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气旋爆发性发展过程的动力特征及能量学研究   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
吕筱英  孙淑清 《大气科学》1996,20(1):90-100
本文对不同路径的爆发性气旋进行了动力特征及能量学研究。发现高空大值位涡空气的下伸是气旋爆发性发展的一个重要条件。初生气旋逐渐向强位涡区移近并形成上下位涡区相接的形势。使气旋迅速发展。高空急流与气旋发展有密切关系。发展中的气旋明显地向着急流左侧的辐散区移动。急流的突然加强及高空强风动量的不断下传,构成了下层的强风带及上下一致的急流结构。能量学研究指出在气旋发展前气旋内散度风动能向旋转风动能的转换突然增强。散度风动能在爆发气旋发展时有明显增长。  相似文献   
位温、等熵位涡与锋和对流层顶的分析方法   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
陶祖钰  郑永光 《气象》2012,38(1):17-27
等熵位涡分析是位涡理论的分析基础。此文的目的是介绍等熵位涡分析所必需掌握的基本概念和方法。文中从位温和位涡、对流层和平流层、锋和对流层顶的基本性质出发,讨论了锋和对流层顶在剖面图、等压面图及等位温面(即等熵面)图上的特征。文中给出了各种分析实例图形,并通过分析和对比指出:平流层的高位涡是对流层顶以上位温随高度急剧增加位温垂直梯度特别大的结果;位温垂直梯度是决定位涡分布的主要因子;等熵位涡图主要反映极地气团的活动,同时也是与极地气团密切关联的锋、急流、对流层顶的综合反映。最后提出了等熵位涡分析中需要避免的一些错误认识,特别是不能将等位温面上的流线当成轨迹的错误,并由此得出平流层空气侵入对流层下部的错误推论。  相似文献   

The acceptability of zero potential vorticity models as approximations for natural systems of small, but finite, potential vorticity is studied for bounded frontal flows of arbitrary profile. It is demonstrated that all (infinitely) long-wave solutions of the zero potential vorticity front are asymptotic limits for some (not necessarily long-wave) solutions of the small potential vorticity front. In contrast, for downstream-varying solutions there is no simple way of demonstrating this property. These findings suggest that the use of zero potential vorticity models should be carefully examined in other, non-frontal, problems as well. Finally we show that the longwave solutions of the zero potential vorticity flow are at most neutral (quasi-stable).  相似文献   
豫西突发性暴雨成因   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
利用常规观测、FY-2C气象卫星资料及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对2007年7月28~30日豫西卢氏县引发历史罕见山洪暴雨的进行了天气动力学和中尺度分析。结果表明:西太平洋副热带高压增强与贝加尔湖高压叠加形成阻塞形势,其西侧低空急流携带大量水汽与较强的锋生场交汇在豫西,导致了这次极端暴雨事件的发生;大尺度强斜升运动区中,低层存在一个条件性对称不稳定机制,引发中β云团生成、合并、发展,从而造成暴雨。  相似文献   
The vorticity analysis technique was applied to measure the different lithological units,such as schist,metagranite and metavolcano-sedimentary rocks,which are present in the Halaban region.This work aims to interpret the relationship between the different lithologies and the tectonic setting,in order to elucidate the nature of kinematic analysis in the Halaban region.The kinematic analyses were applied to feldspar porphyroclasts,quartz and hornblende for twentysix samples.The kinematic vorticity number (W_m) for deformed rocks in the study area ranged from~0.6 to 0.9.The direction of the long axes for finite strain data (X axes) revealed a WNW trend with shallow dipping.The direction of the short axes for finite strain data (Z axes) were represented by vertical with associated horizontal foliation.The results of the kinematic vorticity and strain analyses are characterized by simple shear with different degrees of deformation in the Halaban region.Furthermore,our finite strain data shows no significant volume change during deformation.The subhorizontal foliation was synchronized with thrusting and deformation.Furthermore,throughout the overlying nappes,the same attitudes of tectonic contacts are observable,the nappes in the orogens being formed from simple shear deformation.  相似文献   
A mathematical relation between deformation and vertical vorticity tendency is built by introducing the frontogenesis function and the complete vertical vorticity equation, which is derived by virtue of moist potential vorticity. From the mathematical relation, it is shown that properly configured atmospheric conditions can make deformation exert a positive contribution to vortex development at rates comparable to other favorable factors. The effect of deformation on vortex development is not only related to the deformation itself, but also depends on the current thermodynamic and dynamic structures of the atmosphere, such as the convective stability, moist baroclinicity and vertical wind shear(or horizontal vorticity). A diagnostic study of a heavy-rainfall case that occurred during 20–22 July 2012 shows that deformation has the most remarkable effect on the increase in vertical vorticity during the rapid development stage of the low vortex during its whole life cycle. This feature is mainly due to the existence of an approximate neutral layer(about 700 h Pa) in the atmosphere where the convective stability tends to be zero. The neutral layer makes the effect of deformation on the vertical vorticity increase significantly during the vortex development stage, and thus drives the vertical vorticity to increase.  相似文献   
