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The response of an ideal elastic half‐space to a line‐concentrated impulsive vector shear force applied momentarily is obtained by an analytical–numerical computational method based on the theory of characteristics in conjunction with kinematical relations derived across surfaces of strong discontinuities. The shear force is concentrated along an infinite line, drawn on the surface of the half‐space, while being normal to that line as well as to the axis of symmetry of the half‐space. An exact loading model is introduced and built into the computational method for this shear force. With this model, a compatibility exists among the prescribed applied force, the geometric decay of the shear stress component at the precursor shear wave, and the boundary conditions of the half‐space; in this sense, the source configuration is exact. For the transient boundary‐value problem described above, a wave characteristics formulation is presented, where its differential equations are extended to allow for strong discontinuities which occur in the material motion of the half‐space. A numerical integration of these extended differential equations is then carried out in a three‐dimensional spatiotemporal wavegrid formed by the Cartesian bicharacteristic curves of the wave characteristics formulation. This work is devoted to the construction of the computational method and to the concepts involved therein, whereas the interpretation of the resultant transient deformation of the half‐space is presented in a subsequent paper. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
现代高科技生产设备对振动的要求越来越严格,在某洁净厂房的建设过程中,由于生产线扩大,需要将生产厂房的部分非微振区改建为微振区。本文针对生产厂房整体结构在地面环境随机振动下的微振动问题,建立了生产厂房的有限元动力分析模型。以实测的自由场地微振动加速度时程为激励,对结构系统的随机振动响应情况进行分析。并对3种工况情况下,结构特定节点的振动情况进行对比分析,表明加密柱网能够有效减小结构振动,从而为工程设计提出合理建议。  相似文献   
介绍瞬态瑞雷面波在工程勘查中的应用,面波勘探原理和数据处理及解释方法。  相似文献   
爆破震动对土质边坡动力稳定性影响研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
张林  林从谋 《岩土力学》2005,26(9):1499-1501
采用拟静力化的惯性力法,利用改进了的条分法来计算主动土压力,并考虑爆破地震的时程效应,提出了已有边坡在爆破过程中的动力稳定性系数的新的计算方法。实例证明,所得计算结果综合考虑了爆破震动波传播过程的衰减、频谱结构及相位差等因素的影响,因此该方法在土质边坡稳定分析中与拟静力法相比更具理论基础,其结果也更接近工程实际。  相似文献   
脆性岩石侧向变形特征及损伤机理研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
朱泽奇  盛谦  张占荣 《岩土力学》2008,29(8):2137-2143
进行了三峡花岗岩常规三轴压缩、保持轴向应变和保持轴向应力的卸围压试验,研究了脆性岩石在不同应力路径和不同加载控制方式下的侧向变形特征,可见临界侧向应变均稳定在(?0.004 ? 0.000 5)范围内。进一步进行三峡花岗岩的全过程应力-应变曲线和损伤力学分析,发现脆性岩石在不同应力路径和不同加载控制方式下均以侧向损伤为主,且侧向损伤曲线的形态近似,达到临界破坏状态时损伤值稳定在0.7?0.8左右。最后以侧向损伤变量表征花岗岩脆性破坏过程,建立了基于应变空间的、可以考虑卸荷应力路径的损伤模型和应变型破坏准则。  相似文献   
水平井和大斜度井中阵列侧向测井响应数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对水平井和大斜度井中阵列侧向电极系的工作原理,利用多电场叠加方式进行电场合成,采用三维有限元方法模拟仿真各个分电场的场分布,进而利用电场线性叠加原理得到阵列侧向测井响应。在基于计算机仿真的基础上,得到阵列侧向五条测井曲线的径向探测深度,阵列侧向径向探测深度要小于深侧向探测深度。考察了三维地层模型下井斜和侵入深度变化对阵列侧向测井响应的影响,分析了水平井和大斜度井中阵列侧向测井响应特征。模拟结果表明,在井斜小于15°时,阵列侧向测井响应受井斜影响小,可以不进行井斜校正;井斜超过60°的大斜度井以及水平井中,阵列侧向测井响应视地层厚度逐渐增大,测井响应值与直井条件下响应值差别较大,必须进行井斜校正。  相似文献   
The 720-m-thick succession of the Middle Triassic Latemàr Massif (Dolomites, Italy) was used to reconstruct the lagoonal facies architecture of a small atoll-like carbonate platform. Facies analysis of the lagoonal sediments yields a bathymetric interpretation of the lateral facies variations, which reflect a syndepositional palaeorelief. Based on tracing of lagoonal flooding surfaces, the metre-scale shallowing-upward cycles are interpreted to be of allocyclic origin. Short-term sea-level changes led to subaerial exposure of wide parts of the marginal zone, resulting in the development of a tepee belt of varying width. Occasional emergence of the entire lagoon produced lagoon-wide decimetre-thick red exposure horizons. The supratidal tepee belt in the backreef area represented the zone of maximum elevation, which circumscribed the sub- to peritidal lagoonal interior during most of the platform's development. This tepee rim, the subtidal reef and a sub- to peritidal transition zone in between stabilized the platform margin. The asymmetric width of facies belts within individual metre-scale cycles was caused by redistribution processes that reflect palaeowinds and storm paths from the present-day south and west. The overall succession shows stratigraphic changes on a scale of tens of metres from a basal subtidal unit, overlain by three tepee-rich intervals, separated by tepee-poor units composed of subtidal to peritidal facies. This stacking pattern reflects two third-order sequences during the late Anisian to early middle Ladinian.  相似文献   
余闯  刘松玉 《岩土力学》2008,29(5):1305-1309
结合大量实测资料和已有的研究成果,分析了路堤荷载作用下水平向应变随深度的变化规律,得出了侧向变形沿深度呈“弓”型分布的变化规律;提出了符合该变化规律的预测模型及参数求解方法,模型中a、b和c等3个待定参数能简单地求出。工程实践表明,该预测模型不仅反映了侧向变形随深度的变化规律,且有一定的精度,能反映出最大侧向变形发生的位置,应用效果良好。  相似文献   
吴志明  黄茂松  吕丽芳 《岩土力学》2007,28(9):1848-1855
在采用动力Winkler地基模型并考虑了被动桩与桩周土体相互作用的基础上,运用传递矩阵法求解出层状地基中的群桩水平振动桩-桩动力相互作用因子。与严格解(Kaynia和Kausel,1982年)进行对比,验证了方法的有效性。研究了各因素如桩长、桩底约束、桩间角度以及地基土对桩-桩动力相互作用因子的影响,并提出了"影响桩长"的概念。  相似文献   
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