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上海旱地农田氮磷随地表径流流失研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
选择上海宝山罗店镇具有代表性的旱地蔬菜农田生态系统,从2004年3月到8月的近半年时间里,通过对径流及径流中侵蚀泥沙的氮磷流失情况的连续监测,研究了旱地农田施肥与氮磷流失污染之间的关系,探讨了农田氮磷的迁移特征及环境效应,主要结果表明:当季施用化肥的地表径流总流失量,总氮为32.77kg/hm^2,总磷为8.1kg/hm^2,随径流排出农田的氮素中有37.7%是当季施用的氮素化肥,磷素中有26.9%是当季施用的磷素化肥;从过量施肥与环境污染之间的“因”与“果”来看,减量15%施肥区相比常规施肥区的茄子的产量减少2.7%,但是其污染负荷却减少了13.4%,表明在化肥利用的有效性上或增施化肥与控制环境污染之间,应该寻找一个最佳的平衡点。  相似文献   
2006-2007年冬春季在武汉市湖北大学校区连续采集气溶胶样品,测定气溶胶元素组成,分析气溶胶样品总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)质量浓度,再结合污染源的特征元素组成来确定污染物的来源构成。结果表明:湖北大学校区大气气溶胶污染程度较轻,气溶胶元素以地壳元素为主,其次是具有代表性的人为污染物元素,再次是盐类元素。通过因子载荷分析和相关性分析显示,湖北大学周边地区的建筑源、交通源和餐饮源是湖北大学校区大气的主要污染源。  相似文献   
Synthesis analysis and singular value decomposition (SVD) methods were used to study the impact of surface air temperature (SAT) over Asian-Pacific region on the summertime northeastern Asian blocking high (NABH) with NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Data.The results showed that 500 hPa geopotential height and SAT fields over Asian-Pacific region shared the similar pattern of East Asian Pacific (EAP) wave train;there was steady remote response relationship between the EAP wave train in summer and the "+-+" pattern of tropical SAT in zonal direction from former winter to summer;there were two relative negative(positive) Walker circulations over the tropical Indian Ocean and Pacific when being more(less) summertime NABH. The influence of sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) on the summertime NABH was possibly as follows.The special distribution of SSTA in tropical zonal direction continuously forced the tropical convection and zonal circulation from former winter to summer,and led them to act anomaly.Finally the abnormal conditions were transported to middle-high latitudes through EAP wave train and yielded the advantageous or disadvantageous atmospheric circulation background for the summertime NABH.  相似文献   
利用1961—2015年Hadley中心逐月海表温度资料、海冰密集度资料以及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,探讨了秋季北极海冰对于EP型ENSO事件的异常响应,并进一步研究了这种异常响应的可能原因。结果表明,秋季北极海冰对EP型ENSO的响应具有非线性,特别是喀拉海海域(60°~90°E,70°~80°N)海冰无论在EP型El Ni?o或是La Ni?a位相,均表现为显著的负异常。进一步研究发现,不同ENSO位相造成该区域海冰异常偏少的机制有明显不同。EP型El Ni?o年秋季菲律宾附近海域对流活动被抑制,所激发的经向波列在高纬地区形成异常反气旋环流,其南风分量向喀拉海输送暖平流,造成海冰异常偏少。而EP型La Ni?a年喀拉海海域则主要受到来自大西洋开放性海域西风异常的影响,合成结果和个例年均显示EP型La Ni?a年秋季北大西洋上空存在一个显著的西风急流中心,有利于北大西洋开放性海域较暖海水向下游输送,进而影响喀拉海海冰。这些结果表明,热带外地区大气环流场对EP型ENSO的非线性响应导致了喀拉海海冰对EP型ENSO事件的响应也表现出明显的非线性。  相似文献   
贺兰山东麓极端暴雨的中尺度特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用近10年宁夏逐时自动气象站降水、银川CD雷达、FY-2、探空和ECMWF再分析0.125°x 0.125°等高分辨率多源气象资料,在中尺度系统分型基础上,对比分析贺兰山东麓6次极端暴雨的中尺度特征.结果表明:(1)低空偏(东)南急流夜间增强并配合贺兰山地形,在东坡山前触发或增强了暴雨中小尺度系统,造成地形处降水增幅...  相似文献   
兰辉  左晓辰  郭玲  周慧 《气象科技》2018,46(3):625-630
为做好天津电力气象服务工作,提供符合电力负荷预测需求的人体舒适度预报产品,本文根据国内外多种人体舒适度预报模型,利用2002—2005年夏季天津逐日电力负荷数据和气象数据,计算天津市逐日平均人体舒适度,详细分析各模型计算结果与平均气温和气象负荷的对应关系。结果发现,UTCI模型、吕伟林室外预报模型和李源模型计算的人体舒适度更符合天津市人体舒适度感觉,且与电力气象负荷的线性相关性较好。鉴于吕伟林模型在我国应用较广,本文采用最小二乘法对吕伟林室外预报模型进行拟合订正,建立出符合天津市电力气象服务需求的人体舒适度预报模型。  相似文献   
