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基于2016年8月(夏季)、11月(秋季)、2017年3月(冬季)、5月(春季)浙江南部近海的鱼类调查数据,利用生态位宽度、生态位重叠、聚类分析、方差比率法、卡方检验、联结系数以及种对共同出现百分率对主要鱼类种间关系进行研究。结果表明:(1)调查共采集鱼类169种,主要鱼类共有26种;(2)在空间维度上,日本鲭(Scomber japonicus)生态位宽度最大(2.83),青鳞小沙丁(Sardinella zunasi)和芝芜棱鳀(Thryssa chefuensis)生态位重叠值最大(0.97);在时间维度上,龙头鱼(Harpadon nehereus)生态位宽度最大(1.34),6组种对时间生态位重叠值等于1.00;在时空维度上,龙头鱼生态位宽度最大(3.50),青鳞小沙丁与芝芜棱鳀时空生态位重叠值最大(0.97);(3)方差比率法分析表明,方差比率偏离显著,主要鱼类总体正联结显著,其中170组种对间联结性达到显著水平($ \chi^2$≥3.841),联结系数和种对共同出现频率结果表明种间联结性趋于正联结。  相似文献   
The relative importance of estuarine nursery areas for species of the genus Diplodus and their relations with several environmental variables was evaluated along the Portuguese coast. Nine estuarine systems were sampled with beam trawl surveys. Species of the genus Diplodus were only present in estuaries south of the Ria de Aveiro (40°38′). A latitudinal gradient of increasing species richness and abundance towards the south was found. Estuarine nurseries of Diplodus vulgaris, Diplodus sargus and Diplodus puntazzo were characterized by mud substrate, lower salinity and lower dissolved oxygen, with the exception of Ria Formosa. Diplodus bellottii was associated with estuaries with large areas and high volumes, the Tejo and the Sado. Diplodus bellottii nursery grounds were characterized by low depth. Diplodus annularis was associated with seagrass and saltmarsh habitats, certainly because it is the only species of the genus Diplodus which recruits exclusively to seagrass meadows. Diplodus annularis nursery grounds were also characterized by sand substrate, higher salinity and higher dissolved oxygen. Niche breath varied widely amongst species and location. Diplodus vulgaris generally presented the highest values of niche breath, except when D. bellottii was present. Niche overlap was not high, the highest value being that between D. vulgaris and D. sargus in the Mira estuary, with 76% spatial niche overlap. Considerations were made on these species progress towards the north in a climate warming context, taking into account the habitat associations described here.  相似文献   
高浓度浆液注入到采空区后形成充填墩台,墩台搭接尺寸将影响其上覆承载力。为掌握搭接尺寸对上覆承载力影响规律,选取水泥为胶结材料,标准砂为骨料,配制高浓度浆液,并利用3D打印技术制模制作墩台试样,进行单轴抗压试验。结果表明,单个墩台在顶面面积和高度一定时堆积角度越小极限承载力越大;堆积角30°和45°的搭接墩台试样的极限承载能力均在对应的单个墩台的2.0~3.5倍范围,试样硬化后,搭接墩台试样的极限承载力随着搭接尺寸的增加呈先增大后减小的趋势;采用墩台充填的方式进行采空区治理时,合理设置注浆孔间距,使所注浆液在采空区内部形成搭接墩台群,其承载效果优于均匀分布的单个墩台;堆积角30°搭接墩台的场地承载力整体优于堆积角45°的搭接墩台;采空区内取充填堆积角30°搭接墩台,且注浆孔间距为极限搭接尺寸的38.5%时,治理场地内整体承载力最大。研究成果将为高浓度浆液部分充填治理采空区的工程实施提供依据。  相似文献   
