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杨勇 《福建地质》2010,29(2):128-134
在高速公路勘察前期,物探勘察能为高速公路线路的设计及其它勘察工作的布置提供基础资料。根据不同的地质条件以及勘察要求选择合适的物探方法,能达到事半功倍的效果。通过具体实例说明几种物探方法在福建省境内高速公路隧道勘察中的应用效果、存在问题及解决方法等。  相似文献   
王秀颖  刘和平 《水文》2016,36(3):50-55
用水资源生态足迹模型计算浑河流域2005~2013年水资源生态足迹和水资源生态承载力,并基于各评价指标对浑河流域水资源利用情况进行评价。结果表明:2005~2013年浑河流域水资源生态足迹呈现不显著的下降趋势,水资源生态承载力呈现波动变化;流域一直处于水资源生态赤字状态,仅在2010年出现盈余;流域水资源生态足迹指数低于可持续发展足迹指数范围,但万元GDP水资源生态足迹持续下降。总体来看,流域水资源利用处于不可持续状态,但2010年后流域水资源利用效率明显提高,并向着可持续的方向发展。  相似文献   
本文建立了一种干旱背景下坳陷湖盆全新的沉积充填模式,即“洪水—河漫湖”沉积模式.在干旱背景下,物源区的河流主要表现为季节性的洪水,大多数河流都消失在荒漠中,河水主要以地表蒸发、植被生态消耗、地下渗流、河流终端湖以及河漫湖等形式排泄,坳陷湖盆内并未形成统—大面积的汇水中心和湖相沉积.这种背景条件下,湖盆的沉积充填特征明显不同于经典的坳陷湖盆和浅水湖盆沉积.下白垩统泉头组四段沉积时期,松辽盆地具有气候干旱、地势平坦、生物单调贫乏等特征,盆地南部存在5大沉积体系及7条主要的水系.除在盆地西部古龙凹陷地区河流汇水形成小范围浅水湖泊外,在盆地南部主要为“洪水—河漫湖”的河流相沉积.坳陷湖盆“洪水—河漫湖”沉积具有以下特点:①全盆地没有统一的汇水中心,因而缺乏大面积分布的湖相和三角洲沉积;②河流表现为季节性的洪水,部分河流由于地形变缓,并未进入汇水中心,而是消失在荒漠中,河流相为盆地沉积充填的主要类型;③湖盆具有多物源、多漫湖、满盆含砂的沉积特点;④河漫湖与河流在空间分布上存在3种关系,即河流终止于河漫湖、河流穿过河漫湖、河流绕过河漫湖等.坳陷湖盆“洪水—河漫湖”是—种中—新生代陆相坳陷湖盆沉积充填的新模式,具有重要的理论和实践意义.  相似文献   
Unlike pahoehoe, documentation of true a′a lavas from a modern volcanological perspective is a relatively recent phenomenon in the Deccan Trap (e.g. Brown et al., 2011, Bull. Volcanol. 73(6): 737–752) as most lava flows previously considered to be a′a (e.g. GSI, 1998) have been shown to be transitional (e.g. Rajarao et al., 1978, Geol. Soc. India Mem. 43: 401–414; Duraiswami et al., 2008 J. Volcanol. Geothermal. Res. 177: 822–836). In this paper we demonstrate the co-existence of autobrecciation products such as slabby pahoehoe, rubbly pahoehoe and a′a in scattered outcrops within the dominantly pahoehoe flow fields. Although volumetrically low in number, the pattern of occurrence of the brecciating lobes alongside intact ones suggests that these might have formed in individual lobes along marginal branches and terminal parts of compound flow fields. Complete transitions from typical pahoehoe to ‘a′a lava flow morphologies are seen on length scales of 100–1000 m within road and sea-cliff sections near Uruli and Rajpuri. We consider the complex interplay between local increase in the lava supply rates due to storage or temporary stoppage, local increase in paleo-slope, rapid cooling and localized increase in the strain rates especially in the middle and terminal parts of the compound flow field responsible for the transitional morphologies. Such transitions are seen in the Thakurwadi-, Bushe- and Poladpur Formation in the western Deccan Traps. These are similar to pahoehoe–a′a transitions seen in Cenozoic long lava flows (Undara ∼160 km, Toomba ∼120 km, Kinrara ∼55 km) from north Queensland, Australia and Recent (1859) eruption of Mauna Loa, Hawaii (a′a lava flow ∼51 km) suggesting that flow fields with transitional tendencies cannot travel great lengths despite strong channelisation. If these observations are true, then it arguably limits long distance flow of Deccan Traps lavas to Rajahmundry suggesting polycentric eruptions at ∼65 Ma in Peninsular India.  相似文献   
