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The Narmada River flows through the Deccan volcanics and transports water and sediments to the adjacent Arabian Sea. In a first-ever attempt, spatial and temporal (annual, seasonal, monthly and daily) variations in water discharge and sediment loads of Narmada River and its tributaries and the probable causes for these variations are discussed. The study has been carried out with data from twenty-two years of daily water discharge at nineteen locations and sediment concentrations data at fourteen locations in the entire Narmada River Basin. Water flow in the river is a major factor influencing sediment loads in the river. The monsoon season, which accounts for 85 to 95% of total annual rainfall in the basin, is the main source of water flow in the river. Almost 85 to 98% of annual sediment loads in the river are transported during the monsoon season (June to November). The average annual sediment flux to the Arabian Sea at Garudeshwar (farthest downstream location) is 34.29×106 t year−1 with a water discharge of 23.57 km3 year−1. These numbers are the latest and revised estimates for Narmada River. Water flow in the river is influenced by rainfall, catchment area and groundwater inputs, whereas rainfall intensity, geology/soil characteristics of the catchment area and presence of reservoirs/dams play a major role in sediment discharge. The largest dam in the basin, namely Sardar Sarovar Dam, traps almost 60–80% of sediments carried by the river before it reaches the Arabian Sea.  相似文献   
The spatial and temporal distributions of major elements were investigated in the surface waters and in associated suspended matter at two sites of the upper Loire basin (Orleans and Brehemont) between 1995 and 1998.According to geochemical and isotopic patterns, the dissolved load appears to result from a process of mixing rainwater inputs, weathering processes of carbonate and silicate bedrock, and agricultural and urban inputs. Natural inputs influence 60% of water chemical composition at both sites. Annual dissolved fluxes were estimated to be 1300 103 t/y at Orleans and 1620 103 t/y at Brehemont. Major elements are transported mainly in the dissolved fraction. After correcting for atmospheric and anthropogenic inputs, the silicate specific export rate was calculated to be 11 t/y/km2 throughout the basin and the carbonate specific export rate to be from 47 t/y/km2 at Orleans to 23 t/y/km2 at Brehemont.The suspended load appears to result from at least two particle reservoirs: a silicate reservoir and a carbonate reservoir. The silicate reservoir has a detrital origin, mainly during periods of high flow, while the carbonate reservoir has a detrital origin during periods of high flow and an authigenic origin during periods of low flow. Of the total annual flow of suspended matter, this authigenic material represents 16% at Orleans, 25% at Brehemont and 37% in the fluvial part of the estuary. After correcting authigenic inputs, the specific export rate due to mechanical weathering was estimated to be 8 t/y/km2 throughout the Loire basin.  相似文献   
冬、夏季青藏高原地面加热场激发的500hPa遥相关型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李超 《高原气象》1994,13(2):122-127
本文用青藏高原地面加热场强度来表征高原的加热状况,并用统计的方法,分析了冬季(2月)和夏季(7月)青藏高原地面加热场强度与同期500hPa位势高度的遥相关关系,得到如下结论:冬季高原地面加热场可激发北半球500hPa产生遥相关型,这种遥相关型可看成是二维Rossby波列由低纬向东北方向传播;夏季高原地面加热场可激发北半球500hPa产生类似于EU型的遥相关,这种遥相关型可看成二维Rossby波列由  相似文献   
和志强 《探矿工程》2009,36(8):60-63
在狭窄场地上进行大吨位单桩竖向静载试验时,需要解决的问题是在试验设备受场地限制无法增加的情况下如何提供足够大的反力荷载。根据此次试验场地地层中基岩埋藏丰富且深度较浅的情况,通过采用预应力锚索,进行加载反力装置设计,最终采用十字形加载反力装置,有效地解决了反力荷载不足的问题,从而为类似的试验提供了一种思路和选择。同时,通过对试验中出现的一些问题诸如锚固力、自由段变形等进行深入地分析和研究,提出了有关改进和完善反力装置现方案的建议。  相似文献   
随着网络地理信息服务技术的发展,如何基于负载均衡实现地理信息服务资源的智能化调度,从而提高服务系统的并发访问能力是当前研究的重点。提出一种动态负载均衡算法,首先将不同的地理信息服务类型与对应的服务器组相匹配,将RED算法与双阈值方法有效结合判定服务节点的负载状态,并在一定周期内对服务进行了基于加权概率的调度。最后搭建了一个基于服务器集群的实验系统,实验验证了本文方法的有效性。  相似文献   

利用常规观测资料、风廓线雷达和变分多普勒天气雷达分析系统(VDRAS)反演资料,从大气环流形势、垂直结构特征和对流发生发展机制等方面,对2017年7月21日地面冷锋后华北地区发生的一次局地大暴雨过程成因进行探讨。结果表明:(1)局地大暴雨发生在副热带高压北抬、低层回流冷空气侵入的背景下,暴雨区位于地面冷锋后约300 km的冷空气一侧,850 hPa低空切变线是主要的影响系统。(2)在低层回流冷空气作用下850 hPa以下表现为环境温度直减率小于湿绝热递减率(γ < γs)的稳定层结;同时受副热带高压北抬影响,700-500 hPa层结不稳定性加强,不稳定层结位于边界层稳定层结之上,具有冷区“高架对流”特征。(3)低层冷垫对应下沉运动,暖湿气流上升运动位于冷垫之上,1.4 km高度附近的中尺度辐合线对高架对流的触发起到了重要作用。(4)带状中尺度对流系统东移缓慢,并呈现明显的后向传播和列车效应特征,是导致降水持续时间长并造成局地大暴雨的主要原因。

为研究车辆荷载对公路挡土墙稳定性的影响,针对规范中未考虑墙后土体破裂角变化的问题,引入改进等效土层厚度法,以库仑土压力理论为基础,循环迭代计算破裂角收敛值得到新的换算土层厚度。以安康市某公路边坡路堤挡土墙实例,分别采用规范方法和改进方法分析挡土墙稳定性,结果表明:改进方法的稳定性评价结果更精确。采用数值方法分析车辆荷载作用下挡土墙的力学响应,结果表明:车辆荷载作用下挡土墙受影响部位主要为中上部。车墙距离越小,墙后土体振动响应越显著,附加动土压力越大,而挡土墙水平位移受其影响不大。  相似文献   
本文研究了电力供应系统地震功能失效评估方法,尤其对电力供应系统功能潮流分析方法与负荷的控制问题作了深入的探讨.不仅分析了供电系统的潮流(包括电压和功率)变化对供电系统的影响问题,而且建立了电流控制模型,利用DSEA控制算法对供电系统进行负荷控制,并在此基础上进行了系统过负荷时的数值模拟研究;另外,通过一实例分析,对本文的研究方法进行了验证,从而为供电系统抗震分析、功能评估及灾害预防提供理论基础.  相似文献   
河北省易县地震台DSQ型水管倾斜仪NE向2022年2月14日以来观测数据曲线出现趋势下降E倾变化,年变观测数据曲线不同于往年。对该异常进行了分析,并结合三维集中荷载模型模拟计算结果表明:2022年2月14日—4月6日旺隆水库共泄流总库容量达到279.5万m3,造成倾斜变化理论值为1.27×10−7,高于倾斜干扰的限定指标1.455×10−8一个量级,推测旺隆水库泄流荷载是造成易县台水管仪NE分量加速异常变化的主要因素。  相似文献   
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