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刘伍  樊金桂  张贺 《探矿工程》2016,43(11):75-79
北京市密云区某拟建别墅工程,属于山体边坡地基基础工程,任务要求对湿陷性地基土层进行湿陷性消除,并将其地基土承载力特征值提高到fak≥130 kPa。此外,还需要考虑边坡稳定性及其永久性加固问题。对该项目进行了深入分析、研究,并采用概念设计方法,对其进行设计预演,发现该项目存在工序复杂、不易实施、在永久性使用方面存在一定隐患、并具有责任不当等问题。对该地基基础工程进行了重新分析,建议取消地基处理措施,改用嵌岩桩作为拟建物的基础。  相似文献   
土壤盐碱化作为一种渐进性环境地质灾害,已严重制约着人类生活与社会经济的发展,对盐碱地实施改良和微咸水开发利用已成为世界关注的热点。以往的盐碱地改良多用明渠、暗管排水、暗管结合大口径竖井抽排、种植耐碱性植物等方法,明渠及埋设暗管对地表的开挖破坏性极大、且排水量及适用深度有限、植物改良存在周期长、费时费力等诸多缺点。水平定向钻进铺管技术可将滤水管以水平或近似水平安装在含水层中(水平井),可垂直于含水层流向长距离铺设,与传统改良方式相比能获得较大的出水量、成本低、且施工对环境影响小等诸多优势,工程实例证明,该施工工艺技术为盐碱地改良、地下咸水开发利用、浅层低渗透性地下水资源开采等提供了较理想的工艺方法。  相似文献   
晋中至太原城际铁路位于山西断陷带次级构造单元太原断陷盆地内,盆地内部新构造运动复杂,城际铁路沿线跨越多条第四纪隐伏活动断裂,并穿过榆次地裂缝发育地带及砂土液化区域,这些地质问题极大地影响着晋中至太原城际铁路的前期勘测选线。本文从地质构造、地层岩性、浅层地震勘探等方面对穿越城际铁路的三条活动断裂的危险性进行了分析评价,以查明断裂错动对城际铁路的影响。结合前人对榆次地裂缝的研究成果,对城际铁路附近的地裂缝发育情况进行了调查验证,以查明榆次地裂缝对城际铁路的影响。通过在城际铁路车站及车辆段布置地质钻孔,进行标贯试验、剪切波速测试,以查明城际铁路沿线工程地质条件,对沿线车站及车辆段场地进行液化判定及场地类别判定。针对城际铁路沿线存在的上述地质问题,给出了相应的工程建议,对城际铁路前期勘测设计具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
In this paper, we proposed a new method that has been developed based on the surface soil moisture content (SSMC) to more efficiently calculate the groundwater evaporation in variably saturated flow modeling. In this method, the empirical formula to calculate evaporation was modified and the value of the formula varies from zero to one as a closed interval. In addition, the simulation code for calculating the groundwater evaporation based on the SSMC method was incorporated into the EOS9 module of Tough2, a variably saturated flow modeling code. Finally, two numerical tests and a case simulation were conducted to verify the feasibility and accuracy of the SSMC method. Simulation results indicate that the SSMC method is capable of appropriately simulating the characteristics of water flow in vadose zone and the amount of evaporation with the variable water table. And such results are in coincidence with the value calculated by the logistic function method, and fit well with the measured data globally rather than locally.  相似文献   
Sampling efforts are constrained by limited availability of resources. Therefore, methods to reduce the number of samples, while still achieving reasonable accuracy are needed. Land-surface segmentation (LSS) has proven a powerful technique to partition digital elevation models (DEMs) and their derivatives into relatively homogeneous areas, which can be further employed as support in soil sampling. Though topography is one of the main soil forming factors, a robust assessment of the potential of this technique to digital soil mapping (DSM) is still missing. In this study, we aimed at evaluating the potential of LSS in stratifying a landscape into relatively homogeneous areas, which can be used as strata for guiding the selection of sampling points in DSM. The experiments were carried out in two study areas where soil samples were available. Land-surface derivatives were derived from DEMs and segmented with a tool based on the multiresolution segmentation algorithm, into objects considered