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中尺度对流系统对台风“风神”移动路径影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
沈新勇  毕明玉  张玲  刘佳 《气象学报》2012,70(6):1173-1187
通过卫星资料分析台风“风神”路径预报之所以出现较大的偏差,可能是由于“风神”西侧中尺度对流系统引起的.为了更好地研究中尺度对流系统对台风的影响,利用中尺度非静力数值模式WRF对“风神”的移动过程开展了高分辨率数值模拟,模拟采用双重嵌套,最高分辨率6 km,共积分78 h.利用模拟资料,采用PV-ω分部位涡反演方法定量分析了台风外围中尺度对流系统对台风运动的影响,认为P V-ω分部位涡反演方法能够很好地分离出台风外围中尺度对流系统,其对台风引导气流的贡献可达到20%左右.为验证中尺度对流系统的影响,用模式积分的方法,通过3组模拟实验,发现中尺度对流系统使台风路径偏左或偏右可能随着环境引导气流方向而改变,而在此个例中的中尺度对流系统会使得台风向西和向极移动得更远.对比研究了不同中尺度对流系统对台风的影响,发现在“风神”移动过程中,中尺度对流系统之所以引起较大影响是因为中尺度对流系统与台风相对位置变化不大所致.  相似文献   
利用地面降水观测、NCEP/NCAR FNL再分析、ECMWF模式预报场和FY-2H静止卫星TBB资料, 对2020年6月30日浙江省一次暴雨过程进行了综合分析。结果表明: (1) 200 hPa南亚高压强高空辐散、中纬度低槽东移、副热带高压带状稳定的阻塞形势、江淮气旋后部下摆冷空气与暖湿气流交汇形成的冷式切变等共同提供了有利的环境条件; (2)对流层中低层水汽通量向高空伸展、700 hPa正的垂直螺旋度中心都对暴雨落区有示踪作用, 高层正水汽通量散度强于低层负水汽通量散度, 垂直螺旋度和垂直速度中心几乎重合, 先低层强辐合后强垂直上升运动均为本次暴雨的发生提供了重要的水汽和动力条件; (3)暴雨发生在MPV、MPV1和MPV2为正负过渡的零值区, 为对流不稳定和斜压不稳定相结合区域, θse线密集区与地面近乎垂直, 湿位涡的高值中心位于θse梯度最大处, 高空湿位涡下传触发了位势不稳定能量的释放, 引起大范围的强对流暴雨; (4) 850 hPa冷切变线附近的降水云团, 是由多个块状对流云团合并加强形成完整的带状积雨云团, 而上游不断有新生对流云团生成东移补充消散的老单体, 触发阶段对流云后向传播, 扰动发展阶段对流云团合并过程, 形成对流云串的“列车效应”。   相似文献   
The surface air convergence on the eastern flank of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) can increase the in situ surface potential vorticity density (PVD). Since the elevated TP intersects with the isentropic surfaces in the lower troposphere, the increased PVD on the eastern flank of TP thus forms a PVD forcing to the intersected isentropic surface in the boundary layer. The influence of surface PVD forcing over the TP on the extreme freezing rain/snow over South China in January 2008 is investigated by using numerical experiments based on the Finite-volume Atmospheric Model of the IAP/LASG (FAMIL). Compared with observations, the simulation results show that, by using a nudging method for assimilating observation data in the initial flow, this model can reasonably reproduce the distribution of precipitation, atmospheric circulation, and PVD propagation over and downstream of the TP during the extreme winter precipitation period. In order to investigate the impact of the increased surface PVD over the TP on the extreme precipitation in South China, a sensitivity experiment with surface PVD reduced over the TP region was performed. Compared with the control experiment, it is found that the precipitation in the TP downstream area, especially in Southeast China, is reduced. The rainband from Guangxi Region to Shandong Province has almost disappeared. In the lower troposphere, the increase of surface PVD over the TP region has generated an anomalous cyclonic circulation over southern China, which plays an important role in increasing southerly wind and the water vapor transport in this area;it also increases the northward negative absolute vorticity advection. In the upper troposphere, the surface PVD generated in eastern TP propagates on isentropic surface along westerly wind and results in positive absolute vorticity advection in the downstream areas. Consequently, due to the development of both ascending motion and water vapor transport in the downstream place of the TP, extremely heavy precipitation occurs over southern China. Thereby, a new mechanism concerning the influence of the increased surface PVD over the eastern TP slopes on the extreme weather event occurring over southern China is revealed.  相似文献   
利用常规地面气象观测资料、NCEP/NCAR FNL 1°×1°网格点逐6 h再分析资料,对2018年6月20日浙江省一次暴雨过程的主要环流系统、等熵位涡、垂直螺旋度等进行了天气动力学诊断分析。结果表明:850 hPa低涡切变、对流层中层冷空气、200 hPa南亚高压、副热带高压是此次暴雨过程发生的主要影响系统;700 hPa上的正垂直螺旋度中心对暴雨的发生有良好的指示意义;等熵位涡的演变和形态对冷空气活动有较好的视踪作用,等熵位涡中心两侧气流辐合,有利于低压系统发展,高层等熵位涡与冷空气活动有较好的对应关系,等熵位涡大值区偏南侧的移动与强降水落区有较好的对应关系。  相似文献   
This paper diagnoses and analyses the developmental mechanism of a process of extratropical transition of a tropical cyclone which occurred over West Pacific Ocean based on a diagnosis method of potential vorticity inversion of frontogenesis.The study diagnoses quantitatively the role and effect of dynamic influence of westerly cold troughs,middle-latitude baroclinic frontal zones,cyclone cycles and unbalanced wind fields during the different stages of the extratropical transition of a tropical cyclone,and also discusses the interaction between them and the developmental mechanism.The results show that there are different developmental mechanisms during each stage of the extratropical transition and the processes are also unbalanced.  相似文献   
