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With the launch of altimeter,much effort has been made to develop algorithms on the wind speed and the wave period.By using a large data set of collocated altimeter and buoy measurements,the typical wind speed and wave period algorithms are validated.Based on theoretical argument and the concept of wave age,a semi-empirical algorithm for the wave period is also proposed,which has the wave-period dimension,and explicitly demonstrates the relationships between the wave period and the other variables.It is found that Ku and C band data should be applied simultaneously in order to improve either wind speed or wave period algorithms.The dual-band algorithms proposed by Chen et al.(2002) for the wind speed and Quilfen et al.(2004) for the wave period perform best in terms of a root mean square error in the practical applications.  相似文献   
分别采用模式气压场及模式台风场计算气压分布及风速分布,采用地形拟合的sigma坐标水动力方程组及紊流方程建立了潮流、风暴潮耦合模型。三维水动力方程组通过分裂算子法与Casulli半隐式差分格式直接求解。在珠江口的极值流速计算中,先进行了南海北部的潮流、风暴潮耦合模拟,模拟水位与实测值符合较好。以六区域模拟结果为边界,采用嵌套网格方法,在珠江口进行了高分辨率的潮流、风暴潮耦合模拟。选用1968~1999年共65个影响工程区域的台风过程,计算出珠江口的海域年极值流速序列,分析了该海域多年一遇的极值流速分布。  相似文献   
潮滩不同尺度的变化规律一直是地表过程研究的核心之一。利用声学多普勒流速仪(ADV)、温盐深(CTD)、光学后向散射浊度计(OBS)对三沙湾潮滩涨落潮和大小潮冲淤及动力变化进行了高精度的观测。结果发现,潮周期内,潮滩冲淤呈现涨潮初期冲刷-落潮末期淤积-中间时段稳定的特征,涨潮初期水深<1 m 的30 min内平均冲刷4.05 mm,落潮末期水深<1 m 的30 min内平均淤积3.72 mm,中间时段动态稳定;大小潮周期内,呈现中潮到小潮平均淤积3.4 mm,小潮到大潮平均冲刷8.2 mm的特征。通过流速、紊动能、水深、悬沙浓度等因子与冲淤的相关性分析发现,潮周期内,流速和紊动能的增减决定涨潮初期冲刷和落潮末期淤积的变化;大小潮周期内,涨潮冲刷大于落潮淤积的特性决定了大潮到小潮阶段的冲刷, 涨潮冲刷小于落潮淤积决定了小潮到大潮阶段的淤积。涨落潮周期和大小潮潮周期的冲淤机制为潮滩动力地貌和动力沉积学研究提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   
The spider crab Maja brachydactyla is an important commercial species in Europe and supports intensive fisheries in the NE Atlantic. A field survey was performed to assess long‐term and consecutive interannual (2005–2010) variation of the biochemical composition of newly hatched larvae of M. brachydactyla. Larval biochemical profiles differed significantly among years, with pronounced differences being recorded in 2010. Differences among batches of newly hatched larvae were mainly explained by the contribution of triacylglycerols and, to a lesser degree, by protein and lipid content. The use of different nutrition indices is discussed. The biochemical composition of newly hatched larvae from M. brachydactyla was highly variable, even though surveyed broodstock was obtained from the same local population and was always sampled during the same season. The unpredictable biochemical profiles of newly hatched larvae may condition their survival and recruitment. This largely overlooked aspect of larval variability should be considered in future fisheries management strategies and captive production of marine organisms that still rely on wild seeds.  相似文献   
