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In this article, an analytical solution is proposed to investigate the lateral dynamic response of a pile which is partially embedded in saturated soil layer and subjected to combined lateral and vertical loads. The saturated soil is described by Biot’s poroelastic theory and the resistance of soil is derived by potential function method. The governing equation of the pile is solved by coupling soil resistance and continuity conditions between the pile and the soil. The dynamic impedances of the pile are then obtained through transfer matrix method. To verify the validity of the proposed procedure, the present solution is compared with available solution for an idealized case. Finally, a parametric study is performed to investigate the effects of various parameters on the stiffness and damping properties of the pile-soil system. It is found that permeability of the soil and vertical load has significant effects on the dynamic response of the pile.  相似文献   
余青  韩淼 《地理研究》2016,35(8):1589-1598
旅游交通拥堵问题是中国旅游业发展面临的重大问题。近年来,随着旅游业快速发展,大量游客和自驾车涌入风景名胜区,尤其是城郊型风景名胜区,导致旅游交通与通勤交通、过境交通交织混杂,旅游旺季人满车满为患,交通拥堵不断升级,景区大面积瘫痪等严峻问题。旅游交通拥堵已成为城郊型风景名胜区发展的瓶颈因素并严重地影响到景区的可持续发展。立足于城郊型风景名胜区旅游交通特征和问题分析,基于TDM理论,提出解决城郊型风景名胜区旅游交通拥堵问题的PMSI模式,统筹协调,多管齐下地解决旅游交通拥堵难题。这一模式在雁楠景区进行了实践应用。研究表明,PMSI模式不仅适用于城郊型风景名胜区,也可以在一般景区推广应用,具有重要的理论与实践价值和意义。  相似文献   
When waves impact a seawall, a vertical breakwater, an exposed jetty, a pier or a coastal bridge, they abruptly transfer their momentum into the structure. This energy transfer can be very violent and its duration exceptionally short. In the case of coastal bridges, whose spans are designed to have very short vibration period, wave impacts might have duration comparable to the natural period of oscillation of the structure, which therefore becomes prone to damage and failure. Previous forensic studies have documented the relative importance of impulsive loads on deck suspended structure, demonstrating the need to assess the effect of wave impacts on both the stability and the integrity of structural members since the early stages of the design. This requires the estimation of the dynamic characteristics of the loading pattern, and in particular the wave impulse and corresponding impact maxima and rise times. Based on the conservation of momentum, functional relationships between these parameters have been identified since pioneering work dating back to the late '30s of the 20th century. The complexity of the loading process, however, results in a significantly large variability of wave impact maxima and rise times even under similar conditions, suggesting the need for a probabilistic approach to the definition of the relationship between these two variables, to be applied when estimating the dynamic properties of wave for use in structural analysis of coastal structures. In the recent past, some effort has been made to identify functional relationships between such quantities; these require the assessment of the conditional quantiles (or similarly the conditional distribution) of wave impact maxima given the rise times. In this paper, we compare three different statistical methods proposed in the literature to accomplish this task, in order to assess the reliability of the approach and suggest guidelines for practical applications. A copula-based method, Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape (GAMLSS), and quantile regression are applied to measurements from large-scale 3-dimensional physical model tests. The investigation suggests that quantile regression gives the simplest results to be used in practice; copula approach and GAMLSS are possible alternative when semi-parametric or fully parametric modeling is needed.  相似文献   
