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华南暖区暴雨研究进展   总被引:15,自引:8,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
华南前汛期暴雨预报一直是我国大气科学界的一个研究热点,特别是发生在锋前的暖区暴雨,由于其天气尺度斜压性强迫不明显,环境大气水汽含量丰富,热动力不稳定性强,边界层触发机制复杂,以及特殊的地形和海陆热力差异的外强迫作用,导致暴雨突发性强,地域性特征显著,也是困扰预报业务人员的难点问题。目前我国预报业务中使用的全球数值预报模式对暖区暴雨的预报能力十分有限,高分辨率中尺度数值模式的预报效果也不尽人意。该文回顾了近40年华南前汛期暴雨大部分研究成果,针对华南暖区暴雨的提出及典型背景场、暖区暴雨与低空急流的关系、暖区中尺度对流系统的形成及传播、暖区暴雨触发机制等独特的天气动力学特征进行了系统梳理与分析,并依据前人研究成果及中央气象台预报实践经验,总结提炼了3类华南暖区暴雨类型——边界层辐合线型、偏南风风速辐合型,以及强西南急流型的天气系统配置及触发因子。最后提出针对华南暖区暴雨需要进一步研究的科学问题。  相似文献   
We develop a parameterisation for the effective roughness length of terrain that consists of a repeating sequence of patches, in which each patch is composed of strips of two roughness types. A numerical model with second-order closure in the turbulent stress is developed and used to show that: (i) the normalised Reynolds stress develops as a self-similar profile; (ii) the mixing-length parameterisation is a good first-order approximation to the Reynolds stress. These findings are used to characterise the blending layer, where the stress adjusts smoothly from its local surface value to its effective value aloft. Previous studies have assumed that this adjustment occurs abruptly at a single level, often called the blending height. The blending layer is shown to be characterised by height scales that arise naturally in linear models of surface layer flow over roughness changes, and calculations with the numerical model show that these height scales remain appropriate in the nonlinear regime. This concept of the blending layer allows the development of a new parameterisation of the effective roughness length, which gives values for the effective roughness length that are shown to compare well with both atmospheric measurements and values determined from the second-order model.  相似文献   
16 aircraft missions were conducted for the measurement of atmospheric aerosols in separate days of late spring and early summer of 1996 and 1997.The paper deals with detailed analysis of the variation in vertical/horizontal distributions of the concentration of the particles and their size distribution at 0-5 km above ground,and with the relations to temperature and relative humidity documented in general.Evidence suggests that the concentrations show different distribution features in vertical above and below the cap of the mixed layer:the particle size distribution is subject to a range of forming mechanisms,displaying a multi-modal pattern:the horizontal concentration experiences remarkable variation:temperature and relative humidity stratifications have conspicuous influence on the concentration and size distribution of aerosols.  相似文献   
文中详细地论述了新疆阿尔泰哈巴河一带古生代火山岩的地质、岩石化学、稀土元素地球化学特征。将其分为三个类型,认为火山岩是在陆缘裂陷槽的区域构造背景下发生和演化的。对各类型火山岩岩浆来源,上升模式也做了初步讨论。  相似文献   
李霓  张柳毅 《岩石学报》2011,27(10):2842-2854
腾冲火山群位于我国云南省西部和缅甸的交界处,由黑空山、大空山、小空山、打鹰山、马鞍山等一系列火山组成,是我国著名的第四纪火山群,从喷发活动时间上可分为老期火山和新期火山.前人研究证实,打鹰山、马鞍山和黑空山为新期火山,它们在全新世都有过喷发活动.这些新期火山岩的主要斑晶矿物为辉石、橄榄石和长石,主要的斑晶矿物中都含有熔体包裹体,它们形态多样,分布不规则,且部分显示后期有变化.探针分析表明,新期火山岩矿物中熔体包裹体成分的变化范围大于其基质玻璃成分的变化范围,它们的化学成分分布范围涵盖了玄武粗安岩、粗面安山岩、粗面岩和流纹岩等岩石类型,与腾冲火山区晚更新世以来火山岩的成分分布范围基本一致.根据对新期火山岩斑晶和微晶矿物中熔体包裹体及基质玻璃成分的测试研究,其中挥发分Cl的含量在包裹体和基质中变化不大,但F、SO3在熔体包裹体中的含量高于基质,总体上腾冲新期火山喷发时岩浆的脱气率较低,喷发时并未向空中喷出大量气体,推测对当时的气候环境影响不大,但未来喷发的灾害效应不容忽视.  相似文献   
