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Turbidite sandstones have become increasingly significant in hydrocarbon exploration.Carbonate cementation occur commonly in turbidite reservoirs developing within the Paleocene lacustrine basins,Northeastern China.This study utilizes core data,thin section data and production data to investigate the interaction between the carbonate cementation and hydrocarbon charge within turbidite reservoirs in the Niuzhuang Sub-sag of the Dongying Sag,Bohai Bay Basin, East China.The results reveal that the carbonate cementation is mainly developed at the top and bottom of the turbidite sandbodies,and even forms carbonate cement shells.Three stages of hydrocarbon accumulation are identified based on fluid inclusion analysis: stage I(27.5–24.6 Ma),stage II(14.0–5.0 Ma),and stage III(5.0–0 Ma).The interaction between the carbonate cementation and hydrocarbon charge has significant controls on the formation of a turbidite reservoir.The temporal relations and intensity relations between the two factors should be considered significantly.Moreover,hydrocarbon charge during the early stage can inhibit the carbonate cementation, favoring the hydrocarbon accumulation in turbidite reservoirs.Many deep-lacustrine turbidite sandbodies surrounded by source rocks with abnormal high pressure,are also favorable for hydrocarbon accumulation.These results suggest that some deeply buried turbidite sandbodies with similar geological settings have high potential for hydrocarbon exploration.  相似文献   
罗圈组堆积冰碛在沉积海盆地中的搬运方式主要为浊流,由浊流沉积物的层状构造特征(块状、似层状、层状、板状)和组合方式可反映其移动距离的远近和相对海平面变化情况。在陆源物质供应间歇阶段,沉积海盆地中生成碳酸盐岩沉积,构成连接含小壳化石的深海沉积与不含化石的浅海沉积的物理地层纽带。罗圈组为一穿时地层单位,时代为震旦纪—早寒武世。罗圈组与东坡组是因陆源物质搬运距离远近、沉积环境改变所形成的同期异相沉积  相似文献   
The Marnoso Arenacea Formation provides the most extensive correlation of individual flow deposits (beds) yet documented in an ancient turbidite system. These correlations provide unusually detailed constraints on bed shape, which is used to deduce flow evolution and assess the validity of numerical and laboratory models. Bed volumes have an approximately log‐normal frequency distribution; a small number of flows dominated sediment supply to this non‐channelized basin plain. Turbidite sandstone within small‐volume (<0·7 km3) beds thins downflow in an approximately exponential fashion. This shape is a property of spatially depletive flows, and has been reproduced by previous mathematical models and laboratory experiments. Sandstone intervals in larger‐volume (0·7–7 km3) beds have a broad thickness maximum in their proximal part. Grain‐size trends within this broad thickness maximum indicate spatially near‐uniform flow for distances of ∼30 km, although the flow was temporally unsteady. Previous mathematical models and laboratory experiments have not reproduced this type of deposit shape. This may be because models fail to simulate the way in which near bed sediment concentration tends towards a constant value (saturates) in powerful flows. Alternatively, the discrepancy may be the result of relatively high ratios of flow thickness and sediment settling velocity in submarine flows, together with very gradual changes in sea‐floor gradient. Intra‐bed erosion, temporally varying discharge, and reworking of suspension fallout as bedload could also help to explain the