2007年淮河流域暴雨期间大气环流特征分析   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
桂海林  周兵  金荣花 《气象》2010,36(8):8-18
利用NCAR/NCEP再分析资料及国家气象信息中心30年气候平均降水资料,通过动力诊断与分析手段研究了2007年6—7月发生在我国淮河流域的暴雨。结果表明,淮河流域的环流垂直结构和降水有着非常好的对应关系。暴雨期间,鄂霍茨克海阻高与乌拉尔山阻高这种双阻高形势对于淮河流域的持续降水提供了很好的条件;南亚高压高层(200 hPa)基本为正散度区,低层(850 hPa)为负散度区,上下层强烈的抽吸结构对暴雨的发生也是非常有利的条件,同时,在淮河暴雨期问,南亚高压(200 hPa)与500 hPa西太平洋副热带高压有着相向而行的移动路径;位涡对于分析冷空气的活动,有着比较清晰的意义,暴雨发生前,有明显的正位涡异常从高纬度向低纬度伸展。大气非绝热加热分析结果显示,视热源和视水汽汇两者的高值中心与相应时段暴雨中心位置一致。  相似文献   
利用常规观测资料和NCEP(1°x1°)再分析资料,对2020年2月发生在内蒙古的一次地面回流与倒槽共同作用下的暴雪天气过程进行详细分析。结果表明:本次暴雪过程的主要影响系统是高空槽、700hPa切变线、高低空急流、地面冷高压、倒槽和冷锋。在高空下沉气流及1000~800hPa上东北急流的共同作用下,干冷气流形成“冷垫”,迫使暖湿空气沿冷垫抬升,同时不断的有干冷空气向中低层暖湿气流下方入侵,与中高层的西南急流形成深厚的锋生区和锋面次级环流,二者的正反馈作用为暴雪提供增幅作用。700hPa西南急流不断输送水汽,暴雪区位于比湿、水汽通量和水汽通量散度辐合的大值区。低层辐合高层辐散,配合显著的上升气流,有利于水汽积聚与输送和上升运动。强锋生落区与暴雪区域相对应,其中水平变形作用项对锋生的贡献最大,垂直运动项对锋生的贡献最小。湿位涡在强降雪落区内MPV1>0, MPV2<0,有利于本次暴雪过程的发生,高空下传的正MPV1会引起低层冷空气加强,冷暖空气对比度加大,有利于锋生,同时湿斜压性增强,诱发气旋式环流,进一步增强降雪。  相似文献   
为了提高对黄土高原β中尺度突发性暴雨的预报和预警能力,利用NCEP 资料、MICAPS 系统提供的资料、多普勒气象雷达资料等,对2011 年8 月14 日黄土高原发生的一次β中尺度突发性暴雨天气过程进行了诊断分析。结果表明:这次黄土高原β中尺度暴雨主要是由一次β中尺度强对流单体活动造成的;与弱冷空气活动相伴随的中尺度能量比低值舌沿河套东黄河沿线向南入侵是此次暴雨的触发机制之一;对流层低层β中尺度气旋式辐合的生成、配合对流层高层β中尺度径向强辐散,构成暴雨最强降水时段垂直环流结构的基本特征;涡度收支分析表明:暴雨区强对流云团发展时,600 hPa 以下的对流层低层,主要是水平辐散项和水平平流项起作用,形成很强的涡度收支正值;550—250 hPa 为涡度收支负值,主要是水平平流项起作用;暴雨区强对流云团消散时,主要是水平辐散项起作用。  相似文献   
Based on the theory of potential vorticity(PV),the unstable development of the South Asia High(SAH)due to diabatic heating and its impacts on the Indian Summer Monsoon(ISM)onset are studied via a case diagnosis of 1998.The Indian Summer Monsoon onset in 1998 is related to the rapidly strengthening and northward moving of a tropical cyclone originally located in the south of Arabian Sea.It is demonstrated that the rapid enhancement of the cyclone is a consequence of a baroclinic development characterized by the phase-lock of high PV systems in the upper and lower troposphere.Both the intensification of the SAH and the development of the zonal asymmetric PV forcing are forced by the rapidly increasing latent heat released from the heavy rainfall in East Asia and South East Asia after the onsets of the Bay of Bengal(BOB)monsoon and the South China Sea(SCS)monsoon.High PV moves southwards along the intensified northerlies on the eastern side of the SAH and travels westwards on its south side,which can reach its northwest.Such a series of high PV eddies are transported to the west of the SAH continuously,which is the main source of PV anomalies in the upper troposphere over the Arabian Sea from late spring to early summer.A cyclonic curvature on the southwest of the SAH associated with increasing divergence,which forms a strong upper tropospheric pumping,is generated by the anomalous positive PV over the Arabian Sea on 355 K.The cyclone in the lower troposphere moves northwards from low latitudes of the Arabian Sea,and the upper-layer high PV extends downwards and southwards.Baroclinic development thus occurs and the tropical low-pressure system develops into an explosive vortex of the ISM,which leads to the onset of the ISM.In addition,evolution of subtropical anticyclone over the Arabian Peninsula is another important factor contributing to the onset of the ISM.Before the onset,the surface sensible heating on the Arabian Peninsula is very strong.Consequently the subtropical anticyclone which dominated the Arabian Sea in spring retreats westwards to the Arabian Peninsula and intensifies rapidly.The zonal asymmetric PV forcing develops gradually with high PV eddies moving southwards along northerlies on the eastern side of the anticyclone,and a high PV trough is formed in the middle troposphere over the Arabian Sea,which is favorable to the explosive barotropic development of the tropical cyclone into the vortex.Results from this study demonstrate that the ISM onset,which is different from the BOB and the SCS monsoon onset,is a special dynamical as well as thermodynamic process occurring under the condition of fully coupling of the upper,middle,and lower tropospheric circulations.  相似文献   
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