This paper is the second of a series devoted to the observation and analysis of coherent structures in the cloudy Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) such as horizontal rolls or thermal cells. In the first paper, the TRAC (Turbulence Radar Aircraft Cells) experiment which is the observational support of this investigation based on coupled radar-aircraft measurements, was presented along with an overview of the main results of this campaign held in June 1993 in France. Here the analysis is focused on the spatial characteristics (length-scale, orientation ... ) of the coherent structures, their temporal evolution and vertical distribution deduced from the radar reflectivity fields acquired in clear air at several levels for five different ABLs. For that, an original and efficient image processing method able to extract the major mode of the organisation was developed. These characteristics are examined in relation to the dynamic and thermodynamic state of the ABL using mean and turbulent information as observed by the in-situ aircraft. These experimental results are the basis of a future Large Eddy Simulation modeling of an organised ABL which is in progress and will be the concern of the third paper in the series.  相似文献   
喀喇昆仑山北坡明铁盖地区早二叠世的基性火山岩岩石化学和地球化学特征表明,它是一种既具有在硅铝质基底上扩张的洋脊玄武岩性质,又具有钙碱性岛弧拉斑玄武岩特点的弧后盆地火山岩。这一弧后盆地的形成与沿西金乌兰湖—空喀山口至乔戈里峰一线的古特提斯洋盆的扩张及向北俯冲、消减相联系,构成了塔里木板块南部晚古生代活动大陆边缘。  相似文献   
简要列举了近年来全新世火山地质领域的研究进展,主要涉及新确定的全新世火山、精细喷发序列与喷发频率、高分辨率火山机构多维框架研究、火山碎屑物粒度分布、形貌特征与成因、火山碎屑流、涌流和火山泥石流堆积、降落堆积成因亚类、火山活动与新构造和火山地质遗迹资源、环境及火山灾害。  相似文献   
广东中山晚更新世最早海侵层与水动型海平面变化   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
中山市珠海格力商业大厦场址钻孔表明,距今(45120±910)a海水已经侵入珠江三角洲地区,当时海平面约在-34.7m。沉积剖面及其比较研究表明,场区从晚更新世海侵以来是连续的滨海相沉积;场区还是晚更新世海侵以来差异构造运动显著的珠江三角洲(乃至东南沿海)地区地壳的一块“稳定小岛”。其晚更新世以来的滨海相沉积反映了渐进上升的实际水动型海平面变化  相似文献   
The northern Indian Ocean (NIO) experienced a decadal-scale persistent warming from 1950 to 2000, which has influenced both regional and global climate. Because the NIO is a region susceptible to aerosols emis- sion changes, and there are still large uncertainties in the representation of the aerosol indirect effect (ALE) in CMIP5 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5) models, it is necessary to investigate the role of the AIE in the NIO warming simulated by these models. In this study, the authors select seven CMIP5 models with both the aerosol direct and indirect effects to investigate their performance in simulating the basin-wide decadal-scale NIO warming. The results show that the decreasing trend of the downwelling shortwave flux (FSDS) at the surface has the major damping effect on the SST increasing trend, which counteracts the warming effect of greenhouse gases (GHGs). The FSDS decreasing trend is mostly contrib- uted by the decreasing trend of cloudy-sky surface downwelling shortwave flux (FSDSCL), a metric used to measure the strength of the AIE, and partly by the clear-sky surface downwelling shortwave flux (FSDSC). Models with a relatively weaker AIE can simulate well the SST increasing trend, as compared to observation. In contrast, models with a relatively stronger AIE produce a much smaller magnitude of the increasing trend, indicat- ing that the strength of the AIE in these models may be overestimated in the NIO.  相似文献   
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