The mesoscale vortex associated with a mesoscale low-level jet(mLLJ) usually causes heavy rainfall in the col field.The col field is defined as a region between two highs and two lows,with the isobaric surface similar to a col.Using a two-dimensional shallow water model,the meso-β scale vortex couplets(MβVCs) induced by eight types of mesoscale wind perturbations in an ideal col field were numerically simulated.With the sizes of ~100 km,the MβVCs induced by northerly perturbation(NP) and southerly perturbation(SP) moved toward the col point.The sizes of MβVCs induced by southwesterly perturbation(SWP),southeasterly perturbation(SEP),northwesterly perturbation(NWP),and northeasterly perturbation(NEP) were relatively small for the perturbations moving toward dilatation axis.The MβVC induced by easterly perturbation(EP) and westerly perturbation(WP) could not develop because they quickly moved away from the col point,before the circulation could form.The size of the circulation was determined by the distance between the vortex and the col point.The closer to the col point the vortex was,the larger the size of vortex.The comparisons of maximum vorticity and vorticity root mean square error(RMSE) of the NP,the SWP,and the WP show that the maximum vorticity and the vorticity RMSE of the NP decreased slower than other perturbations.Therefore,the weak environment of the col field favors the maintenance of vorticity and the formation of vortex.When a mesoscale vortex forms near the col point or moves toward the col point,it may maintain a quasi-stationary state in the stable col field.  相似文献   
华南前汛期福建一次致洪暴雨过程的中尺度结构特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用FY-2E卫星云顶亮温资料、全国加密自动站资料和NCEP再分析资料,对2010年6月19~20日华南前汛期福建一次特大暴雨过程的中尺度对流系统的演变及其结构特征进行了分析和讨论。结果表明,特大暴雨发生在稳定的环流背景下,整个过程有4个主要的中尺度对流系统,沿着低层切变线东移和发生、发展,为强降水的发生提供了有利条件;高层辐散和低层辐合促进了强降水区中的上升运动,低层辐合的水汽在强上升过程中释放凝结潜热,进一步促进了水汽的上升运动和低涡的发展,是强降水发生的动力特征;地面不稳定能量和西南暖湿气流在强上升运动作用下,与中高层沿等θse线向低层侵入的干冷空气在对流层中层相遇并形成锋区,是特大暴雨过程的热力特征;湿位涡的诊断分析表明,对流不稳定和条件性对称不稳定的发展促使强降水区附近的涡旋发展,上升运动的加强,对强降水的发生和持续起了重要作用。  相似文献   
A note on the general concept of wave breaking for Rossby and gravity waves   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A recently proposed general definition of wave breaking is further discussed, in order to deal with some points on which misunderstanding appears to have arisen. As with surface and internal gravity waves, the classification of Rossby waves into breaking and not breaking is a generic classification based on dynamical considerations, and not a statement about any unique signature or automatically recognizable shape. Nor is it a statement about passive tracers uncorrelated with potential vorticity on isentropic surfaces. A strong motivation for the definition is that proofs of the nonacceleration theorem of wave, mean-flow interaction theory rely, explicitly or implicitly, on a hypothesis that the waves do not break in the sense envisaged.The general definition refers to the qualitative behaviour of a certain set of material contours, namely those, and only those, which would undulate reversibly, with small slopes, under the influence of the waves' restoring mechanism, in those circumstances for which linearized, nondissipative wave theory is a self-consistent approximation to nonlinear reality. The waves' restoring mechanism depends upon the basic-state vertical potential density gradient in the case of gravity waves, and upon the basic-state isentropic gradient of potential vorticity in the case of Rossby waves. In the usual linearized theory of planetary scale Rossby waves on a zonal shear flow, the relevant material contours lie along latitude circles when undisturbed.  相似文献   
位涡及位涡反演   总被引:6,自引:8,他引:6  
张述文  王式功 《高原气象》2001,20(4):468-473
对位涡概念发展史进行了总结并给出位涡反演原理 ,讨论了不同近似模式的位涡表达式及其拉格朗日守恒形式 ;对位涡特性研究方面的新成果作了总结 ;考察大量应用实例并指出存在的不足 ;最后对应用前景作了展望  相似文献   
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