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On August 5, 2001, Shanghai was struck by a torrential rainfall due to the passage of a tropical depression (TD). The rainfall intensity has been the strongest in recent 50 years. In this paper, a set of mesoscale re-analyses data and the planetary boundary layer observation from a wind profiler are used to understand the possible mechanism of such a heavy rain. Results show that the outburst of a southerly jet in the lower atmosphere triggered the explosive development of cyclonically vertical vorticity in the region with steep potential temperature surfaces in front of the TD; while the cyclonic vorticity increased notably at higher levels due to the small atmospheric vertical stability of westerly currents in the vicinity of Shanghai. The simultaneous sharp development of cyclonic vorticity at different levels should be the main cause for the torrential rainfall.  相似文献   
A strong cyclonic wind perturbation generated in the northern South China Sea (SCS) moved northward quickly and developed into a mesoscale vortex in southwest Guangdong Province, and then merged with a southward-moving shear line from mid latitudes in the period of 21-22 May 2006, during which three strong mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) formed and brought about torrential rain or even cloudburst in South China. With the 1° ×1° NCEP (National Centers for Environment Prediction) reanalysis data and the Weather and Research Forecast (WRF) mesoscale model, a numerical simulation, a potential vorticity inversion analysis, and some sensitivity experiments are carried out to reveal the formation mechanism of this rainfall event. In the meantime, conventional observations, satellite images, and the WRF model outputs are also utilized to perform a preliminary dynamic and thermodynamic diagnostic analysis of the rainstorm systems. It is found that the torrential rain occurred in favorable synoptic conditions such as warm and moist environment, low lifting condensation level, and high convective instability. The moisture transport by strong southerly winds associated with the rapid northward advance of the cyclonic wind perturbation over the northern SCS provided the warm and moist condition for the formation of the excessive rain. Under the dynamic steering of a southwesterly flow ahead of a north trough and that on the southwest side of the West Pacific subtropical high, the mesoscale vortex (or the cyclonic wind perturbation), after its genesis, moved northward and brought about enormous rain in most parts of Guangdong Province through providing certain lifting forcing for the triggering of mesoscale convection. During the development of the mesoscale vortex, heavy rainfall was to a certain extent enhanced by the mesoscale topography of the Yunwu Mountain in Guangdong. The effect of the Yunwu Mountain is found to vary under different prevailing wind directions and intensities. The location o  相似文献   
A regional heavy precipitation event that occurred over Sichuan Province on 8–9 September 2015 is analyzed based on hourly observed precipitation data obtained from weather stations and NCEP FNL data.Two moist dynamic parameters,i.e.,moist vorticity(mζ)and moist divergence(mδ),are used to diagnose this heavy precipitation event.Results show that the topography over southwestern China has a significant impact on the ability of these two parameters to diagnose precipitation.When the impact of topography is weak(i.e.,low altitude),mζ cannot exactly depict the location of precipitation in the initial stage of the event.Then,as the precipitation develops,its ability to depict the location improves significantly.In particular,mζ coincides best with the location of precipitation during the peak stage of the event.Besides,the evolution of the mζcenter shows high consistency with the evolution of the precipitation center.For mδ,although some false-alarm regions are apparent,it reflects the location of precipitation almost entirely during the precipitation event.However,the mδ center shows inconsistency with the precipitation center.These results suggest that both mζ and mδ have a significant ability to predict the location of precipitation.Moreover,mζ has a stronger ability than mδ in terms of predicting the variability of the precipitation center.However,when the impact of topography is strong(i.e.,high altitude),both of these two moist dynamic parameters are unable to depict the location and center of precipitation during the entire precipitation event,suggesting their weak ability to predict precipitation over complex topography.  相似文献   
利用实况资料和WRF中尺度数值模式对2008年6月12日18时—14日00时的华南双雨带暴雨过程进行了数值模拟与诊断分析。结果表明:随着锋面的南压,在锋面的西南方向(广西沿海)生成一低涡,该低涡作为位涡源在中高层表现稳定,分别为锋面雨带(北雨带)与暖区雨带(南雨带)提供正位涡。南雨带对北雨带的作用主要体现在中层(112~114°E附近),南雨带中有位涡的大值向北输送,其输送过程导致两条雨带在该处相连,而在115°E以东的南雨带则无明显的输送过程。同时,北部高空槽中也有大值位涡向北雨带输送,以维持北雨带。研究还发现,本次过程中暖区暴雨与锋面暴雨雨带的结构差异明显,锋面雨带的结构与传统雨带的结构比较一致;有利于暖区暴雨降水的形势主要表现在中高层。RIP轨迹模式的结果也表明,质点在运动过程中位涡的输送源是位于广西沿海的低涡,可见该位涡源对双雨带形成有重要的作用。  相似文献   
