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基于引潮位Doodson规格化展开的基本原理以及ELP/MPP02月球历表、Newcomb太阳历表的结构,设计了一个用以代表三角函数的数据结构;并由此自定义了三角函数的乘法与加法算法,将月球、太阳引潮位分别展开至5阶、3阶,振幅绝对值截断阈值为10-7,在展开过程中对"伪波"进行"滤波"处理后,最终得到包含4 686项展开式的引潮位展开表(其中振幅绝对值超过10-6的展开式有2 441项)。以德国BFO(Black Forest Observatory)测站为例,基于DE431历表,通过天球参考系变换计算得到1950—2050年间时间间隔为1 h的法向引潮力基准序列BFDE431;并根据各个引潮位展开表计算得到相应的法向引潮力序列;通过与BFDE431基准序列求差,得到各个差值序列的统计值。计算结果表明,文中给出的展开表对应的差值序列数值在±58×10~(-11)m·s~(-2)(nGal)以内,均方差为12.5×10~(-11)m·s~(-2),与XI89展开表的精度相当。但由于没有考虑行星及地球扁率的影响,仍未达到HW95和RATGP95展开表的精度水平。  相似文献   
略论珠穆朗玛峰重力值的推估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
仅根据邻近点的重力与高程资料,采用了4种有关公式,有效地推估了珠穆朗玛峰顶上的重力值,该值为(976970±7)×10-5m·s-2。这一结果为精确推求珠峰大地水准面和正高提供了必要的数据  相似文献   
We investigate the short-term fluctuations in the period range from 15 to 180 minutes in the electron density variations of the F region ionosphere. Electron density profiles obtained at the ionospheric stations of Pruhonice (49.9° N, 14.5° E) and Ebro (40.8° N, 0.5° E) at five minute time sampling have been used for this analysis. The diurnal changes of the activity of the acoustic gravity wave fluctuations (AGW) show a clear enhancement during and several hours after sunrise. The periods of such AGW's are about 60 to 75 minutes and these waves propagates vertically through the ionosphere from a source located at an altitude of 180-220 km. The most likely source for these events seems to be passage of the Solar terminator.  相似文献   
在分析与金矿有关的两类蚀变岩的TM波谱特征的基础上,以赣南遂川地区为实验区,利用比值-特征主成分混合分析进行了金矿蚀变岩信息提取,为找矿预测和野外工作指明了方向。  相似文献   
利用SWAN波浪模型计算长江口附近海域的台风浪,鉴于长江河口岸界和地形复杂,拟采用曲线网格.为证实曲线网格下的SWAN模型对于复杂地形的有效性,首先选用美国特拉华大学波浪水池实验资料对SWAN模型进行检验,结果表明利用曲线网格能不过多增加计算量而提高关键区域的计算精度.以0215号鹿沙台风和0216号森拉克台风为例,将SWAN模型应用到长江口附近海域,进行台风浪的数值模拟.通过浮标测站实测资料验证,表明有效波高计算值与实测值符合良好.通过综合分析模型计算的波浪场,说明SWAN模型能合理地反映长江口附近海域台风浪的分布.  相似文献   
针对2012年5月28日河北唐山M 4.8地震,采用地磁谐波振幅比方法,分析昌黎、静海、红山及承德地磁台2007年1月至2015年12月地磁观测数据,结果显示:各台站10 min周期的计算结果波动性明显,其他周期形态较为一致;距震中最近的昌黎地磁台YZHx(NS)测向的10-40 min周期地磁谐波在下降至极低值后,开始转折时发生地震,而YZHy(EW)测向未出现明显转折现象;位于河北平原地震带中部的静海地磁台对此次地震反应显著,2个测向在震前均出现下降-转折-上升的变化特征。通过对比位于不同地区的4个地磁台站地磁谐波振幅比变化,发现受大范围整体构造应力场作用的影响,计算结果具有相似的趋势性变化特征,具体到局部地区或断裂带内部,各台站之间显示出一定差异。  相似文献   
A numerical model based on the mild-slope equation of water wave propagation over complicated bathymetry,taking into account the combined effects of refraction,diffraction and dissipation due to wavebreaking is presented.Wave breaking is simulated by modifying the wave height probability density func-tion and the wave energy dissipation mechanism is parameterized according to that of the hydraulic jumpformulation.Solutions of the wave height,phase function,and the wave direction at every grid point areobtained by finite difference approximation of the governing equations,using Gauss-Seidel Iterative Method(GSIM)row by row.Its computational convenience allows it to be applied to large coast regions tostudy the wave transformation problem.Several case studies have been made and the results compare verywell with the experiment data and other model solutions.The capability and utility of the model forreal coast areas are illustrated by application to a shallow bay of northeast Australia.  相似文献   
Based on the NCEP DOE AMIP II daily reanalysis data (1979{2005), the evolution of the East Asia/Pacific(EAP) teleconnection pattern during the pre-rainy period of South China is studied on the medium-range time scale. It is found that positive and negative EAP patterns share a similar generation process. In the middle and upper troposphere, Rossby wave packets emanating from the northeast Atlantic or Europe propagate toward East Asia along the Eurasian continent waveguide and finally give rise to the three anomaly centers of the EAP pattern over East Asia. Among the three anomaly centers, the western Pacific subtropical center appears the latest. Rossby