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山西省基础地理信息数据库是山西省空间数据基础设施建设的重要组成部分,主要介绍数据库建设的技术方案和关键技术.  相似文献   
结合流动GPS观测速度场及层析成像结果,构建跨龙门山断裂剖面的二维有限元分层模型,分两种情况讨论汶川地震前龙门山前缘地壳垂直隆升的物理机制,以及中、下地壳软物质垂向和横向的不均匀性对地壳隆升作用的影响。分析认为:川西高原相对四川盆地的差异抬升和龙门山以西地壳缩短的共同作用是汶川地震震前龙门山前缘地壳垂直隆升的可能原因。  相似文献   
扬子克拉通周边及其隆起边缘的铅锌矿床   总被引:30,自引:7,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
扬子准地台为大型克拉通碳酸盐发育的地区,从震旦系到中三叠统为典型盖层沉积,其中许多地层中不乏碳酸盐沉积。新中国建国以来,在其周边及其隆起边缘的碳酸盐地层中,陆续发现了许多层控铅锌矿床。近几年来,随着地质大调查的开展,又发现一批很有希望的铅锌矿化集中区。笔者总结了这些铅锌矿床的地质特征,并将这些矿床与国外的MVT矿床进行对比,探讨它们的矿质来源、成矿溶液、成矿机制和成矿控制因素等。  相似文献   
赵彤  杨海松  王向军 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z2):359-363
于家堡金融起步区充分利用地下空间实现交通、商业功能的提升,由于地下结构埋置深、地下水埋深浅,地下工程抗浮问题十分突出。在建的南北车库为纯地下结构,单层面积达3×104m2,埋置深度达16 m。开展了扩底抗拔桩与桩侧后注浆抗拔桩两种新型抗拔桩的现场足尺试验,试验结果表明,两种新型抗拔桩皆适用可行,抗拔承载力较常规等截面桩大幅提高,且本扩底抗拔桩试桩的极限承载力与变形控制皆优于桩侧后注浆抗拔桩。本工程选择了扩底抗拔桩并采用可视化全液压扩底施工工艺,新型抗拔桩大幅减短桩长,节约大量材料并减少泥浆排放,经济社会效益显著。扩底抗拔桩的成功应用为其在该地区的推广奠定了基础,具有较高的工程示范价值。  相似文献   
Two Red Clay profiles near Xi’an and Xifeng were investigated in an attempt to determine magnetostratigraphic and palaeoclimatic records. The results show that aeolian dust accumulation and the related East Asia palaeomonsoon system had begun by 6.5 Ma, and it is deduced that the Tibetan Plateau had reached a significant elevation at that time. The late Tertiary palaeoclimatic history of the Red Clay as reflected by magnetic susceptibility is reconstructed during the period of 6.5–2.5 Ma. Stepwise increase in susceptibility of aeolian dust accumulation appears to have a close correlation to the uplift processes of the Tibetan Plateau. The remarkable increase of aeolian dust accumulation at 3.2 Ma appears to be due to the influence of global ice volume on the East Asia monsoon. Palaeomonsoon variation during the late Tertiary as recorded in the Red Clay sequences from the Chinese Loess Plateau can be regarded as the product of a number of interacting factors, such as uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, solar radiation, global ice volume, etc. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Foundation of Xi’an Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   
The effects of damping in various laminated rubber bearings (LRB) on the seismic response of a ?‐scale isolated test structure are investigated by shaking table tests and seismic response analyses. A series of shaking table tests of the structure were performed for a fixed base design and for a base isolation design. Two different types of LRB were used: natural rubber bearings (NRB) and lead rubber bearings (LLRB). Three different designs for the LLRB were tested; each design had a different diameter of lead plug, and thus, different damping values. Artificial time histories of peak ground acceleration 0.4g were used in both the tests and the analyses. In both shaking table tests and analyses, as expected, the acceleration responses of the seismically isolated test structure were considerably reduced. However, the shear displacement at the isolators was increased. To reduce the shear displacement in the isolators, the diameter of the lead plug in the LLRB had to be enlarged to increase isolator damping by more than 24%. This caused the isolator stiffness to increase, and resulted in amplifying the floor acceleration response spectra of the isolated test structure in the higher frequency ranges with a monotonic reduction of isolator shear displacement. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Estimates of the palaeo-subaerial wind direction were studied systematically for the first time by using the anisotropy of loess magnetic susceptibility (AMS) measurements in the northwestern China. One hundred and forty undisturbed oriented aeolian loess samples were collected from Lanzhou, Linxia and Wudu areas for AMS measurements, which indicated the subaerial wind directions were not the same while the loess deposited. From the Early Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene till Late Pleistocene, the wind direction experienced an anticlockwise rotation in the studied area. We suggested this change was related to the uplift of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and the adjustment of current and landform effects.  相似文献   
吸力历史对非饱和土力学性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张俊然  许强  孙德安 《岩土力学》2013,34(10):2810-2814
现在被广泛公认的由Fredlund提出的非饱和土力学的双参数理论,即净应力和吸力为非饱和土的应力状态变量,不能直接考虑吸力历史及其饱和度对非饱和土的应力-应变关系和强度的影响。非饱和土三轴试验结果表明,即使净应力和吸力相同的条件下,经过干-湿循环试样与未经过干-湿循环试样的应力比-应变关系和强度是不相同的。在其他条件相同时,经历过干-湿循环的试样比未经过干-湿循环试样的应力比-应变关系要高、强度大和体变小。经过干-湿循环试样的饱和度低而强度高,主要是由于经过先期较高的吸力,相当于受过较大的前期有效压力,使试样成为超固结土。更多不同吸力历史的对比试验有待于进一步研究,以便为非饱和土的水力-力学特性耦合弹塑性本构模型定量地表示上述非饱和土的性质提供基础性试验数据。  相似文献   
湖北浠水蓝晶石铝直闪石片岩中的冠状体结构的研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
游振东  吕学淼 《地球科学》1990,15(4):345-356
安徽大别山北部榴辉岩的分布及主要特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安徽大别山北部新发现的榴辉岩主要产于花岗质片麻岩及基性—超基性岩中 ,与大别山南部的榴辉岩在产出围岩、矿物组成及地球化学特征等方面均十分相似。现今榴辉岩南多北少的分布 ,主要是在中生代热隆构造体制下剧烈差异抬升剥蚀 ,中生代花岗岩大面积侵位所致。  相似文献   
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