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Two kinds of observational data,fluctuation and mean profile measurements,from a 325 m meteorological tower in Beijing,China,are used to evaluate local scales of velocity and temperature for higher heights by flux-gradient mean profiles and eddy-correlation techniques.A comparison of these methods each other was made in terms of vertical turbulence fluxes for momentum and beat at the same heigbt.The vertical profiles of non-dimensional second moments.such as vertical turbulent fluxes of momentum and heat.velocity and temperature standard deviations,were derived by local similarity theory.The local similarity relations expressed that the vertical distributions of non-dimensional second moment variables were found to be functions of z/Λ and z/h in the stable boundary layer and the function of z/Zi for the convective boundary layer,where A the local Monin Obukhov(M-O) length. h the height of stable boundary layer and Zi the height of mixed-layer.These relations are shown to agree well with the observational data.  相似文献   
近10a西北太平洋海域登陆台风的环境场特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对1995~2004年5~10月西北太平洋海域登陆台风的大尺度环境场的特征进行了分析。结果表明:海表温度(SST)在台风发生的区域要高于周围其它区域,而且都在26.5℃以上,即高的海表温度有利于台风的发展;在台风的发现点主要集中的区域范围,相对涡度几乎都为正值,正的相对涡度有利于台风的发展;对流层中层相对湿度大,有利于上升浮力和潜热释放的维持,使热带气旋得以发展;弱的环境风垂直切变有利于台风强度的增大,并且两者之间的影响存在着一定的时间滞后。  相似文献   
内罐影响下LNG储罐外罐地震响应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了考虑内罐在不同方向地震动时对LNG(液化天然气)储罐外罐的影响,对有内罐和无内罐情况下LNG储罐外罐进行了地震响应分析。结果表明:有内罐时地震响应比无内罐时小,内罐的存在对LNG储罐抗震有好的影响;竖向地震波对结构振动的影响不能忽视。  相似文献   
The ANICE (Atmospheric Nitrogen Inputs into the Coastal Ecosystem) project addressed the atmospheric deposition of nitrogen to the North Sea, with emphasis on coastal effects. ANICE focused on quantifying the deposition of inorganic nitrogen compounds to the North Sea and the governing processes. An overview of the results from modelling and experimental efforts is presented. They serve to identify the role of the atmosphere as a source of biologically essential chemical species to the marine biota. Data from the Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory (UK) are used to evaluate the effect of short episodes with very high atmospheric nitrogen concentrations. One such episode resulted in an average deposition of 0.8 mmol N m−2 day−1, which has the potential to promote primary productivity of 5.3 mmol C m−2 day−1. This value is compared to long-term effects determined from model results. The total calculated atmospheric deposition to the North Sea in 1999 is 948 kg N km−1, i.e. 0.19 mmol N m−2 day−1 which has the potential to promote primary productivity of 1.2 mmol C m−2 day−1. Detailed results for August 1999 show strong gradients across the North Sea due to adjacent areas where emissions of NOx and NH3 are among the highest in Europe. The average atmospheric deposition to the southern part of the North Sea in August 1999 could potentially promote primary production of 2.0 mmol C m−2 day−1, i.e. 5.5% of the total production at this time of the year in this area of the North Sea. For the entire study area the atmospheric contribution to the primary production per m2 is about two-third of this value. Most of the deposition occurs during short periods with high atmospheric concentrations. This atmospheric nitrogen is almost entirely anthropogenic in origin and thus represents a human-induced perturbation of the ecosystem.  相似文献   
