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喀斯特石漠化蚕食区域土地资源,制约当地经济的可持续发展,受到国内外学者和政府的广泛关注。鉴于石漠化防治的长期性和艰巨性,梳理有关石漠化在国际上发表论文的相关研究进展,分析当前发展态势及研究前沿和热点,可为石漠化的治理与恢复提供支撑。本文以“Web of ScienceTM核心合集”为主要数据库,检索获取关于石漠化的英文发表成果。利用CiteSpace文献分析工具,进行石漠化研究进展的可视化表达和分析。结果显示:①对比全球的碳酸盐岩区域和人口分布发现,尽管石漠化在多国都有分布,但剧烈的人为扰动导致石漠化在中国西南岩溶地区最为突出;②中国在石漠化研究处于领先地位,国际上发文量最大,发文数大致经历了起步-缓增-稳增-快增的发展过程,中国学者研究与政府投入密切相关;③以贵州省为代表的中国西南地区是发文的核心区,石漠化监测与治理及其对生态环境影响是当前研究的热点和难点。文章综述喀斯特自然环境和人类活动及其交互效应对石漠化演替的影响过程,阐明了石漠化正逆演替过程造成的生态环境效应。综合已发表文献,指出未来需要从高精度石漠化自动制图技术、石漠化与人为活动互馈机制和石漠化恢复与生态环境提升协同路径等3个方面深入研究。 相似文献
We present 18,365 astrometric observations of 290 visual binaries obtained with the 26-inch refractor of Pulkovo Observatory during 2014–2019. The separation between components is from 1″.3 to 37″ with a median value of 4″.8 . For a single observation, the mean separation error is 0″.013 , and the mean position angle error is 0∘.44/ρ , where ρ is an angular distance in arcseconds. We compare the observations of sample stars with the data from the Gaia DR2 catalog and the results of the ground-based observations performed with other telescopes. 相似文献
L. R. Bedin J. Dietrich A. J. Burgasser D. Apai M. Libralato M. Griggio C. Fontanive D. Pourbaix 《Astronomische Nachrichten》2024,345(1):e230158
Located at less than two pc away, Luhman 16 AB (WISE J104915.57-531906.1) is the closest pair of brown dwarfs and the third closest “stellar” system to Earth. An exoplanet candidate in the Luhman 16 binary system was reported in 2017 based on a weak astrometric signature in the analysis of 12 HST epochs. An additional epoch collected in 2018 and re-analysis of the data with more advanced methods further increased the significance level of the candidate, consistent with a Neptune-mass exoplanet orbiting one of the Luhman 16 brown dwarf components. We report the joint analysis of these previous data together with two new astrometric HST epochs we obtained to confirm or disprove this astrometric signature. Our new analysis rules out the presence of a planet orbiting one component of the Luhman 16 AB system for masses 1.5 M♆ (Neptune masses) and periods between 400 and 5000 days. However, the presence of third bodies with masses 3 M♆ and periods between 2 and 400 days ( 1.1 years) cannot be excluded. Our measurements make significant improvements to the characterization of this sub-stellar binary, including its mass-ratio 0.8305 , individual component masses 35.4 0.2 MꝜ and 29.4 0.2 MꝜ (Jupiter masses), and parallax distance 1.9960 pc 50 AU. Comparison of the masses and luminosities of Luhman 16 AB to several evolutionary models shows persistent discrepancies in the ages of the two components, but strengthens the case that this system is a member of the 510 95 Myr Oceanus Moving Group. 相似文献
I. S. Izmailov;A. A. Apetyan; 《Astronomische Nachrichten》2024,345(1):e230004
We present the orbit and the mass estimates for the components of the visual binary star 61 Cyg obtained with the positional observations, including the high-precision Gaia data, and the measurements of differences in the radial velocities and the radial accelerations of the components. Since the orbital period of this star significantly exceeds the period of observations, using the radial velocities and the radial accelerations allows us to reduce uncertainty in the determination of the orbital elements and the total mass of the system. 相似文献
