal. The weathering of the outcrop is very serious. The abundance of organic matter in source rock reaches the poor to better rank. The major kerogens in mudstone are type-Ⅲ, type-Ⅱ2 and some type-Ⅱ1; the organic type of coal is type-Ⅲ. The thermal evolution of the source rocks in every structural unit is very different, from low-maturity to over-maturity. The depositional environment is reductive, which is good for the preservation of organic matter. The organic matter in source rocks is mainly from aquatic organisms and terrigenous input.  相似文献   
植被高光谱特征分析及其病害信息提取研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高光谱(hyperspectral)遥感是20世纪末地球观测系统中最重要的技术突破之一。根据植被高光谱数据的植被冠层光谱反射特征和诊断性光谱吸收特征,利用光谱连续统去除法,探讨光谱一阶微分反射比(FDR)和从连续统去除的光谱吸收特征中获得的波段深度(BD)、连续统去除后微分反射比(CRDR)、波段深度比(BDR)和归一化波段深度指数(NBDI)等光谱特征参量。结合多时相的条锈病小麦PHI航空高光谱影像,分析条锈病对小麦光谱的影响及其光谱特征,并运用光谱特征参量和波谱角制图(SAM)技术监测和识别小麦条锈病。  相似文献   
南海西南部晚更新世以来元素地球化学特征的古环境意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对南海西南部近湄公河三角洲中陆坡上的MD01-2392站样品进行的地球化学分析表明,该站的沉积物主要为湄公河带来的陆源碎屑,并且其物源四十万年来没有发生明显变化。分别用元素TiO2、CaO估算出沉积物中陆源碎屑的含量及CaCO3的含量,结果显示CaCO3在间冰期时高,而在冰期时低,表现出“大西洋旋回”的特征。陆源碎屑含量与CaCO3含量相反,显示出南海CaCO3旋回属于稀释旋回。元素的Ti标准化值表明,该站沉积物源区在冰期时化学风化弱,而在间冰期时相对较强,说明间冰期时物源区存在相对温暖湿润的气候环境。  相似文献   
Subsurface deformation is a driver for river path selection when deformation rates become comparable to the autogenic mobility rate of rivers. Here we combine geomorphology, soil and sediment facies analyses, and geophysical data of the Late Quaternary sediments of the central Garo-Rajmahal Gap in Northwest Bengal to link subsurface deformation with surface processes. We show variable sedimentation characteristics, from slow rates (<0.8 mm/year) in the Tista megafan at the foot of the Himalaya to nondeposition at the exposed surface of the Barind Tract to the south, enabling the development of mature soils. Combined subsidence in the Tista fan and uplift of the Barind Tract are consistent with a N-S flexural response of the Indian plate to loading of the Himalaya Mountains given a low value of elastic thickness (15–25 km). Provenance analysis based on bulk strontium concentration suggests a dispersal of sediment consistent with this flexural deformation—in particular the abandonment of the Barind Tract by a Pleistocene Brahmaputra River and the current extents of the Tista megafan lobes. Overall, these results highlight the control by deeply rooted deformation patterns on the routing of sediment by large rivers in foreland settings.  相似文献   
南海北部早渐新世发生明显的营养供给和二氧化碳浓度的变化,相关地质记录为研究颗石藻的生理机制提供了理想的自然实验室。在本研究中,我们建立了一个新的颗石藻群落演化的指标,定义为E*比值。该比值由富营养属种和中等-贫营养属种的相对丰度计算而得(E*=e/(e+c)×100,e代表富营养属种,c代表中等-贫营养属种)。其中富营养属种包括小Reticulofenestra, Reticulofenestra lockeri组,Reticulofenestra bisecta组和Coccolithus pelagicus组,而中等-贫营养属种包括Cyclicargolithus spp.。E*指标与早渐新世营养盐指标具有较强的相关性,但在不同二氧化碳浓度的条件下表现不同的公变趋势。将群落组合与已发表的二氧化碳浓度数据对比,我们提出颗石藻可能在二氧化碳持续降低的环境下改变其对碳源和营养盐的利用方式,指示颗石藻的碳浓缩机制可能开始于早渐新世。  相似文献   
王晓艳 《中国沙漠》2019,39(4):168-176
2017年在秦岭黑河流域7个采样点进行地下水样品采集。通过综合分析、Gibbs图、Piper三角图、主要离子比值法、主成分分析法得出黑河地下水化学成分的特点、水化学类型及其成因。结果表明:阳离子的主要组成成分是Ca^2+,HCO3^-是阴离子的主要组成成分,黑河流域地下水化学类型为HCO3^--Ca^2+和SO4^2--HCO3^--Ca^2+型。Gibbs图分析得出该地下水化学离子组成受岩石风化作用控制;Piper三角图、主要离子比值法、主成分分析及相关分析表明,地下水化学组分主要受方解石、白云岩等碳酸盐岩矿物的风化溶解,同时伴有硫酸溶解碳酸盐岩,受硅酸盐岩的溶解控制作用较小。  相似文献   
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