本文在区域数字地形模型(DTM)的基础上,引入多边形覆盖的概念,研究了由数字化仪从地图上获取的各种非地形信息的矢量数据到DTM规则阵列的网格数据的转换,提供了从转换到求交、配准、叠加的系列算法设计,从而实现了由DTM提供的地形要素与多边形的非地形要素间的匹配覆盖。  相似文献   
本文提出了一种适合在微机上实现的多边形地图叠置算法——矢量网格法。该法以矢量格式为基本数据格式,辅之以网格结构,具有数据结构简单、数据量小、求交效率较高的特点。但矢量数据的叠置处理极为复杂,为保证算法思想的可靠性,本文着重运用拓扑学中有关复合形的理论,证明了矢量网格法叠置算法若干前提的正确性。该法已在微机HITACHI MB-16007A上实现。初步试验表明该系统可行。  相似文献   
地图线状要素自动注记的算法设计与实现   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:23  
在地图自动注记的研究中,线状要素由于其形状复杂、灵活性大,难度较大,在注记自动研究问题中占有较大的比重。本文探讨了线状要素自动注记的问题,提出了一种解决线状要素自动注记问题的思路和方法。  相似文献   
为探究三门湾海域物种间的资源利用情况及生态关系,在该海域进行了底拖网生物调查。根据2017年和2018年夏季在浙江省三门湾海域进行的大型底上生物研究结果,运用优势度(Y)、生态位宽度、生态位重叠、方差比率法(VR)、检验、联结系数(AC)、共同出现百分率(PC)对生态位和种间联结性进行了研究。结果表明:2017~2018年间三门湾海域共捕获大型底上动物53种,包括两年共有种,即主要底上动物22种。其中优势种3种,包括哈氏仿对虾(Mierspenaeopsis hardwickii)、中华栉孔虾虎鱼(Ctenotrypauchen chinensis) 和棒锥螺(Turritella terebra),这三个物种属中生态位种;三门湾主要底上动物依据生态位宽度值划分为3组,即广生态位种、中生态位种和窄生态位种;种对间生态位重叠值总体差异性较大,其与种对的食性、栖息环境密切相关;根据总体联结性分析得主要底上动物总体呈显著正关联,群落结构较为稳定; 检验、联结系数(AC)和共同出现百分率(PC)表明种对间联结性较弱,趋近于相互独立。三门湾大型底上动物的群落结构比较稳定,但种对间的关联性在逐渐下降。  相似文献   
宋袁龙  刘正军  燕琴  马广迪 《测绘科学》2013,38(5):162-163,169
本文基于点云格网化的思想,提出了一种去除机载LiDAR航带间旁向重叠区域冗余数据的算法。该算法使用规则方格表示点云覆盖的区域,通过给网格赋值的方式提取重叠区域的冗余点云,最后删除靠近条带边缘的冗余点云。经过实验测试,该方法能够快速有效地去除重叠区的冗余数据;无需依赖航迹信息,因此也适用于地面激光点云的消冗。  相似文献   
This study examined the diet of sympatric populations of migratory juvenile rainbow trout and landlocked koaro in the Waipehi and Omori Streams, Lake Taupo, New Zealand. In both species, diet was dominated, both numerically and by weight, by aquatic prey: Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, and Diptera larvae were the most numerous prey items. Adult koaro and juvenile rainbow trout both fed on small koaro. Terrestrial prey items were present in low numbers in the diets of both koaro and juvenile rainbow trout, but were more important in terms of weight. Resource partitioning was weak although koaro consumed more small benthic invertebrates such as chironomid larvae, whereas the diet of rainbow trout contained more Ephemeroptera larvae and terrestrial insects. In the Waipehi Stream, koaro consumed both rainbow trout ova and koaro ova; in Omori Stream, trout ova were important in the diet of juvenile rainbow trout. Since the diets of koaro and juvenile rainbow trout in some Taupo tributaries are similar, populations may co‐exist by temporal and/or spatial partitioning of food resources, whereas trout predation on small koaro may be a limiting factor for koaro populations.  相似文献   
地图服务是WebGIS的重要特征之一。针对地图中点标注重叠的问题,研究了地图服务应用过程中点标注显示的优化方法,通过构建点标注微移集合自动计算重叠的点标注微移参数,实现点标注的优化显示,解决点标注重叠问题。  相似文献   
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