视觉惯性里程计(VIO)和伪卫星已经广泛应用于室内环境定位中,但在实际应用中,二者各自都有明显的缺陷。视觉里程计依赖于实际场景,在景深变化明显和光照不均匀的环境下会产生粗差,而且误差会不可避免地随着时间累积,但是在相邻帧间能保证相对高精度的位姿测量。由于受到室内多径的影响,伪卫星室内定位的精度和可靠性很难保证。为增加室内定位的可靠性和稳定性,基于抗差LM非线性优化理论,本文主要研究利用视觉惯性里程计的相邻帧间高精度位姿测量和伪卫星融合的室内高精度定位技术。该算法不仅可以抵抗粗差,而且可以减弱不同传感器间权重设置不合理带来的影响。最后使用在室内环境下搭建的高精度动态捕捉设备对组合定位方法进行实验验证。试验结果表明,该方法不依赖回环即可消除视觉惯性里程计的累积误差,有效提高室内定位精度及可靠性。利用改进的LM算法融合后场景1和场景2,相对于VIO单独定位精度分别提高了59.0%和77.5%。 相似文献
可视化与可视化分析能有效提升枯燥、抽象数据的认知能力。然而,受地表环境要素遮挡、三维地质模型的不规则几何特征等要素影响,地下局部空间视觉表征中断,难以高效感知和交互分析地质要素及要素间的空间、属性特征。因此,本文提出了一种多种视觉变量和单目视觉线索组合的三维地质模型特征信息的增强可视化分析方法,实现了三维地质模型关键信息的增强表达与定量分析,并选择重大铁路某大桥和某隧道两个区域地质单元进行了案例试验分析。结果表明,与现有三维网格类标尺可视化分析方法相比,本文方法的精度和效率分别提升了13.63%、29.32%;根据参与者的调查统计分析,可视化效果与交互体验也有较大提升,证明本文方法可以更高效地感知和分析复杂三维地质模型场景中的关键特征信息。 相似文献
《Astronomische Nachrichten》2018,339(1):60-71
In spite of its importance for the study of star formation at all mass domains, the nearby young σ Orionis cluster still lacks a comprehensive survey for multiplicity. We try to fill that observational gap by looking for wide resolved binaries with angular separations between 0.4 and 4.0 arcsec. We search for companions to 331 cataloged cluster stellar members and candidates in public K‐band UKIDSS images outside the innermost 1 arcmin, which is affected by the glare of the bright, eponymous σ Ori multiple system, and investigate their cluster membership with color–magnitude diagrams and previous knowledge of youth features. Of the 18 identified pairs, 10 have very low individual probabilities of chance alignment (< 1%) and are considered here as physical pairs. Four of them are new, while the other six had been discovered previously but never investigated homogeneously and in detail. Projected physical separations and magnitude differences of the 10 probably bound pairs range from 180 to 1220 au, and from 0.0 to 3.4 mag in K, respectively. Besides, we identify two cluster stars with elongated point spread functions. We determine the minimum frequency of wide multiplicity in the interval of projected physical separations s = 160–1600 au in σ Orionis at 3.0%. We discover a new Lindroos system, find that massive and X‐ray stars tend to be in pairs or trios, conclude that multiplicity truncates circumstellar disks and enhances X‐ray emission, and ascribe a reported lithium depletion in a young star to unresolved binarity in spectra of moderate resolution. When accounting for all known multiples, including spectroscopic binaries, the minimum frequency of multiplicity increases to about 10%, which implies that of the order of 80–100 unknown multiple systems still await discovery in σ Orionis. 相似文献
头足类是现存最古老的海洋生物之一,为视觉性动物,视觉在它们的捕食、避敌、求偶、交配等活动中发挥了重要作用。在长期的进化过程中,头足类的眼睛为它们带来了视觉上的强大优势。目前国内关于头足类眼睛的研究较少,主要集中于头足类眼睛视网膜的研究,国外的研究则主要集中于头足类眼睛的结构特点和一些视觉特性,本文对头足类眼睛的形成、形态、结构、视敏度变化、偏振光敏感性、趋光性及眼外光感受器——感光囊进行了论述。综合分析认为,除鹦鹉螺外,头足类的眼睛发达,虽然它们的眼睛保留了无脊椎动物无法识别颜色这一特性,但已经具备了形成物像,进行屈光和光调节的完善而精细的系统结构,分辨率高,甚至还具有一些高等脊椎动物所不具备的功能,同时还有眼外光感受器——感光囊进行辅助作用。因此,和它们的分类地位一样,头足类的眼睛一定程度上也处于海洋动物由低等进化到高等的一个过渡型的地位。此外,本文也对目前头足类眼睛研究进展的问题和未来研究方向进行了总结和展望。希望可以引起国内外同行的重视,并为相关研究提供借鉴和参考。 相似文献
图斑合并(聚合和融合)是专题地图综合中一个很重要的任务。将小于面积阈值的图斑群的空间视觉冲突分为四类,针对不同的类型采取不同的策略,重点讨论了邻接小图斑群的渐进式合并方法。该方法有效地简化了整个计算过程,提高了计算效率,并使得合并前后的变化值达到最小。 相似文献