Using ERA-40 reanalysis daily data for the period 1958-2002,this study investigated the effect of transient eddy(TE) on the interannual meridional displacement of summer East Asian subtropical jet(EASJ) by conducting a detailed dynamical diagnosis.The summer EASJ axis features a significant interannual coherent meridional displacement.Associated with such a meridional displacement,the TE vorticity forcing anomalies are characterized by a meridional dipole pattern asymmetric about the climatological EASJ axis.The TE vorticity forcing anomalies yield barotropic zonal wind tendencies with a phase meridionally leading the zonal wind anomalies,suggesting that they act to reinforce further meridional displacement of the EASJ and favor a positive feedback in the TE and time-mean flow interaction.However,The TE thermal forcing anomalies induce baroclinic zonal wind tendencies that reduce the vertical shear of zonal wind and atmospheric baroclinicity and eventually suppress the TE activity,favoring a negative feedback in the TE and time-mean flow interaction.Although the two types of TE forcing tend to have opposite feedback roles,the TE vorticity forcing appears to be dominant in the TE effect on the time-mean flow.  相似文献   
切变线暴雨过程中湿位涡的中尺度时空特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴君  汤剑平  邰庆国  石莹  裴洪芹 《气象》2007,33(10):45-51
利用中尺度数值预报模式MM5V3.6,对2005年9月19—21日发生在山东中南部的区域性切变线暴雨天气过程进行了数值模拟。并用高时空分辨率的模式输出资料,对此次暴雨过程的湿位涡场特征进行了诊断分析。结果表明:θse面陡立易导致湿斜压涡度的发展,形成θse陡峭密集区,密集区内容易发生暴雨。通过湿位涡的分析,揭示了暴雨过程中湿位涡的中尺度演变特征和空间结构,表明切变线暴雨的发生发展与湿位涡的时空演变有很好的联系。暴雨主要出现在850hPa的ζMPV1负值区和ζMPV2正值区等值线密集区附近,降水中心位于ζMPV1负值中心前部对流不稳定区中。  相似文献   
台风“麦莎”的强度对台风前部飑线发展过程影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
对2005年8月5日16时(UTC,下同)至6日00时发生的一次台风前部飑线过程进行了数值模拟,分析表明:台前飑线在母体台风和副高之间的湿区生成。台风为这次台前飑线过程提供了有利的条件,包括强的低空急流输送充沛的水汽,强的不稳定环境产生大的对流有效位能以及强的地表辐合,使得初始的离散的对流单体组织发展形成台前飑线。成熟时期的台前飑线虽然比中纬度和热带飑线的变压强度小,但是具有更强的低层暖湿空气入流,中层的入流范围也更加宽广。敏感性试验结果表明:台风强度越强,其台前飑线的回波强度越强,移动速度更快,生命史也更长。强台风使得低空垂直风切变更大,有利于台前飑线的生成和发展,在台前飑线发展成熟后,低空垂直风切变强度减小,不利于台前飑线的维持,加之低空水汽输送的减少,使其逐渐趋向衰亡。  相似文献   
一次缓慢东移的黄河气旋暴雨的诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和常规气象资料,对2001年6月28-29日发生在河南的一次黄河气旋暴雨过程进行了诊断分析。结果表明:黄河气旋的稳定少动是造成这次暴雨的直接原因,高层辐散与中层正涡度平流对黄河气旋形成和发展起了重要作用。这次过程的水汽主要来自副高东南侧的海上,孟加拉湾的水汽也有一定的贡献。暴雨区的中低层对称不稳定的存在,导致上升运动和水汽输送的加强,造成降水的增幅。  相似文献   
利用美国国家环境预报中心和能源部(NCEP/DOE)的逐日再分析资料(NCEP-DOE AMIP-Ⅱ),对2010年12月20日发生在北太平洋一次典型的反气旋式波破碎(AWB)事件进行研究,分析了波破碎过程中等熵位涡场的演变特征,揭示了波破碎过程中高频扰动以及低频信号的逐日演变特征,并对2010年冬季350 K等熵面上逐日高频位涡(PV)扰动和低频变化做经验正交函数(EOF)分析,得到了其主要模态,并从等熵位涡方程出发研究了波破碎过程中位涡高、低频变化的原因。研究表明,波破碎过程中高频低PV空气从北太平洋西部日本附近沿东北方向向对流层上层侵入,而来自阿拉斯加湾附近的高频高PV空气向对流层下层侵入。高频位涡场EOF分解得到的前两个模态共同描述了北太平洋中纬度地区自西向东移动的天气尺度波列;低频位涡场EOF分解的第一模态在北太平洋呈弧形波列结构。天气尺度波在传播过程中受到低频场的平流作用逐渐偏离其传播主要模态的位置,并发生破碎,同时高频流场对高频位涡的平流可以产生低频变化,使得低频变化的空间形态向其冬季主要模态转变。  相似文献   
Based on the daily NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the position variation of the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) in June 2005 and its relation to the diabatic heating in the subtropical East Asia are analyzed using the complete vertical vorticity equation. The results show that the position variation of the WPSH is indeed associated with the diabatic heating in the subtropical East Asian areas. In comparison with June climatology, stronger heating on the north side of the WPSH and relatively weak ITCZ (intertropical convergence zone) convection on the south side of the WPSH occurred in June 2005. Along with the northward movement of the WPSH, the convective latent heating extended northward from the south side of the WPSH. The heating to the west of the WPSH was generally greater than that inside the WPSH, and each significant enhancement of the heating field corresponded to a subsequent westward extension of the WPSH. In the mid troposphere, the vertical variation of heating on the north of the WPSH was greater than the climatology, which is unfavorable for the northward movement of the WPSH. On the other hand, the vertical variation of heating south of the WPSH was largely smaller than the climatology, which is favorable for the anomalous increase of anticyclonic vorticity, leading to the southward retreat of the WPSH. Before the westward extension of the WPSH in late June 2005, the vertical variation of heating rates to (in) the west (east) of the WPSH was largely higher (lower) than the climatology, which is in favor of the increase of anticyclonic (cyclonic) vorticity to (in) the west (east) of the WPSH, inducing the subsequent westward extension of the WPSH. Similar features appeared in the lower troposphere. In a word, the heating on the north-south, east-west of the WPSH worked together, resulting in the WPSH extending more southward and westward in June 2005, which is favorable to the maintenance of the rainbelt in South China.  相似文献   
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