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We further investigate the two-dimensional hydrodynamic explosion model for rapidly rotating and collapsing supernovae (Aksenov et al. 1997), in which the initial energy release inside a fragmenting low-mass neutron star of critical mass ≈0.1M moving in a circular orbit at a velocity of ≈18000 km s?1 is reduced considerably. This velocity closely corresponds to a pulsar escape velocity of ≈1000 km s?1 (at a total mass of ≈1.9M for the binary of neutron stars). Compared to our previous study (Zabrodina and Imshennik 1999), this energy release was reduced by more than a half. Otherwise, the model in question does not differ from the explosion model with a self-consistent chemical composition of nuclides investigated in the above paper. In particular, the initial energy release was carefully reconciled with a chemical composition. Our numerical solution shows that the reduction in energy release due to the time scales of β processes and neutrino energy losses being finite does not alter the qualitative results of our previous studies (Aksenov et al. 1997; Imshennik and Zabrodina 1999). An intense undamped diverging shock wave (with a total post-shock energy ? 1051 erg at a front radius of ≈10 000 km) is formed; a large asymmetry of explosion with a narrow cone (with a solid angle of ≈π/4) around the leading direction, which coincides with the velocity direction of the low-mass neutron star at the instant of its explosive fragmentation in the two-dimensional model, emerges. A jet of synthesized radioactive nickel, whose mass is estimated by using simple threshold criteria to be M Ni≈(0.02?0.03)M is concentrated inside this cone. This appears to be the integrated parameter that is most sensitive to the specified reduction in initial energy release; it is also reduced by almost a half compared to our previous estimate (Imshennik and Zabrodina 1999). The time of propagation of the shock wave inferred in our model to the presupernova surface was estimated for SN 1987A to be 0.5–1.0 h, in agreement with observations.  相似文献   
钻机提升系统在开启和关闭时存在着严重的液压冲击现象,因而会造成钻机运行的不平稳。产生液压冲击主要是由换向阀开启和关闭时液压油和负载的动能瞬时转化为压力能而造成的。本文结合DGZ-150B型多管全方位旋喷钻机,主要介绍了通过改进提升液压系统回路和选择合理的提升速度来降低液压冲击的影响。通过利用AMESim 软件对改进前后的提升液压系统建模仿真,可以看出改进后的液压系统对液压冲击有明显的控制,系统稳定性大大提高。按照改进后的提升液压系统对钻机的提升系统进行改造,钻机在步进提升时基本感觉不到液压冲击,钻机的震动大大减轻,稳定性增强。  相似文献   
A Tiny Piece of Basalt Probably from Asteroid 4 Vesta   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Grove Mountains (GRV) 99018 is a new eucrite (0.23 g), consisting mainly of pyroxene (50.5 vol%) and plagioclase (37.2 vol%) with minor silica minerals (7.0 Vol%) and opaque minerals (5.2 vol%). It was intensely shocked, leading to partial melting, formation of abundant tiny inclusions in pyroxenes and plagioclase, and heavy brecciation. Exsolution of most pyroxenes (1-3μm in width of the lamellae), recrystallization of the shpck-induced melt pockets and veins (5-20μm in size), and homogeneous compositions of pyroxenes of  相似文献   
