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广州城市流浪乞讨者的空间管治与日常生活实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尹铎  蔡慕言  梁金多  朱竑  高权 《地理科学》2019,39(3):450-458
以广州流浪乞讨者为研究对象,通过深度访谈等质性研究方法,解读针对流浪乞讨者的空间管治政策与手段,分析流浪乞讨者的日常生活实践与生境协商。研究发现:在地方城市政策对流动性与公共秩序限制的双重压力下,在流浪乞讨者的日常生活实践中,不仅有针对管治行动者而刻意为之的特殊营建,亦有基于程式化生活流程对自我身份认同的重塑与真情实感的展演。地方政府基于空间目标的救助与真实存在的日常生活实践存在着一种张力。研究关注了城市边缘群体日常生活对地理意义的主动塑造过程,对全面理解并规范管理中国城市流浪乞讨现象具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
我国城市群整合发展的基础与实践   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目前, 我国许多城市群还没有形成以城市集群为支撑的有整体竞争实力的地域实体, 区 域协调机制还没有从根本上建立起来。为了解决这个严重制约城市群发展的问题, 必须走整合发 展的道路, 整合发展是城市群战略的重大课题。城市群的整合发展要树立正确的科学理念, 充分 吸取国内外相关研究的宝贵启示。整合发展的理论基础分核心理论和基本理论, 前者有竞争优 势、空间相互作用、空间发展和区域协调理论等, 后者有系统、现代经济增长、可持续发展和区域 创新理论等。城市群的存在、城市群的要素和城市群地区的城镇化是整合发展的现实基础, 涉及 城市群存在状态的演进及其广域存在价值, 资源秉赋、整体实力、产业结构、交通通信和核心城 市, 城镇化的综合水平和面临的主要问题等。城市群整合发展的实践包含6 个方面的内容: 城市 竞争力整合、城市体系整合、产业整合、空间整合、城乡生态环境整合和发展的支撑平台整合。  相似文献   
Vulnerability, adaptation and resilience are concepts that are finding increasing currency in several fields of research as well as in various policy and practitioner communities engaged in global environmental change science, climate change, sustainability science, disaster risk-reduction and famine interventions. As scientists and practitioners increasingly work together in this arena a number of questions are emerging: What is credible, salient and legitimate knowledge, how is this knowledge generated and how is it used in decision making? Drawing on important science in this field, and including a case study from southern Africa, we suggest an alternative mode of interaction to the usual one-way interaction between science and practice often used. In this alternative approach, different experts, risk-bearers, and local communities are involved and knowledge and practice is contested, co-produced and reflected upon. Despite some successes in the use and negotiation of such knowledge for ‘real’ world issues, a number of problems persist that require further investigation including the difficulties of developing consensus on the methodologies used by a range of stakeholders usually across a wide region (as the case study of southern Africa shows, particularly in determining and identifying vulnerable groups, sectors, and systems); slow delivery of products that could enhance resilience to change that reflects not only a lack of data, and need for scientific credibility, but also the time-consuming process of coming to a negotiated understanding in science–practice interactions and, finally, the need to clarify the role of ‘external’ agencies, stakeholders, and scientists at the outset of the dialogue process and subsequent interactions. Such factors, we argue, all hinder the use of vulnerability and resilience ‘knowledge’ that is being generated and will require much more detailed investigation by both producers and users of such knowledge.  相似文献   
A survey of local governments participating in two urban climate change programs is presented to determine the mechanisms used to reach emissions reduction goals and the motivations for participation. Results support previous research that shows a preference for policies that rely on changes in individual behavior, while also providing new insights into how mitigation responsibilities are distributed among the public and private sector and the relative importance of scientific consensus, economic incentives, and federal inaction on local government justification for climate-related policies. The article concludes with a discussion of urban climate governance as part of a wider system of neoliberal climate governance.  相似文献   
