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A core from the Cambay Shale Formation of the Cambay Basin, containing immature Type III organic matter, was pyrolysed at 300°C for different durations of time to different maturation levels. Fractionation effects were studied employing a three-step extraction technique after removal of the expelled pyrolysate. The extractable organic matter (EOM) obtained on extraction of the whole core is assumed to be that present in open pores, while that obtained on finely crushing the sample is assumed to be that present in closed pores. The EOM obtained from 1 cm chips is termed EOM from semi-open pores. The gross composition of the pyrolysates expelled during pyrolysis is not similar to the oils reservoired in the area, and there is no significant fractionation observed between expelled pyrolysates and unexpelled EOM. Our study indicates movement of fluids between closed, semi-open and open pores. In both systems, there is a higher concentration of EOM in open pores than in semi-open and closed pores, and the fraction of EOM in open pores is much greater in the artificial system than in the natural system. Fractionation effects on n-alkane and isoprenoid hydrocarbon-based parameters were also studied. n-Alkenes are present in semi-open and closed pores of the immature core and in the core after it was pyrolysed to 300°C for 6 and 48 h, but are absent in the open pores. n-Alkenes are present in closed pores in the naturally matured core. Presence of n-alkenes in the pyrolysates expelled during the 6 and 48 h experiments, but their absence in the open pores of the core, indicates that expulsion also occurs through temporary microfractures during laboratory pyrolysis, whereas in the natural system expulsion from closed pores seems to be only via semi-open and open pores.  相似文献   
The diagenetic mechanism and process of carbonate rocks, which is different to that of clastic rocks, decides the existence of different existing state organic matters in carbonate rocks. This has been verified by both the microscopic observation of organic petrology and the analysis of organic geochemistry of many samples. Based on the hydrous pyrolysis simulation experiment of the low-mature carbonate rocks, the contrasting study on the yield and their geochemistry characteristics of different existing state soluble organic matters of a series of various maturity samples shows that the different existing state organic matters make different contributions to hydrocarbon generation during every evolution state. So that, the hydrocarbon generation process of carbonate rocks can be summarized as the following three stages: the first is the direct degradation of biogenic bitumen macromolecules during the immature stage, the second is the thermal degradation of a large amount of kerogen at the mature stage, the last stage is the expulsion or release of inclusion organic matter owing to the increased thermal expansion pressure during the high evolution stage. Part of achievements of the Eighth Five-Year National Science-Technology Key-Task Project “85-102-02-07”.  相似文献   
As a new genetic type of natural gas exploration area, the bio-thermocatalytic transitional zone gas (BTTZG) has been highly stressed by geologists both at home and abroad. Systematic study on the generation mechanism of hydrocarbon at the transitional zone is presented. Based on simulating experiments and geochemistry analysis of the source rock with lower evolution, a hydrocarbon-forming model at the transitional zone has been established. The mechanism is proposed that under the condition of low temperature and pressure combining with extremely active structural stress and clay mineral catalysis, BTTZG is formed by de-group of soluble organic matter and polarized compositions through orthocarbon ion as well as by condensation polymerization of aromatic ring-rich insoluble organic matter. This mechanism controls the formation of BTTZG, and furthermore, BTTZG is the product of superimposition and interaction of all the factors mentioned above.  相似文献   