为了揭示焉耆县良种场的土壤水热盐动态变化,对有膜覆盖和无膜覆盖条件下各土壤层进行水热盐的系统观测和单因素方差分析及相关性分析。结果表明:(1)土壤温度的日变化呈现先降低后升高再降低的趋势,有膜各层土壤温度高于相对应的无膜各层土壤温度,各层土壤温度和大气温度变化趋势一致。(2)有膜各层土壤盐分要高于相对应的无膜各层土壤盐分,表层土壤水分小于底层,有膜10~20 cm土壤水分含量比较低,无膜10~50 cm土壤水含量比较接近;滴灌后,土壤水分和盐分经历快速下降和缓慢下降两个过程。由于文献对于有膜覆盖与无膜覆盖条件下土壤水热盐变化的研究相对较少,文章通过研究焉耆县农田生育期有膜和无膜条件下土壤水热盐的变化特征,为研究区土壤盐渍化的防治提供科学依据。  相似文献   
银-额盆地侏罗、白垩系油气超系统特征及其勘探方向   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
银-额盆地位于四大板块交汇拼合地带,发育于中生代板内拉分裂陷演化阶段,由一系列彼此分割相对独立的侏罗-白垩纪断陷湖盆群组成,发育典型的中生代侏罗,白垩系油气超系统。研究表明侏罗系油气超系统(主要为中下侏罗统)分布局限,煤系烃源岩发育较差,热演化程度高,自身储盖组合欠佳,因其与上覆下白垩统油气超系统的叠合,使得该油气超系统具有一定的含油气勘探远景。白垩系(主要为下白垩统)油气超系统分布广泛,湖相烃源岩发育,储盖组合良好,成藏配置较佳,尤以上白垩统--第三系与下白垩统叠合的凹陷油气勘探前景最为乐观,下白垩统油气超系统中最有利的勘探方向位于多期叠合,埋藏较深的单断箕状凹陷的斜坡区。  相似文献   
2016年3月对西太平洋马里亚纳区域M2海山浮游植物粒级结构和分粒级初级生产力进行了观测,同时结合温度、盐度和营养盐浓度,研究了M2海山的总叶绿素a浓度的分布规律,不同粒级浮游植物对总叶绿素a的贡献率及其与环境因子的关系,初级生产力结构和分布特征。结果表明:M2海山各水层叶绿素a浓度变化范围分别为0.004—0.304mg/m3,平均叶绿素a浓度为0.094mg/m3。微微型浮游植物在整个调查区域内为最优势类群,对总叶绿素a浓度的贡献率达到了85%,微型浮游植物和小型浮游植物的贡献率均较低,分别为10%和5%。M2海山的叶绿素a浓度最大层均在100m深度附近的次表层,其中西南部和东南部为叶绿素a浓度高值区。M2海山的平均初级生产力为71.31mgC/(m2·d),初级生产力的主要贡献者为微型和微微型浮游植物,其中微型浮游植物贡献率达到了72%,微微型浮游植物贡献率为28%。M2海山的海山效应不明显,浅海山(<200m)可能对浮游植物的生长存在促进作用。  相似文献   
During June 1997 cruise by R/V Science No.l, observations on temporal and spatialvariations of the size-fractionated phytoplankton standing stock and primary production were carried out in the Bohai Sea. The size-fractionated chlorophyll a (Chl a) and primary production, photosynthet-ically available radiation (PAR), as well as the related physico-oceanographic and zooplanktonic parameters were measured at five time-series observation stations representing sub-areas of the sea. Results obtained show that there were the marked features of spatial zonation of Chl a and primary production in the Bohai Sea. The values in the Laizhou Bay, the Liaodong Gulf and the Bohai Gulf were high and showed close relation with tidal fluctuations, i.e. high Chl a concentration occurred during high tide in the Laizhou Bay, and during low tide in the Liaodong Gulf and the Bohai Gulf. In the strait and the central region of the Bohai Sea, the values were relatively low and no relationship with tidal fluctuation could be foun  相似文献   
蒋荣庆  殷琨  王茂森 《探矿工程》1995,(5):17-19,47
大直径单头潜孔锤与三通道气水龙头、主动钻杆、三通道钻杆、加重导正器配套,可实现大直径潜孔锤碎岩钻进、泵吸反循环排渣、泥浆护壁、压气闭路循环等相结合的先进钻进工艺,是解决大直径硬质基岩及卵砾石钻进的有效机具。文中介绍了钻具研制过程及设计内容。  相似文献   
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