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苏北超高压变质带是秦岭—大别造山带的东延部分,所产出的榴辉岩有三种类型,分别为产于片麻岩中的G类榴辉岩、产于大理岩中的M类榴辉岩和产于蛇纹岩中P类榴辉岩。地球化学研究表明,三类榴辉岩的原岩复杂多样,源岩为下地壳或上地幔的基性-超基性岩,兼具大陆和大洋玄武岩的特征,富含TiO2等有用组分,是金红石矿床的成矿母岩。金红石矿床的形成是华北、扬子两大板块俯冲碰撞的结果,金红石成矿作用的强弱与岩性、构造、变质变形作用等密切相关。榴辉岩中含有金红石、钛铁矿、磷灰石、石榴子石、绿辉石等多种有用矿物,具有较高的综合利用价值。  相似文献   
Jadeite‐bearing kyanite eclogite has been discovered in the Iratsu body of the Sanbagawa belt, SW Japan. The jadeite + kyanite assemblage is stable at higher pressure–temperature (PT) conditions or lower H2O activity [a(H2O)] than paragonite, although paragonite‐bearing eclogite is common in the Sanbagawa belt. The newly discovered eclogite is a massive metagabbro with the peak‐P assemblage garnet + omphacite + jadeite + kyanite + phengite + quartz + rutile. Impure jadeite is exclusively present as inclusions in garnet. The compositional gap between the coexisting omphacite (P2/n) and impure jadeite (C2/c) suggests relatively low metamorphic temperatures of 510–620 °C. Multi‐equilibrium thermobarometry for the assemblage garnet + omphacite + kyanite + phengite + quartz gives peak‐P conditions of ~2.5 GPa, 570 °C. Crystallization of jadeite in the metagabbro is attributed to Na‐ and Al‐rich effective bulk composition due to the persistence of relict Ca‐rich clinopyroxene at the peak‐P stage. By subtracting relict clinopyroxene from the whole‐rock composition, pseudosection modelling satisfactorily reproduces the observed jadeite‐bearing assemblage and mineral compositions at ~2.4–2.5 GPa, 570–610 °C and a(H2O) >0.6. The relatively high pressure conditions derived from the jadeite‐bearing kyanite eclogite are further supported by high residual pressures of quartz inclusions in garnet. The maximum depth of exhumation in the Sanbagawa belt (~80 km) suggests decoupling of the slab–mantle wedge interface at this depth.  相似文献   
In the Sveconorwegian granulite region of SW Sweden, sapphirine occurs in reaction coronas in Mg- and Al-rich kyanite eclogites which form parts of mafic complexes. Aluminous to peraluminous sapphirine forms symplectitic intergrowths with plagioclase±corundum±spinel after kyanite. Kyanite and omphacite were the main reactants in the formation of sapphirine. The sapphirine formed during decompression from the eclogite facies ( P >15  kbar) through the high- to medium-pressure granulite and upper amphibolite facies at c. 750  °C. Preserved growth zoning in garnet, frozen-in reaction textures, and chemical disequilibrium suggest a rapid tectonic exhumation. Ductile deformation in the surrounding gneisses and parts of the mafic complex is characterized by foliation development, WNW–ESE stretching and dynamic recrystallization under granulite to upper amphibolite facies conditions, simultaneous with the sapphirine formation. This decompression, high-grade re-equilibration and associated deformation took place during the exhumation of the Sveconorwegian eclogites, bracketed between 969±14 and 956±7  Ma. Probable tectonic causes are late-orogenic gravitational collapse and/or plate divergence following the Sveconorwegian–Grenvillian continent–continent collision. There are no indications of metastability of aluminous and peraluminous sapphirine in the decompressed kyanite eclogites; sapphirine is stable in amphibole-poor and amphibolitized varieties, including rocks that have undergone dynamic recrystallization. Close similarities between rocks from different parts of the world with respect to reaction textures suggests that sapphirine+plagioclase-forming reactions are a universal feature in high-temperature decompressed kyanite eclogites.  相似文献   