风云三号D气象卫星搭载10个载荷:中分辨率光谱成像仪Ⅱ、微波成像仪、微波温度计Ⅱ、微波湿度计Ⅱ、红外高光谱大气探测仪、近红外高光谱温室气体监测仪、广角极光成像仪、电离层光度计、空间环境监测器和全球导航卫星掩星探测仪。这10个载荷每天连续对地球探测,并获取数据,卫星将载荷探测数据经过实时空对地广播链路向全球用户广播;同时,通过延时空对地广播链路将全球延时数据对国内的广州、乌鲁木齐、佳木斯、喀什,北极及南极站进行数据下传,这四个国内站及两个极地站收到全球数据后,在45 min内,通过地面商用通信链路将数据传送到数据处理中心,数据处理中心对收到的数据进行汇集、分包、质量判断、预处理、产品生成等处理后,通过专线或互联网将数据发送给用户;同时,各气象、海洋及其他用户还可以通过用户利用站进行数据的接收及应用。  相似文献   
According to statistic analysis on sea surface temperature(SST)anomaly features in theNorth Pacific in winters and springs prior to the summer flood/drought in the middle and lowerreaches of the Yangtze River(hereafter referred to as MLRY),a strong signal SST key area thataffects local flood/drought is put forward,that is the equatorial eastern Pacific.The response ofgeneral circulation in the Northern Hemisphere to SST anomaly in the key area is furtherinvestigated. The low frequency wave train structure of correlation between the eastern PacificSST and the height at 500 hPa in the Northern Hemisphere is also studied,which reflects thedynamic features of teleresponse of local flood/drought at extratropics to tropical SST anomaly.Through introducing SST anomaly in the strong signal area in numerical experiments,the flood inYangtze River Valley is successfully simulated and the similar wave train pattern in the flow field isobtained too.Altogether,the physical picture and dynamic mode of the flood in the Yangtze RiverValley are described in this work.  相似文献   

High performance computing is required for fast geoprocessing of geospatial big data. Using spatial domains to represent computational intensity (CIT) and domain decomposition for parallelism are prominent strategies when designing parallel geoprocessing applications. Traditional domain decomposition is limited in evaluating the computational intensity, which often results in load imbalance and poor parallel performance. From the data science perspective, machine learning from Artificial Intelligence (AI) shows promise for better CIT evaluation. This paper proposes a machine learning approach for predicting computational intensity, followed by an optimized domain decomposition, which divides the spatial domain into balanced subdivisions based on the predicted CIT to achieve better parallel performance. The approach provides a reference framework on how various machine learning methods including feature selection and model training can be used in predicting computational intensity and optimizing parallel geoprocessing against different cases. Some comparative experiments between the approach and traditional methods were performed using the two cases, DEM generation from point clouds and spatial intersection on vector data. The results not only demonstrate the advantage of the approach, but also provide hints on how traditional GIS computation can be improved by the AI machine learning.  相似文献   
根据1998年和1999年秋季在长江干流从重庆至长江口进行的纵向采样和分析,对长江干流的各态氮、磷含量的沿江变化进行研究。从整体上了解长江干流的水质变化特性,特别是营养盐含量的分布状况。研究结果表明,长江干流的SS浓度很高,介于50~400 mg/l。TN、TP浓度分别在70~110 滋mol/L、2~25 滋mol/L之间,前者以NO3-N为主,后者以PTP为主,PO4-P含量仅占TP的10%~20%。DIN/PO4-P的比值在70~160之间,远高于浮游植物生长P限制值,表明长江口及临近海域中P可能是生物生命活动的主要限制因素。葛洲坝水库对SS、TP、TN、NH4-N、BOD、COD等水质有一定的净化作用。长江水体在通过各大城市以及两大湖泊时,BOD、NH4-N负荷的增加迅速,特别是通过重庆、武汉、南京、上海及洞庭湖和鄱阳湖之后尤为明显。N、P含量的上升与人口增长、生活污水排放量及流域内化肥施用量增加有关。洞庭湖和鄱阳湖水系以及周围的面源负荷,对长江流域的营养盐变动有很大的影响。  相似文献   
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