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给出了数字天顶摄影仪的基本结构和垂线偏差测量的基本算法,结合仪器和测量过程,分析了垂线偏差测量误差。数字天顶摄影仪的自动化程度和测量精度都高于传统的天文大地测量。  相似文献   
1.Introducti0nThemesoscaleoperationalmodel-whichisoftenused,isMM4orMM5'butMM4isusedfrequentlyonlO3kmscale.Thephysicalprocessesinthismodeldevelopconstantly.FororiginalMM4,thecomputationofsurfacefluxesisnotaccurate,andKmodelfortheturbu-lencefluxesbetweenany2levelsneedstobeimprovedbynewtreatment.Inordertostudytheinfluencesofboundarylayerparameterizationschemesonmesoscaleheavyrainsystem,sur-facefluxesandKmodelinoriginalMM4areimprovedbytherecentresearchinthispaPer.Theflux-profilerelationsforv…  相似文献   
刘赛  杨庶  杨茜  孙耀 《海洋学报》2018,40(1):47-56
对取自桑沟湾北西南三根柱样近200 a碳来源及埋藏通量的解析,分析了湾内不同站位各形态碳的差异性,进而对全湾碳埋藏进行了估算。湾内环流、贝藻养殖等造成湾内不同区域碳埋藏的差异;桑沟湾总碳(TC)平均量1.79%,有机碳(TOC)平均量0.54%,无机碳(TIC)平均量1.25%,TOC含量相对较小,为海陆混合来源,以陆源有机碳(Ct)为主,大规模人工养殖后,海源有机碳(Ca)有明显增加的趋势。桑沟湾碳埋藏通量平均为228.9 g/(m2·a),以无机碳为主要埋藏形式(约占70%),高的沉积速率及生物残骸沉降使桑沟湾养殖区碳的来源及埋藏区别于其他陆架海域。  相似文献   
利用GPS和GRACE分析四川地表垂向位移变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

陆地水储量的季节性变化是导致地表周期性负荷形变位移的主要因素,有效地剔除地表位移中的陆地水储量影响,是获取地壳构造垂向运动的必要过程.四川地处青藏高原东边缘,地形分区明显,境内以长江水系为主,水资源丰富,研究四川地区地表负荷形变位移,有助于分析陆地水储量的时空分布特性及地壳构造形变信息.本文利用研究区域内59个CORS站的GPS观测数据,计算了CORS站点的垂向位移,并将其与GRACE所得相应结果进行对比分析.结果显示,GPS和GRACE所得垂向位移时间序列的振幅大小整体相符,但存在明显的相位差.GPS站点振幅最大值为12.7 mm,对应HANY站,最小值为1.5 mm,对应SCMX站.GRACE所得的地表垂向位移振幅大小均为3~4 mm,且最大位移集中出现在7-9月份;而GPS站点出现最大位移的月份和地形相关,东部盆地、西北部高原和南部山地分别出现在7-8月份、10-11月份和10月份.GPS站点时间序列中的周年项与陆地水的季节性变化强相关,为了讨论陆地水储量对GPS站点位移的影响,本文利用改进的总体经验模态分解方法(MEEMD:Modified Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition),从GPS垂向位移时间序列中提取出周年项及约2年的年际变化项.发现利用MEEMD获取的周年项改正原始GPS时间序列时可使其WRMS(Weight Root Mean Square)减少量减小约26%,结果优于最小二乘拟合方法提取的GPS周年项改正效果,验证了MEEMD方法在GPS坐标时间序列处理中的可行性及有效性.

The distribution of the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and East China Sea (BYECS) is studied based on the observed turbidity data and model simulation results. The observed turbidity results show that (i) the highest SSC is found in the coastal areas while in the outer shelf sea areas turbid water is much more difficult to observe, (ii) the surface layer SSC is much lower than the bottom layer SSC and (iii) the winter SSC is higher than the summer SSC. The Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) is used to simulate the SSC distribution in the BYECS. A comparison between the modeled SSC and the observed SSC in the BYECS shows that the modeled SSC can reproduce the principal features of the SSC distribution in the BYECS. The dynamic mechanisms of the sediment erosion and transport processes are studied based on the modeled results. The horizontal distribution of the SSC in the BYECS is mainly determined by the current-wave induced bottom stress and the fine-grain sediment distribution. The current-induced bottom stress is much higher than the wave-induced bottom stress, which means the tidal currents play a more significant role in the sediment resuspension than the wind waves. The vertical mixing strength is studied based on the mixed layer depth and the turbulent kinetic energy distribution in the BYECS. The strong winter time vertical mixing, which is mainly caused by the strong wind stress and surface cooling, leads to high surface layer SSC in winter. High surface layer SSC in summer is restricted in the coastal areas.  相似文献   
Sinoe vertical transport of nutrients and dissolved oxygen are quite important in the water col-umn and have drawn serious attention these recent years, a one-dmension numerical model is tried to simulate the vertical distribution of nutrients and dissolved oxygen in June at two research sites in the southemTaiwan Strait. Physical transport parameters are calibrated by temperature simulation, and thenare used to simulate the profiles of NO_3, PO_4 and dissolved oxygen. The simulation was generally success-ful for both stations. The importance of various factors, such as upwelling tidal current andbiogeochemical activities, which influence the vertical distribution of nutrients and dissolved oxygen, is revealed by analysis of the modeling results. Some important rates, fluxes and ratios are also estimated anddiscussed on the basis of simulation.  相似文献   
为提高混凝土剪力墙受弯性能计算的准确度,开展强震下混凝土剪力墙受弯性能试验研究。选取1个混凝土剪力墙对比试件和3个测试试件作为研究对象,对试件施加垂直荷载和水平荷载,模拟强烈地震作用力。试验前期准备工作完成后,建立分离式有限元模型,通过计算混凝土在受压和受拉状态下的损伤弹塑性刚度,完成对有限元模型中混凝土塑性损伤分析,在此基础上,计算混凝土剪力墙受弯承载力。利用有限元模型对3个测试试件进行模拟试验,结果表明,强烈地震后3个试件的荷载-位移曲线均与实际位移值接近,且混凝土剪力墙受弯承载力试验结果与实际值的误差在2%以内,表明试验研究方法具有一定的可行性,数值模拟结果较为准确。  相似文献   
水动力条件对沉积物-水界面氧通量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
氧环境决定了水体沉积物中各种生命所需元素的最终归趋,沉积物-水界面是水相与沉积物相氧传递的重要场所,而水动力条件是影响沉积物-水界面氧传递的重要因素.选择三峡库区一级支流御临河为研究对象,根据长年监测数据建立实验室模型,采用声学多普勒流速测试仪及微电极测试系统构建了非侵入式涡度相关测试系统,探究了不同水动力条件对沉积物-水界面氧通量的影响.结果表明:水体静止状态下沉积物-水界面溶解氧浓度随时间的增加而减少,非静止状态下随时间的增加而增加;沉积物-水界面氧通量随水体流速的增加而增加.根据氧通量求解对应流速下垂直涡动扩散系数并进行线性拟合,当水体流速为0.01~0.14 m/s时,垂直涡动扩散系数与水体流速的相关性最好,此时沉积物-水界面氧通量的传递以涡动扩散为主导.  相似文献   
本文利用四川西部地区近二十年来的水准资料,分析了该区近期大地垂直形变场演化状况。指出了川西地区自八十年代后期以来继承性构造运动增强,断裂控制区域升、降差异运动加剧的地壳运动特征;同时,鲜水河断裂带之乾宁-康定一带已形成闭锁区。  相似文献   
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