as homogeneous soil-landscape divisions. Thus, one sample was randomly selected within each segment from the existing sample data, based on which predictions of soil classes/sub-orders and properties, i.e. soil texture and A-horizon thickness, were made. Results were compared with predictions based on simple random sampling (SRS) and conditioned Latin hypercube (cLHS). The segmentation-based sampling (SBS) scheme performed better than SRS and cLHS schemes in predicting the A-horizon thickness, soil texture fractions and soil classes, showing a high potential of LSS in stratifying a landscape for the purposes of DSM. The novelty of this study is in the way strata are constructed, rather than in the sampling design itself. Further research is needed to demonstrate the value of a SBS design for practical use. The analyses presented here further highlight the importance of considering locally adaptive techniques in optimization of sampling schemes and predictions of soil properties.  相似文献   
为了研究涡阳地区深部构造和热源条件,在高炉镇附近进行了大地电磁测深(MT)测量和土壤氡气测量工作。通过对大地电磁测深结果和土壤氡气浓度异常分布范围分析和解释,指导区内地热勘查工作。通过资料解释,基本查明区内构造的走向及其垂向延展特征,查明基底起伏变化情况并了解深断裂的控制性,预测地热成矿区有利地段。研究证明,利用MT与土壤氡气测量对隐伏断裂位置和地热异常具有较好的指示意义。  相似文献   
This study surveys the performance of temporary soil nail walls with a maximum height of 29.3 m in the Yas project, located in Tehran. Some numerical models, with various modelling approaches, were developed using finite element software and the proper modelling approaches were specified and verified.The modelling results were analysed and compared with the in situ monitored data. The results demonstrate the model’s horizontal deformations are generally greater than the in situ monitored values. To decrease the differences between models and monitored results, the effect of variations of the soil parameters had been surveyed and the limits of needed variations were specified.  相似文献   
地质背景对土壤微量元素的影响——以渝北地区为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究地质背景对土壤元素的控制特征,可为区域土壤元素地球化学研究、种植施肥和农业布局提供科学依据。本研究利用网格化定位与化学分析的方法,结合GIS技术和相关评价标准,探讨了地质背景对Cl、Mn、B、Zn、Cu和Mo元素含量及分布的影响。结果表明:渝北地区土壤Mn、Cu、Zn元素含量整体处于适中与丰富水平,Mo、B元素丰缺参半;B、Mo元素含量显著高于重庆主城区,Zn元素含量显著高于全国水平。受地质背景影响,B、Cl、Cu、Mn元素呈现高度空间相关性,结构性空间变异起主导作用;Mo、Zn元素表现中等空间相关性,由结构性因素和随机因素双重控制。地层的组对元素含量分布起主控作用,土壤元素含量分布形状在空间上与地层组相对应。成土母岩决定土壤元素含量,是土壤元素含量水平的重要控制因素之一,其影响因素主要为岩石类型,其次为岩石形成的地质时期。土壤类型显著影响元素含量,总体上,Mn、Cu、Zn、Mo、B在石灰岩土中含量最高;除B、Mo元素外,其他元素在黄壤中含量最低。  相似文献   
软土地质条件下建筑物的沉降变形和承载力要求越来越高,对基础施工工艺提出了较高要求。在高压旋喷施工工艺的基础上,提出旋喷式插筋微型桩施工工艺,开展了微型桩工艺试验研究,结果表明该工艺大幅提高了单桩桩基承载性能,为实际工程应用提供了技术数据支持。  相似文献   
重度石漠化区不同土地利用方式下土壤养分特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文以云南省蒙自市西北勒乡碧色寨村石漠化土地为研究对象,基于主成分分析法(PCA)研究岩溶石漠化区不同土地利用方式下的土壤养分特征。结果表明:(1)研究区土壤各养分指标变异系数介于0.14~1.76,不同土地利用方式下,土壤养分状况有较大差异;(2)研究区土壤12项养分指标可归结为3个主成分,所提供的信息占全部信息的90.69%,其中PC1主要包含了全磷、有效磷、速效钾和有效锰,PC2主要综合了有机碳、全氮、全钙和有效锌,有效铁对PC3具有较大的贡献。(3)对不同用地类型土壤养分的主成分得分进行排序,由大到小依次为火龙果地>林地>封育草地>玉米地,表明植树造林及火龙果种植等方式能有效改善石漠化区的土壤养分状况。建议对样区的石漠化治理应以封山育土为前提,以生态恢复为目的,通过种植火龙果与修复林地改善样区土壤状况,逐步形成生态环境与社会经济协调发展的石漠化综合治理体系。   相似文献   
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