wave packets propagate from the high latitude anomaly center toward the mid-latitude and the subtropical ones. The enhancement and maintenance of the subtropical anomaly center is closely associated with the subtropical jet waveguide and the incoming Rossby wave packets from the upstream. In the lower troposphere, Rossby wave packets emanate from the subtropical Asia toward East Asia. Positive and negative EAP patterns could not be regarded as "mirrors" to each other with simply re- versed phase. For the positive pattern, the positive height anomaly center around the Scandinavia Peninsula keeps its strength and position during the mature period, and the Rossby wave packets thus propagate persistently toward East Asia, facilitating a longer mature time of the positive pattern. As for the formation of the negative EAP pattern, however, the incoming Rossby wave energy from the upstream contributes to both the enhancement and southeastward movement of the negative anomaly belt from the Yenisei River to the Bering Strait and the positive anomaly center around Mongolia. At the peak time, the two anomlous circulations are evolved into the Northeast Asia and the mid-latitude anomaly centers of the negative pattern, respectively. The energy dispersion of Rossby wave packets is relatively fast due to the predominant zonal circulation in the extratropics, causing a shorter mature period of the negative pattern. During the pre-rainy period of South China, the prevalence of the EAP pattern signiˉcantly affects the rainfall over the region south of the Yangtze River. The positive (negative) EAP pattern tends to causepositive (negative) precipitation anomalies in that region. This is di?erent from the earlier research findingsbased on monthly mean data.  相似文献   
本论文通过对南海北部三次台风过境期间基于浮标观测的海浪谱进行分析,发现虽然大部分成熟的台风海浪谱为单峰结构,但实际上在台风海浪的成长和衰减阶段,双峰谱占据了很大的比例。双峰谱的形成主要是由于风浪和涌浪的叠加以及不同波分量之间的非线性相互作用,我们可以通过能量密度的成长率对谱型变化进行高效的预报。此外,台风海浪的主要波向依赖于台风中心相对观测点的位置,而波向的分散情况在相距台风中心较远的区域无明显规律。本文提出了一个新的六参数波浪谱型拟合双峰谱,其拟合效果相较于前人的谱型更好。通过验证,形状参数和谱宽度之间的理论关系依然适用于单个谱峰。通过分析谱参量的变化特征,证明了谱参量不仅与台风强度和台风路径相关,还存在很强的交互相关。最后通过拟合海浪谱数据,本文得到了台风影响下海浪有效波高和有效周期之间的成长关系,这对海洋工程实际应用具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Floating wind turbine has been the highlight in offshore wind industry lately. There has been great effort on developing highly sophisticated numerical model to better understand its hydrodynamic behaviour. A engineering-practical method to study the nonlinear wave effects on floating wind turbine has been recently developed. Based on the method established, the focus of this paper is to quantify the wave nonlinearity effect due to nonlinear wave kinematics by comparing the structural responses of floating wind turbine when exposed to irregular linear Airy wave and fully nonlinear wave. Critical responses and fatigue damage are studied in operational conditions and short-term extreme values are predicted in extreme conditions respectively. In the operational condition, wind effects are dominating the mean value and standard deviation of most responses except floater heave motion. The fatigue damage at the tower base is dominated by wind effects. The fatigue damage for the mooring line is more influenced by wind effects for conditions with small wave and wave effects for conditions with large wave. The wave nonlinearity effect becomes significant for surge and mooring line tension for large waves while floater heave, pitch motion, tower base bending moment and pontoon axial force are less sensitive to the nonlinear wave effect. In the extreme condition, linear wave theory underestimates wave elevation, floater surge motion and mooring line tension compared with fully nonlinear wave theory while quite close results are predicted for other responses.  相似文献   
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