A largely undocumented region of eclogite associated with a thick blueschist unit occurs in the Kotsu area of the Sanbagawa belt. The composition of coexisting garnet and omphacite suggests that the Kotsu eclogite formed at peak temperatures of around 600 °C synchronous with a penetrative deformation (D1). There are local significant differences in oxygen fugacity of the eclogite reflected in mineral chemistries. The peak pressure is constrained to lie between 14 and 25 kbar by microstructural evidence for the stability of paragonite throughout the history recorded by the eclogite, and the composition of omphacite in associated eclogite facies pelitic schist. Application of garnet‐phengite‐omphacite geobarometry gives metamorphic pressures around 20 kbar. Retrograde metamorphism associated with penetrative deformation (D2) is in the greenschist facies. The composition of syn‐D2 amphibole in hematite‐bearing basic schist and the nature of the calcium carbonate phase suggest that the retrograde P–T path was not associated with a significant increase or decrease in the ratio of P–T conditions following the peak of metamorphism. This P–T path contrasts with the open clockwise path derived from eclogite of the Besshi area. The development of distinct P–T paths in different parts of the Sanbagawa belt shows the shape of the P–T path is not primarily controlled by tectonic setting, but by internal factors such as geometry of metamorphic units and exhumation rates.  相似文献   
Natural gas, consisting primarily of methane(CH4), has become a major source of clean energy in modern society in many parts of the globe. Recent experimental observations and discoveries of deep-sourced abiotic CH4 in cold subduction zones indicate the important ability of cold subducted slabs to generate natural gas reservoirs. However, most CH4 flux and reservoirs remain unknown and their potential is overlooked in global carbon flux estimations. Massive abiot...  相似文献   
拉萨地块松多榴辉岩主要矿物组合为石榴子石、绿辉石、角闪石、多硅白云母、绿帘石、金红石。石榴子石环带不明显,核部成分均一,从核部到边部,镁铝榴石和钙铝榴石含量降低,可能分别记录了榴辉岩峰期及退变质过程信息。绿辉石显示微弱的成分环带,硬玉含量从核部到边部略有升高,部分绿辉石边部发育韭闪石退变质边,反映了在减压过程中外来流体进入体系的过程。多硅白云母具有高的Si含量(3.5~3.6),其中石榴石包体中的多硅白云母相对基质中的白云母有更高的Si值。本文利用Thermocalc变质相平衡模拟软件,结合详细岩相学观察,在NCKMn FMASHTO体系下,模拟松多含多硅白云母榴辉岩的变质演化过程。其中,榴辉岩峰期矿物组合为g+o+law+phn+ru,石榴石核部最大镁铝榴石值和石榴子石包体中多硅白云母最大Si值确定的榴辉岩峰期温压条件约为620℃,32×105Pa,榴辉岩经历了近等温降压的退变质过程。相平衡模拟结果表明拉萨地块松多榴辉岩经历了超高压变质作用过程,并经历了相对快速的折返过程到中部地壳层次。  相似文献   
吴亚东  杨进辉  朱昱升 《岩石学报》2023,39(9):2583-2597

本文对中国东部中新世四子王旗玄武岩开展了详细的全岩和橄榄石主、微量元素及全岩Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-Mg同位素研究, 据此探讨它们的成因及源区性质。研究发现, 四子王旗玄武岩具有类似于高μ(HIMU)型地幔起源熔体的微量元素分布特征, Zr、Hf、Ti的负异常, 高的Zr/Hf比值(Zr/Hf=49.3~54.8), 以及低于正常地幔范围的δ26Mg值(-0.51‰~-0.49‰), 表明其来源于碳酸盐化地幔源区。它们还具有低的Sc含量(10.1×10-6~10.5×10-6)和高的Gd/Yb比值(8.7~9.4), 结合它们橄榄石斑晶低的Fo值, 高的NiO含量和Fe/Mn比值, 揭示其母岩浆为碳酸盐化榴辉岩部分熔融产生。四子王旗玄武岩具有亏损的Sr-Nd-Hf同位素(87Sr/86Sr=0.70370~0.70449;εNd=+6.3~+6.4;εHf=+9.7~+10.3), 以及较低的Pb同位素组成(206Pb/204Pb=17.94, 207Pb/204Pb=15.44, 208Pb/204Pb=37.89), 指示它们源区为年轻的再循环洋壳物质, 很有可能来自于滞留的西太平洋板片。四子王旗玄武岩位于南北重力梯度带以西并远离海沟, 意味着滞留的西太平洋板片在物质上对上覆地幔的影响范围较之前认识的要更广。