A series of hydraulic model tests has been carried out in a glass wave flume to investigate the influences of wave height, wave period, wave steepness, surf similarity parameter, roughness, layer thickness and porosity on wave run-up and overtopping of 1:2 sloped impermeable and permeable breakwaters fronted by a 1:10 gentle, smooth beach slope. The analysis of results involves the correlation between the overtopping energy transfer with the relative wall height and the relationship between wave run-up and overtopping rate. Further, measured wave run-up and overtopping rates are compared with the results given in the Shore Protection Manual (1984), Automated Coastal Engineering System (1992)and results of other investigators.  相似文献   
为准确定位风暴的强弱及灾害的大小,文中提出了泊松-二维对数正态分布,并将其用于海岸地区台风暴潮致灾强度的长期预测。选取青岛地区建国以来所出现的主要台风暴潮作为观测资料,以水位和显著波高系列组成样本,进行了台风暴潮重现期的统计推算。提出了判别台风暴潮致灾强度的新标准。实例显示,新标准概念清楚,简单易行,适用于青岛地区台风暴潮的强度确定。基于新模式的风暴潮强度随机分析方法对我国其它海岸地区的防潮减灾具有参考意义。  相似文献   
海底扩张形成的边缘海盆构造演化可划分为前扩张期、同扩张期与后扩张期等阶段。南海中央海盆巨厚的沉积地层大部分是扩张结束之后形成的,尤以东部次海盆地层厚度为最大。因受到不同因素的影响,在该次海盆不同的区域后扩张期发育的地层特征差别较大。这些现象反映海底扩张结束之后所发育的厚层地层中蕴含了大量南海构造演化的信息,因此深入分析该次海盆后扩张期的地层特征与影响因素是南海构造演化研究中不容忽略的环节。利用若干大洋钻孔年代地层资料,在过井剖面上进行合成地震记录标定、划分层序地层并确定其年代属性,并以此为依据分析讨论了本区的地层特征和相关的影响因素。结果表明,东部次海盆北部持续均衡的基底沉降和充足的陆缘物质形成厚度稳定的地层沉积;东部以微板块向马尼拉海沟俯冲为主要影响因素,使不同年代的地层各具特征;中部和西部岩浆活动是主要的影响因素,形成以火山碎屑物质为主的地层沉积;南部因当时的陆坡沉积环境和浊流活动的影响形成具有沉积物波特征的地层沉积。  相似文献   
This paper describes the study of a single-column structure used as well-head platform. In order to check the reliability of computation theory and programme, model tests have been carried out. The paper introduces the conclusion of tests and the dynamic properties of single-column platform are obtained.  相似文献   
青海东昆仑肯德可克金-有色金属矿床矿物特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
肯德可克贵金属-有色金属矿床有多种元素达到工业要求,矿物组成复杂,本文在详细的光、薄片鉴定和电子探针分析的基础上,分析研究了该矿床的矿物组成特征,并根据成矿地质特征、矿物组合特点和矿物间的穿插关系,划分了成矿期次,进而确定该矿床为-多期成矿作用叠加的叠生型金-有色金属矿床。  相似文献   
本文选择大柴旦盐湖DCD03沉积剖面柱硼镁石矿层下伏土黄色淤泥质粉砂层为研究对象,基于AMS 14C年代学、岩性地层学、矿物学以及地球化学等研究方法,旨在探讨土黄色湖相淤泥质粉砂沉积记录的尘暴事件,以及重建晚冰期以来西风环流显著影响区的水文气候变化。研究结果表明,DCD03沉积剖面的淤泥质粉砂样品粒度频率曲线呈现为双峰态,主峰(均值10 μm)反映了河流作用携带入湖的细粒组分,次峰(﹥32 μm)则反映了风力作用以及河流作用等携带入湖的粗粉砂粒组分。大于64 μm的砂砾组分可能代表外源风尘物质的输入,由尘暴天气携带入湖。大柴旦地区晚冰期以来依次出现了博令和阿勒罗德暖期(12.94~12.17 cal. ka BP)、新仙女木冷期(12.17~11.37 cal. ka BP)、不稳定的早全新世气候(11.37~8.64 cal. ka BP)以及趋于偏冷干的中全新世早期(8.64~7.39 cal. ka BP)。  相似文献   
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