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GMS卫星资料估算地表旬太阳辐射   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘文  刘洪鹏  王延平 《气象》2002,28(6):35-38
GMS-5静止气象卫星较宽的可见光波段,为估算到达地表的太阳辐射提供了极好的信息源。利用GMS-5可见光通道资料,分析估计太阳辐射的可行性,并给出了相应的卫星资料处理方法。利用逐时观测资料和济南日射观测站太阳总辐射小时辐照总量实测资料,建立了可见光反照率与小时辐照总量的统计关系,探讨了旬太阳辐射的估算模型。估算结果与日射站实测结果比较,旬辐射估计量的均方误差为7.7MJ.m^-1,平均相对误差为3.4%。  相似文献   
The geomorphic evolution of the Jordan River in recent decades indicates that interaction between incision and high-magnitude floods controls sinuosity changes under increasing mouth gradients during base-level fall. The evolution of the river was analyzed based on digital elevation models, remotely sensed imagery, hydrometric data, and a hydraulic model. The response varies along the river. Near the river mouth, where incision rate is high and a deep channel forms, overbank flooding is less likely. There, large floods exert high shear stress within the confined channel, increasing sinuosity. Upstream, near the migrating knickzone channel gradients also increase, incision is more moderate and floods continue to overtop the banks, favoring meander chute cutoffs. The resulting channel has a downstream well-confined meandering segment and an upstream low-sinuosity segment. These new insights regarding spatial differences along an incising channel can improve interpretations of the evolution of ancient planforms and floodplains that responded to base-level decline. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The etymology and historic usage of such terms as ‘anabranch’, ‘anastamose’ and ‘braided’ within river science are reviewed. Despite several decades of modern research to define river channel typologies inclusive of single channels and multiple channel networks, typologies remain ill‐conditioned and consequently ill‐defined. Conventionally employed quantitative planform characteristics of river networks possibly cannot be used alone to define channel types, yet the planform remains a central part of all modern classification schemes, supplemented by sedimentological and other qualitative channel characteristics. Planform characteristics largely have been defined using non‐standardized metrics describing individual network components, such as link lengths, braiding intensity and bifurcation angles, which often fail to separate visually‐different networks of channels. We find that existing typologies remain pragmatically utilitarian rather than fundamentally physics‐based and too often fail to discriminate between two distinctive and important processes integral to new channel initiation and flow‐splitting: (i) in‐channel bar accretion, and (ii) channel avulsion and floodplain excision. It is suggested that, first, if channel planform is to remain central to river typologies, then more rigorous