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基于钻孔数据的三维地质建模与可视化研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
罗智勇  杨武年 《测绘科学》2008,33(2):130-132
三维地质模型能够完整准确地表达复杂地质现象的边界条件及地质体内含的各种地质构造,直观地再现地质单元的空间展布及其相互关系,最大限度地提高地质分析的直观性和准确性,因此三维地质建模已引起地质、采矿、岩土工程等诸多领域的日益重视。笔者在综合考察多种建模方法的基础上,结合工程实践,提出了一种实用的工程地质三维建模实施方法。该方法以钻孔资料和地质剖面数据为三维地质建模的源数据,允许用户手工修正模型剖面地层分界线,从而实现对建模过程的干预和控制,克服了单纯依靠钻孔数据建模结果不精确且难以修正的问题。最后,通过一个研究实例展示了该方法的实际建模效果。  相似文献   
环境矿物材料治理镉(Cd^2+)污染研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,环境矿物材料以其经济、有效、无二次污染等特点,在重金属废水处理和土壤修复方面显示出了众多优势,可替代传统的镉污染处理方法。本文综述了国内外环境矿物材料在处理镉污染方面的研究进展,并对今后应用环境矿物材料治理镉污染提出了一些建议。  相似文献   
以现有钻孔及区域资料为基础,对平顶山盐田盐矿床形成的构造条件和盐湖的沉积模式、沉积类型成矿物源进行了分析,为平顶山盐田的进一步勘查和开发提供了宝贵资料。  相似文献   
A new geochemical reference material, coral Porites sp. JCp-1 has been prepared by the Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ). Provisional values for twenty one major, minor and trace elements are presented. The homogeneity tests showed that all elements studied are considered to be homogeneously distributed.  相似文献   
某地石英矿砂通过磁选分离法、稀酸浸泡法处理后,矿砂不同程度地降低了铁、铝、钙镁的含量;采用磁选分离 稀酸浸泡法联合处理后,使该地石英砂的化学成分达到了优质的生产平板玻璃用硅质原料的国家标准。  相似文献   
压电双晶片双向大幅振动的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
康东 《矿物岩石》2003,23(3):114-116
通过压电陶瓷的逆压电效应对压电陶瓷双晶片在自动生产送料线上的应用研究,得出在二元系Ph(Ni1/3Nb2/3)O3-PhTiO3-PhZrO3的基础上作调整制作的压电双晶片。经运用在振动料斗上,作调频调幅控制。达到了压电双晶片振子结构,振子谐振频率为300Hz,当外加电压达300V时,振子偏转位移量大于1.7mm,故可作为一种理想的振动源。  相似文献   
夏塞地区是西南三江(金沙江、澜仓江、怒江)地区东缘的一个重要成矿带,带内银、锡矿产责源十分丰富。本文认为其成矿物质来源于花岗岩体和地层,构造和岩体是区内的主要控矿因素,地壳演化与成矿作用关系十分密切,矿床类型为分布于岩体内接触带的矽卡岩型矿床和分布于岩体外接触带的热液型矿床。  相似文献   
邓友生  马巍  何平  周成林 《冰川冻土》2003,25(6):644-647
将研制的高分子有机材料作为添加剂,加入到土体中,经过拌和夯实、干燥固结,能够起到稳定和提高土体的强度,并具有低渗透和低吸水等特性.冻胀试验表明:加入添加剂不仅能阻止土体冻胀的产生、外来水源的入侵及水分的迁移,还能隔断土体孔隙之间的联系,使水分在土体孔隙中不能运移,从而达到了防治冻胀的目的。  相似文献   
冀北地区金矿床He、Ar、Pb同位素组成及其成矿物质来源   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
成矿物质来源一直是成矿理论研究和找矿实践的焦点问题。选择了冀北地区3个幔枝构造金矿集中区11个金矿床黄铁矿及部分围岩进行了He、Ar同位素测定。研究表明,冀北地区主要金矿的3He/4He的值域为(0.93~7.30)×10-6,平均3.55×10-6;R/Ra=0.66~4.93,平均2.53;40Ar/36Ar=426~2073,40Ar平均为8.20×10-7cm3/g,4He/40Ar平均为2.17。矿区外围片麻岩和花岗岩的3He/4He值仅为(0.001~0.55)×10-6,反映来源上有明显差别。3He和4He在He同位素浓度图上落于地幔区附近。64个Pb同位素数据表现为矿质以幔源为主,确有部分壳源物质加入。研究认为,本区成矿物质应源于地球深部,随地幔柱多级演化,深部成矿流体由地球深部迁移到浅部,期间不可避免地存在壳幔流体的混合作用,故其值域往往界于地幔和地壳之间。  相似文献   
The understanding of the thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of a clay barrier is needed for the prediction of its final in situ properties after the hydration and thermal transient in a radioactive waste repository.

As part of the CEC 1990–1994 R&D programme on radioactive waste management and storage, the CEA (Fr), CIEMAT (Sp), ENRESA (Sp), SCK · CEN (B), UPC (Sp) and UWCC (UK) have carried out a joint project on unsaturated clay behaviour (Volckaert et al., 1996). The aim of the study is to analyse and model the behaviour of a clay-based engineered barrier during its hydration phase under real repository conditions. The hydro-mechanical and thermo-hydraulic models developed in this project have been coupled to describe stress/strain behaviour, moisture migration and heat transfer. A thermo-hydraulic model has also been coupled to a geochemical code to describe the migration and formation of chemical species.

In this project, suction-controlled experiments have been performed on Boom clay (B), FoCa clay (Fr) and Almeria bentonite (Sp). The aim of these experiments is to test the validity of the interpretive model developed by Alonso and Gens (Alonso et al., 1990), and to build a database of unsaturated clay thermo-hydro-mechanical parameters. Such a database can then be used for validation exercises in which in situ experiments are simulated.

The Boom clay is a moderately swelling clay of Rupellian age. It is studied at the SCK · CEN in Belgium as a potential host rock for a radioactive waste repository. In this paper, suction-controlled experiments carried out on Boom clay by SCK · CEN are described. SCK · CEN has performed experiments to measure the relation between suction, water content and temperature and the relation between suction, stress and deformation. The applied suction-control techniques and experimental setups are detailed. The results of these experiments are discussed in the perspective of the model of Alonso and Gens. The influence of temperature on water uptake was rather small. The measured swelling-collapse behaviour can be explained by the Alonso and Gens model.  相似文献   

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