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在1∶5万区域地质填图及专题研究的基础上探讨了变质岩石中的岩浆侵位变形构造、褶皱构造及变形与变质作用的关系等三个方面的问题。研究表明冀东太古宙高级区变质岩石中不同程度地发育岩浆岩构造,包括在不同类型片麻岩之间所表现的穿切构造、基性岩墙中的矿物定向构造以及基性岩体边缘及其围岩的变形构造等,褶皱构造可分为表壳岩褶皱及片麻岩褶皱,高级区可能不存在大型的片麻岩褶皱,通过镜下特征矿物相的研究并结合野外变质基性岩墙的产状及特征,建立区域变质与变形作用的关系,从而为区域地质事件表的建立提供依据。  相似文献   
推导了二维TTI介质的相速度表达式,并且依据推导出来的相速度表达式,模拟并分析了二维TTI介质相速度的传播快照以及TI介质相速度的传播快照;对比并分析了TTI介质和TI介质模型的相速度理论计算值的X分量特征的差异。TTI介质的相速度研究具有较高的理论研究价值和实际应用价值.  相似文献   
Kazuaki Okamoto 《Island Arc》1998,7(1-2):283-294
The orientation of straight inclusion trails within albite porphyroblasts from basic schists has been measured around a north-closure fold, in the Besshi district of the Sambagawa Belt, central Shikoku, Japan. The porphyroblasts are aligned with their longest dimension parallel to both the subhorizontal, east–west-directed mineral lineation and to the fold axis. There is a systematic variation in inclusion-trail geometry between the upper (northern) and lower (southern) fold limbs. The shear sense deduced from quartz c-axis fabrics is top-to-the-west in the upper limb and top-to-the-east in the lower limb. Based on observed variations in porphyroblast inclusion trails, the structural history can be modelled as follows: (i) shear flow caused east–west stretching and folding of the metamorphic zonation; (ii) east–west ductile shear resulted in opposing senses of shear in the upper and lower limbs as the eclogite body situated in the core of the fold was extruded to the east.  相似文献   
针对气候系统的非线性特征导致预测/预警气候突变困难的问题,本文从气候系统的长程相关性出发,利用零维气候模型和两个折叠模型,研究了在一个动力系统缓慢趋近其临界翻转点的过程中,系统的长程相关是否有某种一般性变化规律.结果 显示,3个不同分岔模型在趋近其自身临界翻转点的过程中,表征系统长程相关性的Hurst指数均呈持续增大趋...  相似文献   
通过矿山生产实践对控岩控矿构造的认识积累和矿区构造形迹的解析,结合CSAMT法测量所获得的异常,推断矿床岩体底部隐伏矿体的存在。经深部资源勘查项目的实施并得以验证,进而提出了下一步资源递进勘查的总体方向和目标。  相似文献   
吉南早元古代集安群构造解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡国巍 《吉林地质》1994,13(3):39-45
早元古代集安群经历了三期构造变形,分别形成了三个特征各异的构造形迹组合。Ⅰ世代为层理褶皱组合,由平卧褶皱、轴面片理和韧性剪切变形带组成;Ⅱ和Ⅲ世代为片理褶皱组合,分别由各种位态的片理褶皱和轴面褶劈理、膝折面理组成;Ⅰ、Ⅱ世代的原始构造线方位均为近南北向,为近共轴叠加,但因Ⅲ世代构造的强烈改造,现今多变位为东西向。Ⅰ世代构造形迹组合的特征显示集安群的早期构造环境具有构造层次较深、以近水平韧性剪切变形作用为主导的特点。  相似文献   
黄光明  李忠海  周永智 《地质学报》2017,91(8):1674-1693
塔里木盆地西南缘前陆褶皱冲断带发育被动顶板双重构造(甫沙地区)和背驮盆地(乌泊尔地区)两种明显不同的构造类型。为了探讨它们的不同成因,利用有限差分软件FLAC开展了一系列二维数值模拟研究。采用遵循平面应变的黏弹塑性本构模型,设置两个滑脱层和三个能干层。同时考虑基底沉降、同构造剥蚀和沉积,缩短速率为8mm/a,剥蚀速率为每年侵蚀基准面以上高程的3×10-7(相当于每1000m每年剥蚀0.3mm)。在基底水平的情况下,采用均一的沉降速率1.6mm/a并以填平补齐的方式进行沉积时,3.5 Ma后发育成与甫沙地区相似的被动顶板双重构造。而当模型采用中部小两端大的拱形沉降速度以及填平补齐的沉积时最终发育成背驮盆地,和乌泊尔地区地质原型接近。模拟结果表明,同构造沉积地层对褶皱冲断带的影响巨大,当沉积物大量堆积在褶皱冲断带前缘时有利于被动顶板双重构造的形成,而沉积物大量堆积在逆冲楔顶与斜坡时则更有利于背驮盆地的发生。模拟结果认为甫沙地区和乌泊尔地区都接受了填平补齐的沉积方式,但基底沉降差异造成了两者的构造样式明显不同。在小范围内(后陆至前陆小于80km),甫沙地区基底以水平方式发生沉降,褶皱冲断带前缘接受了大量沉积;而乌泊尔地区基底在挤压下发生弯曲,使得后陆发生了更大的沉降从而接受了更多的沉积。  相似文献   
Sediment is sorted in river bends under the influence of gravity that pulls the heavier grains downslope and secondary flow that drags the finer grains upslope. Furthermore, when dunes are present, sediment is also sorted vertically at the dune lee side. However, sorting functions are poorly defined, since the relation to transverse bed slope and the interaction between lateral and vertical sorting is not yet understood for lack of data under controlled conditions. The objective of this study is to describe lateral sorting as a function of transverse bed slope and to gain an understanding of the interaction between lateral and vertical sorting in river bends. To this end, experiments were conducted with a poorly sorted sediment mixture in a rotating annular flume in which secondary flow intensity can be controlled separately from the main flow velocity, and therefore transverse bed slope towards the inner bend and dune dimensions can be systematically varied. Sediment samples were taken along cross-sections at the surface of dune troughs and dune crests, and over the entire depth at the location of dune crests (bulk samples), which enabled comparison of the relative contribution of vertical sorting by dunes to lateral sorting by the transverse bed slope. The data show that lateral sorting is always the dominant sorting mechanism in bends, and bulk samples showed minor effects of vertical sorting by dunes as long as all grain-size fractions are mobile. An empirical bend sorting model was fitted that redistributes the available sediment fractions over the cross-section as a function of transverse bed slope. Comparison with field data showed that the model accurately reproduces spatially-averaged trends in sorting at the bend apex in single-thread channels. The bend sorting model therefore provides a better definition of bend sorting with conservation of mass by size fraction and adds to current understanding of bend sorting. The implication for numerical modelling is that bend sorting mechanisms can be modelled independently of dunes, allowing the application of the active layer concept.  相似文献   
阐述了基桩倾斜无损检测基本原理--惠更斯-菲涅尔原理.通过在桩侧面实施地震排列装置检测试验,证实了桩倾斜度越大,桩侧效应越强.在倾斜基桩中埋设三分量检波器检测结果说明,基桩倾斜时,桩侧界面响应主要以转换后沿界面方向的纵波与垂直于桩侧面的横波为主.  相似文献   
基于拖带坐标法建立了岩层大变形的一维非线性微分方程,然后用解析与数值方法研究了变刚度、可伸缩岩层在侧向压力及自重作用下的分叉特性,初步揭示了褶皱岩层初始挠曲的形成机理。  相似文献   
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