用激光 -荧光显微镜等有机岩石学方法 ,挑选样品中有明显生、排烃现象的碳酸盐岩 ,再以测定的这类碳酸盐岩的有机碳含量为依据 ,确定本区高成熟碳酸盐气源岩残余有机碳的下限指标用 0 .13%~ 0 .14 %比较合理。根据碳酸盐岩储层孔隙中充填沥青和皮膜状残余沥青的分布和含量 ,论证了陕参 1井等奥陶系碳酸盐岩地层在地质历史中 ,存在若干油气有效储层。采用连续升温 ,步进取样的热模拟实验方法 ,揭示了本区煤与碳酸盐岩干酪根随热演化作用增强 ,烃类气体产物的干燥系数增大 ,δ1 3C1 、δ1 3C2 明显变重的规律 ,并根据样品实验结果推算 ,本区石炭系—二叠系煤最大生气阶段的δ1 3C1 应为 - 2 7‰~ - 2 8‰ ,碳酸盐岩最大生气阶段的δ1 3C1 应为- 31.7‰~ - 33‰。在气源成因判识中 ,根据主生气期阶段对天然气成藏储聚的贡献最大、甲烷碳同位素较重以及长庆气田风化壳气藏天然气δ1 3C1 重值区并不与石炭系—二叠系煤的镜质组反射率高值区匹配的现象等进行气源判识 ,认为长庆奥陶系风化壳气藏 ,具有下古生界海相碳酸盐岩气与上古生界石炭系—二叠系煤成气的混源成因  相似文献   
Multianvil melting experiments in the system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–CO2(CMAS–CO2) at 3–8 GPa, 1340–1800°C, involvingthe garnet lherzolite phase assemblage in equilibrium with CO2-bearingmelts, yield continuous gradations in melt composition betweencarbonatite, kimberlite, melilitite, komatiite, picrite, andbasalt melts. The phase relations encompass a divariant surfacein PT space. Comparison of the carbonatitic melts producedat the low-temperature side of this surface with naturally occurringcarbonatites indicates that natural magnesiocarbonatites couldbe generated over a wide range of pressures >2·5 GPa.Melts analogous to kimberlites form at higher temperatures alongthe divariant surface, which suggests that kimberlite genesisrequires more elevated geotherms. However, the amount of waterfound in some kimberlites has the potential to lower temperaturesfor the generation of kimberlitic melts by up to 150°C,provided no hydrous phases are present. Compositions resemblinggroup IB and IA kimberlites are produced at pressures around5–6 GPa and 10 GPa, respectively, whereas the compositionsof some other kimberlites suggest generation at higher pressuresstill. At pressures <4 GPa, an elevated geotherm producesmelilitite-like melt in the CMAS–CO2 system rather thankimberlite. Even when a relatively CO2-rich mantle compositioncontaining 0·15 wt % CO2 is assumed, kimberlites andmelilitites are produced by <1% melting and carbonatitesare generated by even smaller degrees of melting of <0·5%. KEY WORDS: carbonatite; CO2; kimberlite; melilitite; melt generation  相似文献   
黄土区人类活动影响下的 产汇流模拟研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
日益频繁的人类活动改变了流域下垫面条件,对流域产汇流产生很大的影响。本文以黄河中游典型支流岔巴沟为研究区域,提出利用基于DEM的分布式水文模拟技术,探讨流域人类活动过程中的产汇流模拟,避免了经验公式的概化和由此引起的局限。模拟的结果证实了该方法的可行性。采用网格滞蓄的方法可以在子网格上体现人类活动引起的下垫面的变化及其对产汇流的影响,反映各个时期的产汇流条件,对降雨做出合理响应。  相似文献   
光伏发电与气象要素密切相关,正确认识气象因子对于光伏发电量及其发电效率的影响是进行发电量预测和维持光伏电站稳定运行的重要基础。采用江苏省淮安市某小型光伏电站2018—2020年发电量数据、淮安市太阳辐射观测站数据及光伏电站附近气象站观测数据,分析气温、太阳总辐射等气象因子对光伏发电量的影响。相关性分析结果表明,光伏发电量与太阳总辐射呈极强的正相关,基本随太阳总辐射的变化而变化;与气温、降水分别呈弱的正相关和弱的负相关;与风速几乎无相关。然而,灰色关联度分析显示,光伏发电量还与气温呈现出较高的灰色关联度。进一步分析表明,光伏发电量随太阳总辐射的变化受到气温的明显调制,不同气温下光伏发电效率不同。门限回归分析显示,当气温达到一定阈值时光伏发电效率会出现下降,具体表现为:当气温达到12.1 ℃,光伏发电效率下降26.7%;当气温超过22.8 ℃,光伏发电效率下降43.7%。使用这两个温度阈值建立的TR(Threshold Regression)模型的准确率要比线性回归模型提高约10%。  相似文献   
采用密闭容器水热模拟实验方法,考察含铀物质对有机质热解生烃过程的影响。对热模拟实验产物分析发现,在暗色泥岩和煤岩样品中加入含铀物质后,气态烃和液态烃的生烃量都有比较明显的增加。其中煤岩的气态烃产量平均增加值为34%,而泥岩样品平均增加值也达到了30%以上。液态烃产率分析表明,含铀矿物也促进了泥岩和煤岩的液态烃产率。从泥岩氯仿沥青‘A’族组成分析表明,加入催化剂后泥岩的饱和烃和芳烃在高温阶段具有规律性的明显增大的趋势,反映出非烃和沥青质,甚至不溶有机质向相对稳定的饱和烃转化以及芳烃随演化程度增加的高聚合作用。综合以上分析,认为放射性铀对油气生成具有氧化催化作用。  相似文献   
中国中新生代咸化湖盆烃源岩沉积的问题及相关进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国东部断陷湖盆和西部坳陷湖盆第三系均有蒸发岩与烃源岩共生现象。前者水体深、咸化范围小,在氯化盐和碳酸盐沉积环境中形成了优质烃源岩,后者水体浅、咸化范围大,在氯化盐和硫酸盐沉积环境中发育了优质烃源岩,作者认为两种湖盆出现的水体分层是有机质堆积和保存的重要条件。济阳坳陷和柴达木盆地为两类咸化湖盆的典型代表,对它们的研究可以深化蒸发岩-烃源岩共生区油气地质的认识、促进勘探发展。  相似文献   
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