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In the Upper Murray Valley, Victoria, Late Silurian, high‐Si igneous rocks, which are closely associated with alkalic, basaltic dykes, were emplaced at high crustal levels following the peak of the Benambran Orogeny, which deformed and metamorphosed the Wagga Zone in Late Ordovician‐Early Silurian times. These rocks, which are informally termed ‘the Upper Murray high‐Si magmatic suite’, include leucogranites, rhyolite dykes and flows, and ash‐flow tuffs characterised by the following features. They are transitional from mildly peraluminous to mildly metaluminous; they represent relatively anhydrous magmas, in which halides were important volatile constituents; they have high Si, total alkalies, Rb, Th, U, Nb, Sn and heavy rare earth elements; and they are relatively repleted in Mg, Ca, Sr, Eu, V, Cr and Ni. In these respects and in their post‐orogenic setting and close association with alkalic basalts, they resemble many post‐orogenic granitoids from elsewhere. Such granitoids appear to have formed as partial melts during crustal extension following major episodes of deformation and high‐Si magmatism. A residual granulitic crust, from which an earlier generation of granitoid magmas had been extracted, is argued to be the source rock‐type for these post‐orogenic magmas. Tectonic extension, affecting such a crust, was accompanied by deep fracturing and basaltic vol‐canism. Mantle‐derived, CO2‐ and halide‐rich fluids moved into the residual crust, causing widespread metasomatism, and emplacement of basaltic magma caused temperatures to rise until melting took place and a second group of magmas was produced. This model explains most aspects of the trace and major element chemistry of post‐orogenic, high‐Si igneous rocks and, for the Upper Murray high‐Si suite it also provides an explanation for variations in trace elements and isotopic characteristics. Other processes, such as crystal fractionation, magma mixing, thermogravi‐tational diffusion, and separation and loss of a volatile phase, provide explanations for variations within individual units of the suite, but they do not explain overall variations or the highly fractionated nature of the suite.  相似文献   
拉西瓦工程河谷区高地应力场反演与形成机理   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
拉西瓦水电工程坝址区为高山峡谷地貌,受地质构造应力、自重、地表剥蚀和河流侵蚀卸荷等多因素影响而赋存有高地应力,河谷区钻孔岩芯饼化与探洞片状剥落现象明显。由于该区地应力场及其空间分布特征与多期地质构造运动及河谷演化历史等因素密切相关,要合理确定其三维地应力分布状况与大小具有较大难度和复杂性。采用多元回归与逐步回归相结合的方法对工程区域初始地应力场进行了详细反演,在此基础上,深入研究了河谷区地应力场的空间分布特征与规律,并就其形成机理开展了多因素影响效应分析,为我国西部强烈地质作用区高地应力研究及水电工程建设提供了具有参考价值的成果和工程案例。  相似文献   
沂沐裂谷是中国东部呈扇形展布的大陆裂谷系,从晚侏罗至白垩世裂谷岩浆活动强烈,发育了一套碱性、钙碱性火山建造,尤以中生代钙碱性火山活动具有特色,并常常形成许多巨大的古火山机体,本文通过对产于古火山机体中两个含金斑岩铜岩床研究,初步得出其主要成矿地质特征。  相似文献   
新疆乌什县北山1:50000填图试点项目位于塔里木盆地西北边缘和西南天山交接部位,海拔较高,地形切割较深,属于典型的高山峡谷区。利用ASTER、SPOT6、GF-2等多源遥感数据,基于典型岩性光谱吸收特征,进行岩性差异信息增强与提取研究,总结出一套基于多源遥感数据进行岩性单元边界划分的方法。以ASTER数据、ASTER与SPOT6协同数据、ASTER与GF-2协同数据等为基础影像数据,并选择最佳波段组合进行RGB彩色合成,从而增强影像差异,结合已有研究区地质资料,初步圈定不同影像单元边界;继而利用矿物丰度指数、SMACC端元丰度提取等方法识别研究区内主要岩性的分布位置和范围;最后结合野外实际调查数据,依据实际地质背景和影像质量进行筛选,获得最终的岩性单元解译图。研究结果为该区进一步进行地层优化划分及对比提供了参考资料。   相似文献   
针对海河流域的生态环境问题,提出海河流域地下水生态水位的概念。本文就山前平原区、中部平原区和东部滨海平原区地下水的不同特点,开发和利用现状的不同,分别提出了海河流域各地区深层和浅层的地下水生态水位,并根据海河流域地下水位现状,提出保持或恢复地下水生态水位的措施。  相似文献   
The evolution of incised valleys is an important area of research due to the invaluable data it provides on sea‐level variations and depositional environments. In this article the sedimentary evolution of the Ría de Ferrol (north‐west Spain) from the Last Glacial Maximum to the present is reconstructed using a multidisciplinary approach, combining seismic and sedimentary facies, and supported by radiocarbon data and geochemical proxies to distinguish the elements of sedimentary architecture within the ria infill. The main objectives are: (i) to analyse the ria environment as a type of incised valley to evaluate the response of the system to the different drivers; (ii) to investigate the major controlling factors; and (iii) to explore the differentiation between rias and estuaries. As