本文在已有数据处理方法的基础上,利用近代数值逼近理论,给出了从时空域角度描述地壳垂直运动过程的一种具体的函数解析形式。最后给出了一个实际算例。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The abilities of BCC-AGCM2.1 and BCC_AGCM2.2 to simulate the annual-mean cloud vertical structure (CVS) were evaluated through comparison with GCM-Oriented CALIPSO Cloud Product (CALIPSO-GOCCP) data. BCC-AGCM2.2 has a dynamical core and physical processes that are consistent with BCC-AGCM2.1, but has a higher horizontal resolution. Results showed that both BCC-AGCM versions underestimated the global-mean total cloud cover (TCC), middle cloud cover (MCC) and low cloud cover (LCC), and that BCC_AGCM2.2 underestimated the global-mean high cloud cover (HCC). The global-mean cloud cover shows a systematic decrease from BCCA-GCM2.1 to BCC_AGCM2.2, especially for HCC. Geographically, HCC is significantly overestimated in the tropics, particularly by BCC_AGCM2,1, while LCC is generally overestimated over extra-tropical lands, but significantly underestimated over most of the oceans, especially for subtropical marine stratocumulus clouds. The leading EOF modes of CVS were extracted. The BCC_AGCMs perform well in reproducing EOF1, but with a larger variance explained. The two models also capture the basic features of EOF3, except an obvious deficiency in eigen- vector peaks. EOF2 has the largest simulation biases in both position and strength of eigenvector peaks. Furthermore, we investigated the effects of CVS on relative shortwave and longwave cloud radiative forcing (RSCRF and RLCRF). Both BCC_AGCM versions successfully reproduce the sign of regression coefficients, except for RLCRF in PC1. However, the RSCRF relative contributions from PC1 and PC2 are overestimated, while the relative contribution from PC3 is underes timated in both BCC_AGCM versions. The RLCRF relative contribution is underestimated for PC2 and overestimated for PC3.  相似文献   
结合同台观测的水平地电场数据,研究坪城垂直地电场观测数据,结果表明:(1)采用固体不极化电极进行垂直地电场观测,同一极距的观测结果基本一致,而铅板电极与固体不极化电极之间存在较大的电位差;(2)垂直地电场日变化形态清晰,长极距测道(A1C1、A2C1和A3C1测道)日变幅为5.85 mV/km左右,短极距(B1C1、B2C1和B3C1测道)日变幅为10.02 mV/km左右;(3)垂直向观测的地电场日变化优势周期在12 h和24 h。  相似文献   
用VOF方法模拟静止浅水环境中的垂向紊动射流   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以k-ε紊流模型为基础,针对浅水环境垂向射流的水面会有明显突起情况,采用VOF(Volume of Fluid)方法追踪自由面,建立了适合浅水环境垂向平面紊动射流的二维数学模型.对不同入射速度、水深、入射口宽度组合进行了大量的数值模拟实验,对整个流场的分布作了分析,发现自由面的分布特点和速度矢量场的分布特点相对应;中轴线附近的自由面隆起具有自相似性,文中给出了拟合表达式;由于水面的阻滞,中轴线上垂向速度的衰减较自由射流快,衰减规律随水深和射流宽度而异.  相似文献   
At the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif (Variscan belt of Central Europe), large bodies of felsic granulite preserve mineral assemblages and structures developed during the early stages of exhumation of the orogenic lower continental crust within the Moldanubian orogenic root. The development of an early steep fabric is associated with east–west-oriented compression and vertical extrusion of the high-grade rocks into higher crustal levels. The high-pressure mineral assemblage Grt-Ky-Kfs-Pl-Qtz-Liq corresponds to metamorphic pressures of ∼18 kbar at ∼850 °C, which are minimum estimates, whereas crystallization of biotite occurred at 13 kbar and ∼790 °C during decompression with slight cooling. The late stages of the granulite exhumation were associated with lateral spreading of associated high-grade rocks over a middle crustal unit at ∼4 kbar and ∼700 °C, as estimated from accompanying cordierite-bearing gneisses. The internal structure of a contemporaneously intruded syenite is coherent with late structures developed in felsic granulites and surrounding gneisses, and the magma only locally explored the early subvertical fabric of the felsic granulite during emplacement. Consequently, the emplacement age of the syenite provides an independent constraint on the timing of the final stages of exhumation and allows calculation of exhumation and cooling rates, which for this part of the Variscan orogenic root are 2.9–3.5 mm yr−1 and 7–9.4 °C Myr−1, respectively. The final part of the temperature evolution shows very rapid cooling, which is interpreted as the result of juxtaposition of hot high-grade rocks with a cold upper-crustal lid.  相似文献   
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