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Kokchetav ‘lamproite’ occurs in the east end of Kokchetav massif and consists of phenocryst (mainly clinopyroxene) and matrix (mainly feldspar). The compositions of clinopyroxene, magnetite and biotite phenocryst were determined using wavelength dispersive spectrometry on a JEOL Super-probe 8900 electron microprobe for the purpose of revealing the process of magma evolution. Analyses revealed a core–rim variation, which is consistent with three stages of magmatic evolution: Mg-rich clinopyroxene cores (diopside) and biotite cores (phlogopite) crystallized in a deep magma chamber (stage I); Fe-rich clinopyroxene rim (salite) and biotite rim crystallized at low pressure in a shallow magma chamber (stage II); Magnetite phenocryst core also crystallized in a shallow magma chamber, and co-exists with Fe-rich clinopyroxene rim and biotite rim. The magnetite rims probably formed during magma eruption at the same time when groundmass crystallized (stage III). The calculated temperatures for ilmenite–magnetite pair range from 679 to 887°C, log fO2 values range from −11.1 to −14.9 log units. These values represent the latest conditions of magma as ilmenite exsolution in magnetite probably occurred during magma eruption from the shallow chamber to surface.  相似文献   
Rock magnetic investigations of archaeological materials of burnt clay from Eneolithic ovens (4500 years BC) showed particular changes with time in the magnetic mineralogy of samples, stored under normal conditions. Our results indicate that well-burnt clay from the archaeological materials contains a significant amount of very fine magnetic grains, which could notably influence the rock magnetic properties and behavior at room temperature. The main observations after 4 years of storage under laboratory conditions are as follows: 1) decrease in the final unblocking temperature of NRM from 600–620°C to 580°C and 2) increase in the capacity of laboratory TRM acquisition. The most probable mechanism responsible for the observed changes is supposed to be fast low-temperature oxidation of the finest (superparamagnetic) grains and the development of the maghemite shell in coarser single-domain grains. The Thellier palaeointensity experiments, carried out at the beginning of the study, showed very good results, which satisfy all acceptance criteria, applied to evaluation of the results, quite well. Palaeointensity determinations repeated 4 years later on samples from the same material showed the experimental results to be of significantly inferior quality. The main difference is the presence of the significant deviation (change in the slope) on the Arai diagram after T>350–400°C. The calculated palaeointensity is either higher than the one obtained before, or similar, but evaluated with large uncertainty. Therefore, we conclude that the possibility to obtain biased palaeointensity values increases during short-time storage (i.e. several years) due to the low-temperature changes of the material.  相似文献   
Rock magnetic properties of the maar lake sediments of Lac St Front (Massif Central, France) reflect environmental changes during the last climatic cycle. High magnetic concentrations are measured in the sediments deposited under glacial climatic conditions, while lower concentrations correspond with more temperate climatic periods. Low- and high-temperature measurements indicate that the remanence is carried by (titanium-poor) magnetite. However, some maghemite and haematite is present in sediments deposited under temperate conditions.
Normalized intensities and coercivities of the anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) are clearly higher for the sediments deposited during the temperate climatic periods of the Eemian, St Germain I, II and Mid-glacial than for glacial sediments, but other magnetic parameters hardly differ between these groups. Due to slight differences in magnetic composition and possible effects of grain interactions, it is not straightforward to relate this different ARM behaviour to magnetic grain-size variations. For the Holocene sediments, rock magnetic parameters indicate a larger grain size. This trend is also suggested by granulometric experiments with an optical laser granulometer. Dissolution of smaller grains is the most likely explanation for this larger grain size.