discrepancy in deposit shape. Most large‐volume beds contain an internal erosion surface underlain by inversely graded sandstone, recording waxing and waning flow. It has been inferred previously that these characteristics are diagnostic of turbidites generated by hyperpycnal flood discharge. These turbidites are too voluminous to have been formed by hyperpycnal flows, unless such flows are capable of eroding cubic kilometres of sea‐floor sediment. It is more likely that these flows originated from submarine slope failure. Two beds comprise multiple sandstone intervals separated only by turbidite mudstone. These features suggest that the submarine slope failures occurred as either a waxing and waning event, or in a number of stages.  相似文献   
分叉波痕在广西上泥盆统钙质浊积岩中的发现及意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
小型不对称分叉波痕(简称分叉波痕)发现于桂林杨堤剖面上泥盆统弗拉斯阶linguiformis牙形石带,桂林碳酸盐台地东南缘斜坡相钙质浊积岩鲍马序列C段。波长7.5~8.0cm,波高0.5~0.8cm,波痕指数15~10;向流面长5.0~7.0cm,背流面长2.5~4.0cm,波痕对称指数2.0~1.8;背流面向东倾;波脊较圆滑、缓曲,且具明显的分叉现象。是浊流流速减缓,密度流转化为牵引流后在低流态条件下,并叠加有推进型风暴浪作用形成的复合成因波痕。根据该波痕和寄主地层特征,推断含分叉波痕的阳朔碳酸盐盆地的最大水深约100m,极限水深小于200m。这一估计值应能代表广西乃至华南板块泥盆纪广泛发育的含牙形石动物群和钙质浊积岩碳酸盐沉积盆地的定量水深,可能也代表了弗拉斯阶一法门阶之交受集群绝灭事件重创的浅水海相生物与基本未受影响的深水海相生物的水深分界线。  相似文献   
The Marnoso‐arenacea Formation in the Italian Apennines is the only ancient rock sequence where individual submarine sediment density flow deposits have been mapped out in detail for over 100 km. Bed correlations provide new insight into how submarine flows deposit sand, because bed architecture and sandstone shape provide an independent test of depositional process models. This test is important because it can be difficult or impossible to infer depositional process unambiguously from characteristics seen at just one outcrop, especially for massive clean‐sandstone intervals whose origin has been controversial. Beds have three different types of geometries (facies tracts) in downflow oriented transects. Facies tracts 1 and 2 contain clean graded and ungraded massive sandstone deposited incrementally by turbidity currents, and these intervals taper relatively gradually downflow. Mud‐rich sand deposited by cohesive debris flow occurs in the distal part of Facies tract 2. Facies tract 3 contains clean sandstone with a distinctive swirly fabric formed by patches of coarser and better‐sorted grains that most likely records pervasive liquefaction. This type of clean sandstone can extend for up to 30 km before pinching out relatively abruptly. This abrupt pinch out suggests that this clean sand was deposited by debris flow. In some beds there are downflow transitions from turbidite sandstone into clean debrite sandstone, suggesting that debris flows formed by transformation from high‐density turbidity currents. However, outsize clasts in one particular debrite are too large and dense to have been carried by an initial turbidity current, suggesting that this debris flow ran out for at least 15 km. Field data indicate that liquefied debris flows can sometimes deposit clean sand over large (10 to 30 km) expanses of sea floor, and that these clean debrite sand layers can terminate abruptly.  相似文献   