太湖冲击成因说由来已久,但始终未成定论。近几年在太湖及周边湖泊的淤泥层中发现了许多形态各异的奇石,经多种方法测试研究,确定为太湖冲击坑的溅射物。根据成份,溅射物分为两大类。一类富铁质,以菱铁矿及其胶结的碎屑为主,包括微小球粒、棍状及各种形态的块状和片状体 ;另一类贫铁质,以方解石及其胶结的长英质碎屑为主,碎屑为锐角状的石英晶屑及少量粘土和长英质岩屑。溅射物的大小从厘米级块体到毫米级球粒,再至微米级尘粉都有。溅射物外形多具有旋转扭曲形态及熔壳特征,显示了熔融、塑性- 半塑性特征。这些特征显示其成因经历了冲击震碎、熔融、挖掘抛射、空中飞行,最后溅落在冲击坑及其周围。溅射物的成分反映了太湖靶岩基岩岩性特征。太湖冲击坑溅射物的发现是继太湖诸岛石英砂岩中石英晶体的冲击变质微结构发现之后,又一重大突破。综合其它特征,可以确定太湖为一冲击坑。  相似文献   
We report an analysis of one year of Suprathermal Ion Detector Experiment (SIDE) Total Ion Detector (TID) “resonance” events observed between January 1972 and January 1973. The study includes only those events during which upstream solar wind conditions were readily available. The analysis shows that these events are associated with lunar traversals through the dawn flank of the terrestrial magnetospheric bow shock. We propose that the events result from an increase in lunar surface electric potential effected by secondary electron emission due to primary electrons in the Earth's foreshock region (although primary ions may play a role as well). This work establishes (1) the lunar surface potential changes as the Moon moves through the terrestrial bow shock, (2) the lunar surface achieves potentials in the upstream foreshock region that differ from those in the downstream magnetosheath region, (3) these differences can be explained by the presence of energetic electron beams in the upstream foreshock region and (4) if this explanation is correct, the location of the Moon with respect to the terrestrial bow shock influences lunar surface potential.  相似文献   
A shock absorbing cushion has never been introduced into any traditional weir surface repair layer design.However,shocks induced by high discharge with heavy sediment can easily produce brittle fracture and peeling over a weir surface repair layer as it is impacted by floods accompanied by particles of different sizes.In this study,transcending traditional designs,the authors developed a composite unit designed with a shock absorbing cushion that has performed well during field tests,proving that the weir body can be effectively protected even if the composite units are directly laid on a severely uneven weir surface repair layer.  相似文献   
蒋海昆  宋金  贾若  曲均浩  陈亚男 《地震》2014,34(1):13-23
结合微震活动的流体作用强度检测及孔隙压扩散模拟,讨论了三峡库区不同时期微震活动的主要影响因素。以2008年9月蓄水季为界划分前、后期,前期流体渗透导致的孔隙压力增加,使裂隙或断层面强度降低,是库区微震活动的主要影响因素,这一时期微震频次及ETAS模型参数μ值有起伏地缓慢增大,与库水位加卸载过程关系不明显; 后期由于流体渗透引起的孔隙压力变化趋于零,在新的流体平衡条件下,库水位加卸载过程所导致的裂隙或断层面上的应力变化,成为库区微震活动的主要影响因素,这一时期微震频次及μ值显示出与水位变化明显的关联特征。库区小震震源深度的时间变化支持上述观点。在此基础上,进一步讨论了水库“诱发”和水库“触发”地震的力学差异,认为前者主要缘于流体渗透导致的裂隙或断层面强度的“主动”降低,后者则主要与库水加卸载所导致的裂隙或断层面上应力增强有关。进一步推论认为,流体对小地震“诱发”、“触发”皆可能发生,但中强地震缘于流体“诱发”的可能性非常小,对水库区发生的中强地震,流体仅可能对处于临界状态的断层系统起到“触发”作用。  相似文献   
       太湖冲击成因假说作为众多太湖成因说之一,于20 多年前被提出至2009 年的再次复兴,颇受争议。本文从冲击的关 键证据之一石英变形特征入手,以新的实证研究重新审视前人的工作,并对太湖冲击假说展开探讨。主要通过光学显微镜 观察太湖地区泥盆系砂岩中石英受应力而致的不均匀消光、碎裂、变形纹等变形特征;利用费氏台测量石英变形纹的定向 特征,研究薄片中大量的人字形微裂隙现象;同时对比分析了九江地区同类砂岩及太湖地区菱铁矿结核体中石英碎屑的变 形特征。研究显示太湖地区砂岩中发育的石英变形纹并非典型的击变页理纹(PDF), 石英变形特征主要为较低应力下的变 形特征,其成因具有多解性。因此太湖冲击成因假说以及太湖的形成机制值得多角度进一步研究。  相似文献   
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