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谭笑  朱庆  赵君峤  许伟平  张叶廷  杜志强 《测绘学报》2012,41(2):177-183,204
针对飞行器可视导航中复杂空地环境时空要素统一精准表示的难题,本文提出了面向飞行器可视导航的复杂空地环境动态3维表示的GIS数据模型和相应的时刻数据存储结构,并用UML图进行了描述。该模型综合考虑了复杂空地环境要素多维、动态、边界模糊等特点,刻画了多维动态时空数据在空间、时间、尺度、语义四个方面的特征及其相互关系。最后,以某机场的空地环境数据的组织、分析和可视化为例,验证了该模型的实用性。  相似文献   
设计开发了基于MySQL的测量标志点可视化管理及导航寻点系统,给出了系统总体构架和服务端与移动端的数据交互方式,阐述了系统中测量标志点可视化和信息化管理、移动端导航寻点和信息采集、导航轨迹测量与简化、多控制点的导航寻找等关键问题的解决方案。系统运行表明,服务端地图显示测量标志点和查询结果,界面直观、友好,实现了测量标志点可视化信息化管理;移动端的导航寻点功能可以提高外业作业效率。  相似文献   
Abstract. In this article, we compare biomass results for three fish species (Symphodus ocellatus, Serranus scriba and Diplodus annularis) between May 1993 and May 2000 in the Bonifacio Strait Marine Reserve. The data were obtained from seagrass meadows using the visual census method. A randomised procedure was used to test the null hypothesis of biomass equality. To this end, decreasing sample sizes were used for the May 2000 data to determine the sample size necessary to reject the null hypothesis (5 % level). For Symphodus ocellatus, 10 samples (fixed points) were necessary to reject the null hypothesis, whereas 15 samples were required for Diplodus annularis. The null hypothesis was never rejected for Serranus scriba regardless of the sample size considered.
These results are discussed, as is the power statistical analysis proposed by Ortiz (2002; this issue, pp. 1 – 9) , to determine the optimal sample size necessary to detect perturbation effects in the marine environment. Although the power analysis is certainly a useful method to determine the sampling design in assessment the effect of marine reserves on fish biomass, the magnitude of the marine reserve effect remains problematic in ecology.  相似文献   
为了使影像地图跨媒介传递色彩失真最小,本文提出一种面向影像地图色域映射算法。首先,使用双边滤波对影像地图进行预处理,分解出低频和高频图像,根据人眼空间域视觉感知理论,对低频图像采用保护彩度裁切法,对高频图像采用保护明度压缩法,最后融合两幅映射后图像并再次映射至目标色域,使用图像结构相似度和S-CIELAB色差模型进行客观评价,并与HPMINΔE法、SGCK法及Bala提出算法进行比较。结果表明,面向影像地图色域映射算法在图像结构相似度和图像色差上都比其他算法稍好。因此,面向影像地图色域映射算法能提高影像地图的映射质量,可同时保护影像地图影像细节和矢量符号色彩。  相似文献   
针对当前电子地图显示范围以及人眼视觉分辨能力的限制,该文提出了符合视觉认知规律的自适应多级岛屿群空间模式,基于动态邻近图、最小生成树、最小面积外接矩形等概念设计了岛屿群多级空间模式提取算法。实验结果表明,该方法有效顾及了岛屿群显示的空间尺度,能够自适应地生成符合显示尺度要求的岛屿群多级空间模式,提高了空间模式识别的灵活性和有效性。  相似文献   
研究了基于AutoCAD二次开发进行海底浅地层剖面计算机成图的方法,设计了包含数据输入、坐标提取、投影计算及自动加载等功能的VBA程序,实现了海底浅地层剖面的计算机自动成图。  相似文献   
The false topographic perception phenomenon (FTPP) refers to the visual misperception in remote-sensing images that certain types of terrains are visually interpreted as other types in rugged lands, for example, valleys as ridges and troughs as peaks. For this reason, the FTPP can influence the visualization and interpretation of images to a great extent. To scrutinize this problem, the paper firstly reviews and tests the existing FTPP-correction techniques and identifies the inverse slope-matching technique as an effective approach to visually enhance remote-sensing images and retain the colour information. The paper then proposes an improved FTPP-correction procedure that incorporates other image-processing techniques (e.g. linear stretch, histogram matching, and flat-area replacement) to enhance the performance of this technique. A further evaluation of the proposed technique is conducted by applying the technique to various study areas and using different types of remote-sensing images. The result indicates the method is relatively robust and will be a significant extension to geovisual analytics in digital earth research.  相似文献   

Proportional point symbols are commonly used in map displays. However, when such displays are zoomed out, the available map space shrinks and consequently symbols overlap and the display suffers from visual clutter. Therefore, solutions are needed to reduce visual clutter in zoomable map displays that contain proportional point symbols. The authors add to the body of knowledge through the investigation of the performance of three solutions: aggregation of unit areas, the displacement of overlapping symbols, and modified symbolization; four variations of modified symbolization are examined in detail. The original study begins with a consideration of the strengths and weaknesses of the solutions, with an emphasis on information loss. Thereafter, user sessions with 165 participants are arranged to gain empirical evidence of the performance of the solutions. The results reveal that although participants zoom out the map to zoom levels that implement visual clutter reduction techniques, they tend to zoom in the map and pan it to examine specific areas. Moreover, they willingly use the map with aggregated unit areas in cases when the solution facilitates task accomplishment. A certain amount of skepticism attaches to the solution that displaces overlapping symbols.  相似文献   
本文介绍了在Windows环境下,用可视Basic研制的G-856质子磁力仪实测数据预处理程序。该程序具有读入数据、日变改正、梯度改正、高度改正、磁参数计算、误差计算、图形的显示与编辑、打印各种数据与图形的功能。最后,结合野外工作实例讨论了其优点。  相似文献   
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