Eclogite thermobarometry is crucial for constraining the depths and temperatures to which oceanic and continental crust subduct. However, obtaining the pressure and temperature (P–T) conditions of eclogites is complex as they commonly display high-variance mineral assemblages, and the mineral compositions only vary slightly with P–T. In this contribution, we present a comparison between two independent and commonly used thermobarometric approaches for eclogites: conventional thermobarometry and forward phase-equilibrium modelling. We assess how consistent the thermobarometric calculations are using the garnet–clinopyroxene–phengite barometer and garnet–clinopyroxene thermometer with predictions from forward modelling (i.e. comparing the relative differences between approaches). Our results show that the overall mismatch in methods is typically ±0.2–0.3 GPa and ±29–42°C although differences as large as 80°C and 0.7 GPa are possible for a few narrow ranges of P–T conditions in the forward models. Such mismatch is interpreted as the relative differences among methods, and not as absolute uncertainties or accuracies for either method. For most of the investigated P–T conditions, the relatively minor differences between methods means that the choice in thermobarometric method itself is less important for geological interpretation than careful sample characterization and petrographic interpretation for deriving P–T from eclogites. Although thermobarometry is known to be sensitive to the assumed XFe3+ of a rock (or mineral), the relative differences between methods are not particularly sensitive to the choice of bulk-rock XFe3+, except at high temperatures (>650°C, amphibole absent) and for very large differences in assumed XFe3+ (0–0.5). We find that the most important difference between approaches is the activity–composition (a–x) relations, as opposed to the end-member thermodynamic data or other aspects of experimental calibration. When equivalent a–x relations are used in the conventional barometer, P calculations are nearly identical to phase-equilibrium models (ΔP < 0.1). To further assess the implications of these results for real rocks, we also evaluate common mathematical optimizations of reaction constants used for obtaining the maximum P–T with conventional thermobarometric approaches (e.g. using the highest aGrs2 × aPrp in garnet and Si content in phengite, and the lowest aDi in clinopyroxene). These approaches should be used with caution, because they may not represent the compositions of equilibrium mineral assemblages at eclogite facies conditions and therefore systematically bias P–T calculations. Assuming method accuracy, geological meaningful Pmax at a typical eclogite facies temperature of ~660°C will be obtained by using the greatest aDi, aCel, and aPrp and lowest aGrs and aMs; garnet and clinopyroxene with the lowest Fe2+/Mg ratios may yield geological meaningful Tmax at a typical eclogite facies pressure of 2.5 GPa.  相似文献   
俯冲带榴辉岩的变形作用及其对俯冲-折返过程的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹毅  宋述光 《地质通报》2008,27(10):1646-1653
榴辉岩是大洋和大陆俯冲带的重要岩石类型,在研究俯冲带的形成过程、热结构、壳幔相互作用等方面有重要意义。通过对天然和实验样品中石榴子石、绿辉石等矿物的变形特征、变形机制、变形的影响因素等的综合分析,系统总结了高压变质带中榴辉岩矿物显微和超微变形研究的进展,探讨了榴辉岩的变形特征在恢复俯冲与折返过程研究中的意义及一些尚待解决的一些问题。  相似文献   
西南天山哈布腾苏河沿岸的含石墨的石榴石多硅白云母石英片岩中出露一套若干大小不等的布丁状变基性岩块,产状与区域面理一致。本文对其中保存完好的榴辉岩体进行了较为细致的岩石学研究和温压演化条件计算。根据主要矿物的含量,将该套榴辉岩大致分为两类一角闪榴辉岩和钠云母榴辉岩,二者的主要矿物均为Grt+Omp+Na—Ca-Amp+Pg+Dol/Cal+Rt±Qtz。石榴石变斑晶两阶段生长明显,从核部到边部XMn和XFe降低,XMg和XCa升高,指示了升温降压的变质过程。根据石榴石核部和边部的包体组合特征,确立了两期榴辉岩相变质作用:前一阶段经历了高压但较低温的硬柱石.硬绿泥石(仅见假象)榴辉岩相,变质温度为400~5000C,压力不低于1.8~1.9GPa,表明早期经历了快速俯冲过程;后一阶段的变质温度为570±300C,压力为2.0~2.5GPa。在退变质绿帘角闪岩相阶段,形成低压脉体(矿物组合为Ab4-Di+Na—Ca—Amp+Ep/Czo+Cal)和一系列退变质反应结构.如Dol的Cal增生边.Omp的Di+Ab后成合晶结构。利用Dol—Cal分溶温度计和Di的Jd分子含量得到该阶段的温度约500—530℃,压力小于0.9~1.1GPa,表明其退变质经历的是降温降压过程。这与利用Thermocale 3.1在NCFMASH体系下计算的PT视剖面图是一致的。  相似文献   
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