Changes in magnetic composition and grain size are extremely limited for the glacial sediments, but magnetic concentration varies considerably. Magnetic concentration maxima in the glacial sediments of Lac St Front correlate with those of the nearby Lac du Bouchet (Thouveny et al. 1994). Correlating the susceptibility records of these sequences with the δ18O record of the GRIP ice cores (Thouveny et al. 1994) suggests that magnetic concentration maxima may correspond with short cold climatic episodes, associated with Heinrich events.  相似文献   
武定迤纳厂矿床位于我国云南省中部,在大地位置上处于扬子板块西缘,康滇地轴云南段,是滇中具有代表性的元古代铁-铜-金-稀土矿床.其矿化作用分为岩浆气液期、交代成矿期、热液成矿期和成矿后热液期4个期次,其中前3个期次是铁成矿的主要期次,分别以角砾状磁铁矿、浸染状磁铁矿和粗粒脉状磁铁矿为代表.各类磁铁矿含有一定量的SiO2、Cr2O3、Al2O3、MgO等,角砾状磁铁矿石的主元素成分与铁成分比值最高,其次为浸染状磁铁矿,最低为脉状磁铁矿.不同类型的磁铁矿微量元素变化很大,浸染状磁铁矿稀土配分具四重效应,角砾状磁铁矿和粗粒脉状磁铁矿稀土配分为右倾型.成矿早期磁铁矿的形成受岩浆作用影响强烈,含铁的岩浆导致围岩碎裂,形成了早期角砾状矿石;交代成矿期的铁质主要源于岩浆演化晚期分异形成的富铁流体,富铁流体与围岩发生强烈的物质交换,导致大量铁质沉淀;随着矿化作用的进行,热液作用逐渐增强,加之外界流体的逐渐加入,对之前形成的磁铁矿进行改造,使其具有热液成因的表象特征.从矿物成分体现出的矿床成因上看,该矿床属于岩浆隐爆-交代型成因,与世界知名的IOCG型矿床有相似之处.  相似文献   
<正>This study examined spatial variations in the concentration,grain size and heavy mineral assemblages on Cedar Beach(Lake Erie,Canada).Magnetic studies of heavy mineral-enriched,dark-reddish sands present on the beach showed that magnetite(~150μm) is the dominant magnetic mineral.Surficial magnetic susceptibility values defined three zones:a lakeward region close to the water line(Zone 1),the upper swash zone(Zone 2) and the region landwards of the upper swash zone (Zone 3).Zone 2 showed the highest bulk and mass susceptibility(κ,χ) and the highest mass percentage of smaller grain-size(250μm) fractions in the bulk sand sample.Susceptibility(i.e.κandχ) values decreased and grain size coarsened from Zone 2 lakewards(into Zone 1) and landwards (into Zone 3),and correlated with the distribution of the heavy mineral assemblage,most probably reflecting preferential separation of large,less dense particles by waves and currents both along and across the beach.The eroded western section of Cedar Beach showed much higher concentrations of heavy minerals including magnetite,and finer sand grain sizes than the accreting eastern section, suggesting that magnetic techniques could be used as a rapid,cost-effective way of examining erosion along sensitive coastline areas.  相似文献   
A large gyromagnetic effect in greigite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) has been used to infer finite strain fabrics in plastically deformed rocks, but there are few studies of magnetic properties in fractured fault rocks. Changes in magnetic and fractal properties of fractured granites from the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University (DPRI) 500 m drilling core towards the Nojima Fault and of the well-foliated fault gouge are described. Fractal analysis of fractured granites shows that the fractal dimension ( D ) increases linearly toward the gouge zone of the fault. In weakly fractured granites ( D = 1.05–1.24), it was found that the degree of AMS correlates positively with the fractal dimension, suggesting a fracture-related magnetic fabric due to fracturing. In strongly fractured granites ( D = 1.25–1.50), weaker, nearly isotropic AMS is found, suggesting erasure by the fragmentation of the magnetic minerals. Within the fault gouge zone, an isotropic AMS fabric was found, as well as twofold increases in magnetic intensity and susceptibility. These changes reflect the production of new magnetite grains, subsequently confirmed by hysteresis studies, which suggests that fault gouge might be regarded as the source of the regional geomagnetic field contrast along active faults. Thus, AMS is clearly a potentially useful tool for inferring the fracturing texture of magnetic minerals in fractured rocks and detecting active faults from the high susceptibility contrast of fault gouge.  相似文献   
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