quantitative approaches to the analysis of extended integral channel networks at extended reach scales (rather than network components) are required to correctly determine whether ‘visually‐different’ channel patterns can be discriminated consistently; and, second, if such visually‐different styles do in fact differ in their governing processes of formation and maintenance. A significant question is why do so many seemingly equilibrium network geometries possess a large number of anabranches in excess of predictions from theoretical considerations? The key research frontier with respect to initiating and maintaining multichannel networks remains the understanding and discrimination of accretionary‐bar flow splitting versus avulsive processes. Existing and new knowledge on flow splitting processes needs to be better integrated into channel typologies. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
黄河上游沙漠宽谷河段塌岸引起河道横向变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过黄河上游沙漠宽谷河段现场考察及实测资料分析,依据河岸物质来源及组成将黄河上游崩塌河岸划分为粘性河岸及非粘性风沙堆积河岸两大类,前者可分为平面崩塌、弧形滑动崩塌和复合式崩塌3种类型,后者表现出非粘性河岸的表层滑移及平面崩塌两种形式。进一步以磴口、乌海河段为例,分析粘性河岸和风沙堆积河岸的塌岸特征,并结合近10年的遥感影像解译分析河岸线崩退变化规律,揭示塌岸引起河道横向变化特征。结果表明粘性河段的塌岸后退距离大于风沙堆积河段,局部河段短期出现凹退凸淤的动态岸线变化特点,但全河段长期仍然处于总体淤积的态势。  相似文献   
黄河下游高含沙洪水过程一维水沙耦合数学模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用浑水控制方程,建立了基于耦合解法的一维非恒定非均匀沙数学模型,用于模拟高含沙洪水演进时的河床冲淤过程.然后采用黄河下游游荡段1977年7—8月实测高含沙洪水资料对该模型进行率定,基于水沙耦合解法的各水文断面流量、总含沙量及分组含沙量的计算过程与实测过程符合更好,计算的沿程最高水位及累计河段冲淤量与实测值也较为符合.最后还采用2004年8月高含沙洪水资料对该模型进行了验证.模型率定及验证计算结果表明,采用一维水沙耦合模型计算高含沙洪水过程,能取得较高的精度.  相似文献   
河口湾中的砂体是有利的油气储集层,但复杂的水动力变化导致古代河口湾识别困难。通过对现代钱塘江河口湾的研究表明,河口湾潮坪环境潮汐水道可以成为识别古河口湾的一种辅助标志。基于野外实地观测,结合卫星地图对潮坪环境潮汐水道的发育特征进行了详细的描述,并探讨了它的地质意义。结果表明:1)泥坪潮汐水道横截面形态主要有“V”型及宽缓的透镜状,平面上由海向陆可划分为曲折的A段、平直的B段和树状分叉的C段;2)砂坪潮汐水道横截面形态主要有“U”型和阶梯型,平面上由海向陆可划分为曲折或平直的A'段和树状分叉的B'段,A'段的平直与曲折主要受控于砂坪潮道规模的大小;3)在砂质潮坪中常见炭屑层、包卷层理、液化流痕、垮塌构造、波痕等特殊的沉积构造;不同形态和规模的潮坪潮道主要受控于潮坪坡度、沉积物粒度、河口湾形态及相对海平面高低的影响,高坡度、低海平面有利于完整序列潮道的发育;4)不同类型河口湾潮坪潮道的特征及其伴生的特殊沉积构造可以为确定地质历史时期的古河口湾及其演化提供参考。  相似文献   
详细介绍了一种长宽比例尺不一致的航道扫测图制作的数学模型和制作方法,采用计算机语言编制的软件对这种航道扫测图的制作方法予以实现,并且通过我国北方某港口航道扫测的工程实例进行了验证。  相似文献   
孟万忠 《测绘科学》2011,36(2):73-75
潇河是汾河的第二大支流,清代河道变迁频繁.本文利用清代山西地方志中的舆地图和现代空间数据,结合历史文献记载与实地考察,研究了潇河河道变迁最为剧烈的时期--清代近300年间的变迁过程,复原了不同时段的面貌,并对变迁原因进行了分析.认为在气候变干的大背景下,河道变迁的原因主要有两个:一是潇河及其支流泥沙含量大,造成旧河道的...  相似文献   
通过对青岛近海1 561 km的高分辨率浅地层测量剖面解译,在多条剖面中发现研究区存在多期发育的古河道,虽然保存较完整的地层不多,但大部分河流亚相地层被保存。测年资料表明,这些河流多形成在37 000~11 000 a之间,河流床底最大埋深(海底起算)约-32 m,一般在-20~-28 m,最大单个河面宽约1 500 m。根据现在所见河道的轮廓形态,可分为六种类型:即发育有滩心洲的河道、平底河道、不对称河道、连续多期发育的河道、窄陡型河道和对称型河道。并对河流的形成机理和古地理特征作了初步分析。  相似文献   
青海南部曲麻莱-治多地区位于青藏高原东北部,广泛出露上三叠统巴颜喀拉山群砂板岩,地层厚度巨大,实体化石稀少,遗迹化石丰富.在1/25万区域地质调查过程中,我们收集了大量的基础资料,本文重点研究遗迹化石的保存状态、形态类型、生态习性及其在地层序列中的分布特征,结果表明:研究区内巴颜喀拉山群为半深海-深海环境下形成的浊积岩系,这与沉积学、岩石学的研究结果相一致.  相似文献   
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