a consequence of the sea‐level rise subsequent to the Last Glacial Maximum (ca 20 kyr bp ), an extensive basin, drained by a braided palaeoriver, evolved into a tide‐dominated estuary and finally into a ria environment. Late Pleistocene and Holocene high‐frequency sea‐level variations were major factors that modulated the type of depositional environments and their evolution. Another major modulating factor was the antecedent morphology of the ria, with a rock‐incised narrow channel in the middle of the basin (the Ferrol Strait), which influenced the evolution of the ria as it became flooded during Holocene transgression. The strait acted as a rock‐bounded ‘tidal inlet’ enhancing the tidal erosion and deposition at both ends, i.e. with an ebb‐tidal delta in the outer sector and tidal sandbanks in the inner sector. The final step in the evolution of the incised valley into the modern‐defined ria system was driven by the last relative sea‐level rise (after 4 kyr bp ) when the river mouths retreated landward and a single palaeoriver was converted into minor rivers and streams with scattered mouths in an extensive coastal area.  相似文献   
声波探测具有很高的分辨率和信号发射频度,可以获得高品质浅地层剖面,显示出沉积地层的结构与构造细节、斜层理等三角洲沉积标志特征。展示了渤海湾西部浅地层声纳探测原始记录。探测发现,在大沽口以东27km处存在一个以前不为人知的埋藏槽谷,涉及地层的时代为晚更新世末期与全新世中期。宽达几百米到1km,深约30m,走向北北西,形成时代距今约5000~6000a,可能代表了某种重大地质事件,其成因有溺谷充填和构造断陷2种可能。  相似文献   
承压水导升带是煤层带压开采安全评价的重要因素。为了综合研究其影响因素的作用,基于流-固耦合理论,建立了煤层底板突水的水文地质物理概念模型和数值模型,采用FLAC3D数值模拟软件开展了工作面宽度(A)、隔水层厚度(B)、承压水压力(C)、煤层埋深(D)、隔水层渗透系数(E)5个因素5水平的有空列正交模拟试验。结果表明:煤层底板承压水导升高度与底板含水层水压和隔水层渗透性关系密切;各因素对试验结果的影响程度强弱顺序是E>C>D>B>A,其中因素EC对实验结果影响显著;初始水头压力越大,水头衰减速率就越大,并随着导升高度的增加而加快。改变影响因素而导致承压水压力的变化揭示了煤层开采过程中承压水导升带高度的变化规律,为带压煤层的安全开采提供理论依据。  相似文献   
研究底板突水的结构力学方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了研究底板突水的结构力学方法,并用极限弯矩的理论计算得出确定底板隔水层有效厚度之计算公式。  相似文献   
The Saumane‐Venasque compound palaeovalley succession accumulated in a strongly tide‐influenced embayment or estuary. Warm‐temperate normal marine to brackish conditions led to deposition of extensive cross‐bedded biofragmental calcarenites. Echinoids, bryozoans, coralline algae, barnacles and benthic foraminifera were produced in seagrass meadows, on rocky substrates colonized by macroalgae and within subaqueous dune fields. There are two sequences, S1 and S2, the first of which contains three high‐frequency sequences (S1a, S1b and S1c). Sequence 1 is largely confined to the palaeovalley with its upper part covering interfluves. Each of these has a similar upward succession of deposits that includes: (i) a basal erosional surface that is bored and glauconitized; (ii) a discontinuous lagoonal lime mudstone or wackestone; (iii) a thin conglomerate generated by tidal ravinement; (iv) a transgressive systems tract series of cross‐bedded calcarenites; (v) a maximum flooding interval of argillaceous, muddy quartzose, open‐marine limestones; and (vi) a thin highstand systems tract of fine‐grained calcarenite. Tidal currents during stages S1a, S1b and S1c were accentuated by the constricted valley topography, whereas basin‐scale factors enhanced tidal currents during the deposition of S2. The upper part of the succession in all but S1c has been removed by later erosion. There is an overall upward temporal change with quartz, barnacles, encrusting corallines and epifaunal echinoids decreasing but bryozoans, articulated corallines and infaunal echinoids increasing. This trend is interpreted to be the result of changing oceanographic conditions as the valley was filled, bathymetric relief was reduced, rocky substrates were replaced as carbonate factories by seagrass meadows and subaqueous dunes, and the setting became progressively less confined and more open marine. These limestones are characteristic of a suite of similar cool‐water calcareous sand bodies in environments with little siliciclastic or fresh water input during times of high‐amplitude sea‐level change wherein complex inboard antecedent topography was flooded by a rising ocean.  相似文献   
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