This study documents the character and occurrence of hybrid event beds (HEBs) deposited across a range of deep‐water sub‐environments in the Cretaceous–Palaeocene Gottero system, north‐west Italy. Detailed fieldwork (>5200 m of sedimentary logs) has shown that hybrid event beds are most abundant in the distal confined basin‐plain domain (>31% of total thickness). In more proximal sectors, hybrid event beds occur within outer‐fan and mid‐fan lobes (up to 15% of total thickness), whereas they are not observed in the inner‐fan channelized area. Six hybrid event bed types (HEB‐1 to HEB‐6) were differentiated mainly on basis of the texture of their muddier and chaotic central division (H3). The confined basin‐plain sector is dominated by thick (maximum 9·57 m; average 2·15 m) and tabular hybrid event beds (HEB‐1 to HEB‐4). Their H3 division can include very large substrate slabs, evidence of extensive auto‐injection and clast break‐up, and abundant mudstone clasts set in a sandy matrix (dispersed clay ca 20%). These beds are thought to have been generated by highly energetic flows capable of delaminating the sea floor locally, and carrying large rip‐up clasts for relatively short distances before arresting. The unconfined lobes of the mid‐fan sector are dominated by thinner (average 0·38 m) hybrid event beds (HEB‐5 and HEB‐6). Their H3 divisions are characterized by floating mudstone clasts and clay‐enriched matrices (dispersed clay >25%) with hydraulically fractionated components (mica, organic matter and clay flocs). These hybrid event beds are thought to have been deposited by less energetic flows that underwent early turbulence damping following incorporation of mud at proximal locations and by segregation during transport. Although there is a tendency to look to external factors to account for hybrid event bed development, systems like the Gottero imply that intrabasinal factors can also be important; specifically, the type of substrate available (muddy or sandy) and where and how erosion is achieved across the system producing specific hybrid event bed expressions and facies tracts.  相似文献   
细粒浊积岩是一类较为特殊的浊积岩类型,与可用鲍马序列解释的完整经典浊积岩相比,其颗粒粒径明显偏细,小于63μm的颗粒含量超过50%。通过对四川盆地北部唐家河剖面寒武系第二统郭家坝组上部地层的系统研究发现,Stow细粒浊积岩序列发育广泛。该序列下部(T0-T3)主要为极细砂、粉砂与泥质纹层互层,发育微弱冲刷构造和泄水构造等软沉积物变形构造;中部(T4-T6)为泥质层段夹断续粉砂质纹层;上部(T7-T8)转变为均质泥岩段,生物扰动构造发育,整体序列具有正粒序特征。浊积岩序列中碎屑颗粒主要为石英、岩屑和云母,长石少见,杂基含量高;粒度频率分布曲线(直方图)显示颗粒分选性比传统浊积岩好,且自下而上各砂质纹层内颗粒粒径变细;概率值累计曲线表现为“一段式”和“上凸的折线式”2种,且悬浮组分占据了绝大优势;C-M图以平行于“C=M”基线为特征,但受碎屑颗粒粒级偏小的影响,投点整体沿C=M基线向左下偏移,显示该序列具有浊流递变悬浮沉积的特点。结合筇竹寺阶(第二统)沉积背景,认为靠近研究区西北侧的摩天岭古陆为浊积岩发育的主要物源区,台内地形的遮挡为细粒浊积岩的发育提供了良好的地形条件,悬浮搬运和阵发性环境事件(如风暴、洪水等)搬运为细粒沉积物主要的搬运机制。以唐家河剖面为代表的寒武系郭家坝组细粒浊积岩的广泛发育,对于认识四川盆地北缘古地理格局和非常规油气勘探具有重要意义。  相似文献   
辽西义县盆地是中生代阜新-义县断陷盆地中大凌河以南的次级凹陷区,盆地内近东西走向的马神庙一刀把地一三百垄-金刚山一带为义县组标准地层剖面出露地.作为义县阶标准地层剖面的义县盆地英窝山砖城子层为一套早白垩世义县组的湖相沉积组合.野外详细沉积岩和地层学研究将砖城子层进一步划分出三个沉积亚单元.英窝山砖城子层下部为一套膨润土...  相似文献   
王荃  刘雪亚 《地质论评》2010,56(3):329-338
湖北省武当山—随州—枣阳一线存在一呈北西西走向的镁铁质岩浆岩带,长约390km,宽40~100km。其中超镁铁质岩14处,超镁铁质、镁铁质杂岩21处,镁铁质岩250处,出露面积689km2。自上世纪开展1∶20万区调工作迄今,已出版的成果资料一致认为,这些岩体是镁铁质岩浆沿深大断裂侵入而成。笔者等于2005年随机选择了丹江口和随州境内两条地质调查路线,在实地详细观察了35个大小不一的岩体,证实该岩浆岩带的岩体都不是镁铁质岩浆就地侵入形成,而是众多外来的镁铁质岩块与武当山群和随县群浅变质浊积岩共同构成的混杂岩带。这一论断的具体根据为:邻接岩块的围岩普遍不存在热变质;围岩的纹理、层理及韵律层理均有完好保留;岩块边部并无冷凝边及结晶变细现象;岩块内部的相带及条带状构造与岩块的外形无关,并可常见造岩矿物之结晶条带被接触界面斜截;岩块中穿插有不规则状石英脉体及斜长花岗岩脉,但二者从不侵入围岩,这表明,岩块形成时代早于围岩;一些大、中型岩体都不是单一侵入体,而是许多中、小型岩块的集合体;在岩块内部从来未见到围岩捕虏体。从岩块的岩石化学分析结果看出,调查区内的镁铁质岩均属拉斑玄武岩系列,相当于蛇绿岩套中的堆积杂岩,是古洋脊或边缘海盆扩张脊的产物。据此可以断定,此混杂岩带所在的武当山—大悟山地体,具有增生楔的属性。  相似文献   
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