国外旅游产业集群的研究与实践及对我国的启示   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
国外产业集群理论逐步应用到了旅游产业中,对于旅游产业集群的研究和实践也产泛开展。理论研究主要是从功能尺度和空间集聚角度探讨旅游产业集群,实践应用主要从地方旅游业发展战略角度在旅游目的地实施“旅游产业集群战略”和组成合作的“集群组织”;国外对于旅游产业集群的研究也显示出多学科多角度的特征,而且一般是理论和实证相结合的研究范式,而实践中则强调政府的作用和项目组织者对于推进集群内部企业合作性竞争和创新的重要作用。国内对于旅游产业集群的研究刚刚起步,实践也仅是政府在口头上或书面上对于旅游产业集群的关注;因此,借鉴国外理论研究和实践的经验和方法,我国应尽快开展旅游产业集群的实证研究,充分发挥政府对于旅游产业集群的推动作用。  相似文献   
This paper is concerned with subaltern actions providing alternatives to development practice. I use Ghana's attempt at urban water privatization to illustrate that Ghana's development practice is characterized by a dependence on foreign sources of capital and expertise that illustrates a psyche and mindset of Eurocentrism associated with the elite and decisionmakers of the country. The rationale for water privatization, the how of privatization, and the anti-development opposition to privatization not only demonstrate this dependency but also the extent to which decisionmakers are willing to sacrifice sovereignty and culturally sensitive ways of doing things, to global capital, in exchange for development funds. In the state's zeal for Western or Occidental development, subalterns in Ghana have devised hybridities that are post-traditional and Oriental in nature to solve their water problems. These development solutions are couched within structures provided to human agency and suggest that development practice should therefore listen to subalterns in terms of how they imagine and solve their problems. The concern with subaltern voices shows the relationship between postcolonial studies and development practice.  相似文献   
得益于计算机技术、人工智能技术、多媒体技术、传感器技术等的迅速发展,虚拟仿真在科学领域已经得到了广泛的应用并具有巨大的市场需求。在地质学中,国内外高校已经将虚拟仿真技术应用到教学中,使其打破了传统教学的时空限制。但目前虚拟仿真在该领域的应用还存在场景内容欠缺,交互感不足,细节展示不够等问题。为能够进一步拓展虚拟仿真技术在地质学中的应用思路,文章对虚拟仿真技术在多个科学学科中的应用情况进行研究,介绍了面向地学的综合型、国际化的沉浸式虚拟仿真实验室实例。综合型的地学虚拟仿真实验室的建立,将深度融合地学与虚拟仿真技术,为多学科交叉融合、国际化教学等未来的教学发展方向提供更有效的平台。  相似文献   
提出了一种基于力矩平衡原理的视觉平衡模型,该模型将定性的评估转化为定量的评估方法。基于C#+ArcGIS Engine平台,利用3幅代表性的地图作为实验用图,证明视觉平衡模型的计算结果与用户的视觉感受一致。  相似文献   
The microhabitat preferences and depth distribution of blenniid species (Blenniidae) in the Gulf of Trieste (North Adriatic Sea) were surveyed using the all‐occurrence sampling method, a non‐destructive visual census method, aided by SCUBA diving. Fourteen species were identified during the entire survey. Four species showed to be indiscriminate in their microhabitat choice while 10 species were classified as infrequent in the surveyed coastal area. A statistically significant correlation was found between the blenniid assemblage and nine microhabitat variables. The blenniid assemblage was divided in two main groups, by the use of canonical correspondence analysis, electivity index, and the depth distribution analysis. The first group comprises species that dwell in surface waters and show a high positive correlation with boulders, the presence of Mytilus galloprovincialis, cirripeds and empty holes bored by Lithophaga lithophaga. The second group includes species that mostly inhabit deeper waters and show a high positive correlation with rocks covered by precoralligenous bioformations.  相似文献   
三维可视化解释方法与传统剖面解释方法不同,解释人员可以完全、快速地分析每一个层面而且可直接进行地层特征解释,分析构造细节特征,内部岩性变化特征及可能的地质异常。使人们定性、定量化地得到沉积环境、地层相带及油藏描述的解释。其次,可以找出储存在构造和地层圈闭中的新储量,确定有利的井位。  相似文献   
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