Maritime safety has become a major concern in Korea. As an alternative to improve maritime safety, the Korean government is considering enhancing infrastructure associated with maritime safety, in the form of a vessel traffic service (VTS) facility for high density waterways. This study estimates the public value of a VTS facility construction project using the contingent valuation (CV) method. A CV survey using person-to-person interviews was administered to 400 randomly selected households to elicit their willingness to pay (WTP) for the project. Overall, the respondents accepted the contingent market, and on average, Korean households were willing to pay a significant amount toward the project. The mean WTP for the project is estimated to be approximately KRW 4149.5 (USD 3.7) per year per household, which is statistically significant. The estimate of the fiduciary benefit to Korean households is approximately KRW 11.07 billion (USD 9.91 million) per year for five years. The results are expected to be useful for policy-makers in determining the economic feasibility of a VTS.  相似文献   
交通违法行为是引发交通事故的重要原因,然而现有研究主要关注交通违法行为的整体特征,缺少面向交通违法治理需求的分析框架。本文基于时空热点分析方法,提出从热点区域时间分布特征和典型时段热点区域空间分布特征两个角度识别交通违法行为特征的分析框架,分别用于支撑局部交通违法热点以及全局违法模式的原因分析和精准治理。基于该方法对福州市的机动车和非机动车(含行人)违法行为特征进行了识别分析,结果表明:机动车和非机动车违法行为在时间维度均呈现出9:00和16:00一日双峰特征,在空间维度呈现出“一片区、多热点”的聚集分布特征。二者也存在明显差异,具体表现为:① 在时间维度,非机动车违法行为呈现出更大的变化幅度,高峰时段与中午低谷时段、工作日与周末的违法行为数量差异均明显高于机动车;② 在空间维度,机动车违法行为在商业中心、医院等重要场所和交通枢纽呈现出聚集特征,分布范围更广,而非机动车违法行为则主要在人流量大且人车混行严重的城市中心路口区域呈现聚集特征;③ 不同违法热点地区产生的原因存在差异,需要有针对性制定治理措施。上述发现表明了本文方法能够全面快速识别交通违法行为特征,可以帮助指导城市交通违法行为动态监测分析系统建设,为持续优化城市交通现场执法警力动态分配以及交通违法行为精准治理提供决策支持。  相似文献   
旅游地快速交通优势度与旅游流强度的空间耦合分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
以典型旅游地—云南省为研究案例,以高德交通大数据、统计数据等多源数据为基础,依据“路网及站点密度+通行规模+通行功能+区位优势度+换乘便捷度”的思路,构建快速交通优势度模型;基于旅游流“规模→消费→效益→效应”的历时性维度构建旅游流强度模型;采用加权TOPSIS法对二者评价值进行测算,并运用耦合四象限模型对两者耦合类型进行划分。结果发现:① 快速交通与旅游流耦合存在显著空间差异性。昆明、红河和丽江呈现良性耦合协调,耦合类型表现为“高旅游流-高快速交通优势”,而旅游化水平低、远离交通枢纽和主要交通干线的边缘地区,旅游流与快速交通耦合效应则表现为“低旅游流-低快速交通优势”。② 快速交通优势度与旅游流强度呈正相关关系,不同快速交通方式与旅游流强度的拟合优度表现为“航空运输>高速公路>高速铁路”的特征。③ 云南省快速交通优势度与旅游流强度耦合水平总体偏低,快速交通发展的主导模式为协调互补模式,且缘于快速交通的“时间-空间收敛”效应和“组织-空间协同”效应,快速交通组合类型多样化与旅游流强度存在正相关关系。不同快速交通发展模式对旅游流强度的贡献效应表现出“多元共生模式>协调互补模式>单类孤立模式>低速交通维持模式”的特征。  相似文献   
基于模糊综合评判的动态路径行程时间预测模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对城市交通路网的复杂性和不确定性,提出一种基于模糊综合评判的动态行程时间预测模型,将总行程时间分为行驶时间和交通延误时间两部分,分别介绍这两部分时间的预测模型,并利用该模型对一组模拟道路信息和路况信息进行实际预测,对预测结果进行比较和分析。研究表明该模型算法简捷实用,预测结果精度较高。  相似文献   
动态分段技术是交通地理信息系统(GIS-T)中一项重要的线性要素动态显示与分析技术,该文提出了一种时空动态分段模型,使动态分段系统的组成成分融入时态因素,并将属性的时态信息作为属性信息表的字段存储,通过时态地理信息系统技术完成物理段的时态变化。利用统一建模语言(UML)的类图设计方式开发了物理模型,描述了时空动态分段模型中对象之间的关系,并定义了必要的属性和操作;同时基于线性参照系统(LRS)表达空间实体的方法,概括了模型中所涉及到的主要拓扑关系。实验表明,时空动态分段模型弥补其他模型将时空参考分为时间参考和空间参考所产生的不足,而且更明确地将多重属性和物理实体有机结合起来。  相似文献   
介绍某桁架式Spar平台风洞环境载荷测试及分析,为国内首次在风洞中开展的Spar平台风、流载荷模型试验。通过在风洞中模拟真实海洋环境,考虑倾角变化对平台载荷的影响,测试Spar平台水上部分风载和水下部分的流载,给出最大风倾覆力矩风向角,确定平台最容易发生危险的关键风向。试验结果表明:水上部分风阻随纵倾角的增大而增大;风倾覆力矩随倾角增大先增大后减小,在纵倾角10°时达到最大值;水下部分只在流向角-15°~15°范围内,流阻随倾斜角度增大而减小,但最大阻力发生在倾斜角为15°时。试验结果可以为Spar平台设计以及性能预报提供参考。  相似文献   
利用实时路况数据聚类方法检测城市交通拥堵点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 城市交通拥堵严重制约其网络总体效率。开展检测交通拥堵点可有效识别网络瓶颈,以整治交通拥堵现象。对此,本文提出一种新的城市交通时空拥堵点检测的方法:即采用实时路况数据,通过定义时空关联,检测时空意义上长期性、规律性交通拥堵点。本文基于DBSCAN(Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise)算法,以成都市为试验区,实现了这种拥堵点检测方法。试验表明,该方法可快速、有效、准确地检测出城市道路严重拥堵路段,并确定其拥堵时空范围,为交通管理、交通拥堵机理分析、交通拥堵预测等提供参考。  相似文献   
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