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程春泉  张继贤 《遥感学报》2012,16(5):881-894
本文对现有侧视雷达遥感影像的几何构像模型在摄影测量应用中的不足进行了理论分析,以外方位元素作为定向参数,依次建立了像点坐标显函数形式的距离-共面(R-Cp)方程、地心直角坐标系中星载侧视雷达影像的距离-共面方程、以及星载侧视雷达遥感影像的严密定位模型,并进行了稀少控制点条件的星载TerraSAR-X影像定位试验。理论和试验表明,本文所建立的R-Cp严密定位模型,使得雷达影像像点量测坐标作为摄影测量观测值的属性得到体现,容易吸收和利用光学遥感影像基于共线方程模型发展起来的成熟的数字摄影测量数据处理方法,有利于提高雷达遥感影像摄影测量数据处理的严密性、稳定性、可靠性及数据处理效率。  相似文献   
给出了载体状态方程的严密公式和常用近似公式,详细讨论了两者之间的区别。在高精度GPS动态定位中的应用证明,常用近似公式对载体速度和加速度有显著的影响。  相似文献   
The destructiveness of impulse waves generated by landslides (IWL) originates from the wave's movement and load, wherein the impulse wave's load is the major cause of sub-aerial building damage and casualties. In this study, an experiment involving 16 groups of physical tests for the wave pressure generated by a landslide was designed, consisting of 4 sets of IWL and 4 opposite bank slope angles. A high-frequency strain system was used to measure the total pressure of the impulse wave in a water tank. The tests showed that the dynamic pressure caused by the IWL can be divided into two types: impact pressure generated by the jetflow and the pulsating pressure caused by the wave. Under the same impulse wave conditions, the maximum run-up becomes smaller as the opposite bank's slope angle increases, and the jetflow maximum impact pressure experienced by the opposite bank increases, while the maximum pulsating pressure caused by the impulse wave is slightly decreased. Different from previous studies, the spatial maximum pressure distributions of the wave generated by landslide were concluded that the position of the maximum pulsating pressure appears adjacent to the still water surface, and the overall spatial distribution pattern of maximum wave pressure is presented as an inclined   相似文献   
动载荷作用下岩石破坏过程的数值试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用基于细观损伤力学基础上开发的动态版RFPA2D数值模拟软件,对动载荷作用下应力波延续时间、应力波峰值和围压对岩石试样破坏的影响进行了数值研究,结果表明,应力波延续时间较短,则尾随应力波波前的高应力区范围较窄,应力波衰减较快;相反,应力波延续时间较长,则紧跟应力波波前的高应力区范围较大,岩石处于破坏状态的时间延长,岩石的破碎程度加大。此外,存在一个合适的应力波延续时间,过分地加大应力波延续时间,反而不利于岩石裂隙的发育。动载荷的峰值越大,试样的破坏程度越大,当峰值达到一定值时,试样顶部呈现粉碎状,试样从上到下破坏程度逐渐减弱。在冲击载荷作用下的岩石随着围压的增加更难破碎,但当围压增大到一定程度时,岩石会突然失稳破坏。  相似文献   
张玉君  姚佛军 《岩石学报》2009,25(4):963-970
文中讨论了新的找矿参数——蚀变遥感异常的地质基础和光谱前提,在矿床地质学和蚀变矿物光谱参数特征的基础上,编制了一张用于遥感异常提取及对其地质解释的表格。ETM遥感异常提取技术已在全国推广,ASTER数据可以在三个方面对已推广的ETM起到重要的补充作用:1.利用短波红外增设的波段,对某些矿致异常区分其矿化(矿床)类型;2.利用增设的热红外波段区分某些岩性;3.可有助于解决ETM因第7波段太宽而产生的许多疑难问题。本文以东昆仑五龙沟为例讨论了ASTER对于解决ETM遥感异常性质判别困难方面的作用。  相似文献   
探地雷达地下界面成像   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
由Maxwell方程,根据雷达波在介质中的高频传播特性,导出雷达波满足的波动方程。由此求出波速扰动量的成像公式,利用小波变换分析下界面的奇异性,从而达到雷达信号地下界面成像的目的。  相似文献   
针对目前单一工程物探方法调查浅部地质结构的局限性,提出采用弹性波法勘察中研究浅部地质结构的SH波反射勘察和多道瞬态面波法勘察这2种有效手段进行联合勘探,提高其可靠性和精度,并给出了3个实例,指出了在数据采集和处理时应注意的问题。  相似文献   
In this study, on the basis of the Floquet transform method, a numerical model for the simulation of the vibration isolation via multiple periodic pile rows with infinite number of piles is established. By means of the fictitious pile method due to Muki and Sternberg, the second kind of Fredholm integral equations for the pile rows are developed by using the fundamental solutions for the half‐space and the compatibility conditions between the piles and half‐space. Employing the Floquet transform method, integral equations for the pile rows in the wavenumber domain are then derived. Solution of the integral equations yields the wavenumber domain solution for the pile rows. The space domain solution can then be retrieved by inversion of the Floquet transform. Numerical results show that the proposed model with the Floquet transform method is in a good agreement with those of the conventional direct superposition method. On the basis of the new model, influences of the spacing between neighboring piles, the Young's modulus of the piles, and the pile length on the vibration isolation effect of the pile rows are investigated. Numerical simulations conducted in this study show that compared with the direct superposition method, the efficiency of the proposed model for simulation of the vibration isolation via pile rows is very high. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
龚辉  姜挺  江刚武  张锐  贾博 《测绘学报》2012,41(3):0-416
基于测绘和地理信息产业发展背景,针对日益增长的数据融合、实时共享、深度处理和个性化的需求,对数字城市中测绘服务特征进行分析,重点介绍符合云计算模型的开放式计算环境、多路径数据更新、多源数据一体化集成、全尺度城市编码、自适应空间数据处理和动态在线制图等理论、方法与关键技术。在此基础上,研制开发了开放式空间基础信息平台,并成功应用于数字深圳的建设中。  相似文献   
基于FFT的快速SAR分布目标回波模拟算法   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
大面积分布目标的合成孔径雷达 (SAR)回波模拟需要大量的运算 ,文中提出了一种合成孔径雷达回波模拟的快速算法 ,算法利用时域插值和FFT来缩减运算量 ,对于大面积目标回波模拟时 ,该算法有很高的效率。文中详细分析sinc函数插值所带来的误差以及补偿方法 ,并在次基础上提出了一种利用增采样插值方法 ,该方法以增加少量运算为代价 ,使得模拟精度的大幅度提高。文中比较了传统方法和基于FFT的快速SAR分布目标回波模拟算法的模拟结果 ,证明了这种快速算法确实行之有效  相似文献   
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